PAGE Z B HERALD AND Musial To After '63 .. MILWAUKEE (UPD -Stan (The Man) Musia!, who has been the mainstay of the St. Louis Cardinals since 1941. 6aid Tues day the 1963 baseball season would be his last as a player. "One more season, that's all," ' said the 42-year-old Cardinal slug- ' ger, who broke six major league ' records and tied one this past season. "I still think I can help the - Cardinals, so I'll stay with them . in 1963, but no longer, he said. Pal Joy Award Musial, who has won the Na tional League batting title seven times, was here to accept the an nual "Pal Joey" award, present ed to the athlete who "best ex cmplifies high values and stand -ards both on and olf tne tield. ;:The award is given by the SI 1 Joseph Home for Children. Judge Robert C. Cannon, the counsel for the major league baseball players association, made "the presentation. Cannon called Musial "America's greatest ath . lele." . Among other guests at the din- - ner were comedian Joe E. Brown .' San Francisco Giants outfielder ; Harvey Kuehn. Pittsburgh Pirate inficlder Johnny Logan, former New York Yankee pitching great Vernon (Lefty) Gomez, and two of the new owners of the Milwau kee Braves, William Bartholomay . and Thomas Reynolds. Braves' Owners Young : "I'm glad to see the new own- iers of the Braves are younger College Scores By United Press International East Rutgers 88 Columbia 68 Williams 74 Trinity (Conn.) 65 Kutztown 83 Delaware Val. 33 LeMoyne (N.Y.) 74 Hobart 42 . Dickinson 67 Ursinus 64 Rider 99 Lincoln (Pa.) 52 ;. Maine 64 Bates 57 IrPenn St. 62 Colgate 40 v Gannon 76 Stoubenville 75 . ."jPhila. Textile 106 Bowie St. 61 . " Mass. Tech 72 Bowdoin 60 ;:-Tufts 112 Lowell Tech 70 ,v Jersey City St. 73 Newark St. 59 , iJBrandeu 71 Worcester Poly 54 ' VBoslon U. 79 Suffolk 58 'Buffalo St. 77 McMaster U. 66 Ctntland 72 Oswego 61 . - Boston Col. 59 Yale 57 South Bethany (W.Va.) 94 Wheeling 61 N. Car. St. 76 Maryland 74 Johns Hopkins 74 Towson St. Moorhead St. 55 Mayville St. Vlr. Mil. 74 Geo. Wash. 73 Duke 90 Vandcrbilt 70 Wil. Si Mary 71 Virginia 69 W. Virginia 78 Richmond 59 Duquesne 68 Geo.'twn (D.C.) 56 W. Vir. St. 93 Mor. Harvey 90 King Col, at Wash. & Lee 58 Wake For. 75 St. Jos. (Pa.) 46 Gnllnudet 57 D. C. Tchrs. 51 Cumberland B6 Belmont 80 Midwest Fenn vs. Slip. Hock at Clev. Ppd. Notre Dame 82 W'lrn Mich. 68 Capital 82 Wilmington 72 HI. Ins. Tech 80 Chi. Tchrs. 71 Eureka 51 Chi. Br. III. U. 44 Wash. (Mo.) U. 90 Mo. Mines 74 S.Wrn (Kan.) U. 75 Friends U. 42 Sou Ui west Southwestern (Kans.) U. 75 Friends U. 42 Ark. Col. 72 Ark. A&M 70 Tex. ASM 80 S'rn Miss. 61 Baylor 90 Trinity (Tex.) 70 McMurry 94 How. Payne 90 Corpus Christ! 89 St. Mary's (Tex.) 81 Tex. Wes. 91 Austin Col. 68 West A. Force 58 Hard -Simns 37 Frosno St. 5t San Jose St. 42 Simla Clara 72 Wichita 67 Oregon Tech 58 Humboldt St. 54 Washington St. 70 (lonzaga 66 Pomona 70 IVcrne 34 Pcppcrdine 82 San Dipgo 6 AVAILABLE AGAIN! GOOD NEWS! Cavalier Vodka has returned to the shelves slier a short "dry spell". Thanks for your patience. Shop today for your enjoyment tonight. PROOF VODKA 103 cava HIGHEST IN QUALITY DRIEST IN TASTE DISTILLED FROM GRAIN 103 PROOF CONTINCNTAL DISTILLING CORP, PHI LA. NEWS. Klamath Falls. Ore. Call Ball than I am. That's what baseball needs more young blood," Mu sial said. Musial. still looking trim as a rookie, praised Cannon by saying that relations between major league players and owners have "never been belter than they are now. Bob Jencks Tops College Kickers NEW YORK (UPD-Bob Jencks of Miami (Ohio) captured kicking honors for the 1962 college foot ball season when he tied one modem record and shared the lead in two kicking departments. Jencks booted eight field goals for a three-year total of 17, ac cording to official statistics re leased today by the NCAA Serv ice Bureau. This equaled tne ca reer mark set by Ed Dyas of Au burn from 1958-60. The eight three-pointers enabled Jencks to share the major college season title with Woody Woodall of Au burn. A 6-foot, 5-inch 222-pounder, Jencks applied much of his pow er to his foot to register a total Alturas Will Host Cage Meet ALTURAS A and B basketball squads from three states will take part in the annual Holiday Bas-, kctball Tournament to be held at Modoc Union High School in. Alturas Friday and Saturday. Tliis is the sixth annual tourna ment sponsored by the Modoc Union High School under the di rection of Wallace Griswold. Cali fornia, Oregon and Novada will be represented In the tri-state play. The tournament will be handled on a double elimination basis sim ilar to the American Legion base ball national tourneys. One loss and a team goes to the consola tion bracket; two losses and thoi team is eliminated. There will be1 two tourney winners, the tourna ment winner and consolation win ner. Team schedules are "A" Fri day. Burns, Oregon vs. Big Val ley; Lassen vs. Stewart (Nevada); Modoc vs. Trinity (Weaverville); Fall River vs. Surprise Valley. B" Schedule Friday, Surprise Valley vs; Paisley, Ore.; Modoc vs. Big Valley; bye, Lassen High and Fall River Mills (automatic semiflnalist). 3 iiAimTilil win 1 JACK THE ; MOST USEFUL GIFT FOR A MAN'S XMAS PRICE 23 00 FOR SALE AT BUCK DAVIDSON SALE' & SERVICE 32S S. tin Ph. 4-8736S WMMKIV $480 $Q05 45QT. W PINT 5QT. m L. EH Wednesday, December 12, 1962 It Quits Season He said much of the credit can go to the job Cannon is doing for the players. Musial, who stopped here on his way to St. Louis from Penn sylvania, said major league base ball is in "wonderful condition, and he looked for even more im provement. of 48 points by kicking alone. This tied him with Bill Wcllstead of Dartmouth for the national lead. In addition to his field goal prowess, Jencks booted 24 of 26 point-after attempts. Best Conversion Mark However, tne host conversion mark was turned in by Gary Kroner of Wisconsin, who estab lished an all-time record with 27 after-touchdown boots without miss. John Scedborg of Arizona State registered the most conver sions with 37, missing only two. and John Gavin of the Air Force kicked the season's longest field goal, 55 yards against Miami iFla.). Donnie Frederick of Wake For est handled 29 kickoff returns- more than anyone ever did be fore and ran them back for 660 yards to lead the nation in that department. The 5-10, 175 poundcr averaged 22.8 yards per return, far less than the 39.9 yard average turned in by Alabama's Butch Wilson on just eight re turns. Paces Punters Joe Don Looncy of Oklahoma paced all kickers in punting with a 43.4 yard average and Darrcll Roberta of Utah State was most proficient in returning punls with a total of 333 yards on 16 chances. One man who proved adept at both ends of the field was sopho more fullback Dave Marion of Wyoming who was second to Looncy in kicking punls (42.9) and led the country in punt-run-back averages with a 27.1 yard mark on nine carries. Byron Beaver of Houston led in interceptions with 10 and Jim McGowan of Boston College gained the most ground with terccpted passes, 182 yards. Team leaders included Wyo ming (punting), forward pass in terceptions (Memphis Slate), punt returns (West Texas Slate) and kickoff returns (Alabama). ure. 1 ' I - m ZJMsrr ?r:.'-: T-5 7 BAYLOR MAKES GRAB Los Angeles Lakers, Elgin Baylor 1221 leapt high ai he tries for a rebound in the opener of NBA doubleheader at Madison Square Garden Tuesday night. Baylor's 42 points led the Lakers to a 124-121 win over the Cincinnati Royals. Laker player at left is Frank Selvy (III. UPI Telephoto Hawaii Islanders Bought By Trio Of Businessmen HONOLULU I UPD - The Ha waii team of the newly-formed Pacific Coast league had a new batch of owners today. They purchased the club Tucs day from Nick Morgan Jr., who only two years ago moved the Sacramento franchise to Honolulu. The new buyers included multi millionaire Ben Dellingham, who had earlier this year purchased holding in the team; financier Chinn Ho and businessman Fran cis H. Brown. Brown was named chairman of the board. Purchase price was not an nounced, but it was disclosed that the new owners would assume debts and obligations incurred by the club up to $112,500. Morgan, during two years of operation in Hawaii, lost more than $200,000. The new owners also voted to! give Morgan $iw,uuu in non accumulative, non- voting, non - trnnsfcrrnhle preferred stock in the club. The new group also an Many Customer Parking Lots For DOWNTOWN Xmas Shopping 'ay Your ii Having good credit is im portant in anything you do. If you're trying to get on steady at a job you like ... or qualifying for a professional license ... or being interviewed for an important position . . . or taking a step in a business of your own... . . . whatever youVe doing, good credit can be the differ ence between success and fail Your Credi t'f nounced that it will hold a public stock sale with the public invited to purchase $185,500 worth of hold ing in the team. The Islanders have a working agreement with the Los Angeles Angels. Morgan said mat he saw "a great future for the Islanders un der the new alignment. It is a tremendous thing for Hawaii and I think the people of Hawaii de serve it." ALOUETTES SIGN LINEMAN MONTREAL (UPD-The Mont real Aloucttes announced today the signing of interior lineman Dick Walton, the second Iowa State football player to sign with the Canadian team in three days. Sunday the Als announced the signing ol quarterback-haltback Dave Hoppmann. the Cyclones total offense leader for the past three years. Tom & Jerry BATTER Duke, West Virginia Grab Wins By TIM MORIARTY L'PI Sports Writer Art Heyman of Duke is fre quently referred to as a "one man team," but that's a misnom er. The Blue Devils' 6-foot-5 "im port" from Rockville Centre, N.Y., has at least two other sidekicks who know how to score, too. Heyman, who averaged 32 points game as second-ranked Duke won its iirst three games, was held to 13 Tuesday night by a sticky Vanderbilt delense. How ever, 6-10 Jay Buckley and 6-4 Jeff Mullins took up the slack to lead the Blue Devils to a 90-70 victory at Durham, N.C. Mullins tossed in 22 points and Buckley added 21 as Duke ran its Gotham Bowl Kinks Ironed Out, Game On As Planned NEW YORK (UPD-The Goth am Bowl game is on. Bob Curran, executive director of the Gotham Bowl, says "all kinks have been ironed out" and the game between the University of Miami (Fla.) and Nebraska will be played as originally scheduled Saturday at Yankee Stadium. The chief kink was a $60,000 guarantee demanded by both teams, and Curran said the sum will be placed in escrow today inc money is Doing put up and the game is on, Curran de clared. "I can also say that the Gotham Bowl game definitely will be televised. Earlier in the week both teams had indicated they might pull out of the game if the money was not put in escrow but officials of both universities apparently have been satisfied since then. Curran said he could not yet reveal which network will tele vise the contest but added an an- FUEL OIL DELIVERED 7 DAYS A WEEK Ph. TU 4-6788 7 DAYS A WEEK Ph. TU 4-6788 Jay Hawk PETROLEUM 2135 So. 6th " or So. 6th and Crest t mm season record to 4-0 and gave ev ery indication it is ready to chal lenge top-ranked Cincinnati for national honors this season. Vanderbilt, led by Roger Schu rig. who accounted for 15 of his team's 29 field goals and 32 points, trailed by only 41-33 at halftime. But Duke turned it on in the second half, opening a 22 point lead with eight minutes left to play. West Virginia Wins West Virginia, the only other member of the UPI top 10 in ac tion Tuesday night, rolled to a 78 59 triumph over Richmond at Morgantown, W. Va. The 10th ranked Mountaineers played with out the services of their star. Rod Thorn, who suffered an ankle in nouocemcnt would be forthcoming shortly. Despite the escrow situation! and New York's newspaper strike. Joe Gustafson, ticket man ager for the game, said Tues day's ticket sales were "the best yet." ' . "We did 30 per cent more sell ing of tickets yesterday than we did on any other day since the sale started," Gustafson said. AL1L jlTB1 an .... , axK&ifctitf Different? Definitely! The new 'Jeep' Wagoneer is the first station : wagon ever built to offer the comfort, silence, speed and smoothness of a ' passenger car-plus the safety and traction of 4-wheel drive. The 'Jeep' Wagoneer is the one family wagon you can drive almost anywhere, in almost any kind of weather. It's the first and only 4-wheel drive wagon with optional automatic transmission and independent Iront suspension. The 'Jeep' Wagoneer features the power and economy of America's first and only automotive overhead camshaft engine, the Tornado-OHC. It has the most usable cargo space. ..both high end wide. It's also available in 2-whcel drive I Clll ItCIV I models. Step in. Size it up. Try it out at jfv . your 'Jeep' Dealer's, today! I Oil JCCD WUJ.YS MOTORS, WORUJ'B LARGEST MANUFACTURER OT 4-WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES. JOE FISHER 677 So. 7th St. Klamath Falls, Ore. KAISER-WILLYS PRESENTS THE LLOYD BRIDGES SHOW FRI. 1 0.30 P.M. jury in last Saturday night's loss caroms to 29 for the Pennsylvan to fourth-ranked Ohio State. ians. Dave Wiedeman was cred Richmond twice held nine-point ited with 17 rebounds and added leads during the first half and led 13 points for Wake Forest, at intermission. 33-30. The Moun- Elsewhere. Boston College taineers found the range, though. edged Yale. 59-57; Dennis Cuff's in the second hall and reeled ottizb points sparked Uuquesne to a 14 consecutive points during a 1 68-56 victory over Georgetown; four-minute span to. snare the.Penn State whipped Colgate, 62 Spiders. :40; William and Mary outlasted Unbeaten Notre Dame overpow ered Western Michigan. 82-68, for its fifth straight victory. North Carolina State nipped Maryland, 76-74, in overtime and Wake For est handed St. Joseph's iPa.l its! first loss of the season, 75-46, in other major games. OKSoImIc Sophomore Walt Sahm tolalediSV W VJTTICIUlS 27 Doints and 27 rebounds for the I Irish and held Western Michigan center Dennis Griffin scoreless Larry Sheffield added 24 points (or Notre Dame, which pulled away in the second half alter holding a 36-32 halltime advan tage. Only Basket Wins Center John Key's only basket of the night with one second left in overtime gave North Carolina State its victory over Maryland. It was the 12th straight defeat for the Terrapins, who tied the score at 68-all at the end of regulation time on a 20-foot jumper by Bob Eicher. Superior rebounding helped Wake Forest down St. Joseoh's. 'The Deacons picked olf 63 meet a, history if l rjsfJV-- Bobby Byrd s last second free throw gave VMI 74-73 triumph over George Wash ington, and Texas A&M out classed Southern Mississippi. 80-61. Table Decision PORTLAND (UPD Presidents of Oregon Collegiate Conference schools Tuesday tabled until spring a motion to make it man datory for athletes to have a grade point average of 2.0 (CI to be eligible to compete. The presidents also agreed that any athlete who enrolled at Idaho Tech would suffer no loss of eli gibility at an OCC school. Lots on Sprague River $10 Dn. $10 Per Mo. CALL TU 2-4664 or Writt: 314 So. 7th maker... r " Virginia. 71-69;