A- Westminster Tops Small College Basketball Poll 7. Hof.tra (!-2 101 . Mt. St. Mary's P i2-3 94 9. Wittenberg i3-0 78 Second 10 11, State 45; 12, Gannon 40; 13. Fa cific Lutheran 3o; 14, Southeast Sacramentolleyan 27; l(S, Southeast Missouri 24; 17, Northern Michigan 23; 18, Ohio Wesleyan 19; 19. Lamar Tech (1) 16; 20, Orange State 13. NEW YORK il'PIi - Westmin- ster College of New Wilmington. Pa., undefeated through three games, was named the No. 1 small college basketball team for the second straight week today by the United Press International board of coaches. The Titans, who won the small college championship last season when they lost only twice in 22 games, were named No. 1 this week by 19 of the 35 coaches who comprise the UPI rating board. Westminster thus far has beaten Alliance, Grove City and St. Vin cent. Southern Illinois, which has won two of three games, again was named the second best team, drawing the first-place support of four coaches. Tennessee State 2-0 . fourth a week ago. moved Tiger Named Fighter Of Year NEW YORK aPIi-World mid dleweight champion Dick Tiger of I Nigeria and New York's Dr. Mar vin iMal) Stevens of football fame are the recipients today of boxing's highest honors, voted them by the World Boxing Writ ers' Association. Tiger. 3.1. gets the Edward J. Neil award for "fighter of the year" because of 19R2 ring achievements that included the capture of Gene Fullmer's 160 pound title. Dick is the first Afri can to win the award. Stevens, 60, gets the James J. Walker plaque for long and meri torious service to boxing, includ ing the past 10 years as chair man of New Ycrk state's Gener al Medical Advisory Board for Boxing. The fighter and the physician will be guests of hoVior at the box ing writers' annual dinner Jan. 13. when the plaque presentations will be made. Tiger fought three times in 1962 and scored three notable tri umphs on a sixth-round knockout over Florentino Fernandez Jan 20; on a decision over Henry Hank March 31, and on a 15 round verdict over Fullmer in their title fight at San Francisco Oct. 23. The Fullmer victory was his 47th in 60 bouts, which include It defeats and two draws. He scored 20 knockouts and never was stopped. Meanwhile. Dr. Stevens the orthopedic surgeon who played halfback at Yale and who was Yale's head football coach from 1928 to 19.12 has stimulated his eight-man medical advisory board to even more intense studies of ring precautions because of the death last March of Benny ( Kid ' Paret in New York. up one spot along with Gramblingifirst through 10th. Westminster drew a total of 287 points, an in crease of 26. while Southern Il linois had 234. Tennessee State had 201 and Grambling 193. Ten nessee State and Gramhling also drew four first-place votes, while F.vansville, Mt. St. Mary's and Lamar Tech each drew one. Sacramento Slate. 11th a week ago. held onto that spot despite splitting a pair of games in the With points awarded on a basis Camellia Bowl tournament. Can- of 10-97-6-5-4-3-2-1 for votes fromlnon was 12th. followed by Pacilic 1 Ed Machen Placed Under Observation '4-0', Prairie View A&M (4-0 Evansville '2-2 and Hofstra '2-2 Making room for their advance was Mt. St. Mary's iMd.i which dropped its third game of the season against two victories and tumbled Irom third to eighth. Wittenberg '3-0', 10th last week. advanced a notch to ninth ex changing places with Pan Ameri can i3-3i to round out the top 10. Lutheran. Southeast Oklahoma Kentucky' Wesleyan, Southeast Missouri, Northern Michigan, Ohio Wesleyan, Lamar Tech and Orange State in that order to order to round out the top 20. NEW YORK iLPI'-The United Press International small college basketball ratings iwith first-place voles and w-on-lost records in pa rentheses ' : Team Points 1. Westminster (I9 3-0 2S7 2. Southern Illinois I4 i2-D 2.14 3. Tennessee Slate 14' 2-0 201 4. Grambling 4 4-0 193 5. Prairie View A&M (4-01 144 6. Evansville 1 1 1 1 2-2 ' 1.12 ggaMMl BMBgEHBfiiratWaB THIS IS THE BIG SALE! JUCKELAND'S YEAR END I w MTITV f USED TRUCKS!! ONCE A YEAR DEALS on PICK-UPS -PANELS NAPA. Calif. d'PU Eddie Machen. top-ranked contender for Sonny Liston's world heavyweight boxing title, was under observa tion at Napa State Hospital to day as an attempted suicide. Machen, 3fl. was found in a car Wednesday with a loaded pistol and a suicide note, according to the California Highway Patrol. The CUP said he was hospitaliz ed for his own protection. "Patrolmen said the boxer was arrested near Crockett, Calif. They quoted him as saying he was despondent and did not want to live. The CHP said he was not violent at any time. Machen. frequently mentioned as a possible championship oppo nent lor Liston, was recently ranked first among heavyweight contenders by the World Boxing Association. Sid Flaherty, manager of Machen. was en route to Napa from Billings. Mont. "The last time I saw him he appeared to be in good spirits said Flaherty. "We all have our ups and downs in this game, but I don't think he had more than the average fighter." Flaherty said he last saw Ma chen three days ago. He said that at that time, "he was very en thusiastic about the prospects ol boxing tCassiusi Clay." The manager said Machen had not (ought in three or four months partly because he re ceived head cuts in an auto acci dent. A professional since 1955, Ma chen has won 41 bouts, lost four and had two draws. One of the draws came in his last bout, with Cleveland Williams in Houston. Tex. Machen, who comes from Red ding, Calif., has been knocked out only once, by Ingemar Johansson in the first round of a 1958 bout Machen lost 12-round decisions to Liston and Zora Folley and drop ped a 10-round decision to Harold Johnson. Now fighting out of Portland Ore., Machen racked up 25 straight wins before he was decked by the then-unknown Jo hansson. His 41 wins include 23 knockouts. ADDS FIVE PLAYERS MONTGOMERY. Ala. lUPH - Five new players have been add ed to the rosters for the annual Blue-Gray football game Dec. 29. Southern additions were Van- Herbilt quarterback Hank Leses- lie, Tennessee pass receiver John ny Hudson and Baylor halfback Bert Tate. Added to the North squad were Michigan guard John Minko and Notre Dame center Ed Hoerster. - MINOR CLASSIC LEAGUE W DIESELS-4 Wheel Drives plus a few passenger cars We've got to clean house before inventory If you need a good truck or pick-up, These are PRICED TO SELL ! Plus - We'll give you top dollar for your present equipment! 30 Laurcntide Fl- Late Models Older Models All Must Go Make Us an Offer! JUCKELAND MOTORS Inc. Your International Dealer 11th to 12th on Klamoth Ph. 2-2581 Lflurentide Flnnc Co. Mc Kings Potatoes Bruce Oweni Realtors Victors Acmt Concrtf Dlcs Body Shop Htrald and News Blngs Cate Personal Denture Service Bank of Klamath Falls Modoc Lumber Co. Landry Insurance Results: Blnas Cate ?. nance Co. 1; McKalgs Potaloes 4. Landry Insurance 0; Dales Body Shoo 3. Victors 1 i Personal Denture Service 4, Modoc Lumber Co. 0; Herald and News 1 Bruce Owens Realtors 1; Acme Concrete 1. Bank of Klamath Fads 2. High team game. McKalgs Potatoes 42; high team series. McKalgs Potatoes 2684; high Ind. game. Wes McKalg 224; high ind. series, Jim Dver 581., ' WEYERHAEUSER LEAGUE W No Accounts 35' i H1? Belts Shipping Studs Hard board Finishing Stand-up Shed Yardblrds Spoilers Sawmill Nu-Loc-Nuts Office Overhead Kilowatts Maintenance Supervisors Warehouse Gutter Snipes Lett Overs net. 12 results: Office Overhead 3, Shipping Studs 1; No Accounts 4, Ware house 0; Sawmill X Lett Overs 1; Gutter Snipes 3. Kilowatts t; Stand-up Shed 4. Spoilers 0; Belts 3. Rejects 1; Hardboard Finishing 4, Maintenance Supervisors 0; Yard Birds 4, Nu-Loc-Nuts 0. M.oh learn oame, No Accounts 10' 1 high team series, Yardbtrds 2935; high Ind. game. Bob Ross 235; high Ind. n ries. Bob Ross 599. HOLIDAY MINORS LEAGUE i W L 1 carae Trailer Estates 36 24 I Suburban Finance 34'i 25' 1 Klamath Auto Wreckers Mniildinacraft Inc. Superior Troy Laundry 3l' i 2B' j BRC Of A 30' I 29'? Pacific Power & Light 31' i 31" a , Bennington Steel BltJfl. Co. 77 33 , MaM Grocery 35 35 : Fine Arts 71 39 Dec. 12 results: Klamath Auto Wreck-1 ers 3, Mouldingcraft Inc. 1 ; Suburban Finance 4. Benninaton Steel Bldg Co. i Pacilic Power & Light 3, Fine Arts 1; I M&M Grocery 4, Superior Troy Laurv I dry 0; Serges Trailer Estates 4, BRC el A 22' 39 Vs 21 31 31 31 WJ&i pi innmo nntrTinmiv nrniinrn i i r r r n i n u i iiiiv hiiiii mi FOR HOLIDAY GIFTING Shearling Lamb boot. In pastel blue, vivid blue, pink, black, red, wood hue and lilac. These high-style snugglers come in women's teens' sizes 4-10. A 4.99 VALUE . Shearling-lined for warmth, streamlined for style. Gleami brown uppers, leather soles. Boys' sizes 2-6. 2.77 Men's sizes 712 C. Fur collar, moccasin slipper in blue, white, pmk, turquoise, black, lilac and tan. Missies sues 9 3, women's teens' sizes 4-10. 10. Pan American t3-3 'Oklahoma 29: 15, Kentucky Wes I ILK RAID AND NEWS. Klamath Falls. Ore. Thursday, December 13, 1962 PAGE 11 A ! df' GUARANTEED gV 17 JEWEL jj 1 WATCHES WM 1 gl 'anti-magnetic water proof, (rM0- E 3 UNBREAKABLE MAINSPRING. GUAR- M'S3!C 5 ANTEED ONE FULL YEAR. YOUR WfXC sg; choice of tifCry. 5 sj lc 17 i SAMS0NITE STREAM LITE High team game, Klamath Auto Wreck. ers 9S0; high learn series, Sarges Trail er siaies 7W, nigh ind. game, Jim McDermolt JUj high Ind. series, Jim wicuermau u. MAJOR CLASSIC LEAGUE Soud Cellar Jocks Super Market Maurys Foreign Cars Lewis Chevron ValHers Cate southern Oregon Music lucky Lanes Kingsley Jets Klamath Tractor Kingsley Voodoos Superior Troy Sixth Street Oxygen Sales Dec. I? results: Lewis Chevron-Lucky Lanai e SI. Oxyg. Superior Troy 1 3 Maurys -Kingsley Voodoos 1 3 So. Or. Music-Spud Cellar 3 1 Valuers' Cafe-Jocks Market 1 3 Kingsley Jets-Klamath Tractor 4 0 High team game, Jocks Market 841; high team series, Kingsley Jell 21 74; high ind. game, Frank Beard 261; high Ind. series, Frank Beard 673. AUTOMOTIVB LEAGUE Tims Shell Lucky Lanes Interstate Pump Carlsons West Heat Pump boos Union Klamath Cable TV East Side Electric Wilson Wiley Bgick Overhead Door Wheelers Nursery Specialized Service Dec. I? results: Bobs Union-Interstate Pump West Heal-Lucky Lanes w. Wiley Bulck-Overhead Door CarlsonS'Specialized Service East Side E let. -Tims Shell o 4 Wheelers Nursery-K. Cable TV 3 1 High team game, Bobs Union 1059; hlah team series, Tims Shell 3tS; high Ind. game, Harley Hart 237; high Ind. series, Larry Jones 611. MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Is Headquarters for A Complete Lino of SAMSON ITE And SKYWAY LUGGAGE FOR UDIlSi f bony Cty, Hawaiian (liM.Saddla Tan.Rawhldl Flnllh. FOR MENi V $ddh Tan. tbonf ' Gtty, Colorado Brown. 077 0 M 177 7 1 . Ik BASIN LEAGUE Kaler Auto Service k Paris Spudnut No. 2 Lauras Beauty Fair Pioneer Tobacco Co. Park Cabinet Pacific Supply Cooperative Spudnut C.W A. Sunrise Safety Center ideilas Grocery HRP Merits Service Supply 16 41 Results: CWA 3, HRP it Kaler Auto Service & Paris 4, Park Cabinet 0; Pio neer Tobacco Co. ?, Sunrise Service Cen- 2; Lauras Beauty Fair 2, Ideilas Gro cery 2; Pacific Supply Coop 3, Merits Service Supply 1; Spudnut No. 2 3, spud nut I. High team game, Kaler Auto Service Parts 1003; high team series. Kaler Auto Service & Parts 2130; high ind. oame, Don Eklund 2470 high Ind. series Don Eklund 63. JOLLY JINX LEAGUE Les Hohaclc Tack Room Freemans Saddlery Klamath Brick Tile Winema Hotel Bobs Flying A House of Shoes Klamalh Lumber & Bo Clydes Market Picketts Deiry Big Y Market Skyline Diesel Results: Tack Fftom Y Market 0; Les Hoback 3. Kl. Lumher A Rm 1: Rnh Flvirta A 3. Freemans Sad dlery 1; Kl. Brick 1 Tile 3. Skyline Diesel Picketts Dairy 2. House of Shoes 2. High learn game. Les Hobark 41; MQh team serle., Les Hoback 21SI; hitjh Ind. game, Barbara Hale her 204; Mgh Ind. series, Gloria Centwell S10. Q Ladies' Wardrobl .$24.95 ifTDX Htpf 1 f Ladles' ONite ... $16.95 c-&S'P' j-t- . ', Be.UlyCas $,, t ' ft; Men's Two-Suiter .$24.(5 I J 1 1 i i L , I I iff Men's Companion II Ell' sj.' : I Executive OvernisM $11.95 !U 'T JS I I I I All Meai plwi Ta j. t ' kill rJ SI f If I I' ??t -jr-. VAN HEUSEN' SAMSONITE SILHOUETTE ft century vanalux GUARANTEED WASH AND WEAR FOR THE LIFE' OF THE SHIRTI Won't Wrinkl Ever Other Van Heuicn Shirts Priced from 4.25 COMMERCIAL ? fie , . ; -"Jj"j, - ' ' it- I ' . - ' -- .', jr 'J( jt.fr ' Vomen's-Teens' PACKAGED LOUNGING SLIPPERS Fleub'e favorites in a wide choice ol styles and colors. FtLG. 994 VALUE REDUCED TO 67 S T, Deal Ptie Motors Jaynaiwk Fuel OH Ktme. Plumhmn C'ty Center Lodge Ppi Cola Lilon Aircraft Larking Ins Sars P'jehijrk O'eat No'lhern Bowers Out La"ys foortt 41 I.j Results: C-'y Center 4. LlUon Oi PD'-If. Cola 4. sears 0, Lark.n 3, Larrys I; jy ers 3, St 1; Ktmes 1- Great Northern f XSHOES shm.v hiPi tti 3 of Humnas cf swo arms for ihl lnwc FWivf. 820 Main St. Ibtit at om 200 Kirl's shoe slow in thi We:l ft1 11 13 'K; rTO3WN ,ll' ft Bf - If M w m b ' f fW h 30 :f A' A Christmai Tradition 111 r I :i PFNni.KTON iK " 1131 I I SPORT. SHIRTS: !ato.ll M machine-washable W . $C00 A ont-ward reminder for holiday shopptri: PENDLETON! Thtrt isn't a man on your iit who wouldn t chtr- ith a rob, )ocktt, or sport shirt with thil fashion label. Men's Terry Robes Plain A95 Strip. Colon lv R0baa It Eldorado Jackets Dressy ttyle, 100 wool Brown or arYr 'iei 38-44. 29.95 Kendal Sweaters candinovlon Styles. Cord ons or Pull-over. 17.95 - 24.95 Ripon Slipons Rubber sole, all sizes. Nylon 3.00o...k( 4.00 Swank Jewelry 1.50 Gift Ties 1.50 - 2.50 Esquire Sox AH sizes ploin or colors. 1.00 i f vh.k t. Rita 1 HiQh Itim o'"'- Kirtia-P.DI Cola "'fl t(U: hia l.a"i U'lai, PDI Cole h.qh Ind gamt, Oino Roi.l.'OHa 713; hiQh Ind. tantt. Olno ftotltrolla MS ( !)( APTAINS NA.MKt) MIDDLKBL'RY. Vt. 1LPI1 -Halfback David Holmm o( Belh rstia. Md., and (iuard Donald Kl mure o Stralham, N.H., will wrve as co-captains of lh Mid dlbi'ry Colifije loolball team in ISM. PHNDLETON RORKV plaiia, Urtana, alnpet. anliWl -S-M.L-XU.JI9.9i 10 j;9.95 rFNDI.KTON SPORT. SHIRTS: machtnr-washahle plaids, checlu, tartani -S-M-L-XL-J12.95 loJM95 PENDLETON ROBE-IN-A-BAG: hiKhland plaids- 1 7.95 I IS OPIN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9:00 S Kl.m.lh S12 Main, frtt porting 5th K.' f I