I) PAGE-U HERALD AND Winds Destroy ANCHORAGE. Alaska (UPD Fire, whipped by Arctic winds of more than 20 miles an hour, de stroyed part of Lisburne Air! rorc ssiation onthe Arctic Ocean Wednesday night. Maj. Gen. Wendell W. Bowman said there were no casualties in .jfor Everything ... For Everybody ! SANTA'S Gifts for Tilt Hoik before you buy hear the SPINET MODEL Hammond Organ THE ONLY ORGAN THAT, NEVER HAS TO BE TUNED. e THE ONLY ORGAN WITH COMPLETE CONTROL OF THE TYPE OF TONE YOU WANT. TRUE ORGAN TONE QUALI TY THAT YOU WILL LOVE AFTER YOU WOULD TIRE OF THE FIDDLE TYPE TONE OR GUITAR GIMMICKS OF OTH ER BRANDS THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE IN TONE AND QUALITY BUT YOU WILL NEVER KNOW UNLESS YOU LOOK & LISTEN BEFORE YOU BUY e SPINET MODELS FROM ' '3 FOB FACTORY e TERMS TO SUIT YOU. DcpbfitlusicCo. DIRECT FACTORY DEALER 126 No. 7th TU 4-5121 $5. WILL HOLD ANY NECCHI ELNA Frea Arm SEWING MACHINE UNTIL CHRISTMAS COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC & JAMPROOF A-k about our GOLD BONO "BO STAMPS" NECCHI ELNA SEWING So. th MACHINE CENTER TU 2-0131 OVER 50 Bedroom Suites ON SALE Durinn our December Slorcwide sale. SAVE NOW: LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Main TU 2-1145 ft Christmas Decorations Galorel At K GARCELON'S CANDLES. BEAUTIFULLY ft STRIPED TRFES. SNOW BALLS. Ij BAYBERRY CANDLES. DOZENS MORE I t I jit 522 Moin TU 4-4361 Make it a "BALDWIN" CHRISTMAS $685. & up RENT PURCHASE EASY TERMS BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Main TU 2-4883 SINGER FLOOR POLISHER Famous Economy Model Shampoos 9x12 Rug For 50c Scrubs W , - and Pof.ihes f- LOOPS in pay tt ttsrlf In one day' ciel CHRISTMAS SPECIAL $24.88 . SINGER SEWING CENTER A33 Main TU 2-2513 Open Evenings 'Til Christmas RENT It Dowl M's ,,sv through Pw Rtnl ads I House. p,rtmnt, rooms, ony Kiinf. Call TU 4IIII far an aa orilar. 1 -zzt - K NEWS. Klmmalh Fall.. Or. Arctic Station the blaze, and that the base re- tained its air defense control and warning capabilities. His statement did not disclose the extent of damage at the base. Wrestling made its appearance at the ancient Creek Olympic games in 032 B.C. CLASSIFIED ' GIFT Ji Gifts lor The Horns itiU.U.HHU.U.U.U.U.U.liU. BEAUTIFUL it CENTERPIECES it KLAMATH v... y ...... U M .... V ....... r, '8gHSi'l tlX.U.tU.U.U.U.U.U.tiU.U.U.i;; T.u-,'. c :lt K LUXURIOUS PIECE ' NYLON LIVING ROOM GROUP Daveno Foam arms & Tufled buck Matching Club Chair 2 Step Tables Matching Collee Tahla 7 Stunning Tablt Lamps 2 Lovely Throw Pillows Regular nn.n NOW $239.95 TOWER FURNITURE 1704 Main TU 4-885B S a. H Green Stamps Tool YOUR CHOICE NEW OCCASIONAL CHAIRS (Some Swivel) $19.95 & $24.95 SWIVEL ROCKERS $29.95 - $34.95 $44.95 MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So. oth TU 4-6660 THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR ANY "HOMEMAKER" The G.E. Mobile Maid DISHWASHER Regular $259. CHRISTMAS CLOSE-OUT $199.95 I Fill every HOWE as well as every BUDGET because It needs NO INST AL LAT ION. Rolls to desired area, snaps onto lAUcel In seconds . , . HAPCO HOME APPLIANCE CO. 100.1 MAIN TU 4-8183 ELECTRIC set won, $7 95 at Sewing Ma chine Center, UU E. Main. $50. WORTH OF TOYS FREE With Purchase ol PHll CO MAJOR APPLIANCES AT FIRESTONE STORP Mh K Pin. TU 4H1G. W Gifts That Will Surely Cause Her To SPARKLE! Watches Pearl Lighters ROY RUGE JEWELRY 4 1.1 Mom TU 4-5R4A SANTA SAYS DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU TRY A CONN ORGAN $995 & UP AT SEWING MACHINE CENTER U14 E Mam tu 4 at.it WANT D$ aie allpurpote neipersl to buy. sail, wen, rent, hire, ceil I U 4-1111. i i J I Gilts for r Al He, L ZAJ Friday. Dmmber 21, 1X2 INVITED TO CAME TALLAHASSEE, Ha. IUPP-! Gov. Farris Bryant Wednesday extended an invitation to Presi dent Kennedy to attend the Or ange Bowl football rfame with him on New Year's Day. The presidential family will spend the holidays at Palm Beach. The Orange Bowl pits Alabama against Oklahoma on Your Gift List SHOPPER Gitti for jpl Him pa AUTO GIFTS ARE SURE TO PLEASE! Floor Mots Cor Robes Visor Packs Altimeters Hand Spot Lights Compasses Seat Belts Many, Many Practical Gifts! We give S&H Green Stamps SMITH AUTO SUPPLY 919 Klamath "Original" CHIPPEWA Dress and Cosual BOOTS Years of Comfort and Service ED'S SHOE SHOP 10?? Main TU 4-6021 Soft, Soft Pillow-Back RECLINERS or ROCKERS Foam rubber cushions, soft pli able vinyl , , . Hundreds of chairs in oil colors and mater ials. HARRY HAFTER FURNITURE CO. 833 Klamath Ave. TU 4-4878 Gifti for Friends Ml iiiiipriiiiiiii KLAMATH KAMERA & NEWS CENTER 1004 Main TU 4-4825 MUSIC LOVERS WE HAVE IN STOCK CLASSICAL - POPULAR SACRED - WESTERN JAZZ - LIVING LANGUAGE COURSES ON RECORDS RECORD CASES TOOI t UHLIG'S ELECTRIC 1016 Main - TU 4-55'? .mm See Your "MUSIC MAN" For Musicol Needs tenons & Instruments Remember LOWREY ORGANS $595. & up At KLAMATH MUSIC CENTER 515 E. Main TU 4-3360 (Open Evenings) Novelty Gilts f KtSM t VI 1 I'LDWkHS ROSES POINSETTIAS Llvina esrnce among your tlnel ad Ctiristmas green. FLOWER FAIRi RALPH'S CURIO SHOP See our Complete line of Hand Tooled Mexican Leather Good. Ladies Purses, B'lltolcls, Belt hnd made. Wool Rugv Sarapev TaMrxlotM hnd ruled. Skirts, Overnight Caies Shoe 10J0 Mlti TU 4 4.1.17 GLO-CANDLE WAX " Lilow A It Burn 25c a lb. VVicki Glitter Croyoloi At PACIFIC SUPPLY MRM & GARDEN STORE 4A2I So. 6th TU 2-4.S55 WANT ADS Sell fhinqi fait I TU 4-81 1 1 The Court KLAMATH OISTRICT COURT Welter J. Rogiri, concealed I ken it. 15 fine. RufiM P. Robinson, no till light, fine. John H. Jimison. failed to dim head lights, flS line Berne Jean Thomas, disobeyed traffic signal. IIS fine. Charles E. Shulmlre, operating vehicle nnarilnr'i license 4USM tided, diS- I mused motion district attorney because Shop Gifts for Girls DOLL CLOTHES tor Christmas, any ilie, reasonable prices. TU 4-8931. TOYS $1.00 to $5.00 Musical dolls and $T95 $v(95 stuffed animols to MADONNAS and WHITE ANGEL FIGURINES Open 10 o.m. to 9 p.m. GAY'S GIFT SHOP 219 Main St. TU 4-3817 FILL that vacant rental with a fast act- AO Want Ad. Simply dial TU 4-1111. See The Best Selection of GAMES in Town. Our Shelves Are Full! Plenty of Toys, Tool USE OUR LAY-AWAY ERNIE'S BIKE & HOBBY SHOP 928 Klamath TU 4-4512 BUY NOW!! 30 OFF ON ALL TOYS GOODYEAR STORE 201 So. 11th TU 4-8141 TOYS from WESTERN AUTO 1039 Main TU 4-5514 MILLER'S SHOE DEPT. GIFT SLIPPERS 512 Main SAVE TIME I Solve evervdav problems ine want ao way) can TU 4-1111. Gifts for Sweethearts COFER'S EXCHANGE FOR DIAMONDS BIRTHSTONE RINGS WEDDING SETS TU 4-7160 (Gifts For &Ss! Children jffi Oiff. for Mf 38 Sporti Giltt GALS! For gills dear to the hunter's heart con sult Pal Miller and Larry Amundson --qualified gunsmiths Northwest Gun ohop 813 E. Mam TU 2-4145 Let him head for the hills with a new YAMAHA 0tmrZa 5 h p., trail tc-ted BODENHAMER CYCLERY 351 f. Main TU 4-4672 "BRUNSWICK f HRISTMAS Rowling Pllt. Bflo - Stwi - G'll Certitif jtfs LUCKY t ANFS ,Uie so th WANT ADS Brtnq Reiulh! TU 4-81 I I Holiday Foo.fi HONFV for fhrlstm-locl. ramh strained, TU 41ia, 1750 VVard. Records of prior conviction of ft untl crime. Ellll R. RoACiV M AtwatOf-'B license. 30 fin. NicfcoUi J. Emcli, violated basic rule. 115 tine. C. Anderson, on headlight, HO John B. GUM land, disobeved traffic lla nai, $7.50 tine. James Jay Bleaknev. no vehicle li cense. $10 ball tor f tiled; no signal da ce, ii Ben forfeited. Henry J. Qulmbv. diuihevMl itoo lion. S7. fin. Howard K. Brown, na vehicle Ikansa, $S tine. Elmer R. Walker, no ooerator'i 1icer, dismissed by court pursuant to ORS 2 - 300(1). Allan B. Cosand. violation basic rule. S70 fine. Ronald W. Slmosoru violation bask rule. US fine. Gary p. Grubb, failed to dim head lights, 17 SO tin suspended. uougias u. aiowau, dtsooeyaa siop sBn. S7.30 fine. Ciecy R. Sweet, following; too closely, 17 JO fin. William Brvan Rodoers, on headiioni. U line. Harold Anderson, defective mutf'er. us tine. James K. Puter, parking on highway, 17.50 tine. Kenney D. Walls, following too closely, 17 VI fin Bill J. Fargo, violation bei'c rule, HO line. Gary L. Wilbanks, violation basic rule, $10 fine. Andrew A. Taylor, violation basic rult, , fin. William D. McAuliffe, operating motor uffhlrl whll nnarjitnr'ft license SUSPendeO, trial without jury. Found guilty, $150 line ana nve aays. Lommiiieo. I mrru Rr.Hnn. Ijirmnv hV bailee, dis missed by motion of district attorney. De fendant returned vehicle and plaintiff does not wish to prosecute. Marie Barkley, assault with a danger ous weapon, arraigneo. Kequeio vum Jjin 1 in jrfwiL roiirt. Alvfn Jackson, taking and using atuo mobile without aulhority, preliminary hearing held. Bound over to grand jury. rhf&ir f. Shockev. ntoxicatea in nohlle ntc. arraianed. Entered plea Of guilly. Sentenced to 15 days In county l.il- rninmllrtvl Dnhcrt H. Mavfleld Sr.. causing chil dren to become dependent, arraignment continued until after defendant is treated at Veterans Hospital. Released on own recog nuance. Lois E. Halvorsen, disobeyed stop sign, $7.50 fine. Kenneth H. Duncan, disobeyed stop sign, $7.50 fine. Clarence C. Snyder, violation basic rule, $10 fine. Kay r r ark. no whee covers, o Tine. Thomas J. Owens, violation basic rule. sit fin. Leroy A. Glenger, violation basic ruie, $20 fine.- Ralph W. Almeter, violation oasic run, no fine. Owen Hoage, ootatnino money Dy laise pretenses, $10 tine. KLAMATH FALLS MUNICIPAL COURT Carl Hursel Rhoades, drunk, $25 five or 10 davs. Lowell Eugene Burcn, drunk, u or live or 10 davs. Arthur Gilbert Swain, drunk, $25 or five or TO days. Marlon Ivan Kendall, drunk, $?5 forfeit. Kenneth D. Mills, drunk, $25 forfeit. John Hess, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Jacob Lujen, drunk, $25 forfeit. Ramon S. Guerrero, drunk, $25 forfeit. Donald G. Robertson, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Viroinla Pompey, drunk, 12s forteir Stanley A. Rodak, drunk, $25 or live or to days. Vernon W. Ward, drunk, $25 forfeit. Edison P. Chiloauin, drunk, $25 forfeit. John C. Foster, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Char es Hood Jr.. arunk. Z3 lorieii, Richard G. Beals. drunk and disorder: conduct, $25 forfeit. David J. Hughes, drunk, $25 toreii. Leon E. Nyberg, drunk, 525 forfeit. Fredrick G. Miller, minor In posses sion, $25 forfeit. Harold A. Tompkins, minor in posses sion. $?S forfeit. David N. Green, minor in possession, i forfeit. Donna Crampton, drunk, H5 tor nve or 10 days. Larrv G. Davis, drunk, $25 forfeit. Donald William F lecher, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Earl A. Cunningham, drunk, $25 for feit. Rissf Mary Jane Valos, drunk, $2! Inrlail Paul Lines Martin, drunk, $25 or five Michael L. Schoen, drunk, $25 or five or 10 davs. Eugene J. vanDusen, arunn, us or nve or id aays. Charles Earl McCain, arunic, a live or 10 days. Willie Gordon, drunk, i or five or 10 days. Alvin Beai, arunx, iu or iu or Jess Br fugs, drunk, sis or fiv or iu davs. Raymond Townsend, drunk, 5 or nve or 10 days. Henry A. Higares, vagrancy, too ana 30 days. Frank Maclas, vagrancy, $iw ana ju days. Tree Harvest Trips Two Men LAKEVIEW - Richard Kcnely Newman, 2(i. and Wayne Lee Newman, 22, were arrested here Dec. 13 on a federal warrant charging litem with cutting Christ mas trees on government land. They were arraigned on the same day before Justice of the Peace O. C. (lihbs and posted $500 bail each. They will appear at a lat er date in the U.S. District Court in Portland. The arrest was made by Joei Dunn, siiecial agent for Hie Fed eral Bureau of Investigation, with the cooperation of the sheriff's of fice. The pair had previously been lined in justice court on Nov. 2(i (or harvesting trees without a permit. 'if I have to go through all Til just stay in Iff fit r?, - v--.i v. vi m; LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that In under signed has been appointed Administrator with the will annexed of th Estet of DORA ETHEL KOTTHOFF, Deceased, by order of th Circuit Court of the County of Klamath, Stale of Oregon and all persons having claim against said estate are required to present the same to I the Administrator with the will annexed at 214 Williams Building, Klamath Fails, Oregon, duly verified as reauired law, within six months trom the date of first publication of this nolle which date: IS December 7, ivu. J. Anthony Glacomlnl Adminisiator c.t.a. of th Estate of DORA ETHEL KOTT HOFF, Deceased. No. 135. pec. 7, 14. 31, 2t lfoj. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final account as executor of the Estate of Betty S. Mitchell, also known as Betty Lou Mitchell, deceased. in the Circuit Court of th Stat of Ore gon, for Klamath County, and that the Court has set January lam, mj. the hour of 10:00 a.m. as the time for th hearing of objections thereto and sal tie- men? mereot. Dated this 14th day of December, 116. J. C. O'NEILL Executor O'NEILL l McLARN Attorneys for executor No. 154, Dec. 14, 21, 21, Jan. 4. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administratrix of the Estate of Myrtle B. Stewart, de ceased, by the Circuit Court of Klamath County, Oregon, and that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to saia administratrix at the off ice ot undersigned at Room 4, Melhase Buliri- ing, Klamath Falls, Oreaon. toaether with proper vouchers, within six months ot the aate ot tna tirst publication of this no nce, wnicn is November 30, 1962. NELLIE H. HODGES Administratrix o'neill & mclaren Attorneys for administratrix Room 4, Melhase Building Klamath Falls, Oregon No. 821 Nov. 30, Dec. 7, 14, 21, 1962 On The Record KLAMATH BIRTHS BOYS NICHOLS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Nichols In Klamath Valley Hospital Dec. i a a poy weighing a lbs., i fowler Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle u. rowicr in Kiamain va lev Hnso ta uec. te a poy weigning lbs., 10 ozs. BRIGGS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jerrv Brlggs in Klamath Valley Hospital Dec. i a Doy weigning IDS., 10 OZS. GIRLS BENSON Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mel. vin Benson In Klamath Valley Hospital uec. 1a a gin weigning 10 lbs., 3 ozs. ROTTUM Born to Mr. and Mrs. A Philip Rottum in Klamath Valley Hospl tal Dec. 18 a girl weighing 7 lbs., 5 ozs. MOORE Born to Mr. and Mrs Her, bert Moore in Klamath Valley Hospital uet. re a gin weigning e ids., i ozs. 1942 SUMMARY Boys: 547 Girls: 509 MARRIAGE LICENSES Orvllle Simmons, 23, and Sharon Mar- lene Mllliron, 18, both Nubieber, Calif. Rolfe Peter Lungreen, 27, and Paul- ann Whitman, 20, both Klamath Falls, Floyd Stout Jr.. 21, Klamath Falls, and Kathleen Kangun, 21, Ashland. LAWSUITS FILED Norman S. Chase vs. Richard Bald' win, et al, SI. 136 due on contract. Electrical Products Corn. vs. A. J. nri Ruth schukis, 14,534 due on clonract, in cluding attorney fees. On The Record LAKE COUNTY BIRTHS TAVENNER Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tavenner in Lakevlew Hospital Nov. 20 a boy weighing 8 lbs., 4 ois. r lynn Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph r-iynn nov. 28 in Lakeview Hospital girl weighing A lbs., 13 ozs. TILSON Born lo Mr, and Mrs. Perry nison in LaKeview Hospital Nov. 3 girl weighing 6 lbs., tj ozs. STEWART Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Lee Stewart In Lakeview Hospital wet. r a gin weigning s ids., 14 ozs. THOMPSON Born to Mr. and Mr Gerald Thompson in Lakeview Hospital uec. iu a gin weigning 4 lbs. SHEARER Born to Mr. and Mrs. Rod- er Shearer In Lakeview Hospital Dec. 11 a gin weigning 5 lbs., 3 ozs. DIVORCES FILED STANPHILL Wanda vs. Thuman. di- vorce granted. SHIELDS Rita Mae vs. Verls Williams. compiain? niea. Court Records LAKE COUNTY JUSTICE COURT Harvey Lee Sanders, no PUC nrmlt $100. Robert E. Hunter, fail to sloo for school pus. so. Michael Gene Rav, shoolina after hours. S54.50. Murvln Lester Matthews, drunken rirlu. ing, SJU4.3U. Gov. Sprague Given Award PORTLAND (UPD - Former Gov. Charles Sprague, publisher of the Salem Statesman newspa per, today was presented the first annual E. B. McNaughton award by the American Civil Liberties Union. He received the award for dis tinguished contributions in the field of civil liberties. The presen lation was made at a luncheon. The award is named for the late publisher of the Oregonian news paper and president of Reed Col lege. taw sr u. T n t ft t oV that to get married, I think tha fifth grade!" I LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed quotations will be received by the City Manager ol tha City of Kiamatn, Falls until 5:00 P.M. January I, 1M tor reinforcing steel tor Klamath Memorial Park, f ob. Park Shop tor tna following; 00 lineal teet 20 ft. H" rebar 12$ lineal feet 20 ft. 5-1" mild round 1,200 lineal feet 20 ft- '" mild round Rosie Keller, City Recorder No. 145. Dec. 14, 21. 192. NO. 41-62 NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH I the Matter of tha E stal C. E. NEWCOM, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that tha under signed Administrator ot the tstate C. E. Newcom. Deceased, will, from and after January II, 193, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., at the office of J. R. Thomas, Courthouse, Klamath Falls, Oregon, pro ceed to sell al private sale for cash the following described real property of said t stare, to-wit: Lot , Block 34, First Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, uregon. Said sale to be made pursuant to Or. der ol the above-entitled Court dated December 10, 1962. Ernest R. Sessom, Administrator J. R. Thomas Attorney lor Administrator Courthouse Klamath Falls. Ore. No. ttO. Dec. 14, 21, 21, Jan. 4. NO. 62- PROBATE NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter ot the Estate of HARRY J. SULLIVAN, also known as Jack Sulli van, Deceased Notice is hereby given that the under. signed The United States National Bank of Portland (Oregon) has tiled Its final account of the administration of the above entitled estate and that the Court has appointed January 14, 1963, at 10 A. M. as the time for hearing objections to such final account ana tne settlement tnereot The United States National Bank of Portland (Oregon) Administrator Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Administrator No. 856 Dec. 14, 21, 21, Jan. 4 EQUITY NO. 61-363 SUMMONS (N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH SYDNEY HURTGEN, PLAINTIFF, VS. WARREN WESLEY HURTGEN, DE FENDANT. TO: WARREN WESLEY HURTGEN, DE FENDANT. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby required to appear and answer the supplemental com plaint on file herein against you in the above-entitled cause within tour (4) weeks from the date of the first publica' tion of summons in the Herald and News, which first publication day Is the 14th day of December, 1962, and It you fail to answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court tor tne relief prayea tor in her supplemental complaint, namely: 1. That she be granted the care, cus tody and control of the minor child. Cam' Ilia La Rote Hurtgen, the Issue of this marriage. 2. That she be granted, as her sole and separate property, the household furniture, turnisnings and fixtures pres ently located al Wocus Road, Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon. Thts summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks In the Herald and News, a newspaper ol general circulation published in Klamath County, Oregon, pursuant to the order of the Honorable Donald A. W. Piper, Judqe of the above' entitled Court, dated and entered on the 7lh day of December, 1962. W. R. BRAD5HAW ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF, 621 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon NO. 844, Dec. 14, 21, 28, Jan. 4, 1963. CALL FOR BIDS Sealed quotations will be received by the City Manager of the City of Klamath Falls until 5:00 P.M., January 7, 1963 tor the purchase and removal of the following items of scrap iron and steel; and other miscellaneous materials from the aban' doned sewage disposal plant: Item Approximate weight 1 cast Iron worm gear 3.000 lbs, 1 reduction gear 500 lbs, 3 misc. electric motors and fittings 1,000 lbs. 1 cast Iron boiler 500 lbs. 44 sheets of asbestos corrugat ed sheeting 5'x3'6"x5-16" 450 lineal feet of 6"x6"x'Y angle Iron 788 lineal feet of 3 x4"x5-16" angle iron 64 lineal feet of 3"x3"x5-16" angle iron 520 lineal feet of 2'.yx2'"xli" angle iron 1000 lineal feet of 2"x2,,i"x'V angle iron 30 lineal teet of 9"x2'i"x5-16" channel Iron 240 lineal feet of 6"xri"x"4" channel iron 1 cast iron sludge pump 2,000 lbs. 200 lineal feet of 60 lbs. rail 550 lineal feet of 30 lbs. rail 1 lot ot miscellaneous Iron pioe fittings and electrical fit tings 1.000 lbs. Note: All welqhts and quantities are approximate. Sale will be based on ac tual weights of salvage determined at time of removal. Bidder will be required to dismantle and remove materials within a period of 90 days from acceptance of quotation, contact tne city tngineer's Office tor inspection at site. Rosie Keuer, city Recorder No. B46, Dec. 14, 21, 1962. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Sealed proposals will be received by the Common Council of the City of Klarrv ath Falls, Oreqon, for the purchase of sewer improvement bonds, Series no. 127, aggregating, Forty-two thousand five hundred thirty-seven and 35-100 dollars ($47,537,351 duly authorized by ordinance, of the said City of Klamath Falls, tor the construction and laying of sewer lines n sewer unit no. 30, ot said city serv ing, the north-west portion of Buena Vis ta Addition, Buena Vista first Addition) and a part of Shlpplngton Addition, ex-1 tending back from the shore line of up per Klamath Lake toward Klamath Lake: Addition, all in said City. Proposals to purchase said bonds will be received by the undersigned up to and' including the 7th day ot January, 1V63. at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. of said day and opened at a regular meeting of the Common Council Immediately there- After; said bonds shall be dated Feb. 1963, and shall be In amounts of S 500. 00 each, except bond No. 1. of said series, which shall be for the fractional part ot said sum, and all shall be due ten years after the date of Issue; pay ment of the entire bonds optional with said City at any coupon paying date on and after one year from the date thereof Said bonds will bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent per annum. payable semi-annually on February 1st and August 1st of each year, principal and Interest payable at the office of the Treasurer ot the City of Klamath Falls, uregon. All proposals must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check tor nve per cent ot tne proposal. The Com mon Council reserves the right to reject any ano an oiqs. The successful bidder for said bonds will be furnished with an opinion as to the legality thereof by the law firm of, Shuier, Sayre, Wlnfree & Rankin, Port land Trust Building, Portland 4, Oreaon Th($ notice Is authorized bv edinance o the Common Council of the City ol Kiamatn Falls. Oregon, dated November Rosie Keller Recorder, City of Klamath Falls, Oreqon. No. 123. Nov. 21. 29, 30. Dec. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7, 9, 10, 11. 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18. 19, 20. 31. 23. 21. 25. 54. 37. 31. ju ji, ivtu, Jan. I, l63. NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION SALE December 21, 191 Pursuant to authority contained In Sec- "on 33t of the internal Revenue Code, ihe tonewtng described property has been seired tor nonpayment of delinquent in. ternal revenue taxes due from MARION and RUBY L. VALENTINE. lf7 Burns. Klamath Falls, Oregon. The prop erly wn be sold in accordance with the ovivons ol Section 6335 of the nfernal Revenue Code, and the regulations there under, at public auction on the 3rd dav of January, 1962. al 2:00 p.m., at 1807 n Street, Klamath Falls. Oreaon. DF- SCRIPTION OF PROPERTY; Lot twen-tv-three 113) in Block E of Homecresl. Klamath County, Oregon, according to the duly recorded plat thereof on die in the oHice of the County Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon. Only the right, title, and nerest of Manon M. and Ruby L Val- entme in and to the property will be of fered for sale. The terms pavmeni will be cash. A. G. ERlCKSON. District Director of Internal Revenyt, by c. O. BURGESS. Revenue Otf-cer. I LEGAL NOTICE NO 62-90 PROBATE NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter ol the Estate ol GEORGE W. GROVES, Deceased. Notice is hereby given mat i nave tiled my final account of the adminis tration of the above entitled estate and that the Court has appointed January 21, 1963. at 10 A.M. as the time for hearing objections to sucn tinal account and Ihe settlement thereof. Wm. Ganong, Executor Ganong A. Ganong Attorneys for Executor No. 161, Otc. 21, 28, Jan. 4, 11. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby 0'ven that the under signed has been appointed executor of the Estate of James T. snore, deceased, by the Circuit Court of Klamath County, Oreaon. and thai all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same ro saio execuiur at the office of the Undersigned at Room 4, Melhase Building, Klamath Falls, Ore gon, together with proper vouchers, with in six months of the date of the first publication of this notice, which Is De cember 21st, 1962. L L. MYERS Executor O'NEILL & MCLAREN Attorneys lor executor No. 862, Dec. 21, 21, Jan. 4, 11. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays a a.m. io noon baturoay Count live words per line. Ads under 3 mm town i same as t lines. 3 6 10 1 Times Times Times Month SI. 50 $4.00 S5.00 9.00 3.25 5.00 6.50 11.50 4.00 6.00 8.00 14.00 4.75 7.00 9.50 16.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement. If paid fn advance. Above rales are for consecutive inser tions, without change of copy, for pri vate Individuals. Advertising must be clear and understandable to be produc tive. All words must be spelled out. Autos offered for sale by private Indi vidualscash with copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and Mjnday. CANCELLATIONS & CORRECTIONS On same schedule, except on Monday Ciese are taken 'HI 9:30 a.m. Please read first Insertion of your ad. The Herald & News will give one extra run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch, 135 oer month with 15.50 discount for payment on or before the l oth. Va inch, S19 with SI. 50 discount lor payment on or before the 10th. Based on one copy change per month. box SERVICE 50 cents per ad. CARD OF THANKS, and IN MEMORIAM $2.50 PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES FUNERAL HOMES 0 WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. High Street. Phone TU 2-4404. MEETING NOTICES 1 CHILOOUIN LODGE NO. 197 AF & AM Installation of Officers Sundoy, Dec 23rd. ot 2 p.m. Masonic Hall, Chiloquin, Ore gon. All Masons and, public invited. Robert W. Wood, W.M. PONDEROSA LODGE No. 220 A.F. & A.M. Installation of Officers, Saturday iV"i evening, o p.m. mo- sonic Temple. Public invited. Refreshments. Larry Boraboo, W. M. GENERAL NOTICES From oil of us ... to all of you Our Most Sincere SEASON'S GREETINGS VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E. Main TU 4-6812 PERSONALS BEGINNERS' ALANON, friendly help for tarn i lies ot alcoholics, TU 2-5740, TU 4-7129. KLAMATH Alanon for counseling and meetings, iu vjovi, iu 4-UU4 anytime. GRAHAM'S licensed home for the aoed. private rooms or ward care, special diet, personal Interest assured, TU 2-3165. VACANCY for lady or gentleman need ing nursing ana-or convalescent care. Mountainview Nursing Home, 596 Park, as n i ana, ure. pn. 482-1316. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 4-8704. Friendly help anytime. 10 TREE topping, pruning. Insured tree grooming. Lekeshore Nursery, TU 4-6955. REMODELING and repairs, all kinds, reasonable, references, TU 2-5388. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or wave ai your piace. At stoil, TU 4-6126. LORNA'S DOLL HOSPITAL 1434 Lakeview TU 4-6992 ' DRAIN rock, gravel, and roadwav ma terial, TU 4-3568 GEO. R. STACY CO, PAINTING, Interior or exterior, sheet rock taping and texturing, no fob too sman. rree estimate, iu 2-540. ALUMINUM siding, re mode Una and foun dations, no down payment, 5 per cent Interest, no mortgages or liens, estimates given, i u 4-4 y. Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional service. Trees toorwd or removed. PHONE TU 4-9681 dentaTp"lates Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PEDtriklll nCUTIIBE fFB1ll-r 1033 Main TU 4-3314 Jess' Tree Service Tree topping, removing, any kind of clean-up work. Free estimates. TU 2-1H3 Don't Guess Call Jess MICE, B U 6ST E RM I TES BILL'S BUG "E" BUSINESS Insured, City and State Licensed W. L "B-ll" Osoorrt, the Bug "E" Man TU 2-3458 312 So. 7th St. Coin Op Laundry Too load Washers Also 20 lb. Washers TIC SHOPPING CENTER Bervnd U.S. Bank Gino's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations ft1 men, women. children. All work guaranteed. Reason- etve prices. SERVICES ft CARBIDE SAWS TOOLS LOCAL SHARPENING Br FACTORY TRAINED PERSONNEL i FRANK'S & TACKLE & GRINDING SERVICE 6?0 E rVAIN TU 2-4781 HELP WANTED, FEMALE 14 WOMAN lor extra cleaning, mornings only, part time, TU 4-5821 mornings. BABYSITTER, my home, 2 small chit or en, ironing. References. TU 2-3235 (alter 5. SINGLE woman 21 to 45, nonsmoker. To do simple typing, my home, weekend eve nings. Good pay, 3-6 hours weekly. Per manent. Handicapped gladly considered. Write P.O. Box 974, City. LUZIER'S Fine Cosmetics, subsidiary of B istol Myers, ad vert lied nationally. Need women full or part time, no deliv ery, no party plans. TU 2-5733. HELP WANTED. MALE u MARRIED man, neat appearing, to pick i,n orders and deliver, sioo per week, plus enpenses. If you quality. Write Box 423C, care of Herald News. GOOO WATKINS ROUTE Established customers, no experience nec essary. Can use 1 part time and 1 full time man. iu 4-bji o -b iv .m. WANTED 4 cut-off men tor California cut-offs 1 re-saw man 1 cleat machine operator 1 printerman Big Bear Timber Co. Redlands, Calif. Phone Vern Francis, Redlands 793-2111 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. BOYS SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money bv selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 MONTGOMERY ' WARD Has Opening For Department MANAGER $8,000-$9,000 PER YEAR EXCELLENT BENEFITS ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Only Thos, With Ability ,nd ExperienM to Fully Manage Furniture Department raeea Apply . . . SEND RESUME OR APPLY IN PERSON TO KENNETH MOORE Montgomery; ward o 9th and Pine - HELP WANTED .... 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS AM help wanted ads published In the Herald & News are accents. In iwut faith that the jobs offered are as stated in tne advertising copy. We are not re sponsible for the Integrity ot our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and refect all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding It to be misleading is " 'cywri n io me iiassitiea ao vertising Department of tha Herald News. SITUATIONS WANTED II LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday. 0 a.m. to 6 p.n 132B Carlson Drive. TU 2-1644 IRONING, WASHING - Pickup, Deliver. Hand crocheted alghans TU 4-9434. CHILD care anytime, your home or mine. TU 2-177B, TU 2-2711. LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday. I a.m. to i p.m. 132B Carlson Drive, TU 2-1844 I RON ING, experienced, pickup, deliver, fast service, phone TU 4-3348. ROOMS FOR RENT 22 STEAM healed, quiet, sleeping rooms. jiu so. am - iu 2-0214. GENTLEMAN, ctean room, S20 per month, 1530 Crescent. MEN. 134 N. 3rd, close in, housekeeping. icowunuic, panting, IU M'ViJSt. PARK Apts., quiet room, natural hot wa ter, 52?.50. TU 4-9754, TU 4-3854. CLEAN. COmfnrtAhl rnnma 9 hlKrbe I from Main. 55 S, uo. TU 4-4759. APARTMENTS fOff HINT 24 CLEAN 1 btdroom furnished court, $35, n"""i ' v i-jeai. i u -yf34. ONE bedroom furnished basement apanmeni, S35. TU 4-7008, 905 N. 9th. 1 825 Lincoln. TU 4-5692. APAPTMFUT n.r u...i. ....... TT nished. Utilities, steam heat, S4Q. 4-8313. TWO room furnished aot. All utilities paid, w. it mulligan, I U 2-U5t5. CLOSE In duplex, furnished, one bed room, laundry, garage, $60, TU 4-3659. NICE clean furnished apartment, close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-6964. 2 BEDROOM unturnisheo apartment, $50. TU 4-5686. C A SC ADE APARTMENT-HOTEL Nicely furnished 3 ft. 4 room apartment! 230 South llth. COMFORTABLE furnished bachelor apU ' pamt we fi. aro. ' SMALL furnished, prlvatebath, couple preferred, close In, TU 4-7340. E W A UN A - DOW N TOWN ' Klamath's most modern, furnished. Jit So. 1Uh.TU 2-1042. PARTLY furnished 4 room, walking dis lence. Adults only, $i0, TU 4-6796. ONE and two bedroom' apts., furnished or unfurnished. Children welcome. TU 2-1326 or see at 1779 Fargo. THREE room furnished" duolex. hat xnri cold water, $33, 1739 Wall, TU 4-448. ONE or 2 bedroom furnished. Heat and water paid. 825 Grant. TU 2-4719. CONSTRUCT ION "workers welcome! Near new OTI site, furnished. TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-9254 VILLA MARQUISE APARTMENTS, 1334 Oak,TU 2-6588. FURNISHED 3 room apartment. $J5. One room, $40 All utilities included, shared bath, adults only, ait No. 10th FURNISHED apartmems, utilities fur nished, rooms, reasonable, Greer Aots . 710 Main, TU 4-4678. FURNISHED l bedroom apartment, ga rage. TU 4-588. THREE room turn lined duple with oa rage. $45. TU 7-352. NICELY furnished bedroom apt. wosl rugs, drapes, all utilities oaid ta tart., No. 14. Dec. 21, H1. Gene's Mens W;ar 537 Main amount, TU 4-3762.