V PAGE-C HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Fills, Ore. Sunday, December 16, U62 ' " First Child -7s Welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Wade ,( of Mercer Island are the proud parents of a baby girl, their first child, born Dec. 11 In Seattle. The young lady weighed 8 pounds, , 3 ounces at birth and has been . named Mary Margaret. Mrs. Wade is the former Gail Mollison and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Mollison of this city, are now grandparents for the first time. The new arrival is also the first grandchild for paternal grand- father, L. N. Wade of St. Peters- .' burg, Fla. Great-m-andoarents are Mrs. 1' Edgar Senders of Klamath Falls " and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mollison "' of Portland. ' Skiing first became a popular sport in the 19th century. V.U.tiU.a.ti.U.tiHU.MU.tiU.iM g Select from . s More Merchandise 8 DOWNTOWN k I Klamath Falls 8 udilli Cjiicridt (J3ricle unqM V Kingsley Field Chapel was the, setting on Nov. 15 for the mar riage of Judith L. Gilcrist, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gil crist, and Alfred Oucllette. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Oueilette of Mt. Clemens, Mich. White chrysanthemums, bacca ra roses and bronze pompons in beauty baskets, flanked by can delabra, were the background for the 8 p.m. double ring cere mony read by the iRev. Robert L. John of First Christian Church. For the service, the pews were marked with white satin bows with cotillion blue satin roses and the aisle was covered with a white runner. Mrs. Robert John was the or ganist and sons were sung by a trio. Louise Arnold, Rae Ann Da vis and Faulctte Eden. The bride was escorted to the altar by her stepfather. She wore a gown of white Chantilly lace made with long sleeve fitted bod- eremonu a 'SSTiara' I:. v n HIGH FASHION STYLING BY 5VRSHARP Exquisitely styled to grace the most feminine hand... yet please the most practical budget. Gold-flashed barrel, with basket weave cap in red, blue, green or black highlighted in gold. Also available in chrome or all gold-flashed cap and barrel. Smart yet useful gift! Boxed for giving, with jeweler's fabric bag. ice and full skirt edged in scal lops and ending in a chapel train. Sequins and seed pearls outlined the Sahrina neckline. A crown of pearls and sequins held in place the fingertip illusion veil. On a lace-covered Bible she carried a corsage of phalaenopsis orchids accented with stephanotis and lily, of the valley streamers. A single strand pearls was a gift of the bridegroom's mother. I Mrs. Bud Taylor was matron, of honor and Mrs. Larry John-' son, bridesmaid. They were dressed alike in full-skirted frocks of blue brocade taffeta and head pieces of blue veil and baccara roses. Each carried a butterfuly of lace and baccara roses. Blue taffeta dresses with scal loped white organza overskirts were worn by the candlclighters, Kathy Sue Schrier and Carol Mc Fadyen. Their butterfly wristlets were fashioned ol while mini pompons with blue makeup. While carnations decorated the heart-shaped ring pillow carried by Dave Clawson. Michael J. Reynolds was best man and Lindsey D. Blss and Bobby George were ushers. All are from Kingsley Field. Mrs. Gilcrist wore for her daughter's wedding a royal blue suit with black patent accessories! and a white orchid corsage. Following the ceremony a re ception was held in the church an nex. On the bride's table, set be tween bouquets of white Illini pompons and blue iris, was the tiered cake trimmed in blue and encircled with fern and orange oarnette roses. The cake was served by the bride's aunts, Mrs. Henly Clawson of Hornbrook, Calif., and Mrs. Opel Ward of Ashland. Punch and coffee were poured by iRosemarie Raymond and June Raymond. The bride's Cousin, Gayel Ward of Ashland, registered guests and Pat Seibert attended the gift table. The new Mrs. Ouellctte's going- away outfit was a brown sheath accented in gold. She is a gradu ate of KUHS and Hutchinson School of Floral Design in Port land and is employed at Nyback's Flower Fair. Her husband Is sta tioned at Kingsley Field with the Air Force. m,uh m, a w. i,v.t'w.rri Kred Olson, junior music ma Mnnlnrim Mr nod Mr Hnhart featured in the weekly music Cumminas. and H. C. Clawson of hour program Dec. :: w : f v- f" ' 'it k Vi.r V MOUNT SHASTA-Zi Theta Tau and Omicron L'psilon sororities met at the home of Mrs. John McHugh on Dec. 5 for t h e 1 r joint Christmas party. Thirty six members attended. Decorations were tiny Christ mas stockings filled with goodies for each guest. WED IN KINGSLEY CHAPEL A double ring ceremony Nov. 15 at Kingsley Field Chapel united in marriage the former Judith Gilcrist end Alfred J. Oueilette. The ceremony was followed by a reception in the church annex. Photo by Ferebee Polkas I Sieve Binney, junior engineer ing student at Oregon State Uni versity, has recently been ini tiated into Sigma Tau, national engineering honorary, and Scab bard and Blade, national milita ry honorary. C. Francis Kcnyon was one of eight students invited to mem bership in Alpha Delta Sigma, na tional advertising fraternity. He is a junior pharmacy student at Oregon State University. Paula Goddard has been pledged lo Alpha Rho Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi, social sorority at Oregon State University. She is a nursing. Martha Pierson will play the part of "der alter Hirt" the old shepherd in the Vassar c o 1 lege Christmas play, a medieval Nativity to be given in German. OPEN SUNDAY- 7 A.M.-6 P.M. Now - convenient, close parking just acrou 9th Sr. on Main. 9th & Main Free Delivery Ph. TU 2-3475 Hornbrook, Mr. and Mrs. iMike Numes and Lorie and Mrs. Vcr- na Wedin, Yreka. To MISTLETOE TIP gel extra dividends 13 in a clari net duet. He Is a member of the band, choir and orchestra at the college, from your mistletoe, spray it w 1 1 h clear plastic or dip tire stem ends in melted wax. This will keep the leaves from shriveling and the berries from falling at a most inopportune time. At Broderick's, of course! HOLIDAY HEADQUARTERS CHRISTMAS CARDS Evoryllilnd you look for in ft quality Christmas carj, you'll find in our complete allowing of Hallmark Christmas card's. GIFT WAPriNGS Create the most beautiful package under llie tree with tlirio handy I lallmark helpere: sjifl papers, rib bon, lag, scali end (jilt trims. PARTY TRIMMINGS It's a holiday for tlie tostem, loo, with all the matching Hallmark party sets and elegant liomcdccora tiom on display in ouiPrty Shop. SHOP EARLY, SHOP EASY... WHILE SELECTIONS ARE COMPLETE Broderick's Ph. 2212 So. 6th larmacy Your Prescription Drug Store Open Weekdays 9 A.M.-9 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS Ph. TU 2-4683 Charlotte Ashworth New Owner of Audrey's Beauty Salon 1114 Moin St. Ph. TU 4-5515 Vi Hill, Operator Evenings By Appointment FREE PARKING TIES THAT BIND Belts are a too-often-overlooked costume accessory. Investigate their possibilities. ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. Derrill Stein announces the engagement of their daughter, Charlotte Anderson, to Lynn Trippett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mosbey. Both families are residents of Klamath Falls. The future bride will be graduated from KUHS in June. Her fiance is a '62 graduate of the same school. No wedding date hat been set. Photo by Bob Anderson Sororities Have Party Mrs. Arthur Adler, original sponsor of the club, gave a pro gram on how to make Christmas decorations for the home. Mrs. Alice Hill won the special prize. A costumed Santa arrived and distributed secret pal gifts at which time secret pal names were revealed. Something new? X K R R R Serve -BEEF -Give THIS CHRISTMAS Serve Beef thli Chriitmot yourself;' give a wonderful Klam ath Beef dinner for a really special surprise gift; send a convenient National Livestock ond Meat Board Beef Gift Certificate to friends far away. (Certificates, redeemable ot any retail store in the nation, available from any Cow Belle or pltone TU 2-4860 or Lorella 762-4291.) 1 ; Tn ri ft ; n n ' , : I X : , t J ; "it i i liiV hi- - PERFUME HONORS For a grand Christmas gift idea, buy several perfume sets and make your own Favor Tree. This young lady is going to be the most popular girl in the neighborhood when word gets around that there's miniature crown of perfume tagged to a Favor Tree for every one of her girl friends. Boxes of four half-dram bottles of four perfumes now available in leading depart ment and drug stores. Couple Recite Nuptial Vows Bonnie June Sutton became the bride of Joe Kctcham in the First' Methodist Church Tuesday, Dee. It, at 1:30 p.m. The Rev. Ralpn Richardson performed the double ring ceremony. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Rriggs of Chil- oquin. Mr. and Mrs. Kelcham will make their home in Chilo- quin, where he is employed by the toicst service. LOOK TO THE LINING Lined dresses give more wear. And this budget value comes in budget-priced dresses these days, too. 3 abuious Gift! Catalina Jacquard With Fashion Action! CHALET Cardigan of Swiss needlework pattern, 100 wool 98 1 -i a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a t$&7 8 fM a a a 5th and Main WITH slip-on Zippcrlcsj KNIT CAPRI, in 100 wool 16 98 OPEN EACH EVENING UNTIL 9:00 P.M. Free Customer Parkina 5th and Klamath Avenue lllf 1 ' 1' KLAMATH COUNTY COW BELLES a daniel's Yearly mm Almost1 our entire stock of Women's quality shoes Drastic ally reduced for quick clearance before January 1st! Se lect from high heels, mid heels, stacked heels, casuals or flats. But be here early Monday Morning to get your size in the style you wont! STACKED HEELS All heights! Current winter styles and colors! Your ideal suit and walking shoes. Famous Vitality or Queen Quality brand. Values to 14.99 NOW ONLY j 1 88 FASHION SHOES HIGH AND MID HEELS Black or browns, in our popular Trim Tred and other famous brands. Good ranges of sizes and widths. Values to 11.99 NOW ONLY 8 STACKED HEELS Trim Treds ond Others Voluei to 9.99 FLATS Smart Sets and Others Voluei to 8.99 5 Men's & Boys' SHOES Entire CrOtt. Stock! Rand or Rand Hurry for these! Girls' SHOES One qrouct Scamperoos ond Poll Porrots in patents and nylon velvets. Stres Bl'i to 3 Reg. to o.99 m 25 ?0 off 99 NOTE TO MEN! Givt Htr Dontcl't Gift Cr tificor to iht con select her own gift ot hug savings! dtjrl's 527 Main All Sales Final! Na Refunds or Ex changes. No Phone Calls, please! WW WWW WW WWW WKWn.-VWWMWKIC