- - f -y . , If 111 " ' ' 111 7T A blue rib the "Round Mother and was the K rangement shown da V I - - ' . 1 i ii .7. :tii( JJofidatj llmosiilierv J-rvi'ctifs Al bhlricl Cjarilen C(ul (-liriilinai Sli tow JSOC I ETY By Helen Bechen Herald and Newt Sunday, December 16, 1962 JUS.-' iff 'V.'v,;-... iJy ;f Zt-" " " ' '"''It Over 800 persons viewed with pleasure and admiration the beautiful Christmas displays making up the Christ mas Show staged Friday and Saturday by the Klamath District Garden Clubs at the fairgrounds. All clubs wore repre sented with arrangements depicting lines of the favorite carol, "Silent Night, Holy Night," which was the theme of the presentation. Additional displays were trees decorated by each club, wall murals, a fireplace sceno used as background for the junior section, and educational and conservation layouts. Chairman of the show was Mrs. E. C. Schweitzer of Tule lake, assisted by Mrs. Bernard Valk as co-chairman. Above left, Mrs. Will Blackman, left, and Mrs. Charles Hahn admire the all-white display of Mrs. J. R. Miller which won a blue ribbon and the Award of Distinction, given for the best arrangement of dry material. Above right, at the prettily appointed tea table, Mrs. Richard Fleming servos Mrs. Harold Schweitier, left, and Mrs. Ken Thomas, both of Tulolake. v At right, this lovely combination in the "All is Bright" class won for Mrs. Will Blackman a blue ribbon and Tri color Award, given for best use of fresh material. ion winner in I , 'nZT ' "Z"' h- If ' jJ by Lin- v -,-rV I.ll-.-:-- I 1 The Nativity scene at loft was en tered by Vickie Harrell and received the Junior Achievement first award. 2W r b Mi "" Jit ti J. it mm-mMU-J-mMM " 1 ' gp : L . 1j -J I Judges for the show were from Eugono and are shown above, left to right, Mrs. L. M. Watson, Mrs. Lloyd Stadles and Mrs. Carl Gregg. Sweepstakes award winner in horticulture and artistic arrangement was Mrs. E. C. Schweitier, who received the most blue ribbor.s(in each of the two sections. Among the visitors to the show wero three Malin women in the picture at left, from the left, Mrs. J. P. Haley, Mrs. C. H. Johnson and Mrs. Charles Hamilton. Choir boys in the background were a part of the stage setting behind the tea table. Photos by Kettler