PAGE 13-B Wednesday, December 12, 1962 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falli. Ore. Foodstuff Anmrar to Previous Pun! ACROSS ' 2 Food partner of turn 4 Pickled red 8 String -a 12 Caviar 13 Norwegian capital moon-cod 37 Combat 39 Piquancy 40 Eras 41 Jewel 42 Bridal path 45 Stays 49 Flight of (lain 61 Bs sick j i- ' i--!--. 52 Color 15 Place (or duuog g 21 I" J ft Overflows IS Colonized 20 Region 21 Fairy tort 22 Measures of cloth 24 Mimicker 26 Adored one) 27 Jurisdiction tvar.) Mnrl p,rrl,ff 32 Gambling house """. 34 Expunges f,v"d 35 Stage whisper! 7 Unit of weight O Bruins M Beverage 65 Dirk 66 Expired 67 Mariner's direction DO WW 1 Discord goddess B Departed 3 Refined male 4 Kbulliates C r eole IM'E ar e ri (I Italian community 10 Bewildered 11 Promontory 17 City in Oregon 19 Wearies 23 Not general 24 High cards 25 Equal (comb, form) Upshot 27 Salt pork fpL) 28 Individuals 29 Price 31 Business book 33 Measurement SR Get away 40 Identical 41 Avarice 42 Vipers 43 Itinerant fab.) 44 Rational 46 Lanssan mountain 47 Binds 48 Chopped eabbaee N) Vulgar Mlow. l"2 3 I 1 15 16 17 I 8 9 110 111 12 13 i 15 i& 17. 18 19 r 20 " ' 2l 3" 23 2 125 ""26 1 27 128 129 30 3T " 32 33 34 " 33 35 37 38 "H 35 "" " 40 41 42 143 144 45"" 46 47 148 49" 50 " 5T " 52 53 54 53 56 57 ) n Peace Probe Defied By Angry Woman, Ex-FBI Agent, Legislator WASHINGTON (UPH The House Committee on Un-American Activities opened an investigation today into American peace move ments and found itself denounced by an angry woman, a former FBI agent, and a Democratic con gressman. In rapid fire order: Perfect Grades Made By Pair MERRILL Two students at Merrill High School received per fect cards during the last six week period. They were Dennis Barry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barry, and Marion Bowlsby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bowlsby. Other students making honor! roll grades were: Seniors, Dennis Barry, Lynn Pope and Collccnl Crockett: juniors, Lois Hobson, Jean Lyman and Sue Kandra; sophomores, Sylvia Andrieu, Judy Hardcsty, Eric Haskins. Larry Conner and Marion Bowlsby; freshmen, Alice Moore, Nancy Kandra, Ronald Cunningham and Glcnna Deboy. A Scarsdale, N.Y., woman. Mrs. Blanche Posner, invoked the 5th Amendment and refused to tell the investigators if she was an official of the Women's Strike for Peace Movement. A former FBI agent. Jack Levine, jumped up during the hearing and demanded that the congressmen stop their investiga tion of the peace groups. "It's just disgraceful," Levine yelled at the committee. Levine, who spent 11 months with the FBI in I960 and 1961, resigned and subsequently wrote an article criticizing FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, was hustled from the hearing room by three capitol policemen. He told report ers he jumped up because 1 just became so aroused." Says Citizens Intimidated Before the hearings started, Rep. William F. Ryan, D-N.Y., issued a statement saying "t h e hearings apparently are intended ta discredit the Women's Strike for Peace and to cast doubt upon the loyalty of those active in it. The action of the committee in duces conformity of thought and action and intimidates citizens who are seeking to express their concern for peace." George Lincoln Rockwell, lead er of the American Nazi party, also attended the hearings. W ear ing civilian clothes instead of the Nazi .uniform he usually dons, in public, Rockwell stood quietly in back of the hearing room. Levine's outburst came during the committee's questioning of Mrs. Posner. Rep. William M Tuck, D-Va., had just finished tell ing her that "any patriotic Ameri can" should be uillir.g to answer such a question as that posed to her by House investigators. The investigation is designed to see if there is any possible Com munist infiltration of the peace movements.' Doubts Red Control Levine told reporters that if there were Communist in the peace groups, they hat 'no sig nificant control." He aaded that "if you looked hard enough, you might even find a Communist in the Boy Scouts." Mrs. Posner told Investigators that'the Women's Strike for Peace Movement now more than a year old was "inspired by mothers' love for their children. But she refused to answer com mittee counsel Alfred P. Nittle's question about her connection with the group. Mrs. Posner appeared alter Richard Flink, a young New York lawyer, told the committee he was offered political campaign funds by Russian diplomats in exchange for speeches urging trade with the Soviet bloc and support of peace groups. Flink reported the approach to the FBI and the two Soviet dip lomats were ordered out of the country. Another woman witness, Mrs. Ruth E. Meyers, Roslyn. N.Y., in voked the First and Fifth amend ments when asked if she was a Communist party member. Later, outside the hearing room, she told CHIP DIP S TAQrr fCAVOBS 1 reporters she had never been a Communist. On the witness stand, she de nied she had ever signed a nomi nating petition for a Communist party political candidate and an swered questions about ber per sona! activities in the peace movement. The American marten is a close relative of the Russian sable. EMERGENCIES and ESTIMATES BUD' KENNEY Plumbing & Heating 112 S. HUl TU 4-37S3 an)llm LEAVE YOUR CLOTHES WHILE YOU SHOP Fast, Efficient Service THE LAUNDERETTE Owens ot 6th Ph. TU 4-6371 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9:00 1 ENJOY A CLEAN CAR ALL WINTER Call Sparkle Car Wash 4023 S. 6th Ph. TU 4-5J43 Henley Grade School Honor Roll Announced The Henley Grade School honorj roll for the grading period end ing Nov. 30 is as follows: Fourth grade: John Forster, Su san Hilyard, Morris Kammerer, Laurel Ramsey, Tallah Ramsey, Blanche Sabo, Frank Stanko, Paul Vassallo, Alice Wasson and Su san WhitJalch. Fifth grade: Susan Bailey. Betty Bond, Wendy Dean, Greg ory Dixon, Mike Hess, Dale Ann Klem, Marallce Reppe and Terry House. Sixth grade: Vickie Baumgard- ner, Pamela Decker, Glenda Ha- worth, Linda Kammerer, Marian Maxwell, Mary Rice. Janice Schmidli, Trudy Sukraw and Nan cy Williams. Seventh grade: Barry Bond, De- anna Croft, Nonic Dingier. Mar sha Dixon, Anne Knapp, Teresa Lamkins, Jeri Rice. Shirley Smith, ALBANY (UP1) Perrv Far- Steven Swisher Dan whiilairh ley, 34, Albany, pleaded guilty to Larry Whillnlch and Mary Dixon, a manslaughter charge 1ndiiy jaia in connection with the fatal shoot. 1 ing ot ms nroincr-in-ihw ana was sentenced to 12 years In the slate penitentiary. A charge of first degree murder in the fatal shooting Nov. 26 near here of Leonard Brown, .36, was reduced to manslaughter by the Linn County grand jury. j Sentence was pronounced by. Circuit Judge Wendell Tompkins. Pleads Guilty To Shooting Sensational Gift only Bausch & Lomb BALISCOPE 10 Telescope A gift anyone can enjoy a quality U.S. made 10 power tele scope that you can take any where. Come in and inspect the Baliscope 10. You'll want one for yourself, too. Handy Belt Carrying Case only 98c ca7 jry SV $95 Mi - a M 4 wi 706 Main and Town & Country m SEEK BROADCAST COVERAGE WASHINGTON (UPI) - The! White House is seeking permis sion for radio and television cov erage of President Kennedy's speech Friday night to the Eco nomic Club of New York. i The club has a rule against broadcasting its meetings. Bui press secretary Pierre Salinger said Tuesday the White House was exploring tile possibility ol broadcasting the speech because of the New York newspaper strike. At Shaw Stationery I A-B-DICK" I MIMEOGRAPH PRODUCTS DUPLICATING mm "-. 'Ill t. MIMEOGRAPH IT! There's no mess with today's A. B. Dick electric mimeograph. Automatic inking and ink recovery mean clean operation uniform copies from first to last. A wide strip ol clean stencil at each end keeps the ink oft your fingers. And copies coma out dry, eliminating slip sheeting. In addition, the A. B. Dick mimeo graph gives you variable speed from 50 to 200 copies in a minute positive paper fearj systsm guards against jams and misses print-like copies at i fraction of the cost ol printing Call us today for a demonstration ef today's A. B. Dick electric mimeo graph and trade-in appraisal of your present duplicator. for um with j masse 0 tulUbk MtVKlt SHAW STATIONERY CO. 729 Main TU 2-2S8 IIMI.IMI.I I.IUI.IIM For Your Youngsters Practical, Wearable Gifts Are Always Appreciated! Girls' All Weather Coats 4 OFF Regular Price Colors of Soge Green, Rust and Blue Orion Pile Lining & Trim. Sizes 3 to 1 4 years. TODDLERS Red Velvet JUMPERS An adorable little outl with a White Blouse. $i49 6 Girls' 2 Piece 'Butcher Boy' $y 49 Spruce Green with Red Applique Trim. Sizes 2-3x BROTHER & SISTER HOLIDAY SETS These are really cute. Dutch Suede Scarlet Pants & Sleeveless Ty- $ 69 rolean Vest with White Blouse & Shirts. TERRIFIC VALUE ... tct Buy on Revolving Charge or Lay-Away! Low, Low Prices Plus "S&H" Green Stamps Ion I azaar "The Pick of the Smartest Fashions For Home, Campus, Career & Christmas" 4480 South 6th Next to Oregon Food $ i rL3t No Money I Ipfr Down i 11 -EfcarCHWr 24 Moc to Pav & F0R TGiFt'oF A LIFETIME.; GIVE I I k nt A sV M Pnin A IVI fijrr brilliant diamonds now at pre-Chrisrmas money-iaving prices, fj J?. J yj II tryn p rP vYS Wedding sets, engagement rings, cocktail styles and a special holi. gr, $ Large Size AAnc Wj&W P FREE I Reg. 28.95 JJ J 7 J ( J ' A Movie Camera wi Ml Jv V.l ? iJJ KB 10 I H wit" "or Diomond ' Now Only jT t VV MH k& J t VIB purehos. of $,50.oo .J tOZ' AUTOMATIC CRM 1$) llir pj. (Wi SPRAY, STEAM AND W AND WAFFLE BAKER flffifc PORTABLE MIXER B3rs4l fes 5 0 WDRYIR0N D C A )h7 CUSTOMER ft - nrinH m ihui Imh Reversible Grids . Wfighs less than 3 pounds .ajfcViw ' I TIY V i ft 1 X.iS!? . Ternperslure Control . Knife Sharpener .ccsor TTv (tfV I X?JL j V... P.i, :S 4' 1 i.-.yi?JLoa SignL.jhi available KIK eMtk I isrM!V3 Tour Price Jl Vt II is dry iron . Three Control Speed fcslLViJi ft wAii.1 s j iibi iiik tm m hh mm trwa n skii mm h u m nil mm mm tfXZmL ...Vi1" II' msi nns I PHONUuKAfn 1 io-cuP six, S HAI UKTtK I 1 mm nnAAP rtrr. I i-mA n.W II Kmm ..29.95 MA Nr II Now Only . .1 IV B t: I mmtmammmwmmmamuma1mamm i t f if f I FOR THE PRETTIEST HAIR ... IN THE FASTEST TIME Dries hair more than twice as fast as old-stylo hand-held models. Straps to waist so vou can cook, sew, iron os hair dries. Adjustable bouffant bonnet fits over largest rollers . . . has reach-in top. Three heat selections plus a cool. Comes in smart oyster-white travel ease. f 30 ID pi ft m Sunbeam Automatic Percolator 10-Cup Size Reg. 19.95 Now Only IS 1 renuani ft vampicie wun 14K gold choin Koqcrs nfl L Price ww my i 0"y L Xfjj 17 Jewel Cuff Link WATCHES your choite-- -Men's or la die's LIFETIME MAINSPRING EXPANSION BAND. . .now, Tie Bar Sets While "4 A C They Last US JSi 98 Western Belt Buckles , c REMINGTON ROLLAMATIC Electric Shaver Reg. 28.50 ffllPVf: 88 Kll 11 iSffl 1 "X 50c A WEEK NO MONEY DOWN Brownie 8 MOVIE CAMERA New Super Speed SCHICK ELECTRIC RAZOR f Reg. v 31.50 b mm m Koaeri ii n ir inSSl " m I pi. H6 No Money : rl X " w 1 Down V- m a m m " a 1095 717 Main f Ph. TU 4-4443 Ki.m.,h f.iu, o,., For Regular or '! Touah Beards Washable Heads