IWGE 6-A HKR.UU AND NEWS, klamalh Falls. Ore. Monday, DectmlHT 10, 1962 Modoc Bid Gets Logs The MoAic Lumber Company v;ts succeful bidder on the pur chase of tuo timber tales ollered by the Winema National Korcst Dee. 6. The Lost Creek falc on the Klamath Ranger District as pur chased for a total prirc of SW.8.V). This represented a Sj raise from the $87,(21 appraised price. A total of 9,70n.'K) board feet of National Forest timber uas involwd in the .vale. The high bids submitted " r'fim " $n.3fl for pme sixties, $8U for H rwinolac Fir SA 70 inr Rivl Kit nnt 11 fnr Willi. l-'tr uriH otiitr. Oincson Timber Company mLilA was the 'inly other qualified bid der on the .'ale. The Edgcwood salvage aIe on (he Chilofjuin District was pur chased for a total price of $4,330. Appraised advertised price was J-l.OTrt for the 800,000 board feet of blowdown timber. The high hid.s were $7.?,' for I'ondrrosa Pine species and $4.60 for White Fir and other. Loveness Company of MaLn also bid on the Edge wood salvage .ale. OURANCESTORS Ij Quinsy Revolt Rips Oil-Rich British Borneo Protectorate BKl'NKI. Rurnpo. ' I'I'I Itelicl 1 -tern measures azaint the in- forces revolted Saturday ayamat jsurcents. spoke of an "armed 'the sultan in tins oil-rich Bntishjrebeliion." indicating the army protectorate on Uoneo. one of the mi?ht be involved, last outputs of fmpire. liiitam Confusing Reports tie in two companies of Gurkha I The rebels called thcmKts troops from Sinajwre to try to the "Tenera National Kalimantan restore order. L'tara" 'North Borneo National Initial reports aid .seven per sons, inchidins three policemen, had been killed in the fighting as the rebels sought to lake over the Shell Oil Company lie Ids at Sena. The fields produce 'XI million bar rels of oil a year one of the richest sources of oil for Britain. The situation was confused, and fiM reports did not make the aims or affiliations of the rebels clear. Sultan Sir Omar All Saif fudm. in a broadcast warning of Army. ' But there also were re ports the rebellion was led by the anti-British Partai Rakyal t peo ple's party. The party violently oppo&es the proposed federation of Brunei with Malaya. Singapore. Reports in neighboring Sara Sarawak and North Borneo into ajwak indicated that Indonesia 'j rearer Malaysia within the Brit ish Commonwealth. There were unconfirmed reports the Government had issued an ar-re-4 warrant for Partai Ftakyat leader Sheikh A M. Azahari. He la-l reported in the Philip pines route to New York to which controls the southern part of Borneo mi"hl be involved. But r i m London, the Colonial Office saidj it knew nothing of this. Clandc-i Shooting Reported Shooting was reported in the outskirts of Brunei, according to reports received in Singapore. The heaviest attack was against the police .station at the Seria oilfields. .V) miles down the coast GUARANTEED REPAIR SERVICE AT WARDS Hi-fi pnono radio. TV, ppliinr . . Wardi terhmnan u ,ul a ohorte call away! You'll hkt the tervire . . . and tfit price: Call toaav MONTGOMERY WARD KBVItl DCPARTMfNT rr 4-smt ib a pim mutest the oro nosed merger be- tore Hie L'nitfd Nations and call iuinMnfi knives and camping equip- for a plebiscite. nit'ni Mine iiKiunesian actiwties werere-from Bpjnei lJUr) and the ,it.c ported in Sarawak, harlier Brunei (station was believed to have fa!- reports told of a bri.-k sale in jungle green shirts and pants, Plan Your RETIREMENT INCOME I hrflUf h qaltahlr i I.ivitic Insurant John H. Houston Car WAX & POLISH JOBS from . . $12.00 Sparkle Car Wash 4023 S. 6th Ph. TU 4-5543 len. The rebels also were believed to have captured the town ot Panaga 10 miles away and were moving on Kuala Beloit. Thoe are in the oil fieids which extend to oftshoie oil ngs 1 The i-ultan said several rebels had been wounded and "many more detained by police."' One re port said loo reikis were arreted. The sultan pinned at least part of the rebellion on the army. 'Army members are commit ting verv serious and great of- tensive as their object is nothing else but to seie jniwer frozm my overnment," he said. Lots on Sprague River SlODn. S10 Per Mo. CALL TU 2-4664 or W,ire: 314 So. 7th "Y'know, up until now, I always thought that was just a figure of speech!" Grange Picks New Officers Members of the B!y Grange 771 elected officers for the coming year at their evening meeting Nov. )(. The grange's new officers arc liulh E. Hall, master; W. L. Tuck er, overseer: Lorna nenlle, lec- turn ; V. L. licntle, struard; James Tucker, assistant steward; Jeanne Hall, chaplain; Delia Mel. ness. secretary, and Elba Tucker, treasurer. Others are Norman Smith, gate keeper: Diane -Melsne-ss, ceres; Vicki Zittle, pomona; Nancy Jo Clemens, flora, and Helen Law rence, lady assistant steward. New members of the executive committee arc Basil Hall, Hill Tucker and Franklin Hull. Both Sides Aid India In War With Red China NEW DELHI il'PI'-India to day was promised continuing fi nancial aid from the Soviet Un ion and large-scale arms aid from the United Slates. Finance Minister .Morarji Desai told parliament today that Soviet lunds were reaching India on schedule despite its border war with Communist China. U.S. Am bassador John Kenneth Galbraith said Friday that large amounts of American ammunition and wea pons would begin arriving by sea early in the new year. Desai was asked if Chinese pres sure had delayed the Soviet aid 'On the contrary." he replied. He said the power plants which Ilus sia had said earlier would not be completely delivered on time are coming "according to schedule." Desai placed the total amount of Soviet economic aid at $oUU million, of which usage agree ments have been reached with about $-Ij0 million. Most of this utilized. Premier Jauaharlal Nehru told parliament that he hits received assurances Irom Peking that tly Communist invaders will give up all but two of the position.? claimed by India on the north east frontier. "We understand that they want to keep civil posts at Dhola and Longju 'two lormer Indian out posts just south of the bonier', " Nehru said. mm$ i re IIim if jj (Jj LMBlllllli llll'l I III I II' ' Plus - GOLD BOND STAMPS for even More Savings! Check These Values! ighway r hbi'mj ii','nimnpiuiiim,i!n wuu'i, .i j mm in m wn. tmj'j.iw "j.. in hj vwmwm jmuw w SWIFT'S GOLD MEDAL Lipton's, onion. Federal taxes on U.S. tobacco during 1W0 totaled more than $1.9 billion. Beautiful, Cuddly Stuffed Toys MUSICAL DOLLS Child Guidance Toys Gay's Gift Shop Main St. flprii III a.m. 1 II p.m. Truly Fine Ccsl-Gre League and Vern Owens' Bonus Buy! for ffie Price of Catsup H Soup Mix V8 Juice VC9C'oble iuicc Juice Blend Facial Tissue Sour Cream Aluminum Foil Floor Polish Silver Polish W 9h 5 Fisher's Zoom 20 oz. btl. 00 2 pock 46 oz. can Lalani P'apple-Grapcfruir 46 oz. Box of 400 Lucerne Pint Kitchen Craft. 25 ft. roll 8 ox. ar 39c 39c 33c 25c 55c 33c j 29 39c CANNED LUNCHEON MEAT 12-oz. can 10-!b. bag tn mi iiirtriiiirfiii KITCHEN CRAFT Cooked Cereal. Aj 16 oz. pkg. C Lady Tempest For Hair . . Frigidaire For Wear . . . A Chance to give 2 wanted Christmas Gifts during this Cal Ore League Bonus Event. 1 Ls l $24,95 Brand New '63 Model IGIDAIRI 63 j ,,an 95 Wonderfully Simple Just set dial! Big Capacity Dnei full 1 2-lh. waihcr load! Clcons in Seconds No itoop Imt cff?r right on tha door Porcelain Enameled Drum Won't inoq cn ddicotc lingsrif ! MATCHING 63 FRIGIDAIRE ono 95 WASHER LL1 9b DDAS-1 B'g 12-lb. copotir! Nc Non.TonjItnfl Action. Don't Miss This! Another Great Cal-Ore League Bonus! ORlorel1 Vern Owen's Cascade Home Furnishings 412 Main Ph. 4-8365 titleless domed TS 3 to 4 -1 b . overage. Par boil and bake like ham. Waste free. Veal Steaks Manor House, frozen. For a quick meal lb. 6Wc Deep Dish Pies 10-lb. bag BETTY CROCKER Wheat Hearts 40 Bran Break,05, cereal Instant Potatoes Scalloped Potatoes AuGratin Potatoes Hot Ccrenl 24 oz. pkg. 16 oz. pkg. 7 15 oz. pkg. 73 4 oz. pkg. 6' : pkg. Swanion, turkey. bee' 16 oz cbicken, ca. 59c Dole Cocktail Asst. fruitb 303 39c 37c 35c 45c 45c 27c Prtrl CanrriA Safeway own mtlJ cure. rorK jausageLnk 0. ib. 69c Breaded Fishsticks Capt. Choice QoCI Breaded. 12 oz. J'Ol LETT Fresh, solid heads Safeway has the finest STEW Vegetables Cnrrot Turnipj Rutabaga! Your Choice 3 25c Head Grapefruit h Cornice Pears 1 Onions 'l1 649c ib. 10c CHRISTMAS CANDIES ROXBURY KITCHEN FRESH CANDIES We ha ve a wide sclccfion of Christmas candies ... all the old fovoritcs. Shop Safeway candy section for the freshest candies. 4-lb. bag 29c Safeway Gift Orders for Horns, Turkeys, or certificates in denominations ot SS.00, S7.50, S 10.00 ond $20.00. Let Safewoy solve your gift problem. TREND SOAP Powdered 2-lb., 12' 2 oz. 39c St; 49c Prices effective Mondoy, December 10 through Wed nesday, December 12 ot Sofcwoy in Klamath Falls. We reserve the right to limit.