HtK.UJJ AM) NLHS, Klamath Kails. Ore. Tuesday, IX-rembfr 11. 1962 PAGE 7 Cubans Planned Rocket Assault On U.S. i It's Budget NEW YORK .UPI - Ernctoaa.k, on key IS cil;e: '-,'.e' Guevara, international ii Communism's "Man m Havana." was riisclused today to hae told a I'nmmunist reporter that Fidel Castro had planned nuclear at- of the follou-embarrassin; Check our classified ed in today's paper for the best used cors in town! ECCLES MOTORS 606 So. 6th inolud-iu ith liuevara. Cuba's economics nr.;n:t puh!-a:i. ins New York. ;ezar. tile Rusian5 had withdrawn :nc political In an e.u-lusive interview with.42 nuclear mis-,,cs lrom Cllha I paint the Kuropean Communist cones- Communist publications in Eu-j The Cuban plan lor a merci pondent in Havana earlier this'1""! hich used the Guevara in.j!e nuclear attack on the I'mted month. Guevara siad "if iheilerview suppressed the blunt con-1 ii "aggression " rockets had remained uo un,,ld i tession. presumahlv because it! Cuban advocacy have used them all and directed .conflicted with Moscow's current them against the verv heart of "coexistence" policy line. the United States, including New Careful Deletions Made I'Pl's textual transcript of the (Juevara interview showed care- Itil deletions in European Com r York, in our defense aqainst icssion." Two weeks before the interview By Mil, THE FAMILY CHRISTMAS THE May be cuJ in designated Areas on Weyerhaeuser Lands December 15 & 16 Secure a tag-permif for fifty cents and directions from Klam ath Forest Protective Association. and Mipport ot Communist .umed intervention .n latin America. The Cuban belief t!:e Ken-nedy-Klirushehev agreement did not asure Canhlvan iaee and only averted a eonfrontation of Uhe tuo wurld powers "so far.' Tile Cuban "rontnbution" to the spread ot international lom munism in Latin America. Cuban belief that "armed struiiiie" i- liie only "solutiun" !o Latin American problems, Advicf nn Latin America In one statement siippre-ed by the Communist pre, Guevara sa:d international communism'.' "most effective torm of help" in Lat;n America would be in "the armed simple already takmp place in a n.imher of Latin American countries w here the people are m action to overthrow American imperialism.--Guevara identified these conn- t ... '.v.,,,,.l.. ' ,..,1 11 Paraguay. Colombia, Nicaragua and Peru. The reporter aske) Guevara to i illustrate Cuban "eontributions" to tne fcpreatl of communism in the Western Hemisphere. Gue vara's reply, he said, "was typi cally modest. . . a ' He deliberately limited him 3 cli M the eftecls ui the Cub;in example in Latin America. . . "Cuba has shown that small guerrilla groups, well led and lo cated in key points. . .can act as as a catalyst of the masses brim; inc them into mass simple through action. . . "We say," Guevara continued, "that this can be done in a large number of Latin American coun tries. But this is not to say that Cuba's example is to be followed mechanically, but rather adapted to the six?cifie conditions in each of Latin America's 20 countries." Weyerhaeuser Company SIGN THAIMNG CONTUACT WASHINGTON TPl' - The Cniversity of New Mexico has signed a $1.5 million contract to train Peace Corps volunteers. R. Sargent Shriver. Peace Corps director, said Friday the uni versity was chosen for the year long program "partly because it offers an exceptional faculty with a Latin American studies depart ment and language training pro gram." Abc.ul WW volunteers will be trained primarily to work in com-' iiiuiiiiy uevfiuiMn.'m in ugi dins in Central and South America. The lirst group of ti5 starts a 12-ueck Plywood from the Pacific Northwest goes to market on UNION PACIFIC. I the a t ma ed 41 ml w y V-..-.-. , MTfm:lZ '"V 'Z'- ' ' " 1 ' v.w,;' A tZ:Wsmm Srwry? "-'-- ' ' ' ' " -rTZ I A 00 1 r0 -317 Ojrer -orpLI --fOOuC! I 1 .'INI .'Ilk l . T I I r-.e 'ro-n Pacific Nort'iAest mills to I ;Hi! I .e-penbiy and . . . MflM I illllll I) .1 Cfo.n,rts rauirr csr'u! nan-jiina I I I I I I I I S ,...', , ,k L,H II P n,,H- I 1 I I I I I f r tra" C E e:t'0- S-fJ v.-e Whether its plywood or other products of industry or agriculture, there's Union Pacific traffic office nearby to help you solve your shipping problem. . hH-'l FLTnfture f o Fill All l&S Sil 7 EAAmr cave: ci in WWmmGSZgm? LzSj sH I1 4 , 1 " 1 "--rr m -' ".' 9 Piece Solid Hardwood ,! '1 tr4 ' Vs TTll I Bedroom GrouP : ! - WWB' my jgrAfWT- Bookcoie heodboord ond footboard. 3 i- F"'yc";7iy. - - r " jr 'iry?! Innenpring mattress and matching boxsprings. .1 j . ' ''"!" . ''" :' , ' ' T1 s...-. 'mt0mf 2 beautiful boudoir lamps. ltS"Li: 10-Pc. Living Room 3WM ! Group's,ceps 21 i" All 24 PieCeS Handsome doveno with nylon cover, hard- Dlnetfe Set V'T ' ' v" B ' 'l r- wood frame, 5-ycor guarantee. 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Choice of color, end patterns. 2 decorator boudoir lamps. 6 matching dinette chairs, foam padded. 1 shop q mm si r : j f : EMMDHSJt : J 10:00 to 6:00 Shop For Furniture 7 Dy A Week! j , ''iia. 1 urn 1 1 paiiiniiui . , Mini I : Til-l-f-Wrillllt II iii'inilialein IIS llHHolliil ilia1lliJaitai'1t'-ari1iatll.Wl'iaTIB " '"mrl'T'altlili'aaillaSltiiaTl-W-"'''- "1 c