HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Or. Wrdnnday, Drrtmbrr 1!, 196! PAGE 11 A Oregon Job Placements Show Jump SALEM (Special I Job place merits by the Oregon State Em ployment Service were up over 100 per cent m November compared to a year ago, Eldon Cone, di rector, Oregon State Employment Service, said. In November 1962 OSES placed 20.261 in jobs compared to 10.099 in November 1961. A total of 5,828 of these were in non-term jobs, an increase o( 29.9 per cent over last November and 14,433 were in farm jobs, an increase of 157 per cent over last Novem. ber. Cone said. At the same time, initial claims ; for unemployment insurance in . November were down 14.8 per cent compared to last November, and benefit payments were down over 24 per cent. Cone said he thought that much of the increase in placements was due, not only to an increase in jobs available in construction, government and industry this year, but to a stepped-up pro gram of cooperation of the Ore State Employment Service with all phases of industry and better facilities now available in OSES to help persons seeking employment. The varying hare gets its name from the fact that it replaces its brown summer coat by one of snow white in the winter months. J "A. mm Tvlv, ' - .H i Installment i"dennis the menace" Regulation Proposed TREE SALE Dr. James Creswell, chairman of the YMCA Christmas tree sale, displays one of the many trees which will be on sale at the corner of South Sixth and Summers Lane on Saturday, Dec. 1 5. The lot will be open for business at 9:30 a.m. Man Held For Larceny Klamath Falls Police appre hended Julian W. Mixon at mid night Monday on suspicion of lar ceny in connection with the theft of $125 from Francis Cunnen, 410 South Filth Street, Sunday night. Mixon was charged with larce ny and is being held in the coun ty jail. Cunnen told police that Mixon had been staying with him for about two months. He said there was $123 in his wallet when he and Mixon retired Sunday night. The wallet was on the bureau, Cunnen said. Mixon had $115 on his posses sion when police arrested him however he denied taking t h e money from Cunnen. SALEM UPI Regulation of retail installment financing and prohibiting quantity limitation in retail sales were included in more than a score of recommendations made today to the 1963 legislature. The suggestions were contained in a summary , o recommen dations of the Legislative Interim Committee on Small Business. State Sen. Richard E. Greener, D-Milwaukie, is chairman of the committee. Among other recommendations Tabling of proposals for legis lation to authorize professional corporations, Further study of legislation designed to curb gasoline price wars, Legislation creating a state labor-management relations com mittee. Preparation of multiple-copy payroll data forms which could be used by business and industry, Adoption of procedures so business and industry could sub mit payroll data on punched cards or magnetic tape, Continued study of means of improving Oregon's research capability. NEWS CONFERENCE TODAY WASHINGTON UPl - Presi dent Kennedy will hold a news conference at 4 p.m. EST today It' will be televised and broadcast live to the nation. rdtficiscn Select from a Complete Stock of Occasional Pieces in every Pattern! II i .too s T nil SOMEMY J MIGHT MEET A KID WHO C0U6CTS LOCKS I' Ask about daily "Business Card" SPOT ADS TU 4-8111 100's of People To Serve Your Christmas Needs DOWNTOWN Russians Claim Arrest Of Spy For British, U.S. MOSCOW tUPIi Soviet securi ty agents have arrested a Rus sian citizen who spied for the I'nited Slates and Britain, the of ficial news agency Tass reported today. Tass said O.V. Penkovskv, who worked in the state committee on coordination of scientific research work, was connected with British and American intelligence agencies. The news agency said on orders from these agencies, Penkovsky "gathered and handed them se cret information about the U.S.S.R. on scientific, technical, political and military questions" during 1961 this year. Tass said it had been estab lished that the dead letter box in the gateway of No. 5-6 Pushkin skava St. in Moscow was select ed by U.S. intelligence fur Pen kovsky. It added that a staff DE-SMOG TOGS LONDON (UPIi A dry clean er, aiming to capitalize on last week's fog, posted this sign to day: "De-smog your logs." member of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow was caught red-handed Nov. 2 when he was extracting espionage materials from the dead letter box. GIFTS OF QUALITY FOR ft THE BUSINESSMAN Desk Sets Briefcases Desk Lamps Office Chairs Billfolds Appointment Pads Ash Trays Pen, pencil sets Beautifully Gift Wrapped Open Friday till 9:00 gjonM'Qttke Supply 629 Main Ph. TU 2-4408 FRANCISCAN EARTHENWARE Beautiful Franciscan Earthen ware is dishwasher proof, heat proof. With color locked under a lustrous glaze. Start a set for her or add to the one she has. Select from Desert Rose, Apple, Duet, Autumn, Starburst, Daisy, Ivy or Spice patterns. 16-pc. starter set only 19 95 APPLE FRANCISCAN PORCELAIN Your beoutiful best buy in din nerwore. Pictured is the Melrose pattern. Only 7.95 for o 5-P'ece place setting or just 79 95 for a i:orr,plete 45-piece service for 8. White Stoneware By Fronciicon Select from the.e pat terns; Happy Talk, Mer-rv-go-Round, Fan Ton, Closed Nine, It's o Breeze. 16 piece starter set only 14.95 Franciscan Family China Guaranteed for one year against chip ping, cracking and other mishaps of normal use. Pictured is "Heritage, a de lightful provincial pattern of gray-green on pure white. 16-piece set, 24.95. Many other (..'.Herns to choose from in Franciscan Family China. ALL OPEN STOCK! BUY A PIECE OR A SET OF 12 Beautiful Gift Wrapping, of course OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9:00 f SPECIAL Pre-Christmas BONUS SALE! PHILCO ' ' A CD) ss mi rmn.it in i We're cleaning out our entire WAREHOUSE stock.. .DON'T MISS OUT! 3iBL PHILCO TELEVISION models to . "(Mime once-in-"-",w 'nijiiii.'i.,;,,; Dozens from cnoose raues mi PHILCO APPLIANCES Refr.gergtors.Freeiers.AutomQtic Washers and rirw.' r.. . . --.- uuomancs Kan9es...priced t0 sell fasti ,i . ill ii i .Twnmi' Convenient Payday Terms -Up to 24 Months to Pay! Your Choice ii or WORTH OF TOYS I'55 b purchase of Philco CONSOLE TV SET njor Appliance la. or li- 8PEEOWAY m where your dollar buys MILES more J Wfi 9 Villi I Thursday - Friday - Saturday December I J, 14, 13 Open 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Monday Thru Friday Saturdays 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. f PROVED FOR TURNPIKE 6AFETY 522 Main Ph. 4-4361 9th & Pine Phone TU 4-8109