r ROBERT'S Christmas Sale Days! introducing the newest deluxe Aluminum Christmas tree with 100 pom-pom branches 6V2 FT. TALL with METAL STAND Lttt Price $19.95. Hie newest Cbrittaiee taeel A gl.amlne beauty! ..100 aluminum braacaee make a breatliteiin( spectetle day er Right. Easy ( set ue. ALSO 6'a' ALUMINUM TREE Reg. 9.50 14 Pa. MILK WHITE PUNCH SET 595 Spiriting milt white gltes, Pi-al punch bowl on matching bate with I upa aad olaitla laella- tUm .cup hanger! included. EARTHENWARE OAKEN BUCKET COOKIE JAR -- SALE PRICE 2 80 A ehermtnei container for ceeeiee. Srewn spray fniih, attractive eopp.ry trial and bail handle. Knarred toce-effect handle en lid. .KINO SIZE TRAY SET REG. $497 $12.95 Spaca tavar roflar rack hold' 4 stain and alcohol resistant trays. Waldad Itaol tabla frames 25" high. Sold and beioe Oriantal design on white. AUTOMATIC PRMEN pop up TOASTER KEG. $72.95 Modern streamline design. Haavy chroma plated finish with tte. cool plattie handles. Color control dial gives yon part act toast ovary tlma. UL approved. 4 ci tnrnin ciii i r :jjf leV Ilia CLCUiniU OaMLLkl HCe.fU.4S Big family n wfffi cooling range from T50 Jo 425 plus wvrm Ing mm. Cooke evenly -iuit plug In diala.mal control od tot Wmpartkiuf tiotifod. fcy to dMn-unplug control m1 tobmoroo EMU in wator. UNIVERSAL ! . PORTABLE Hair Dryer With Travel Case Super O 88 Special I 5 Movt around, telephone, van fix dinner while you dry your hair. 3 puthrbutton switch controls heat. With xipperod vinyl carryinf cost. Lay-Away Or Use A Roberts Charge Account! "Roberts . . . Hard To Beat For Hardware" Certified l U Watehmaker Santa Bob Says - ; ' We're Loaded With Christmas Values! AT AL LADIES DIAMOND WATCH . . . Reg. 850.00. Croton, 40 exciting diamond. LADIES' WALTHAM . . . reg. 69.95 2-dlomond watch In beau tiful yellow gold. Tops on anv woman's Christmas wont list, Just 550 39 00 plus tax 50 plus tax MAN'S GRUEN , . , reg. 69.50 17-jewel model with stretch bond. Attractive yellow gold. Buy it for his Christmas Top only ,', LADIES' GRUEN . . . reg. 100 00 watch in 14kt. yellow gold. Here's vour chance to iove xi on on excel, lent name In wachos for Christmas, I i 34 tax cnoo plus tax MAN'S WALTHAM Rtg. 49.95 valut. Shock proof. Unbreakable main spring. Antlmognetic. What a buy at only , , . wrr" 195 plus tax riir naiViir imr'i'-rV" v Diamond Ring Sale 275 375 Vl Corot Total Weight wedding set made of 7 beautiful diamonds In a combination that should sell for $259.00. Now only ' Corot Total Weight 7 brilliant diamonds in this bemitiful wedding set. Regular price is $375.00. Diamond spectoculor price 1 Corot Totol Weight wedding set with 7 large stones. Save over $100 00 on this regular $499.00 set. Now tax 00 plus tax oo r plus Diamond Ring Sale 89?iui i tax i, 345 piu ! tax 1 25 ?us tox ' M Caret Wadding Solitaire Set a beauiilul sat with one big gleaming stone to highlight Its simplicity. Compare ot $150.00 1 Carol Solitoire Wedding Set look ot the fire in this big single stone wedding set. Beautiful to see, and beautiful to own M Cent Total Weight wedding set of 7 shimmering stones set 1 in o perfect mounting. Regular price 1 $175.00. Diamond spectoculor price UGHttRS 50 Off Rc9. tf.95 watch BANDS 28s FREE CREDIT! BOB'Sfl Shop Till ? P.M. WE TIME THE AIR FORCE MJB COFFEE 1 and 2 Tini Sunshine i Graham Crackers c 2-lb. BOX Ir-1 N dim (&z0) Medo-Del ICE CREAM Anortgd . and '. Chriitmai Flavors Vi GaS. m Hood River PEARS WS mil Jaoke 'Fish Sticks Flqv-R-Pac iPeas 39l k Flav-R-Poc FROZEN 12-oz. or GRAPE Tins ' 4 $00 T "hw Y I i 1 1 ro diss) (ftwRj Carnation Light Meat Chunk TUNA Hershey's Instant COCOA MIX 2-lb. ' fr C Box cry Flav-R-Pac Canned Foods Gorton's 7-oz. pkg. f- . fc ' i i mm i n ii iinilranwi ft . ' '. -'i J JIT a 44 n Be. Creamed or Whole Kernel 303 Tins ! jtX . y LOW COST TENDER AGED APPLESAUCE Rhubarb 303 tin SIRLOIN, ROUND OR RIB YOUR' CHOICE Tender Aged T-B0NE STEAKS o f it w I Sunday Treat RUMP ROAST 6 Lean, Meaty Tender Beef SHORT RIBS lib. Boneless ROLLED ROAST 83 c : lb. Low Cost Fresh GROUND BEEF 3111 29 4 to the Pound Pkg. GRILL STEAI rib. Boneless, Rolled PORK ROAST No Waste lib. Thick Sliced 0L0GNA Swift's or Scott's C lb. Armour's 1 -lb. SAUSAGE ROLLS F 0 R Cut-Up STEWING HEN; 'ib. Swift's Premium Fully Cooked, Ready lo Eat Sigman's Hickory Smoked, Sliced slice iic S y) 'b (Q)c FREE! J)),,. L Pk9 9 Varieties of Kraft Asst. Candies mil ss as. II 3s100 MJB TREE TEA V2-lb. 25c Planter's Cocktail Nestle's !' Peanuts 31 00 j Morsels W Chili Con Carne 59 Zoom Cereal 2!9- ' JAdr1edrdr(d tseetVt'Sr'SA',! '1 Friskie Liver Flavor j! ! For Dishwashing ! Cat Food 61 AIINT W TNT White or Yellow Popcorn Dawn Fresh Mushroom 2-lb. pkg. j; Boss Brand No. 420 Nylon ;! Big Chief Insulated Leather Work (Bg i' Gloves 49 Gloves ' 2491 Steak Sauce 49 Skippy By The Case oft 48 Cans U.S. No. 1 0TAT Indian River Medium Grapefruit (Q)C Chiffon Liquid Detergent 22-01. Firm, Crisp Heads IpS Cabbage 2)L Fancy Smoothie Large Fancy Celery Hearts i Artichokes iL5" 2r29 atvaakstAAest 9 1 1 Golden Sweet Saf flower 1 SALAD OIL 1 ... Ec L Flav-R-Poc ( CHERRIES W 1 303 Tin I flj Flav-R-Pac I Fr. Cocktail flf 303 Tin I Special Morning 1 k MILK K Tall Tin I T3710 So. 6th JT.WC- Right Reserved Prices Good Thr at I I I 1 04 1 hi Pai 1 1 aOe JOI ar jUduKdan ukuw New from Europe! WMJ&y- (NOW MADE IN AMERICA). by Sainsbnite h; THE CREATIVE BUILDINS SET Lego, the play sensation of Europe it now produced in America by Samsonite. The lego iyitiu U composed of varatu sized coiorca piasuo oiuiaing diocks irrucn KKK lOCtner ana liaj I locked until they are taken apsrt. r m"T o r"Mi-',,wM''"'i"i"js5;'" 7m ( '. ; j!iii:i : f I suca, ol.... t i 'i' 1 Mort thin t tor.. Hon than itnut With Ltoo, chilon of til ij un mike ihtpf. pJinei, doll houMS, f an. filling autism, ikyieripcr. mimiU, ioldi snd moMia. Hobbyiiti of 'l afu alio enjoy worklnf with uoo end tin cmta email icale eiliea out of the bailo building unite. Prleei for complete lboo building tett Mart at only $1.95, Tt fctsiaaav iuili wire uoo Town fit in SUBURBAN OBUO lsa la. eta, Klamath r.lla, Ort. Rum taia at. (b Sataee IDTJO MMlai tMit Quantity Set number TO BlllcKt 101 Hulc set" 705 Basic scT" 70s Basic set ' 711 Biilesat W Junior Conttructor 75Tfowih.n" Price TcGfif T6.95 dMarDrM OMwerCMar ocoa null III Hull III SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS IN OUR VARIETY SECTION IShuiton Gifts for Chrtmas Reasttre! l FOR MEN i mm nmm After Sfiow lotion or ZiHii Vlattk Troveler. 20 .25 Arr jiSckv lotioA M gold- fxtrwaUfO tcaerf d, $iidc DaotVoo' tho 2.00 -1 ..and for HER eftf-aevtptvMrf SPRAY COLOONH 2.00 oach ffianWrMp O04 1 OaMeif Flown- M a aat iAA f(CODOd God.ScuptoretVSproyCologne, tafl A-vHe rf 5fWe far(uMrfti Invry Ovtiing Powdor pice plm Kdi - 9 BAKERS OR SIMILAC MILK IC CAN OR A79 JUST ARRIVED! FRESH CHOCOLATES FREE 1963 ALMANACS CALENDARS MAMCtJBE SETS e a a from tlie faehion euthority on ntll beeuly Simulated antique velvet brings a renaissance of elegance to manicure kits, containing all essentials for beautiful bands. From e collection of many !uxt rioiis fabrics and designs, 6.30 Qd.cn pom 3.73 tbeta FREE GIFT WRAPPING AS ALWAYS! erfarfrvWiWeAV EBQDl Open 365 days a year . . . 366 on leap yean. Open 9 till 10 ... 9 to 9 on Sundays & Holidays Drue. flit On Duty At All Timet Currant charge customers may charga anything In the Suburban Drug Bide;, at the prescription counter. , J. '