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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1962)
Your Home-Owned MARKET BASKETS n ri I no h nuuu rA Potato Chips Blue Bell Big 79e - 4-Bag Box Facial Tissue vory pars BIT Medium Six Each SAVE! SOAP SALE! Lava Ban, forge fixe 2 for 35c Lava Bars, -reg. fixe 3 for 35c Camay Bart, reg. lixa 3 for 29e Camay Ban, bath lixe 2 for 35e Zest Bart, bath lixe 2 for 43e Zeit Ban, reg. sixe 2 for 33e Ivory Bart, large lixe 3 for 49c Ivory Ban, penonal lixe 4 for 29c Ivory Flakes, giant size ....87e Ivory Snow, giant six 87e Dreft, giant lixe 87c Dash, jumbo lixe ....2.39 Salvo Tablets, giant lixe 75e Cheer, giant lixe 85c Oxydal, giant lixe 85c Liquid Joy, 22-ox. six 67c Liquid Ivory, 22-ox. sixe 67c Mr. Clean, 28-ox. bottle , 73c Cascade, for electric dishwashers 39e Liquid Elastic STARCH lixe . Quart Si; entle Bleach Paper Towels herbet I Christmas Trees 3! firmJt As in the past Market Basket SC&ZA Stores will not sell Xmas trees this I (fj'ti' year. We feel that this is a fine I yjy way for various youth, civic, and I (j church groups to raise money for I f9 their many worthwhile projects, J i and that retail stores should not I I take this opportunity away from f J them. f f May we urge you to buy your j-j f Xmas tree from one of these f groups, they will appreciate it! ! 1 (DM & Qugij FRIDAY . So. 6th St. Store: REBECCA LODGE No. 104 Will VI Hold a "Fancy Sewing Work" ll Sole. If FRIDAY - 9th & Pine Store: V , KLAMATH COUNTY COW 11 1 BELLES Will Hold a Beef Candy V J Sale and Beef Cook Book Sale. VI vfiSSSE3 SATURDAY-9th &Pine Store: 11 NAACP Will Hold a Baked Food jj Market Basket jj finf Full Vi Gal. M VI1 3 89" TP mm m joum 0111 m d) V m Shasta Way I -J Market Basket 1 !SSV H PC I Open J i roiunue i I Monday thru 1 CANNED H AM y I i ih u inn i, ,i Swift Premium Boneless, Defatted, Fully Cooked! Spare Ribs F Light, Meaty sides lb. Link Sausage 39 c Sirloin Tip S5a 'gII Good .... . 98 c Qi Marinated in light wine sauce, Q C OTCUKS Grade Good lb. Ow Mincemeat:" . 39' Ground Beef Lr 3 , l 2 I ttie4 iclr A" cleanel reodv UUIClian to eat. -2'j-lb. box Get Your Cow Belle's BEEF GIFT CERTIFICATE At Market Basket It's a gift the whole family will enjoy! USDA Grade Good LOCKER BEEF Cut, wrapped and quick froxen free. E-Z terms. No money down, no payment till Feb. 1st. Front Qlr. Half Beef 45fb 51?b 98c FRESH TURKEYS For Christmas Again for Christmas, Market Basket will sell only Government Inspect ed Grade "A" fresh tur keys. Place your order now to be sure you get the size you want for your Christmas feast. New Banquet Froxen "Cookin Bag Items' Juir drop Plio bag in boiling water, let cook for 5 mi'nurei and terve! No fun or pans to clean! Each bag serves one. Beef Stew Creamed Chicken ie Gravy with sliced beef Sliced Turkey with fliblet gravy Chicken and Noodles 4 r1 00 Northern Jumbo Rolls Crater Loke - Vi Gol. Cranberry, Lemon, Orange, Black Raspberry, Pineapple . or Lime Your Choice ayonnaise Lotion Market Basket Full Qt. 89' 89i PIPES And . Imported Tobaccos 1 I An outstanding m M selection for f Christmas Giving. I f At 9th & Pine k store. Fried Chicken, Roast Chicken, Roast Beef Frozen Dinners Super Market Froxen 10-ox. Pkg. Wow! Look at This Low Price! Nalley's Fradelis - Your Choice . Swift's Corned Beef 12-ox. tins Grape Juice Orange Juice Flav-R-Tators Flav-R-Pak Froxen 12-ox. tins Flav-R-Pak Froxen 12-ox. tins Flav-R-Pak Froxen Big 1 -lb. pkg V-0 l&SUl 4H.00 juice fcsl Fa Nothing 3;1.00 Uh " 2mT i9' 3.91 HERSHEY CHOCOLATE SQUARES New! Krinkle, Almond or Milk Chocolate. Reg. 49c 5 oc ea. Clam Chowder XZr'L Mandarin Oranges n W I II HI I WVWIIWIIJ n, Peaches DNJ. ",?,- . Chtrry Star 'OS. lint . s. 303 tint Hersney s tnocoiare va ilate SYRUP Mb. tins Reg. 23c ea. 5s$1 Jergen'i Large Sixe With FREE Dispenser. Reg. 1.10 Value! Save! Market Basket Dollar Sale! Dog Food ftX. 13;$1 6?$1 4J$1 5i$l 5J$1 Fruit Cocktail Wll 5j$l Pears irilSZ 5?$1 5s$l 6s$l 7s$l 7s$l 6;$1 13;$1 7s$l . 7f$l 7s$l Zucchini Squash 5oj":. 7s$l Corn 5r,Vi" J'y" 7?$1 Tomato Juice Utnm,M 4i$l Apricots ITS" Applesauce CC, , Tomato Juice JJri'oo Spinach 5t!'7o3 .m, Tomatoes Tomato Sauce u"Z'u Green Peas STR, .... vorn No. 303 lim firoen Rannt Cohm Nil. 303 lim Always the Finest Produce at Fairest Prices! California Navels, sweet and juicy. All sizes! 1 I Medford Delicious A C ApplCS Redbeautiei lb 7 Artichokes-,ik"' 10c Celery Hearts ' nd" ' - 25 c Potato- 20-57c Lettuce z 339 c fl II Oregon grown, large bouquets with lots AC nOII Y of bcrri"' ea U y Holly Wreaths - " 'n"'T FRISKIES PET FOOD SALE! Dog Food 7?$i C J Friskies new liver flavored, Fll rt C lar rood" " hn Little Friskies -"V 29c C. J Friskies Chicken Flavored mf C tat rood i5,--- 57 C.. J Friskies Fish Flavored TITAC Cat rood "v bn All grocery deportment spe cials good thru next Wednes day. Meat and produce prices effective thru Sunday, subject to stock on hand. ife tt '0 TP1 We Reserve The Right To Limit