Yreka Club Plans Party YREKA The next regular meet ing of the Yreka Federated Wom en's Club will be a Christmas par ty on Dec. 18, plans for which were discussed at the Nov. 20 meeting of the organization. The December event will be held in conjunction with a lunch eon meeting, lnsead of the usual igift exchange, members are to bring gifts for the needy. Locale for the party will be announced later. Mrs. Roy Pruett and Mrs. Helen Shelley were appointed on the committee. Mrs. Harold Dexter, program chairman, introduced Mrs. May Flock, who told of her trip to the World s Fair. A social houf followed the meet ing, with Mrs. Hartsel Gray as chairman, assisted by Mrs. Albert Parrott. HODGES IN ATHENS ATHENS 'UPH-U.S. Secretary of Commerce Luther Hodges ar rived here Tuesday on the next to last stop of a world tour that Hal ted Nov. 6. fashion takes a shine to BLACK PATENT LEATHER! Here's just one of our many new arrivals in smart new Johansen footwear. The Loyololo Bags to Motch Beoutirully V'fs fSSf k. Gift Wropptd . T " ' ViMk. Bogota Style! johansen i i mymtitm-r!lln M"'" i I B Gay Wrappings Lend Festive Air To Gifts TO REIGN Patty Brat ton is to bs installed as honored queen of Job's Daughters Bethel No. 6 at public ceremonies Dec. 28 at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Temple. A recerjfion will follow tho installation. WATCH YOl'R WALK Do you have a graceful walk? Your posture may be fine, but your arms may have an exag gerated swing. Walk toward a full. length mirror and be sure there is only a slight, relaxed arm movement. How you wear your costumes adds so much to fash- AT Shaw Stationery Monogrammed Gifts are thouihtful Gifts! CP Monogram mint; Writing Poptr modi personal with ustr'i nam or initial! In color. ONE DAT" SERVICE luncheon or cocktail napkini with nami or initiali in color. On Day Service 50 Book Motchti, with nam or initiali. In cholct of imart ONE DAY StIVICI SHAW STATIONERY CO. 729 Main TU 2-2586 Whether your Christmas pres ents are large or small a dia mond ring or a sofa, a bottle of perfume or a bycicle wrapping them can be fun, personal and imaginative. To make it easier for all the family to participate in Christ mas time gift wrapping fun, try choosing a special theme for this years holiday packages. ' There's a whole medley of Christmas gift packages you can compose to the "Tune of Christmas" right from the pages of a holiday songbook, For one of (lie Christmas mel odies, Mary West, gift wrapping stylist, suggests a frosty Christ mas tree package to the musi cal background of "0 Tannen baum" (0 Christmas Tree. Icy fir tree needles can be made of satin ribbon that's been slit and criss crossed, then placed in descending layers on the pack age. An angel fashioned of gift pa pers and ribbons is inspired by the favorite carol, "Hark the Her ald Angels Sing" and is especi ally suited to tall, rectangular packages. 'Frosty the Snowman" is an other Gay Christmas tune that can be easily transposed into a jaunty gift package fashioned from colorful wrapping paper. It not only adds to the lestive all ot Christmas, but can aptly dis guise the contents of a long cyl indrical package. These are just a few ideas for making this year's Christmas a musical one. The entire family can put its imagination to work and create new and exciting packages to the tunes of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," "Jin gle Bells," and other catchy Christmas songs to sing under the tree on Dec. 25. Even odd shaped or extra large gifts can be fun to wrap by util izing a theme in which all fam ily members may participate. A Christmas treasure hunt builds an air of anxious anticipation and can easily be adapted to outsize gifts such as appliances, bicycles, radios, phonographs, TV sets, furniture and other similar ob jects which cannot be completely gift wrapped. To increase the excitement of giving one of these large items, wrap a small fixture from the present (such as the basket $398 M f And - there's nothing she wears more hoppily than ' fine Sportswear from the Bon Bazaar! TAPERED Perfectly tailored to make the most of her figure. The color selection is fantastic and you can choose her favorites from Corduroys, Cottons, Wools or Velveteens. from CARDIGAN SWEATERS Sure to be a favorite gift on Christmas day is a soft, warm, cuddly sweater. She can use several of these in either flat knits or bulky. A style and color to suit her particular choice. from $598 Mix or Match SEVERAL BLOUSES A gala selection of styles and colors in either tuck in or over - blouses. Dainty, feminine with meticulous care given to details. Buy her several now while selections ore complete. from or tail-light of a bicycle' and place it under the Christmas tree. The package should be ac companied by a clever note indi cating where the next clue is to be found. At the next "hid ing place the same procedure may be repeated with the bicycle horn gift wrapped. The third hiding place will reveal the bi cycle stand, wrapped in gay Christmas paper, with a note telling the recipient to follow the streamer of ribbon which starts there. The ribbon, after winding around, will lead from the house into the garage or basement. The other end of the ribbon may be tied around the bicycle with huge pompon bow on the top to really give it that wrapped up look. Someone giving an automobile, TV set, electric appliance, or s similar outside gilt, may also want to purchase a toy model gift wrapping it to blend with the other presents under the tree. The package should be accom panied by a "clue" as to the gift's actual hiding place. This idea can also serve to present an appliance or other item which, due to the holiday rush, may not arrive in time for Christmas. Whether you wrap your holi- tional yuletide manner, or select special theme such as the Tunes of Christmas," vou can easily create an elegant gift package. Mary West and her staff of gift wrapping stylists of fer these helpful hints to in crease your family's gift wrap ping pleasure: Keep on hand an ample sup ply of gift wrapping items such as paper, ribbons, seals and gift tags during the holiday. And don't forget scissors, glue or rubber cement, cellophane tape and a ruler. Choose a wrapping paper with a design opaque enough to com pletely cover any printing on the surface of the box. With the many colorful designs and foils available this season, you'll have no trouble selecting one that's es pecially appropriate. Wrap your gifts on a smooth, hard surface and allow ample space for all working materials. A kitchen or dining room ta ble is preferable to a small. folding card table. Cut your 'gift paper to allow two inches of overlap around the box, and make certain that the edges to be folded at each end are slightly more than one half the depth of the package. The result will be a smoother I looking job with neat side corners. ! Round or cylindrical objects should be wrapped similarly, with the ends pleated into tri angular folds. Secure each step of the wrap ping operation with glue, rubber cement or seals. This way the pa per will always remain in place. After the box is dressed in festive wrapping paper, you may wish to try your hand with dif ferent decorative effects. For a special touch, add a few drops of Christmas Glamor Glitter which combines holiday glitter and pine-scented adherent in an easy-to-use squeeze tube. Start by writing recipients' names on packages and then try your ar tistic touch at outlining candy HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Sunday, December , 1962 PAGE 7-D tTTrf I r 111 CkgggjgV cav.iiinu TAI.IVAWC3 favorite vnrisrmas tunei suggest cheery holiday qitt pack ages such as "Frosty the Snowman," frosty tree package to the musical background of "O Tannenbaum" and an angel inspired by the carol, "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing." "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" and "Jingle Bells" are two other catchy melo dies to inspire t melodic touch to Christmas wrappings. Clauses and other canes, banla Christmas symbols. Whether your gifts are large small, put your imagination to work during the weeks before Christmas. You'll have lots of fun they'll added an extra cheery ac cent under your tree on Christ mas morning. Bethel 61 Honored Queen Cheryl Ball pre sided at the Nov. 19 meeting of Bethel 61, International Order of Job's Daughters at the Scottish Rite Temple. Guests from Sisters Bethel No. 11 of Bend were Sue Fountain, honored queen; Jane Undcrhill, senior princess; Sherrie Fountain, junior princess, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boese, guardians. Also introduced were Phyllis Pool, past grand guardian of Ore gon, and Virginia McClure, past guardian of Bethel 61. Refreshments were served by the hospitality committee with Mrs; Bertha Neccc, chairman the sponsoring group. Iris Johnson is the president. Music was by Baldy Evans band of Klamath Falls. A good crowd of students and alumni turned out for the annual affair. Personality Awards Made LAKEV1EW Mary Ann Wil- done by the Honor Society which hams and Carl Coscorrosa were the senior boy and girl who were chosen as Personality Cup win ners at the Lakcvicw High School for 1962. Announcement of the final choice of the student body was made during the an nual Homecoming Dance held Friday evening, Nov. 23, in the mezzanine of the gymnasium. Other students who were in the contest were Janice Decker, Nan- cy Lantz, Lynda Baker, John Mo ran. Bob Hunsaker and Larry Flynn. Mary Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Williams! of Lakcvicw. She is a member of the Honkerettes and the Pep Club in addition to taking part in most of the student body activi tics. She is also active in Girl Scouts. "The Pick Of The Smartest Fashions For Home, Campus or Career" Buy on Revolving Charge or Lay-dway Extra Savings With "S&H" Green Stamps n on the MEZZANINE FLOOR ft ur vr MIL 4480 South 6th Umt Next to Oregon Food r In 18M, sugar sold for 56 cents' a pound in Little Rock, Ark. Orion Club The annual fall no-host dinner for the Orion Club was held Nov. 13 at the VFW Hall with Preston Card and Richard Teater serv ing turkey. The group was entertained with a piano solo and trumpet solo by Larry Johnson and Robert Gra ham from Altamont Junior High School. The next meeting will be Christmas party with Peggy Van Pelt and Dorothy Teater as hostesses. M Carl is the son of Mrs. Dorothy Rico and Sandy Coscorrosa and KWMWWMWWiMWWWWaKMiv was active in football as well as most of the student activities Tim nnmpR of Ihp Kturlentft are w Ttnnnriitinna fnr tVta rlunna whi-aI?! 8 8 Your Store i FEATURES FINE GIFTS For The Home Fineue Pattern H Pictured above it Just 5 it one of the many beau- jj liful Botterni avnllnkla .0 J af Your Stnr K R w it M Come In and see this H , a aramatic demonstration of Carefree True China by Syracuse On the Mezzanine Floor where you'll also find crystal, stainless steel flatware and H glassware. At SHAW STATIONERY U can STILL be can STILL be Imprinted with YOUR name in color! SHAW STATIONERY COMPANY 729 Main TU 2-2586 Handbags & Purses ENJOY IN YOUR The thrill of Christmas in your OWN HOME . . . with Christ mas tree, mistletoe, and a warm fireside ... is likely possible if you consult the experienced home-loan counsellors at First Federal. Treat your family to the greatest Chirstmas yet! 42 Leathers Plastics Tapestries Jeweled ; Lizagator One of the largest selections in town! COIN PURSES CLUTCH PURSES HANDBAGS $ 1 00 $0 so m ii;' jjj Ih ' v. ( , . ;t a a a a California Saddle leather with unique perforated leather trim, Sierra Tan Color. 95 lui Tax '8 See Our Complete Line of Matching Accessories! FIRST FEDERAL M' 'J' vinyl i ii fi Won n ,fiifciafitm S40 MAIN STRETj SHOP OUR SECOND FLOOR For Beautiful Linens, Bedspreads, Towel Sets, Throw Rugs, etc. "Klamath's Home Accessory And Gift Store" YOUR STORE JUST FOR 111(41 I and up l3 and up and up PRINCESS GARDNER a a I THOROUGHBREO CLUTCH I v. . " v .v 4 a s ft -UK 721 Main TU 4-4561 I I K 1 K