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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1962)
Wed., Dec. 1. 1962 Page -B Theyll Po It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo Puce a person-to-persom call to make sure vou get the right party, and vou 6et him right awav- MRS. GRENADINE GOWANUS? JUST A MOMENT, PUU-EESE-n HERES VOUB PARTY , SIR-GO AHEAD , Next time sou dial station-to-station (cheaper rate) knowing she's sure to be there ' GRENADINE .'1 HUM ? OH--SWE J ' 1 f I WU,UtK X " I I DN T KNOW WHbKt I I ft Vyt t I ; -t"TTt T. 1 1 CHOMP) THIS IS THE t3lA 'A-i$ i f S? LTA LET I BABV-SITTEP-AVHO?) 7(7f KrlVp! g S2b!fi ( ME TALK M 1 1 HEN'T 60TA f "Yj BAByCRVIN Pt" , J f MAY I I ( SUGGEST .WTJ THINK WHAT 3) HALEY y -mr m -, ysHE'S NICE..; V psJfiS? BUT MOM Vi. 46 rfn?S&x ffIMI by Wt. Ik. TM. ij??!. Off. IpfeyL'V' WORKINS IN 1H6 PRISON KITCHEN WOULD BE gASY BUTNOVJlWISHim? BACKON "THE ROCK PJLE. -1 VWW, THIS IS ENOUGH Trt MAKE A Qui GO SW? CRMV N. HSS TUB COLLABOHATOI? WHO REAP AIVIN VJ CRLOfF' CODE WITH BIWOCUIAR5FR0M WHAT l TV HI UPSTAIR WIWWW EACH MY AT THIS j HE MOVEP THERE BEFORE THAT HE'D LIVED JUST AFTER HE'D T WHERE HE COULD CRAWL OVERHBARPMB TSIL' OVER ROOF TOPS, UNSEEN VOU WHERE ORIOFF'J i ATNISHTTOOItLOFP VOU MUNO NO SIWARV NUMBERS IW THESE 6TRIP5iLEOi JUST BEFOR&VOU SROUSHf rATAKer HEREl IO0K AT W K0W,AI" TEH ALVIN PUT ON THE STICKERS'-"-- AIVIN. -s2k. caper 1 LA miss rmiMAe I I I&KCIIKIWI-KIW II toir SHE AlD ITS ABOUT TIME SHE STARTED TO l?Al5E A FAMILY OF HER OWN... I ASKED HER IF SHE CONSIDERED THIS A STEP rOKWARD OR A STEP BAreoARC! BtTJl5T THEN MSftL KAN6, AND I NEVER 6OT AN AN5UER (TttmD MAKE A 6000 TOPIC RK A PANEL DISCUSSION 7 AH'LL FINISH HIW AjO,CHILE.'r WE PROMISED IF HE'D I OFF, PAPPV.DEAR.'.' J GIVE USTH'THOUSAN'.VNE VJOULDHT I 1 V KILL HIM AN'VJEDIDNrT.'." lm ATER -CONSCIOUSNESS RETURNS - A MASTERPIECE..'.' ALTHOUGH IT COST ME A THOUSAND DOLLARS AMD A SPLITTING HEADACHE.' j--, m ill j; It COST A LOT MORE-ASIOU'LL SOOM DISCOVER.'.' r in LlfFI' fHmm-of course. ThisA f hlR TAnd tlie blcle Yfhe bike ujas I qather.Mr.UJallet.that M"- Fuddle.that r packaqe from theK.ddJ I model k't-npt for a teen-) my means or Lacrate. UJe gou deduced from the nature Uiwped to that t fq, ca -jy happen to I a38 Hobbies ofi transportation. thouqht it was thVFeddleCleeee V066 fordd meny TVLGTLi01"'' ro car'Vgirrsry ta tijteV' j.'-' .WL B ? I K ORNSR JAMISON HAS I (T FOB TWE FIRST TIME IN T I -v 111 1 iiri:ijt F. come homc v f the worlds historv ' feuH-. J llM FSCr- r" v A &ODV HAS BEEN rY-&i. - Eiji.ZrT-' M V, RECOVERED FROM A Jg -- ,SOLLY,TIM,WUVDttlNT V0U6AV WE WA& 60H OUT IN TU" ICOOMTRVI WOULD OP WROUGHT TH' LINIOUSiNE ilNSTEAD.' BUT t ALWAYS 6ET TM WAGON FOR TH BOVi .THEVR6 DSUALLy PlCKiM UP A KES OP ga&W FOR t lilMESME ? TH --Like HEAeiN' A DENTIST WAKM Llf HI6 DRILL-' (TUT,TUT,TiM.' THIS "'I Heflwse WILL. BE KfcKi-fcCT FO CHRISTMAS TffEES BACK FOMTHE COUNTKV WITHOUT OAMA6INJ& tHEAA.' T LEAST THEV "' WONT 6E BOTHERSD ;lr HHLH-HIKtKS V. POdaOkJED IW "TUB iT V m TNSV KE- IFIAiW'T I TMOSeAee-m' THfUMOUTM I VOU'Vt I I OH, WMUT'LL I FELLOWS -TXSV 1 SnET, JH LOST V I KIT OH J S6NPAFTE 1 AIKSMTNCT ( I VOU 1 7 THIS IS M LSFT-MAMPSO IS TMIMK OF J V T.' J I iuk,li;IV MOWKSV I V T j . V IWMNCriES.' J PrHHNlX I'D BETTER P GO HOME MR. DITHERS- COMINQOM IP ITEETSANV VJORSeA1''! BLONDIE wjill be tmebe ) TO TAKE. CARE OP ME 1 VOU DON'T HAVE TO GO HOME- I CAN OO ANYTHING YOUR WIPE CAN DO NOW, JUMP IN THERE, BOY, AND GET j TO Wild Hogs Tree Trio Of Hunters CLEVELAAD, Tex. (L'PI -When you get lost in the "big thicket" of East Texas, wild hogs can make things mighty uncom fortable. A Houston man and his two sons were found safe by searchers Monday. Wild hogs had treed the lost hunters two times, once for nine hours Saturday. Edward Carnley, 36. a sheet metal worker, told the rescue par ty that he and his sons, Danny Burch, 16. and John Edward, 12, became lost Saturday while squir rel hunting. Carnley and his sons spent a good majority of their time in trees until Sunday night, keeping out of reach of the wild hogs. They finally made their way to a cabin and found food. Carnley said he left some money tucked in a Bible to pay for the food. They heard a siren Monday and it led them to the search party. They came out of the thicket about four miles from where they had gone in. y5l8, 1Ui APMINlSTSAfiON LD9T T QMOMCftm I EPBL ! 0N COjBliilCiiiO AN' I PON'f MHStfOtiitOSi MY 7Mf couu of m a tor of f m PMPUCITir W'OrtKATIN WITH OVK PUCttlMPJMGUIttVV I WWfS WKLJHNPdlMIKmr lw UAUeWN' IT VP LfcN? Ui 1tMAtl,M HEfWOBW T OwS PUCfc f AMPS'" WOlUON'T ftlVt US PRE6 f IM6. I LjAVIN'i ThifcM SUV IN TH6 WHfffi HOUS6 WOulpn'T i6N? 16 iec"tl, 6i6 U9 TMB kAWNf TMB MAKINE CORPS WOUUPN'f US 6UHS PO ASAbUlB' who sorw, HHUUdH M4tfAWAWjAWf Ah 10 OFF Between New and Chriilmai On All Parti & Labor gervlca ( lli 'Till 10 P.M. Except Sundays BILLY GOLDEN TV tbtn linlty Ph. TU t-lUB Come In For Your Chance To Win FREE Bicycles, Toys, Gifts EAST MAIN TEXACO 634 East Main OH, WELL, A. F WHAT'S ONS I r-PV CAT MORE JiaL-yiy, OR LES6T f Kh i5!C3iMinffl8 MILLIONS OF UNCOUNTBD YEARS IN THE FUTURE... ' MUST VOU COME' I BAWLING IN HERE LIKE SOME WILD- OOC!! I If hot it; i J DON'T VOU ho HECK WITH KNOW I'M I THAT SILLY TRYING TO I BOOK.' THIS 15 WRITE A IMPORTANT ivER BILL IS aCHECKMVOUr rEUAEf?') ,N.6 HERE'S V0KAY...I'LL FIVE FIG6ER HOW DOLLARS! MUCH COUGH IfA GIVE YA GET r5? MEAtV BACK! Yj change! J, rYCV Mjt'IM. I' f LESSEE. ..ONE AOTOLLARS We Service All Appliances J. W. KERNS 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 Which of these new Polaroid Electric Eye Cameras is on your list (to give or get)? " CCAFTV.YOU ALWAYS HAVE Awzvme I IITANCE..L 3c30V HIPIN0 UNPEB OMeOFTHCXeTWO LAV&5t THe POOSlEtA h, WHICH CN6- I ONTHB I V-W'ci yJ'i(y THE LAST ROUND, FOLKS. ..AND I kta Arj; Jf scv.e pans are (settins out of B BSSB?l'5'fl HAND.. .THE POLICE ARE TRYINS M rffitXWto&. 10 RESTRAIN THE... xlflj 11 ' r K HAS THROWN A t& I MI ij NlA, In. TM. Rf. UX ftt Oft L web a .BSDLAM HAS BROKEN LOOSE! SUGAR KA YNE, UNTOUCHED BY A SINGLE SOI ID BLOW ffiOM THE CHAMPION, HAS 8EEH STRUCK OOWN By THE STUPID, CRIMINAL ACT OF A FIGHT FAN i A POP BOTTLE . CRASHED INTO HIS s(ZS53 HEAD... AND HE IS ?3sSfL' rifr at Jte-tir MM JUSTANY- IN3 IN THE T SCIRE WINDOW THAT CAfcUES TOUR. EYE? 1 WHAT DOT&U VAANT J fM FOR.CHKISIMA3.TAS? I TC GOOD FOR.TA.' HE'S QOfTMe TKUE TULETlPF?. SPIRITAriAST! ) 5 'd H0W5y BEETLE HAS TOLP SARGE, V PO J US ALL ABOUT VOU H TOLP N you A60UT MB roLP r nii., 1 ,$ J" " " " - - AIL THfss F0LK9. WFSE I I kM8 BORN IN , BAHCELONO. ANNIE f I ..J " c H Lik"VC cm cn IM PWPLC PC.JV, oTl ' FRANCE. GFrRMANV, WTSO'CA-JTKFgl 1 N ENG0.1 VOL) .lrc ,iDt - - FROM MEXICO? 1 WOW ' VOU H-V.'E BEEN AROUND I FOLKS WERE UUT THINK NtlLI'RF A GAROeNET! as a -whed f LEO PON ICS E'lOIHEFf, COEflKINC? EL6VFN LANGUAGES, I TH"4V( I fll.tO SJALIFV K A 'HANDY MAN' I ' DONT WOt'R ANNE ' 1 If'. Ti? COUNTRY I WILL GET - MY CHANCE - SO WILL Ail - OC TWESF PEODvE.-WiTW A , LITTLE I IC, AN THE HELO. i Oc DONA I3A5ELI ' GEE ' -Bjr U. TM 6D L'TT.E. -OJ CAN S-E HELO? The J66 (It Fully automatic no focusing, nothing to set - the J66 is the simplest Land Camera ever, and it costs about the same as the first Land Camera model on ttm market! All you do is aim the camera and snap and. of course, your picture is ready in just 10 seconds. No etras to buy. either. You don't need an expensive light meter. Even the flashgun is built right into the camera. The J33 Ui The brand new J33 Polaroid Land Camera has all the exert, ing automatic features of the J66 hut makes a smaller sized picture-iust the size to fit con. veniently in your wallet. The price, lowest of all the Polaroid Land Electric Eye Cameras, puts 10-econd automatic r tures well within the reach of every budget. Coma In and let nt give you a fr 10-Mcond dnmonstra. tlon of the Polaroid F.leetrie Eyt Camera ou lute best. Handy Parking Next Door Klamath j camera i" & News Center Comeres . Film - Mogosirtts Greeting Cards Rentals . Repair Open I A.M. ta I P.M. ; Sun. 1 Holidays I A.M.. I P.M. 31 11004 Main TU 4-4825