S. s4ittjusline . parish (CnjoijS -rcJJofiJatj ociut J)n Jerri ff SOCIETY By Helen Bechen Herald and Newt Sunday, December 9. 1962 r A : V 1. ; Vl A: -L? 1 AHeft, left to right, are . I ' ' ' X'K-.-l u? Dan Berry, Jerry Ahern, Mrs. l.-:'C .V'."".V. "kJ'C M Dan Barry, Mrs. Nellie Murphy I Vl ' 4' t JNiv i . T IV "d Mrs. Jerry Ahern. N""': P- W I -V.Ult .WiH7 y 5; I " " " ' ' " ' y' ""4y t ii i :'. . Of '( ,:V'"-' "- ' m' jJjJL----t---- " p'h The huge snowman at right predomi nated elaborate decorations at the holiday dance, sponsored Saturday evening, Dec. 3 i.i Merrill by S). Augustine's Parish. A rein deer scene, donated by Mrs. Larry Whytal, numerous small trees and bright ornaments completed the festive Christmas atmosphere for the affair. Pictured with the snowman at right, left to right, are Mrs. Sadie Laxton. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ahern and Mr. and Mrs. Eill Falvey, all committee members. In the picture at left are other party workers, from the left, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hammond and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shuck. 1 Father . Vincent Egon, pictured at right with Mrs. Carl Coutson Jr., was 1 .1 i i u. party. Mrs. Coulson was & ! in r Ii Atn A rrnriA. H ments and decorations. Mrs. Tony Suty and Mrs. John Kandra are shown in the picture at left. Seated around the table above, left to right, are Mrs. Tonv Sutv ' Sr., Mrs. Jack Hickey, Tony Suty and Jack Hickey. In the picture at right, from the left, are Mr. and Mrs. Hyman W e i n s t e i n, Dan Murphy, Anna Marie Eck, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Coulson, ' r t v . . , 4 V In the group shown at right, from the left, are Mr. and'Wrs. Jack Fleck, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kandra and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nicholson. With the snowman as back ground again at left are Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brooks, left, and Mr. snd Mrs. Jim Conroy. Pete Colley's Band played for dancing and a smorgasbord was served during midnight intermission, Also on the committee were Mr. and Mrs. George Pappe and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fallihee. Photos by Bob Anderson i LP) v r S t A