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When these discomfort come tin with overexertion or strr and strain you want relief -want It fasti Another dinturltanre may lie mild Madder Irritation follow ins wrong Unn and drlnk-of tni set. tirl U a restless uncomfortable feeling. DtMin'a Tills work fast In 3 separate ways: l.hy eedy pain-relieving action to ene torment of nagging backache, head aches, niUHColar achea and palm, t. by soothing rlTect oil tdaddi-r irritation. 3. by mild diuretic aclfon tr ruling to increase output of the Ift miles of kidney tube. Knjoy a iphh night' sleep and the a me happy reiirf millions have for over 60 years, r'or convenience, ask fur the large aie. Gel Doan a Tills today! Cookbook (Continued from page 9) Belgian Christmas Cookies to prepare: IS min. to bake: 15 MIN. Vi teaspoon salt Vi eup almonds, ground Vi teaspoon (round cinnamon 2 teaspoons red sugar 2 teaspoons green sugar Vi cup butter 1 teaspoon almond extraet 1 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar 2 eggs, well beaten cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1. Cream butter and extract; add brown sugar gradually, creaming until fluffy after each addition. Add eggs in thirds, beating thoroughly after each addition. 2. Blend next thre; ingredients together; add in thirds, mixing until blended after each addition. 3. Turn mixture into a greased lSVfcXlOVfcxl-in. jelly-roll pan; spread evenly into corners. 4. Sprinkle a mixture of the almonds and cinnamon over batter, then sprinkle evenly with a mixture of the red and green sugar. 5. Bake at 375F for 15 min. 6. Cut into squares while warm. About S doz. cookies Mailaenderli The hospitable Swiss are proud of their many cookie creations and are likely to serve this specialty during the holidays. TO PREPARE: 30 MIN. TO BAKE: 8-10 MIN. (allow time for dough to ripen) 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon grated Vi cup sugar lemon peel 1 cup butter 1. Blend flour, sugar, and lemon peel together. 2. Cut in the butter with a pastry blender until mixture becomes a soft dough (requires working beyond the stage when mixture resembles coarse corn meal). 3. Cover bowl with a damp cloth and set aside for 30 min. (do not refrigerate). 4. Roll one-third of dough at a time about Vi in. thick on a floured surface; cut with lV4-in. cookie cutters. 5. Lightly brush tops with slightly beaten egg yolk. Transfer to ungreased cookie sheets. 6. Bake at 400 F for 8 to 10 min., or until cookies are golden brown. About 5V4 doz. cookies Jan Hagel These Dutch delicacies are popular throughout the holiday season and particularly on the feast day of Saint Nicholas. TO bake: 15 MIN. 4 pieces loaf sugar, finely crushed Vi teaspoon ground cinnamon ') cup finely chopped nuts TO PREPARE : 15 MIN. 1 cup butter 1 cup sugar 1 egg yolk 2 cups flour 'A teaspoon salt 1 egg white 1. Cream butter until softened; add sugar gradually, creaming until fluffy after each addition. Add egg yolk and beat well. 2. Blend flour and salt; add in fourths, mixing until blended after each addition. 3. Divide dough into halves and roll each on a cookie sheet into a 12xl0-in. rectangle. 4. Beat egg white slightly with a small amount of water; brush lightly over dough. Mix crushed sugar with cin namon and nuts; sprinkle over each rectangle. 5. Bake at 375F for 15 min. 6. Cut into bars while warm, trimming edges, if desired. About 4 doz. bars Junior TREASURE Chest EDITED BY RUTH DIXON Let's Draw a Castle By Ann Davidow PA' .A Butglori Onions may be common things, lorious they seem As tower tops of a castle fair Imagined in a dream. String-Along Names! By Mrs. Floyd John The leader passes out pencils and paper to the group and asks each player to print his name at the top of his paper. At a signal, the players print as many names as they can in one continuous line, using the last letter of one name as the first letter of the next. When players can no longer think of names, they drop out, and the one with the longest list wins. Example: If a player's name is Laurie, she might have a list as follows Lauriclsiedwardoranne, which is Laurie. Elsie. Edward. Dora. Anne. Family U'rvklv. Drrrtnbrr . 1962 Blow, Bubbles, Blowl By Bea Kites Players are divided into two teams, and one from each team is appointed as counter for the other team. The boys and girls are each given a clay pipe for blowing soap bubbles. A stand with a basin of soapy water is put up on opposite sides of the room for each team to use. Players are given 10 minutes for getting their bubbles into the air. The team that has the greater number wins, but counters must be quick on the count!