PAGE-ll HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Tails. Or. ' Friday. Dmbr T, 1962 Conwuw Switch Hit CHRISTMAS CLEARING BU REAU, TU 2-W02. lor relerrali and offers of aid for needy. FRIDAY " DISTRICT GARDEN 01. LBS Christmas show, 2 lo 8 p.m.. Klamath County Fairgrounds. CHRISTMAS ART AUCTION Klamath Art Assofiafion, 7 to 9 p.m.. Art Gallery, 120 Riverside. Y.MCA FAMILY NIGHT. 6:31) p.m., polluck, family recreation, YMCA. SATURDAY KLAMATH LUTHERAN .JR. CHOIR, Sunday School Christmas! program members, 10 a m. lo 12 noon, rehearsal, church. Time changed because of parade. CHRISTMAS GIFT SALE, Roo sevelt 6th Grade Camp Fire, Downtown Safeway and Market Basket Stores. Articles from na ture materials. : MERRY MIXERS AND CLASS, 6:30 p.m., potluck, Pelican City Hall. SHASTA VIEW COMMUNITY BUILDING ASSOC., 8 p.m. card party. Community Hall, Shasta Way and Madison. : DISTRICT GARDEN CLUBS, Christinas show, 11 a.m. to p.m., Klamath County Fair grounds. ALPHA DELTA KAPPA, 1 p.m.. Christmas party, home of Maxine Marsh. CHRISTMAS ART AUCTION, Klamath Art Association. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. Art Gallery, 120 River side. NAOMI NO. S, Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem, 7:30 p.m., entertainment, Christmas parly and ceremonial. Masonic Temple. SATURDAY RAMBLING SOt ARKS Square Dance, 7 to 9 p.m., be ginning class. 9 p.m., regular class. Bob's Barn. Bring refresh ments. CHILOQUIN DO SI DO Square Dance Club, 8 p m. Bring potluck. CAMP COLUMBIA DONA TIONS, accepted from 7 p.m., on. Eagles Hall. Games, boy's cloth ing, single sheets. ANNUAL CRAB FEED, VFW and Auxiliary. 6:30 to 9 p.m., VFW Hall. Filth and Klamath. VALE lUPIi Justices of the peace, businessmen and residents here' apparently do not like the proposals In switch from justice of the peace courts to district courts. A public hearing Wednesday produced protests from those groups to a proposal to expire jus tice of the peace terms tne end of this month then limit them all to two years instead of six for easier transition to a district court. Appearing in opposition to the plan, in addition to letters anil petitions, were members of the groups and also the Nyssa and Ontario Chambers of Commerce The residents took no oflicial stand on the issue pending further investigation. i JRfSMPESSJ HIIMTFIK Wf MAKE ODESSA $$fe COFFEE iHUr YOUR TARGET FOR FINE FOOD BREAKFASTS - LUNCHES - DINNERS Delicious Fried Chicken, Sizzling Steaks, Ham 'n Eggs as you like 'em! HOME MADE PIE ODESSA COFFEE SHOP Rocky Point Road Cloud Monday! Ph. EL 4-2250 Pocky Point Open 6 to 9 P.M. For Reiorvotionl Storm Sparks Fire Dangers PORTLAND lUPIi- The disas trous Columbus Day windstorm will result in increased forest (ire hazards in Oregon and Washington next year, the Northwest Forost Fire Council said today. The council, a cooperative group made up of slate and federal tor eslry agencies, said blowdowns and debris resulting from the storm would Increase the huzurd. fiFWl'tfwplWtf.llW'lllllJIWII"l'l OWN AN ECHO HOME NO DOWN PAYMENT No Closing Costs Additionrl Sovingi if you Detire to do finish work! Main Office. HUM Applrw'tinil, I'M. TlJ T-nr.'H Mrrrill. MHn. TuLVIakr. call Ann Riuhln, V-'.'Nfll ft. Klamath it ( hllotiulti. rail C'lauitr Khrptirrit. ?Ml--.'3fH llrolry Area, rail llatel Turner, 111 t-3155 iu:a. ll-'' II r 1.1.. lliii colonial slyli' hum' three spacious bedrooms, plus rp..:v-jn altlc. There Is a large 111 x 10 ft. kllche,. -dining area, and huge 15 x 15 ft living room. There are three extra closets In Ihe bedroom wing. All you need is lot (paid for or not) Nor A Pre-Fab Home Will Build Anywhere Payments Like Rent 28 Models To Choose From! Paid for in just 12 years Phone TU 2-0126 Now! SEE MODEL HOME 1035 Applewood At Cast End of Reclamation OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Economy Mousing Co. Intitllulr fnr Khtentlal IIouhiiik in Ml wlit iriMiiiT.MiiifiMmnrtr;'i SUB Fix Up Your Living Room At Low, Low Budget Prices NO MONEY DOWN! 3-Pc. SECTIONAL Plus Coffee Table & 2 End Tables! Ju&r look Ot trill Inw nrirn? Klw- lon cover! Foam rubber! Choice eCl sf colon! Hurry for thii jet! f.f Compare at 349.95 l- . I BUNKBED SALE Many itylci have now arrived. And they're all tale priced! Look at this example . , . BUNK BED COMPLETE WITH FOAM RUBBER MATTDECCEC Keg 79' No Money Down Open Tonite & Saturday Till 9:00 Open Sunday 10-6 1 vtmJr In ! I ,u 1 Cl4vu li., .. lt jMji wkday 9 to SAT. 1 SUN. i J0:0O h 4:00. r Lots of good things come from Goodyear! ,'"...rTi.::r:tiiii,A,.. , DISCOUNT PRICES! Open Every Night Till 9 from Now Until Christmas JUST SAY "CHARGE IT" We Have A Credit Plan for Your Budget G-E 30 Inch RANGE A wonderful value. Re movable Oven Door. Push Button Controls. Calrod Surface Units. i Your Choke Of Any One Of These Four G-E Appliances For Only $ PAY ONLY $5.00 DOWN Easy Budget Terms G-E Automatic DRYER HIGH SPEED DRYING ol low worm temperature dries clothes safely. Fast moving currents of properly warmed air flow through the tumbling clothes, drying them quickly and no turally. Clothes are never baked or exposed to direct heat. SP30V 2 MOBILE MAID DISHWASHERS Rolls on Wheels Needs No Installation Power Pro-Rinses, Washes, Dries Service for 12 Automatically MOBILE MAID DISHWASHER iff! M S02 WORTH OF i 1 $21990 With Purchase of Any G-E Appliance or Television Set In This Adv. Big 16" "Daylight Blue" G-E PORTABLE TV Big "Hy-Power" chassis; full power transformer New width control dial; aluminiicd picture tube Famous up-front sound; "set-and-forget" volume G-E TV Gives You All 3 One Year Warranty on Picture Tube, Parts and Small Tubes. inm-rTr-liMiiiintri ,3 CYCLE MOBILE MAID UJ ii 3. You Get $25 Worth of Toys FREE! Exclusive "Power Shower" Top and Bottom Wash Action Exclusive "Flushaway Drain" Needs No Installation $10.00 Down Delivers Only $2.50 Per Week F-DAY, FREE I HOME TRIAL 1 li on any 1 Wv G-E DISHWASHER - JJ Money Back M niCUUIACUCD uunif MJI1LI SP40V You Get $25.00 Worth of Toys FREE! Exclusive "Power Shower" 3 Automatic Cycles Pushbutton Controls "Flushaway Drain" $10.00 Down Delivers Only $2.25 Per Week I TOY SALE Prices Slashed 25 OFF! I I S60 Worth of Toys for only $6.00 Down $1 .25 per Week f oodyeas' Service Store OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11th & Klamath Phone TU 4-8141