Poetry A MOTHER'S PRAYER They'll Do It Every Time Sim.. Dec. 1, MO Page jAs I tit here sewing an a tiny baby quilt The birth of a new grandchild is very near . . . (our 16thi, My memories go back to many years ago, Lord, When I was expecting this Utile mother so dear. My eyes aren't as sharp, and my I hands not as steady But my heart lis still full of love. You brought me safely through many times. Lord, And showered us with blessings trom above. y Jimmy Hatlo - . (oSnmwth& peai. , I Tf D1N6BAT SNOOK ! AMV-SMAPIDCpop f fSS?fe-r ft lCT0S4W . IL W- .V OVER HERE- yt(OREATJl i ' KZS-T Y V"A 9N6 MY CLObex U'&'VI MVB mmmzr , V-"-1 7 how would .V,U . VfTTWT? i i- Vtt U l: f iz,j??,c ti i know ?. don g x-n-" jjri feh r&-jr3ra7r: d - piano would be '(i rv .bother me? v m k . j i jm mm mi mmfMssfLm M AT HUMfc PLAIfc I BETTER IN THE I V vv ... ' J YOU RE ALWAYS I I V J .ti VSLVi -HT if 7r"HF,LP CORNER? GIVE f4MOV.N0 STUPP A , ITI MM A V k0 iS 22 HJ N.V. 3 'W-'J t P.r. I !NTHE2) (hJuloIs h--' TO HEAR HIM S,N3 IN) V; , , , . yfP .'V t Oj& 1 rtTUB y uwV' THE TUB JUST ONCE J vj If 1 1 AS A CHRISTMAS Yy -BUTNa.Uyw fi t V IhV nPW, JuLzrr V? J-Lz A iTT Hl gA r w won't war bot eo ( consbmman can po?o ! wancs ro hBl? " .niuneS at JM ' 1 1 1 " ."VBiKiO'LJSeS.Vrf AO""' wtt,""" J 1. : ?;2Wty'f , --n-T ,- r, 1 AT'60,y Wr"" J VflUTLA . iii fiONMi MIS3 HIM BE MI9SIM' HIS 1 MEW COOKED.. I 1 IIP' fiM&'NUHtfM ' AWIM CAWE IM JUSrAprERYOUleFT GOOP!-TClifnUa THE COPYRiaitPi I THIS MAKES yWHEM VOU'KITHKU, MVIU. PUT 1 1 V BRINGIN' IM Trf MEAT I CttMFAKIVAT HEY, WHAT V K 1 (Sr 1J ( IPTHIM.EAyiHE'IMK60T WMAT A ( WIER AW TOR DINNER... MEALS, TOO! TH'....P 7 Xj. W LJ$k SS tJljrl rtllt AVCfa'i" -V f l.r.lVsssr Is:i?; INi m - i . n, 7T-. . . . i. ii I roLV-POLY BROWN BEAR U( ''i' PlllCiK Ml Vj0L'-p0LV BTOWIj BEAy J k THET GO.D CAP OF FA .N S7JS31 SJiKSTT ''JL" 7 T X .i UP.ui.-ni L,1B rt ,mUOTur, jw. Hlfe tSACK TOOTH r.r I jiCTT,l- 7 I 1 I FVFM MOT" S I CT UC dilit ir riiT, ,r,-- I OWUJ WfXTptpfJ UTIJIP-. eXACTTV. 1-AJIO TUAT I Jl TTl TA rvluM UPC AkinuMTTJ Td'1"f J tSr LNL-LIPII , I i X KILL FOLKS.' I'LL GIVE. MTlLJ ATuni KAunil ' I WINTHCnR I'LL BS IM Af5STF3?W ItZ FTI I THF. AmATRM? Hnc. Gi i r ? iwmm ljt i n wm& mm t- vf i wouldn't be 1W., im sorry gou were wniu a couple v He can't qet them back M & : 1 1 - All H(3ht,Clovia! You and J tc harh. They ) u' . ,,,,, , - , . I bum ttart explaminq! h uierB victims or n tda l iney enouia nave come missing ana joei i r. 1-uddie i already L" sSOiWsK! nmi... tou been dancin akounp hm fok i . Und it better be good! A n lortunate W JM&eJyrS I hecanqetS in W . r5T.BS?l f R,va bum...T 11 'S UmB miM! ! ! .i mm mmm 1 .Knitnin wu 1 ir,. feyjtflij &$mmQ mmsMm rrT'i - -u 1 rnr. t . ifyn 1; ut. -a - - 1 I. Ml ! I BtLDW MIM. LOOK III I J "r J " 1 -.,,. . . . . 7 I 4i.wwn? i for his belt if si x5pm.'wllmo5 j rtf . rr'.rr" UA 5 Tzjstzssi llfev as,sa y m w,a note W-K7-n WAswyTk ! ' I ri n ' ---it ti in M i ii if II M II 'III, 1 El 1 .....-, - . a i i. i i i i I I I I MnrZkX M i . . ' r raii'v 1 1 -hi 1 W X ' CAmTCO.E O0TNOW f (SSAL. r-'N- I 1 YHlZc. I WFLL, WMY f.J WILL, IN TIME, BUT THE SAME AS MANY OF -OUR MM1LY"' J L'vn'AtfW' LARD MY tD AMD L FATUeR AND ft-ZZl .fN- -Y 2ZLJ Ml OoESNT Fftt 5 KfSSSPS 1 1 SL A-REFU566--A"OISPl:eO PE!9(f YV'KJ , RT"V27 ARF UTlf 1'IWri OIU A EOMSTiIF-p V, . I IU I wmucw PUT OOC IN I I HE GET I xrewr lui; nra momibu M; SUCH. LIP5 CAN OS DIFFICULT, ONN E ( Ii VVi' A.VK1 rpnlFrT 'OMA m ZS N 0 . LTCSJ PWSON FOR SAW J iT" HL ONvi I WAS OeSTWOVED; EVEN His I BUT HRI?E THEY HAVE HOPE. AND THOSE S r.Pf CT FRO-ltCT y 'jLMAf UK VrVE MANUEL'S LIFE? ( vJi7-' HDfV WMILY W(W MUIJD6PEDJ I IK) OW -FAMILY- THI; STUFF THAT Be patient with her . . . (or this is her first And she knows not the pain she'll bear, you see . . So take her gently through the valley, Lord, And bring her safely back to me. Later . . . i Thank Thee, 0 lLord, for bring ing them both safely thrnucrh Somehow,, I knew you would; Though at times there was great concern I never once lost my faith and trust in you. Today, I held our new grandson close to me He brought to my heart a wealth of peace, The soft warmth of his tiny head against my cheek Was the answer to my prayers tnat never ceased. Mrs. Russell E. Jones OCTOBER STORM OF '62 Tuesday night October 9th in Sixty Two Something made all know not what to do. It came upon a midnight clear We had no time to even fear. Quite 4 inches too o( snow so light, Had surely made a strange. strange sight. Bending lowly to the ground Trees and limbs all could be found. Sounds like shots were everywhere All wondered if it's on the square. Trees uprooted here and there Limbs were scattered everywhere. Leaves still hanging on the trees, Caused the limbs to hit the breeze. Rain, rain and more rain Left all 'A wondering in vain Columbus Day came then did its work Terrific winds did howl and jerk. Klamath s fears were not too long When news came reeling on the air Portland, Salem everywhere, People shocked, but did not dare Realize it was more than scare! Tornado force had done its work News of disaster areas came In a quirk!! Why we humans fared so well- God alone can only tell. Mrs. Scott Thompson CHRISTMAS, HERE AND THERE NORTHERLY Here in the 'farther north' land, We lake our Christmas white, Though sometimes we don't get snow Till the eve of Christmas night. Santa always comes to visit In his inimitable way. He likes his travel modern, And he never has a sleigh. By a towering forest giant Twinkling like the starry sky. In gay red suit and snowy beard, This jolly, fat, old guy Starts off the Christmas season With great tidings of good cheer. Joyful carols bring their blessing To Noel and the New Year. SOUTHERLY There, in a shopping center In the land of 'never snow'; With roofs spread over acres, And buildings row on row. A jolly fat Santa comes daily In a picture story sleigh. With real reindeer harnessed to it In the good old 'North Pole' way. He hands out Christmas candies, Interviews the girls and boys. You can hear his hearty chuckle Above the buzz and noise. Christmas carols spread their message. Peace on earth. Good will to Men." Soon you are bubbling over With the Spirit once again. Yuletide Spirit Misses Thieves PRINEVILLE ILPH -The Christmas spirit doesn't reach everybody. A thief, or thieves, stole ion Christmas trees that had been cut by a Boy Scout Troop here. The i boys had valued the trees at i S2.50 each and were going to sell them. The trees had been left in front of a local grocery store.