PAGE II HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Friday. December 7. 1962 HOUSEHOLD GOODS WFor Everything ... For Everybody on Your Gift List Shop I SANTA'S CLASSIFIED GIFT SHOPPER 3 I MAI ESTATE EXCHANGE J REAL ESTATE fOR SALE 30 REAL ESTATE fOt SALE SAVE WOO will Mil or tract $l.0O equity in i Moroom nous, tor Moo. Many a.tras. No ottor rotuMd. TU 2-21)5. I am o "TRADER" ARE YOU? why toll whon you con Iroot. Cab DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Club ure. ru. da. wsh. IMT Main S. TIJ 4-mh Gifts for Tlit Horn Gifts (or Mom mm Hammond Spinal Organ, from J993 F.O.B. factory. You can select a Hammond Or gan that will blend in perfectly with your present home decor. Available in an unusually wide variety of wood finishes (warm, hand-rubbed finishes comparable to the finest furniture), a Hammond Organ is truly a strik ing addition to any home. Also, each wood finish has a different design manyof themareaward winners to assure you of grace ful styling for traditional, pro vincial, contemporary, or mix-'n-match decor. Space? Hardly a problem lines the compact Hammond Organ is about the size of an ordinary desk. But once the Hammond Organ is in your home, you'll quickly discover it's much more than an attractive conversation piece. When you begin playing your favorite songs on the Hammond and you will, even if you've had no previous musical training you'll make the Hammond Organ the focal point of any room in your home. Stop in soon and look the com plete Hammond Organ line over. Check the fine craftsmanship, hear it's beautiful tones even play it (you'll be playing in less than ten minutes)! You'll find that the "new sound of music Js you am Hammond? ttephyk Mu$te Co. DIRECT FACTORY DEALER 1 26 No. 7th Ph.4-5121 Make it a "BALDWIN" CHRISTMAS " (ljyv $685 & UP Rent Purchase) Easy Terms BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Main TU 2-4883 $10 WORTH OF STEREO RECORDS FREE With Purchase of a G.E. STEREO $149.95 No Down with Trade 11 55 Week Wood Cabinet Record Storage 4-speed changer GOODYEAR STORE 201 So. 1 llh TU 4-8141 ft Chrlatmai Decoratlona Oaloral K Urcroj PERFECT GIFT SUGGESTIONS CLOCKS WALL PLAQUES PICTURES TABLE 8. CLOCK RADIOS al TOWER FURNITURE I2M Main TU '-ItSt S a H Groan Slamoa Tool Lovely LAMPS Make Lovely Gifts POLE & TREE LAMPS Natural & Multi- I wood decor, etc. GROUP No. I Regular $12.95 NOW $7.95 GROUP No. 2 Regular $14.95 NOW $9.95 Table ond Floor Lamps priced from $2.98. Hun dreds to choose from. WADDV UACTCD FURNITURE CO. 833 Klamath Ave. TU 4-4878 RESERVES THE FINEST OF ITS KINO... FROM SINGER SLANT-O-MATIC Automatic Zigzag GOLDEN GLIDE Canister Cleaner SINGER Deluxe FLOOR POLISHER Gifts lor Girls DOLL CLOTHES for Christmas, any tilt, reasonable prices. TU 4-8931. Gifts For Children REAL ESTATE FOR SAL1 30 ONE bedroom, utility porch, Mills, U00 oown, sag par mo. TU 2-3174. 75 ACRE ranch fully equipped, 5 mile trom Klamath Falls, available Immedi ately, i u 4-ojv. LOT, Falrhaven School district; h s nynn, wiitr, sepuc lank, TU 2-4948. TOYLAND FOR ALL AGES AT WESTERN AUTO 1039 Main TU 4-5514 See The Best Selection of GAMES in Town. Our Shelves Are Full! Plenty of Toys, Too! USE OUR LAY-AWAY ERNIE'S BIKE & HOBBY SHOP 928 Klomoth TU 4-4512: BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom home In south suburbs. Wall to well caroet. flreoface. lentcu uacKyaro, Meter ion School. SJV 600. Consider lease option. Evelyn Mc- ice. i u -hd, i u TWO bedroom house, also basement bed room, trade J2137 eauitv lor oickuo and cash. 939 Eldorado. TU 3-3398 alter 4 p.m. ur win lease. WANT ADS are all-purpose halpersl To buy, sell, swap, rent, hire, call TU -e mi. ED'S SHOE SHOP HAS Scientifically Designed Shooa FOR CHILDREN & ALL STYLES OF CORRECTIVE SHOES 1022 Main TU 4-4021 144 IRRIGABLE acre farm. 3 mi. East of Tulelake. Available now. Row crops or grain. Beautiful location. Modern Buildings, Ph. 79B-5713 or sea Charles Dyer, Merrill, ore. OLDER suburban 3 bedroom, carpeted, Built-in Kitchen, small lot. aaraoe, usf pa i area, v,iuo. tu -72u THREE bedroom home for tele. 4103 Sum mers Lane, TU 4-453?. TWO bedroom house on half acre, Cheap. South suburbs, TU 4-9856. Gifts for Hsr Ralph s Curio Shop MEXICAN HAND TOOLED LEATHER GOODS Ladies Purses Billfolds Belli - Shoes Overnight Cases Bowling Bags - Many Other Unusual Items 020 Main TU 4-4337 BY owner, three building lots. Mills Ad dition, J? 1 00. May sell separately. Call IU 4-4481. Dozens of Dozzlers Just for HER! everything in COSTUME JEWELRY Rings Pins Beads Pearls Lighters ROY RUGE JEWELRY REPAIR 413 Main TU 4-5846 Gifts far Him -ft VESPA -fr "SMARTEST BUY SINCE THE COMPACT CAR" 3 MODELS to choose from Goes over 100 miles on a gallon Practically no maintenance cost Down payment and terms tJr FRANK'S TACKLE & GRINDING SERVirp 20 E. MAIN TU 2-471! AUTO ACCESSORIES Truly Wonderful Gifts For HIM FOR sale In East Chi loon In Three bed- room home, completely modern, utility. am, Kiicnen. aii mahogany paneled liv ing room, wall to wall carpeting, all electric. Completely Insulated, concret foundation, 60 X too ft. lot all In lawn. Priced reasonably. Call Chlloquin 7e atJl. LARGE stone house and 2 rentals on corner iot. suxizi ti. at mt (hat! Wv. 117,400. Terms available to right party, TU 4-4214 for appointment. OWNER Hes new 3 bedroom home In Winema Gardens. Forced air heat, birch kitch en, ceramic tile bath, fireplace, hard wood floors. $15,500, TU 2-3410. BY owner, low down payment, one bed room home, partially furnished. Mills Addition, call TU 4-4481. FOR sale or lease 60 acres, 34 in alfalfa, 22 acres in pasture, ell fenced, good fences, corrals, barn and outbuildings. 5 miles from town, 3 bedroom house, I'i baths. TU 2-076?. NEW HOME 2 bedrooms, fireplace, birch kitchen, well to wall carpet living room and hatl. Elec tric heat, tile bath. View lake, mountains. Only 110,500 by owner. 221 Iowa. Open dally I to 4:30. Rent adsl House, apartment, rooms, any thing. Call TU 4-8111 for an ad-writer. 37 ACRES, 14 ml. south of Chlloquin on Spregue River highway, 'm mile of river frontage, two bedroom house needs re pair. Full price li.iao. terms. Ph. Mallard MOtel, TU 4-749. NEW large view home. Urge lot, close to new OTI and hospital, daylight base ment, appointment only, tu 2-050. NEW 3 bedroom home. Full basement. 2 fireplaces, 2 baths. Large family room downstairs, built-in Oven and range. Near ly 2.000 H. living space plus double ga rage. YtQMO. TU 4-3070. THREE bedroom home, south suburbs, assume loan or refinance, TU 4-4511. TRANSFERRED, must sell two year old three bedroom home In south suburbs. Token down, assume exist ing Gl loan. TU 2-315. YOUR choice of IB lots. Restricted area, lovely view. 21 ft. paving, sewer, water to lot lines. From 11,400 up. TU 4-3070. INCOME PROPERTY Apartment house close In total price' SS.750. One apartment up rents tor S40. two apartments down bring In $80. Easy terms. Two homes on 1 lot. Three bedroom rents S65 per month end one bedroom rents 135. Situated on 55 by 200 ft. lot. Tola! price io,50. Good second hand store, a one location. Showing oood return, also pawn brokers license available. 100 x 100 ft. lot. Con sider trade for ranch property. MILLS ADDITION Exceptionally good buy In Mills Addition. Large 2 bedroom home, wall to wall car pet in living room, dining room, and hall. Cheerful kitchen, attached garage. Total price 9,750. saw move in, SJ per month includes tarf, insurance, principle and interest. PAUL McATEE and ASSOCIATES, REALTORS 339 E. Main TU 2-4646 Sales Staff Eves. Eleanor Mshan TU 2-5255 Evelyn McAfee TU 2-5935 OREGON Avenue. Pumice block build ing 20x70. Suitable for repair or plumb ing shop. Also two bedroom house on same lot. Suitable as living quarters or rental. All this for $12,000. Terms can bo arranged. HENLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT. One year old 3 bedroom home. Fireplace, wall to wall carpet, shop and extra shower in shop. Attached garage. 2-3 acre of land. This is your chance for a home In Ihe Henley District. Price $14,500. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Main TU 2-3471 Jim O'Donahus Eves. TU 4-9693 MOVING? We will "TRADE" your property any where west of the Rockies! Call DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Club Licensed-Ore. Cel. Ida. Wash. WE HAVE . two good Iwo bedroom homes Ideal for Weyerhaeuser employes only $5,500, low down payment. We also have good rentals. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 TU 3-0168 Live Better in '63 . . In this one veer old brick custom built home, attractively decorated living room, imest wooi carpeting, tirepiace, dining room, breakfast area, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, hardwood floors throughout. Over sized 2 car garage. Built in appliances in kitchen. Oak cabinets. Ample cabinets and storage. $22,500. Holiday Cheer You will enloy every detail of this fine suburban home. Only a few minutes to su our ban shopping. Henley High school District. 3 bedrooms, glass enclosed tub and shower, modern electric kitchen, oil forced air heat. 100 per cent Insulated. Only 2 years old and FHA appraised al $15,600. O. Reichenberg REALTOR Buy a home First Wlllard Holel TU 2-4661 Anytime John Hess TU 2-0186 Jeanne Walker TU 3-1685 Mrs. Harry Eck TU 4-8364 Orville Reichenberg TU 4-3841 r 27 METAL bur beds, innerspring mattress 'es, $35; electric stove, good condition, 1 $40; dining room table. Sit TU241S7. STILWELL & CO. Presents: YOUR FIRST CHANCE to own this ex tremely pieasam year old excep tionally wen preservea home. 3 bed rooms, dining room, living room with fireplace, large nicely appointed bath. utility, lots of shop space in the over see garage, situated on a large level lot In a very desirable neighborhood. 2 blocks to grade school. Don't wait until it is gone. Fairly priced at lv, (.ALU us NUN. IF A 3 BEDROOM HOME SUITS YOUR NEEDS you will be delighted with this spacious, attractive place on Onyx SI. Large living room with glass enciosea tirepiace, aming room, con venient kitchen, big utility area with lots of buiii-ins. Attached garage with storage space, storm windows t ooors. ideal tor sman tamiiy or cou ple. Price only $14,200. $1,500 FULL PRICE on this clean, well built 3 bedroom home near Califor nia Avenue. Clean as a whistle, Im mediate possession. Act Now. STILWELL & CO. Realtors 51f Main Street TU 4-3136 Alter 5:00 call Bruce B ink ley TU 4-3471 Ron Van Ormn TU 2-3692 If no answer call TU 2-0444 TU 4-7006 WASHER - DRYER Repairs guaranteed. Bendix, Easy, Frlg idaire, G.E- Kenmore, Maytag, Norge. Dhitrn. KlKllnnhAiric. WhirlooOi. Uhlifl'S Electric, 1026 Main, TU 4-5512. V2 ACRES Large three bedroom home located north of town. Fireplace, oil floor furnace. Separate garage and workshop. Good wa ter well. Nicely landscaped fenced yard, 65 fruit trees. Owner will accept large trailer noma as part payment. $14,800. Terms. LEONARD REALTY 1213 Main TU 4-7521 or TU 4-9005 Job Laonard Joa Parry Audrey Keerim TU 2-0527 TU 4-5332 TU 4-4215 500 ACRE RANCH Approximately 400 acres Irrigated. All free water and plenty of It. 80 acres alfalfa, 60 acres new grass, 100 acres natural meaaow. ideal set-uo for small cattle ranch. $75,000, will lake as low as ,uoo down and easy terms. 80 ACRES All lenced, all irrigated, ' good terqe barn, hay shed, good set-up tor cattle ano nog teeamg, gooa pasture, well im proved. $42,000, terms. 71 ACRES 69 Irrigated, Tulelake Irrigallon District Three bedroom home, 2 car garage, workshop, pump house, chicken house, machine shed. Ideal small ranch for some one. $22,ooo, $6,000 down. 40 ACRES Alt Irrigated, 22 acres In alfalfa, 3 bed room home, all large rooms, tirepiace, dining room, utility porch. Close in. Ideal countr nome. si 6,000, terms lo be ar ranged at time of sale. w, A. Darling, inc. REALTORS Office 798-5597 Associate Brokers Wm. A. Standrldge Mar-Max Motel Merrill 798-5217 Al t.pguicu Malin 733-3157 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 FOR lease service station In North Ash land, tu 4-44 ib ask for Torresan. 7 ACRES irriqalr-d and all In pasture. Spacious 3 bedroom modern house. t'i baths, wall to wall carpcitng In living and dining room;. Good barn and storage, house. Excellent location on Keno Highway. Priced to sell at 114,750. Terms. SUBURBAN Delux. Spacious living room with fire place. 3 generous bedrooms, ample sl'ir-i age, some furnishings inciudinq refno r- ation, washer and dryer, call Now. Price $11,500. Low down payment on F-H.A. MLS Multiple Listing Service cimpcd oiiiuliv Portable Typewriter GRADUATE modal SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Moin TU 2-2513' n f,t.u4 rfTxr I'NGta Htt 60- Floor Mots Car Robes Visor Packs Altimeters Hand Spot Lights Compasses Seat Belts Many, Many Practical Gifts! SMITH AUTO SUPPLY 919 Klamath ot GARCELON'S Hallmark Christmas Cards (Order yours Imprinted nowl Candles. Beautifully Striped Trees, snow But if,, Bayberry Candles, loiens mere 522 Main TU 4-4361 EVERYTHING YOUR HEARTH DESIRES ", T To" 2.: -A t.llol Sportl t 1 Guts pan MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So. 6lh TU 4-6660 Just Like LETTER FROM HOME! Subscribe this Chmtmos to tha Harold and News for your Student, Service; Man, Relatives, Friends. One) yeor by moil, $18.00; six months by moil, J 10.00;,. three- months by moil, $5.25. Just phont TU 4-81 1 1, euk for subscriptions. Herald ond News, 1301 Esplonode. Gifts for Dad pHYBACK'S For Gift Idraa bo ,ur. to all.nd our OPEN HOUSE Dec. 2nd to 1 0th I J f.M. lo V P.M. lJci Awes biiytm:t" Give the Finest Gift of all FURNITURE And save during our DECEMBER STOREWIDE SALE LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Main TU 2-414 m VIKING fnr jiTTisimas Free Arm SEWING MACHINE $159.95 & un 'The Ulhmote in Sophist icot ion s the Ulttmote in Simplicity.' Iwell pick up your old machine as down SEWING MACHINE CENTER 1414 E. Moin TU 4-6949 Let him head for the hills with a new YAMAHA ZT 5 h p., 3-vpeed, trail tested BODENHAMER CYCLERY J51 E Main TU 4 467: GALS! PLEASE DAD t with BhiOCUlars Rifle Scope! Rifles SholQuni COFER'S EXCHANGE 5 Klamath TU 'l0 Gilt's for the r.untr- ft if In. Shotoiinv IHarwinti.i. olvrt,,ui c . . Northwest Gun Shon 813 E. Mom TU 2-4145 LUCKY LANES HOWLERS OtLI&HT Bowling Balls BAGS SHOf-.S (Gift Certificatei) "Ol Cnursr" 331 So. 4 in Gifts for Friends KTJl tM4 Main f ru 4n V GifUfor fjgM 1 23k GIFTY APPLIANCES From UHLIG'S ELECTRIC LET . . . "Music Bring Happiness" Wilh Our Fine Selection of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS & GIFT CERTIFICATES "See Your Music Man" KLAMATH MUSIC CENTER 515 E. Mom TU 4-3360 j( x w tu x . fti n: a p 20 ACRES Choice Klamath River bottom land. Well and pump house. Partially constructed pumice block home. Selling at Ihe low price of $7,000. Approx. l mile trom Keno. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 So. 9th St. Phone TU 2-4740 Hank Hansen TU 2-ntOl Fred Tucker TU 4-974J is MadOle TU 4-S69S Lois Macy TU 2-5667 MLS Multiple Listing bervice PET HAVEN DOG CAT BtDS COLOGNE IHis A Hers) COLLARS LtASHtS MARNLSSES . CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS I A.ny otnvrs To Crtooia From PACIFIC SUPPI Y FARM & GARDEN ,a:t So. tin TU 7-4S5S Novelty Gifts 1 "Gifts of Beauty" Hand Craftr-d Glass ware Novelty Candies Pottery Vases Many More KLAMATH FLOWER SHOP llll Vain GAY'S GIFT SHOP Now in New Location 21 Main St. TU 4-3817 GRAND OPt'NING SPECIALS Ccromtc Banks Toys Save on many good gift items SPECIAL only $1.00 CHRISTMAS CAROL HI-FI RECORD (THE VOICE OF FIRESTONE) Rcq. i4 98 NOW HRESTONE STORF 6th Pin. TU 4-810 $1.00 O ACRES Z HENLEY DISTRICT Five bedroom family home with acreaqe to raise your own meat for the tablet Ex pansive kitchen, 3 bedrooms downstairs. 2 upstairs, living room, utility porch. Only $600 for you who are Interested In tots ot room to raise your children. Plan now tor your family's future bv Ownlnq this home with acreage lust 6 miles from town. Owner will tarry contract! MILLS ADDITION immediate possession. Two bedroom, ? bath home wilh den or 3rd bedroom. The recently paintr-d rooms create dreamy atmosphere throughout. Deep cupboards ana many closets delighl any homemak er. Compact kitchen and utility porch which save many steps. Corner lot with lenced yard and sorinkler svstem en hances privacy, storm windows and doors included in price ot $14,500. Takes any iypa financing. CAL PEYTON KLAMATH TRADERS CLUB 1.15 Market TU 4-5149 Evening) This Christmas Give . . . Photographic Equipment From klamat m k mc r Ivi'l Lfrt NtrtS CENTER tSM SA-i4 Main TU 4-4875 PARK NEXT DOOR Harold M. Rush Al House "Pat'' Prilotie TU 1-4173 1 U 4-7088 TU 2-08J6 YES BUT i IT'S ON A HILL CHECK THESE FEATURES: Walking distance to town and schools. Den or fourth bedroom open tp level fenced back yard. 15x27 living room has offset with beau tiful fireplace in full brick wall. LOWERED TO $13,300 CE oil furnace, blower system. Good concrete foundation, well built older home. Listed at $15,300. Make offer! BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 No. 7lh TU 4-3129 Lucille Anderson Ray Worden TU 2-0518 TU 4-926 MLS Multiple Listing bervice PORTLAND tavern for sale or lease, M keg average. Write Box 235, Beatty, Ore. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please Investigate thoroughly any Invest ment of moneys in merchandise, various enterprises or Business opoortunlties be fore Investing your capital. The Herald and News makes every eMort to reect all fraudulent or mislendino d vert kino. however, we are not responsible for the Integrity of the firms or individuals who place advertising in our publication. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should be reported to the Classified Art. vertising Department ol the Herald and News. WIND UP 1962 .. . and START OUT 1963 .. . with a budget that points to a bright fa ture! Coll us soon for quick, courteous, confidential cash loon service. You'll enjoy the holidoys mucn more it you do! FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cors Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Finonced Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 f' JUST $700 DOWN (or reasonably close! and easy monthly payments MOVES YOU IMMEDIATELY INTO THIS NEAT LARGER MILLS AD DITION 2 BEDROOM HOME. Here's 1,000 sq. II. of living area plus attached ijaraqo lor only $7,750. NICELY LO CATED AT 2235 WHITE AVE. - EXCEPTIONAL NORTHSIDE QUALITY HOME, featuring BUILDING - REMODELING 36 homes and lasting masonry construction. E"rA-irge i iloor living wtm 2 nuge bedrooms, spacious living and dining room, dinette, tirepiace. includes run con crete basement with 12 x 18 ft. 3rd bod- m or den with 2nd fireplace. Beautiful corner lot, double garage. FIRST TIME Ot-hfcRhD Al JUST Sia.OO. fcflSV l-HA, CI or conventional loan terms, OR WILL CONSIDER CLOSE-IN NORTHSIDE 2 BEDROOM HOME. UP TO $7,500 AS TRADE-IN. FOR sale two bedroom sets, good, rea sonable, phone TU 2-3945. GOOD THINGS TO IAT If BEEF, PORK, wholesale, custom butctv ering, cutting, curing. Shamrock Meats. a-l-M Ck..t. UUkU Til GRAIN fed steer beet, cents . cut and wrapped, TU 4-87M, G.E. dishwasher, used only months, ex cellent conditio., $95, ph. TU 24'22. Gil A DA NT FED USED RANGES . REFRIGERATORS WASHERS DRYERS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn 412 Main TU 44365 WESTINGHOUSE Washer - Dryer $1 TA Motchina Pair .. I Ov 1 KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So, 7th TU 4-8886 Bool - Pots - Seorfe . Hobbit 4 COLLIE pups, registered. TU 4-6372 or see it 1920 Worden. BONNIE PUPPY FOOD Beef Chicken Liver Kidney At All Stores. AKC miniature Poodle puppies, ) mos. old, TU 44444. 1107 Carlson Onve. NEED good homo lor Maltese kitten and young red dog. TU 2-5974. SHOTGUN: 12 gauge Remington pump. Fired Phono TU 4-3470. FUEL - HEATING .38 CHRISTMAS puppies, poodles Pekingese, Pomeranians. 5033 South Etna, TU 4-752S. CHRI5TMAS puppies. AKC registered Dachshunds, red, male and females, VSS. TU 4-8579. GET your AKC registered collie puppies for Christmas. $25 and up. Phone TU 2-3121 Wed., Thurs., or weekends, 4517 Winter. CHRISTMAS puppies, toy Pekingese, most colors, TU 2-2030. DRY lodgepole pine and pine body wood any lengths, TU 2-305. OIL CIRCULATOR, large, Laco, double pot, $ts. Pacific Finance, izi s. th. FUEL oil, furnaces, heaters. Western Oil 8, Burner, TU 4-3873. FIRST quality red fir body wood, any length, $15, call TU 2-1573 after 4 or anytime weekends. CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Logs & Heating Oils Metered Propane Sales 5 & H Green Stamps Open 24 hours 2540 South Sixth TU 4-368) and TU 2-9260 PREPARE FOR WINTER STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stoves "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" Frankford Fuel Co. NO. Blehn St. TU 2-444 WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS GOOD THINGS TO EAT 39 CALIFORNIA navel oranaes, tree ripened, orchard run. In bags up to 25 lbs. each or sized and packaged, standard con. tamers. James H. Forbes, rt. i box ibj, Orlnnd, Calif., Ph. UNderhlll 5-7038. ICE SKATES NEW AND USEO Trade In your skates JOE'S SPORTING GOODS 418 Main TU 4 8878 RADIO - TV - MU5IC 41 UPRIGHT piano. Good condition. $75. TU 2-5045 after 4 p.m. WE pay cash for used pianos. Darby's Music, TU 4-5121. RENT a new Baldwin piano, $10 a month. No delivery charge. Bowden Music Co. 830 Main, TU 2-4883. HI-FI or component parts for hl-fl. 15 watt amplifier, Collaro changer, acoustically balanced speaker enclosure, end speak ers. TU 2-61-tS. LIVESTOCK & POULTRY .... 42 11 BLACK Angus heifers, wilt calve In March. Rudolph Jelinek, Malin. FOR sale nice young ponies $100. Also young saddle horse. TU 4-3972. 17 HEAD Angus cows and heifers (calve in Spring,) 4 calves. With or without papers, D. L. House. TU 2-0703. KLAMATH PROVED SIRE SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU 2-1185, TU 4-4558, TU 2-6102 APPALOOSA and solid color. Mares, fil lies, colts. Reasonable. 3450 Boardman Ave., TU 2-0228 eves. USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 BALSIGER MOTOR CO. YOU CAN Owrra Second Car And at a Low, Low Cost! 1952 HUDSON HOLLYWOOD COUPE Radio, heater, Hydromotic, one owner 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN Rodio, heater 1953 RAMBLER HARDTOP Heater 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN Heater' 1953 FORD '6' 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, Fordomatic 1956 FORD '6' SEDAN Radio, heater 1956 FORD V-8 SEDAN Radio, heater, Fordomotic 1957 FORD V-8 2-DOOR SEDAN Rodio, heater 1954 FORD V-8 2-DOOR SEOAN Radio, heater, Fordomatic 1954 FORD V-8 RANCH WAGON Radio, heater, overdrive 1956 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN Radio, heater, Fordomatic 1956 FORD V-8 RANCH WAGON Heater - 1957 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN , Rodio, heater, Fordomatic 1956 MERCURY 9-PASSENGER STATION WAGON Completely equipped. One owner $ 88 88 l 22 $I44 $I88 $388 $388 $444 '488 $488 588 $588 744 $744 Pickups Panels Trucks You'll find just the rig you need at a price you can afford! FOR quality In cabinets, call QUALITY CABINET, TU ? i?5, SS.H Green Stumps. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MONARCH apartment size electric rann'e. $60, TU 2-4752. MAYTAG wringer washing machine, Easv mangle, TU 4-7625 alter 5. HOT SPRINGS SPECIAL 2 BEDROOM HOME VALUE, located real close to Roosevelt School. Not a big home, but ideal for the smaller lamilv. and it's priced nqht at just $v W0 S7so down on contract OR VERY EASY FHA OR Gl TERMS. DRIVE BY 1936 FREMONT ST.) then give us a call. WASHER - DRYER Repairs guaranteed. Bendix, Easv. Frlal-I daire, G.E., Kenmore, Maytag, Norge, rniico, wesnngnouse, wniripooi. Uniig's Electric, 1026 Mam, TU 4-5512. STROUT REALTY Foods 'tVA I Bob k Ve'la Dthim( Han Hoitnan Ph. TU 4.S281 TU I W TU 1-5C48 QUICK ACTION ON LISTINGS!! i HONEY for Chr ilma-tocal. COmb or Utramed. TU t 8n, lM) W.ard. MSMiiM- .-Kin. SI verwpt-i China et tnni E ft' 7 bedroom home cpi'.plrtely remodeled. mail, eay to tieal u 4VV lo down, or take car as don payment. 45 ft. trailer home on 1 acre. Good ga rage. $4.J0O, $i00 down, J at res, be auti'ui 3 bedroom home, AL TU VALLLY KLN1 Mam MLS Multiple) Listing Servic Chilcote and SMITH PFAl TORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N tth SI. Phone TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Pill ChHcote Ph. TU 4.J7P1 Eves Tom Rflbbitl Ph. TU 7-6482 Eves. Frt Cru'cpte, Associate Broker Bob Chilcote. Broker MLS Multiple) Listing Servic WANT ADS Sell things fait! TU 4-81 1 1 TRADE UP lnwi bed'eons. gi-est house, wck hw, garage, lartje fenced vara, pat o P'lte, ll VOX or will trad lid tor three bedroom home in south suburban area. ; E-Z ON BUDGET Mn( wit K,t an-vjy j rdroom home I sptc a-t nan thre bect'nom hoe vi" Arxi'rt tv , rental r.oprty. Lew) large fenced verd Small ttewn, and eas a.nirnjnte freely paiMed throv-gh-. monthly terms. Only $4.aO0. 'May a'MJ see fnni WRIGHT REAL ESTATE 37 AUCTION FRIDAY, 7 P.M. 3899 So.' Sixth THE POET'S CORNER John ha been a-hunting Where the mooses roam The mooses did snme hunting too And chased our Johnnie home. Mrs. Amy Smith Modern blond twin bedroom set complete vitri foam rubber mattresses, hardrocK maple laMe and four chairs, maple oc casional ladles. Westinghouse clothes dry er, lovely modern double bedroom set with springs and mattresses, live-room gas heater, trash burner, aot. sire elec tric range, like new 14 cu, It. Fngidalre refrigerator, dishes, pots, pans, small ap pliances. 8 in. Craftsman table saw. J- h p. motor, dozens of divan sats, new 12 rugs, new pote lames, new table lamps curtains, drape- P'dures. mirror, automatic washer, chests. dree's. tv sets d'nette sets, occasional chairs ana swing roct-ers. 1951 FORD Va TON PICKUP Heater 1951 FORD V-8 PANEL Heater 1950 CHEVROLET PANEL Heater 1947 CHEVROLET i TON PICKUP A good buy ot only 1955 CHEVROLET CREW PANEL 4 -speed transmission 1958 ENGLISH FORD THAMES VAN One owner 1953 CHEVROLET PICKUP Heater 1957 DODGE V-8 PICKUP 4-speed 1953 CHEVROLET PICKUP PLATFORM BODY 4-speed, one owner 1956 DODGE PICKUP Heater 1957 VOLKSWAGEN PANEL One owner 1950 CHEVROLET 2-TON TRUCK PLATFORM BODY Groin sides. 4-speed ond 2-speed 1959 DODGE V-8 PICKUP 4-speed, one owner 1959 DODGE V-8 PICKUP Canopy, one owner 1959 FORD '6' PICKUP Radio, heater 1960 FORD '6' LWB PICKUP 4-speed, one owner I960 G.MC. V-6 PICKUP 3-soeed, one owner I960 FORD '6' RANCHERO PICKUP Heater, one owner : I960 FORD '6' PICKUP Heater, one owner I960 CHEVROLET '6' PICKUP Heater, one owner 1960 FORD '6' PICKUP Radio, heater, Fordomatic. one owner 1961 INTERNATIONAL '6' PICKUP Heater. 1 1,000 miles 1962 WILLYS UTILITY JEEP Rodio, heater, winch, 9,000 mtles . . 1962 CHEVROLET V-8 9-PASSENGER SUBURBAN Like new. 7,800 miles, 4-speed, Posi-tractjon rear end, special wheels and tires 175 195 235 295 395 395 445 495 495 495 495 795 995 995 995 1345 1345 1395 1445 1445 $I495 $I545 . 1 895 s2695 LOT NO. 1 TOWN & COUNTRY A SHOPPING CENTER K TU 2-3866 LOT NO. 2 2152 SOUTH SIXTH TU 4-4354 PREVIEW ALL DAY FRIDAY If Ycu'rs ta l",iKl, Not Buying THE At A 'en Cod Porier Clement Micfcev Carr Jack Miller BALSIGER'S REPRESENTATIVES TU J MM . TU 4-t4C8 . TU TU 4-420J Bob Varwtftn'tMt Licvd Chdester . Pochard O'ck 'Route- West TU -W TU 4-44 TU 4-6JJJ TU 4-343 Merrltl r8-SfQ GRllf'F nwPKK K'evor ! INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB . TU 4 JIJ s tf Tu TU 4 :' artt hII TU 4 s't TU J-Oi'l IW'kie Mathers Tu 2-lJH ! U4 Net T'h Rv Aernen Luti! ArKMrton RESALE HOUSE BALSIGER MOTOR COMPANY ' "- 1.11 1 Always the Fairest Deal Th Fin..t D,-i,.,. You're Paying Too Much' Main & Esplanade TU 1-3121