Non-Farm Pay Sets Record WASHINGTON (UPI) - Non farm payroll employment set a November record and average hourly earnings of factory work ers crept up by a penny to an other new high, the Labor Depart ment reported today. Its monthly survey of the em ployment picture found the work week lengthening in November, a month in which it usually grows shorter. Developments reported by the department were pretty much in line with normal seasonal changes' and indicated n particular strength or weakness in the economy. Toys For (Pods! C&H GOOSE DECOYS Fiberglass, Honkers. 4 head positions. Reg. 33.50 29 dox GUN CASES Big Selection 395 All Rods, Reels Reduced! For example: Mitchell "300" 4 QC Complete with 2 Spools. I fv Also Savings On Creels, Tackle Boxes, Etc.! RIFLE SCOPES All Makes from 24so Only $5 Down 22-Rifle Scopes 7.95 and 9.99 with Mount! BILLFOLDS By Cameo and Buxton in beautiful leathers. 395 tax CASE BRAND POCKET KNIVES Demand the Best 95 from 1 mm lira wpl MEN'S DOWN-FILLED COATS and JACKETS Warm, lightweight Nylon or Duck ".11 Covers, W 39 95 Insulated Underwear a Dacron filled Per Suit Scott Foam Filled, Per Suit He1 dwetm fk FINEST! r7E9r'fim NEW FOR 1963 We're htatqvorftrs for MERRY MARINE GIFTS 00 Merc 60 rwin hat biff iclvti feature In m ghiweioht package t49i Ibt V With ih w-edle, OliaVAngU tlonled tfoiign, full gear thill, quiet prp-allr hub hautt nd PQ ihftff dm. Ih Mere 60 give-) penny pinhinp miwmr and MilltAA dollar ptforman doy ftor-doy frm tlntMpeed troll Ing tm planing ft tiling b-Mt with tw man. nor 0" 1195 W I 264 20.00 Down PUTTER AND PRACTICE KIT Complete bomt w oftwt pm-a-Improvlnf putter Ml contains PUlltf. JI belli and IKtK diK. A fift lo liht kb any foil ' yi Complete wi.. rnrt 18 95 ICE SKATES Ik Children's Ico Skates 695 Q95 and O Men's and Ladies" 95 10'and 13 13.95 Skoto is Curon Insulated WE TRADE Bring in Your Old Skates Now! Used Skates 2",. 6" Machine Washable PENDLETON SHIRTS 12".o 14" Alwoyi 100e virgin wool beautiful, au thentic tartan plaids in ihirts that ar at rugged and colorful at all out doori. Mako surt ha has at I no it ont Pendle ton for Christmas, Sites SML-XL. Sleeping Bags On Sale 16" By Whit. Stogq ond Hiruh-Wo.ll. special sola prices. For example: 5-lb. thcrmofil, regularly 21.9 All f.KCE lft-A Wrdnrtday, Drc-ember Vt, 1S62 IIKRAi.D AND NEWS. Klamath Fills. Orr. Dad's Difficult Age Upsets Happy Time Pershing Missile Gets Flight Check rDP fAV AtCD At Fl- U U-llit., imDarinn tuctAm 1Hi rru.L-ot haelmof hill ttnA A 714 Main Shop Friday till 9 P2 By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: Is it possi ble that men go through t h e menopause as women do? My husband is 50. We have four grown chil dren and seven grand children, our lovely home is paid lor, we have no finan- lil 8 iniiil this should be. as the poets say, "the time of life for which the first was made." About two years ago my hus band began to get cranky and irritable. He found fault with my cooking, fussed about the way his shirts looked, complained that my hair-do wasn't right. Nothing suit ed him. During the presidential elections he fought with every one. He didn't like Kennedy or Nixon and finally voted for his own write-in candidate Hoot Gibson. These last few months he has become sullen and withdrawn. He has lost interest in poker, bowl ing and lodge work. His personal ity is totally different from what it was three years ago. Can it he the male menopause? Mrs. L.K Dear Mrs. L.K.: Men do not experience menopause in the same sense (hat women do. The per. sonalfty change you describe sometimes occurs in men when they reach their mid-40s or early 50s, which is the corresponding age for "the change" In women. Your husband should have a complete physical check-up. If nothing Is organically wnpng. the physician probably will rccom mend a psychiatrist. Dear Ann Landers: Our son de livers papers and takes his job seriously. The problem 1 am writ ing about is the lack of consider ation shown by some of his customers. NKW MISSILE DESTROYER CHARLESTON, S.C. lUPD The Navy commissioned its new est missile destroyer, the USS .Semmes, Monday. Adm. Robert B. Carney, former chief of naval operations, called the ship "a symbol of the age in which we live." The Semmes, attached lo Flo tilla 6 here, is aimed with Tar tar antiaircralt missiles and an antisubmarine weapons system capable of firing torpedoes or mi clear dcplh charges at long range. . Ben's territory includes many apartment buildings. People move out left and right, leaving no forwarding address, and Ben gets stuck with the bill. Maybe they don't realize it's the carrier boy who is left holding the bag. Then there are always folks who are slow-pay and the boy has to come back two and three limes lo get his money. This isn't lair. Ben has had to travel many extra miles, doubling back for collections in all kinds of weath er. I wish you'd remind people Ann, that the carrier boy is trying to be a good little businessman and he deserves a break. Thank you D.L. Dear D.L.: The carrier boys are industrious youngsters who should be rewarded for their ef forts, not exploited because of their yriuth. And they are very important young men in my life. I couldn't get this column to many of you without them, so please treat 'em good, folks. Dear Ann Landers: My wife has a girlhood friend who Inst her husband six months ago. This woman is a gossip and a trouble maker. I find her presence in our home a serious irritant. Since she has been widowed she parks her self here for dinner at least twice a week. ' . Our dinner hour used to be spent in family discussion. No more. This elattertrap monopoliz es every conversation with her petty gossip. I don't like our chil dren to hear this drivel. She has no judgment whatever and will say anything that comes to her mind. I've told my wife how I feel but she insists the woman is lonely ind needs the support of her friends. I admire my wife's gener osity, but this woman's, frequent presence in our home is damag ing our family life. Am I hard hearted? I need your opinion AGAINST GOSSIP-MONGERING Dear Against: If your wife wants to be a good kid let her listen to the mudslinging during the daytime. The rest of the fam ily ought not he subjected to it. Insist that the dinner invita tions be cut way back like once n month. Your wife is overdoing the t.ond Samaritan bit at the expense of her lamily. A submarine flanked by two dolphins Is Hie insignia of (he U.S. Navy submarine service. i CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla UPI i The Army Eave its new Pershing missile a good going over in a test flight Monday night and the rocket proved it could take almost anything dished up. The needle-nose Pershing was lired on a grueling zig - zag course through the sky. It pulled out of the planned trouble with out a hitch, and parked its nose cone squarely on target down- range. The unusual flight path was built into the trajectory to try out ithe guidance system's ability tol Pershing system. The rocket hasiover hill and dale on broad cope wun trouDie. 10 oe oum so u can wiinaiana tracked vehicles. Durability is a requisite of thelthe strain of being transported! Long School Hours Voted The Board of Directors of School District 2 moved that KU continue to operate on an extend ed schedule during the 1963-64 school year. The motion came during the board's regular meeting at the Administration Building Monday night. In other business, the board ac cepted the resignations of two KU teachers. Norma Sherrell and Alice Waldron. The KU school year closing dates were also confirmed. Bac calaureat will be on June 2 and commencement is set for June 4. Park & Shop 1-Stop Christmas Shopping DOWNTOWN Klamath Falls ECONO-CLEAN DRY CLEANING PROFESSIONALLY cleaned and spotted 10 - s2 If you bring In and pickup. Pick-up and Delivery Service 50c per order extra. QUICK SERVICE! Any Garment beautifully finished out of the above service at regular charge. CASCADE Laundry & Cleaneri Opp Post. Office Ph. 4-5111 or 2-2531 BROADWAY CLEANERS 4613 So. tin Ph. 4-6403 NEW METHOD CLEANERS 1453 Eiplonade Ph. 4-4471 LUCAS DECEMBER SALE! SIMMONS BED SPECIAL $79.95 Value! SAVE $20 5995 TWIN Size Only! Complete Set Brass Headboard, Metal Frame with Nvlon Cast ers, Simmons Mattress with hundreds of coils, and matching Box Springs. Hurry for these. S10 and S10 A SIMMON MATTRESS and BOX SPRINGS SET "COMFORT-QUILT" 312 Coils Twin or full set - Down Month SHOP EVERY DEPARTMENT FOR SENSATIONAL SAYINGS! I I I J III I M k V"fl! jjj (Both Piece,) fV J r rANNSEAL1 PROTECTION 7 v'- process forms lotting "boc , lirial bonier" to inhibit ' r t growth of germs, moW J 7 ""' mildew. Hygienic. ' Sanitary. fn ocls to f . V prtvtnf odors. uwmtuwe 19B EAST MAIN Between Main Street Underpass and Mills School Enjoy dishwashing n there's "T 3 iway... o x m . m forget NQ3j That's the only 'way to enjoy f ViV "7 I dishwashing. And the only way 1 fAi-!J pi I to forget it is to. let an automatic I VS: A IHSIIWASIIKll 1 The arcnrc horn ..-maker (dishwasher-less, that is) spends at least :;n hour a day 365 hours a year with her hands in the fink. Now handwashing dirty dii-hes, pots and pans is the most unrewarding and unnecessary of all household chore?. Also one of the least sanitary, come to think of it. . Dismiss dishwashing drudgery forever! Sanitize your dishes, utensils, and silver in scalding water and strong detergents w hich hands won't stand but a dishwasher can! Give the lady of your house extra hours and the family better health with an electric dishwasher permanent, portable or convertible! PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT rj FOR ANY HOMEMAKER. . . AX AUTOMATIC ELECT1UC IMSIIWASIII II! -See our favorite CaL Ore I'.irtiriral Lraruc Dealer. A.i about easy trrtni.