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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1962)
HERALD AND VFWS, Klanuth Falls, Or. Sunday, December II, 15 PAGE 7-A' Hoffa Testifies For Self "A ..-fc'kiv.;A.d...i.'- J NASHVILLE. Tenn. 'I'PH - The government contends Hoffa and Brennan shared in a $1 mil lion payoff from Commercial Car riers Inc.. Detroit trucking lirm The government charged llotla labor ieaee for Commercial and j . that the payoffs came through Test Fleet Inc., a iu m set up here. The wives of Holfa and j Brennan ouned the stock in Test . Fleet in their maiden names. J ' Teamsters I'nion President James Hoffa. looking confident and cocky ' V x J testified Friday in his own behalf in federal court here. ft He has pleaded innocent to harges of violating the Taft- and brennan were paid oil to Keep Hartley Uiw. Hoffa began his testimony as the trial was nc.ning the end ol W E I SZ 1 E L its eighth week. Holla denied owning J. and H. Sales and EuuiDment Com. which the government contends was the predecessor to a firm set up to allegedly pay off Hoffa and the late Owen Brennan, another team-' sters leader. I THE WORLD'S MOST HONORED WATCH Holla said originally his imen- 1 lion had been to own J. and H. ay tl 7fc T - . -Silt 1 U jiii r. - -('.:v". . its -iwaw FIRST LADY VISITS Mn. Jacqueline Kennedy hands out lollipops to eaqer chil dren during her visit to the D. C. Villaqe for homeless and under-privileged children in Washington, D. C, Dec. 13. The First Lady chatted with the children and admired their handiwork. Jackie Kennedy Visits Institution WASHINGTON (UPIi The chil dren of Junior Village, a Washing ton institution for the homeless, swarmed eagerly around the smil ing lady wearing the Christmas- red suit Thursday. Her name was Jacqueline Ken nedy, and her visit had an offi cial purpose1 To call attention to overcrowded conditions in the home. Public duty gave way quickly to private sympathies, as the first lady succumbed to the charm and plight of the small charges. She bore a large basket filled with toys and candy, and her schedule called for their distribu lion at the end of the visit. But fhe schedule crumbled when a small boy, his voice edged with disappointment, asked. "Didn't you bring us anything? Jackie immediately jettisoned! Ihe schedule and began handing out the candy and toys. Climbing! on table tops, waving their hands and shouting with glee, the tykes emptied the basket in a matter of minutes. The first lady's itinerary called also for a brief visit. That too was forgotten as she talked to the children, dispensed cheerful words to the sick and viewed a small boy's drawing. "It's very pretty," she told him. The youngsters responded to Mrs. Kennedy's Chrislmas gesture with a rendition of "Silent Night, Holy Night." President Kennedy, at his news conference Wednesday, had called or Congress to give the institu tion more attention. but that he and Brennan decided it would be "a good thing" for their wives to have independent incomes in case something hap pened to Hoffa and Brennan. Truck Driver Escapes Dive SUPERIOR. Mont. ( L'PI A truck driver narrowly missed hurtling 150 feet into Ihe Clark Fork river early Friday when his truck-trailer skidded into a bridge rail five miles west of Alberlon in Western Montana. The driver. Frank W. Bault, 47. of Tigard. Ore., suffered only mi nor cuts and bruises when he was thrown from the cab of the ve hicle, over the guard rail and about 10 feet to the ground a USI WtlSFIUO J FAMOUS IOW IAST TERMS WITTNAUER T tilt World -Hi narif lftinM Diilinuiihi Campania Watch Maktrt of otth f lh Sights I character to almost a tin fur loedar in ilyling and dign. Lady's WITTNAUER 17-JIWIl "COID" lavffly nw lotKion HfliQ water with Shock guard m. mnt and unbrtahablt main Spring. .95 S TAR GAZER By CLAY K POLLAN- - nl6-30-34-501 C 54.78-80-901 7AU1UI APR. 21 MAY 31 ,37-39-42-57 '64.77-84-8(H GEMINI P'J JUNE 548-56-60-63 165-68-74 CANCER JUNE 2.1 V) 5- 7-20-25 'tf'28-41-45 oo JULY 24 1A 4-11-U-17 V3sM3-81-87 V1ICO AUG 24 SEPT. 22 1M 2-1 5-35 H Your Dairy Activity Guidt t Aeeardina to ihm Stars. To develop message for Monday, read words corresponding to numbers of your Zodioc birth sign. 1 Pov 2T0l- 3 Enhonca ' A Don't 5 Quick 6 Your 7 Moves 8 Bills 9Alw 10 Buy ' 1 1 N .0.1 net 12Som 13 A 1 4 Doctor 15 NecMsory 16 Good ! Derttirt Ifi Be 1 9 Popularity. 20 Con 21 Colm- 77 Cunrsjlota 73 And ?4 Cultivot 26 Potent 27 Oiif-r 28 Worthvhilt ?0 New 30 Chonct 31 Evervthirtg 32 friends 33 TKere i 34 To 35 Pertonol 36 Or 37 Inform 38 W.ll 39 Yourwlf 40 Stroll 41 Money 42 On 43 Leool 44 Danger 45 Profits 46 Whotever's 47 Of 43 Keep 49 Your N3 Profit 51 Owing 5? Charm 53 And 54 Through Ji5 Personality 56 Alert 57 Health 58 Accioenti 59 Todoy nU Your 61 Reo'd 62 You 63 Present 64 Mourn 65 Pattern 66 Item. 67 Or 68 Is 69 Or- 70 Watch 71 Brings 7? Se 7.1 You 74 Changing 75 Rewords 76 Traffic 77 Rest 7fl Ideas 79 Work FOOf 8 1 Appointment: 82 Home 83 New 84 Shun 85 Out 86 Excesses 87 Now S3 Mov.e fl9 Br.ohfener 0 Ai 2-1 3-4061 iv 167-72-83-88 SCORPIO OCT. 24 strji), 3- 6-19-21 R4-29-32 (Good Adverse Neuir.l SAGITTARIUS NOV. 23 , DEC 22 f5 I 33-44.47-58v' 59-70-76 CAPRICORN OtC 23 f JAN. 20 V(s 1 8-21-23-26 iff PI -38-79-85 Vi AQUARIUS fE8: i9 .t 49-52-53-5SV 71-73-75 Vs: PISCES FEB. 20 V vv MAR 21 i.r 1- 8- 9 27,1 46-51-62 4 . i r I J 1 : V ' '"',lMU' tm "Ssarss35L3w5ffi lt rr-jnilj UNDER $100! I f t? I ZniSsMssf .- ; 1 Mt ki.-., s. ii moi ' ' ' f mi.-. ..n A..i.ni1 Ma Inrutina. wlh.a 10 )- )utl P'R UP 't tomRro i i 'i on. ...p yo. Nos 'R ' IXt I!. g.r, end o.lo.l.c T4 .y. !' ' p'" "' S'""'l" lon'' C"T, f " .... -od- ! nnl "II 0" " P'Clwt. ln i V l. SRwdl TOO. P'tlR 1 'R4y. Snop lh. plu..-IK.n towl 0 V 'ft ihoi i on yov oo. VT7X5 PolR'O'1 "V P'"i" Co.ponlion 0 nut rmn swivn. POLE LAMP III 1 I 88 Lady's LONGINES 17 ICWEt "ST4BUCHT U0Y' 14 K aelrj cose in new teo d'Op design, with iw tsril-V lio I sde diamonds. Shock. V ejuord friovmertl o ettive ? 12500 low Al 10 00 Monlh Man's WITTNAUER 17.JIWU "ARMADA" Hortdieme. rugged itll wind ing All-pfoef wolch with ytl lew geld filled case end matching sponsion brattlel. 71 50 fir Only 1.00 Month Wheat Plan Supported DENVER (UPIi A commitlcei nf the National Association of Wheat Growers backed the m' ministration wheat p r o R r sm Thursday and Agriculture Secre tary Orville Freeman said t h c1 American Farm Bureau Federa tion was a "minority ot one" in opposing it. The NAWG committee on na tional programs urged delegates attending the 13th annual conven tion (o urge by resolution that wheal farmers approve the pro-! posed 1964 program in next .-pring's referendum. The administration program would assault the V. S. wheat glut by cutting acreage allotments 15 In 20 per cent and increasing svip-J port prices. In a speech to the convention Thursday Freeman said a no vole would cause a disastrous drop in wheat prices and encourage inter national trade - barrier juggling harmful to the free world. The ADMIRAL THINMAN CUSTOM ' 17" Portable TV MODEL P711 No Money Down $10 A Month Slim, lightweight cabinet with luggage-type handle. 17' picture tube, tinted optic filter. 17,000-volt "Air-Space" chassis. Exclusive "Picture Guard'" Circuit with Com pactron tube. New quality-rated Perma-Sealed tuner. Top-front tuning controls. 5' x 3' speaker, hideaway antenna. Automatic Circuit breaker. 15'6' h., 19! 4' w- 12'-.T d. Base (opt.). Metal cabinet. P711-Saddle Tan and White. T.M. of Admiral Corp. 'T.M. of Mfr. ftBssS a I0 FAMIIY-SIZE ELECTRIC fj 1 4s CORN POPPER I V i ll J. p.ce wtm.tle dfk dA t-i eluminum pappar may be Pa O H J fe rsk sued as a warmer le rolli, a 9 M k'-I cereali. Iet(eert, end baby 9.79 M M JJ Jg P8 bortlat; of heat toupi end f at fks 1 veqetableil Uta any ilendard ! f r ihirfl fcij O cord tat: connact l 110-110 W It h M Volt A.C. or D.C. currant. bsrararj ip., AViVfi JV AHT1I f UNBREAKABLE V T4 "AM JP I TUMBLERS i ? I iDm . IT N 1 WMlo'Ounclchlldr.n.Dlik. i j I MiN Hir SVlin9 Cent"' , ' V3"fc , 1 M Home or AwY " MW, I !'S bouffan bonne Jfli ' ,,1 J onjonvh..ii H ,' Fast Drying iVh . f-',l 1 Cigarette Lighter 1 ; Q-e Power ... '1 150 I 1 PortabU . . . Ut't you talk and walV, I ' y 0tV MM M 1 ht wUcViom, ptui coot lummer drymq! I 1 M iai. B . : .1. f ; "3 M OA . s. M rhl I Famous Sunbeam quality IN UVV I at a New Low Price' Sunbeam automatic percolator Formerly 33 MODEL 79.95 Makes 3 to 10 five-ounce cups of "guest" coffee. One piece stainless steel pump swishes clean under the faucet. Highly polished finish So easy to keep sweet and clean Not 4", .or A Big Iftduitrtal Grod 'I 4 :I 7" POWER SAW 88 ooRrM I'A.hp., !. '.""VBsSS.i j AdimlablR cull. kU I. I V JJi,3r''''w 0750 H MONTH B i W "" ROU-A-CABT SET OF FOUR TV TABLES ON HANDY KOU-A-CART Varatlame Butan -"Colonial Rose" TABLE LIGHTER SET 3 00 MONTH Motching dgorttt. urn In Rotpnthol China, gold Itdroplolp fitmint. 99 Satiny lrantlt broil ftnl-h. Sculpturad adge . . . (ifi ever nee Tablai 23" high, fluid rubber wheal,, Csrt doubtai cti ilorege ietk. flattie tipped ttoyi won't ikld, mar liner. -oUonol-itam rt RWWIW.W'1'RR'.JW 'J'lil'" " f. ' '"J "Si mm Perfect for the 5 KIIS,i;n.lK.W.M:.,J MOTOROLA Smart "Wake to Music" CLOCK-RADIO Exclutiv. PlAcirchastit gives longar radio lift 4" Golden Voice Speaker ond built-in ontenna e Broad Band IF transformer Outstanding value in on excellent radio. More en. joyment of your favorite program . . , plus all the exclusive quality features ond convenience, of o clock thot wokes you to music or alarm. NOW ONIV . C-21 ONIY 3.00 MONTH THf WORLD'! WOfT AO VANCIO COltD SNA VI ft A me ling New Detign Meter Meva WhiVerCwtti ewer rW CMctvtlvt tellet Cembt Niw Stsiidardt tor Power and Cemfert 9 At ONIY m Month Start 'reltieie' yeur w4iUeri way with lemmgten'B four e(luilve teller Combt. They diutt te your face and beard , . . rel( Vm out ef Karmi way . . . leatv yovr ikiA a moortt at tba palm of yevf hondl NIWI SUPER-POWERED MOTOR Smollor, lighter . . . yt mor wVkv krcvtting) powerl No pull. No drag. No burn. No whittrrtl NEW REMINGTON SELF-POWERED Werld'i ftMl ad 0"ly p f ON It ielf-fewered. tachage ohle h,er with latat m A fl awar r.-ele. A Ce'd- W Uti &Ka . - - a Cerd A Jeef, All In One. MONTH A IILMOWHIO Shave withewt card on radarge. able arsertr ' I. IICHAROIAIll. fte- rwaeel kavet t rechatge ( tti fltuel cn.e. p. tor Sev. up to 4.00 .nd more on your etiolce of these hiah auelitv. temous-meke, guaranteed epplienees. Each one is . complete eooking unit to v. you time and money. Buy several or inn pr.t. yourself or for gifts! Reg. 12.95 ELECTRIC (OOKtl AND DtlF Wit Reg. 10.95 J-SIKE CHROME AUTOMATIC T0AJTER Rtg. 1 1.95 COMBINATION WAmH-Cllllt-JAMOWKM TOASTER Rtg. 1J.95 11"IMMERSIBIE FRTFAN wUO AUTO MATIC CONTROL 11 Choice 0)99 Pay 1.00 Month RVTPPJ-.4M nflf OPEN EVERY NIGHT! 'DA iftwW Ail ft tTTTkm I f 35 (.'1 n f i Open 9:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Open Every Night flASON 701 Main St.