PAGE 6-C HERALD AND The Court Records , KLAMATH COUNTY DISTRICT COURT 'Lynn J. Zlegalmeyer, violate basic rule, 1S. Harry 415. George, no vehicle license, Neal P. Chatter ton. failure to display combined weight, 515. Bessie ). Appleton, no operator's' tl- cense, $10 suspended. . James Victor Parker, no PUC Plate, Newman R. Klmes, no tehlcle license, Marion L. Skinner, disobeyed stop sign, 7 M- . , u , , Nemesio R. Corona, lour tn driver's seat, S7.50 Calvin J. Dent, disobeyed stop sign, J7.S0. rhiM r. shulmlre, driving while ooerator'e license suspended, dismissed on motion ol district attorney. 6riflin E. Own by, violate basic rule. $25. 'Anna M.' DeGrande, violate basic rule, $20. .Francis M. Flowers, disobeyed stop .In,, 17 Wl Leo Jack Roland, reckless driving. 30 days, 2fl aays jujpbww. Jerry L. Thurman, driving while oper ator's license suspended, continued. David E. Summers, tandem axle over-j '"teodort Workman, overwidth hauling,, "carrel JotHlf. combination overload, dis missed on motion of district attorney. Donald Harold Hoopor, combination overload, dismissed on motion of district CHURCH DIRECTORY For week-day services, please call th'e church of your choice KLAMATH FALLS MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION b... .larvis. Ml. Lakl Community ' Prbyt.ri.n Church pr. . u rhurrh. vice president Chaplain JeHerson Davis, Klngalay Fit-Id rhADei. secretary-treasurer. Morning business meeting will ba held the tirst Wednesday of each month In the various churches. . jf LA MATH GOSPEU MISSION Purpose of the mission It reaching "Thai uasi. i n . i.h. o.n.n. director ,75 Walnut Strati Ph. TU 1-itnl put ofllca Box 17 Klamalh Falls i:10 a.m. aroadcast on station ki-lw Monday througn saturoay 7:M p.m.-Nlohlly praaenmg 1:45 a.m. Broadcast on KFJI, Monday , througn Frioay , !' SALVATION ARMY 400 Klamath Avanua Phona ru W Malar and Mrs. M. Lawls Kandoll. Olllcait In Charga fundayi . . :45 Sunday School 11:00 Hollnsss Moating 7:00 Strait Sirvlci ' 7: Evinglllltlc Maatlng - : ASSEMBLY OP GOD 78 Oak Strut Kav. Lloyd Fosnar Sunday Schadula 1:30 l.m. "Thi Voles ot . , Station KFLW 9:4$ a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Worshlp Sarvlcl 1-iO p.m. Christ's Ambassadors 7:30 p.m.-Eyangallstlc Rally ! iatist7iili t riruaitlwa Baottst Assoc. Mii Wlard Phon TU ' Rev. Freeman Schmitt t:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning worship :00 p.m. Baptist League 7:00 p.m. Evening Service aptistTcaivary E. Main and Garden Rev. Ferris O. Winn Rea. 17 McClellen Street ' 1 eihone TU J-4446 9-.4S a.m. Sunday School ; 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship ' 4:13 p.m. Training Union 7:30 p.m. Evening Warship t iAPTiST CHURCH, FIRST tth and Wasitington Phona JU 4-U71, 9;4b a.m. Sunday School - 11-00 a.m. Morning Worship :30 p.m. Training Union 7:45 p.m. Evening Worship Sarvlct i IAPTIsFcHURCH GRACE MISSIONARY ! CMy Library Basement Auditorium Cider C. V. Blenchard, pastor , 473$ Harlan Drive, parsonage ' Ph. TU 3-0120 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Sunday Bible Studf ' lAFTISTTiMMANUEL CONSERVATIVE The Rev. l J. (Hon) Hall 11th and High Phona TU 4-1134 f:4S a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.JrVorshtp Service 4:00 p.m. Young People's Meeting 7:00 p.m. Evening Service '. IAPTIST, "MISSIONARY i ' 4134 Douglas Elder J. L. Wisdom 4143 Belsam Phone TU Mala f:45 a m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Training Union 1:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Service AFT1ST, STEWART-LENOX K. G. West, pastor Corner Douglas and E mar tad -Phona TU 1-0544 e 45 a.m. Sunday School It -00 a.m. Morning Worship 4:30 p.m. B.T.U. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship BAPTIST FUNDAMENTAL (Independent) Meeting In the Klamath Falls Auditorium Dining Room Main and Spring Streets Lewis A. York, pastor 10 00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Service CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. FIUS X Rev. Geo. Murphy 4501 Bristol Ave. Phona TU 4-4340 7i30, :00 and UtOO a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday Masses 4:00 and 9:00 a.m. and 7j30 p.m. Holy 0Y Masses :M and 9:00 a.m. and 3; 30 p.m. Pint rlday Masses 3:30, 4:30. 7:30 and 1:30 Saturday Con 'ess ions 7:30. and 1:30 cm. Evas of Holy Days ind First Friday Conlesslons and batora sll Masses, Sundays, Holy Days and First -rmaya CATHOLICCHURCH SACRED HEART Rioht Rev. r. P. Casey, Pastor 115 High St. TU 4-4544 Sunday Masses: , I, t;30, 11. 13:15 i 7:30 p.m. Weekday Masses: 7 and I a.m. Saturday Confessions: 3-4:30 and 7-l:30i CHRISTIAN CHURCH, FIRST Otis R. Bell, pester tin & Ptne Phone fU 4-5437 t:4S a.m. Btme School 11:00 a.m. Morning worship 4:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study 4:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor 7.30 p.m. Evening Worship 1 CHRISTIANCHURCH, SUIURIAN 5133 Shasta Way Laa Sheter. minister 9 i$ a.m. Sunday School 4:30 p.m. Bible Study fcC I 11:00 a.m. Worship Sv.vica 7; 30 p.m. Evening service CHRISTIArTsCIENCE tMh and Washington Phona ru 4-44? Readine Room 5f Main Slreei Phona TU -57t7 (1:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday Servica CHURCH OfThB BRETHREN 4773 Bristol Avenue Rev. Cart Simmon, Minister. Phona TU 4-4549 a.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 4:00 p.m.-C.t.Y.P. NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. attorney. Robert James Poutre, being Intexl cated on a public highway, continued; breaking glass In building not his own, continued. Marvin Junior Gregory, petit larceny. 30 days suspended. Leo Jackson Roland, minor In posses sion of alcoholic liquor, 40 days sus pended. KLAMATH PALLS MUNICIPAL COURT Carl Reynolds Thompson Jr., drunk, 25 or five days. I Elaine Scarbrough, drunk, S23 or. five; days. Stanley Jonn, orunx, s?5 or rive aays. Patricia Jackson, drunk. In an aulo, $25 or five days. Glen Thompson, drunk In an aulo, $23 or five days. Ernestine jaexson, arum in an auto. J2S or five days. On The Record I 1 KLAMATH PALLS BIRTHS BOYS KUJAWSKI Born to Mr. .and Mrs. Charles Kuawskl March 14 In Klamath Valley Hospital, a boy weighing lbs., 4 oi. , MOTSINGER Born to Mr. and Mrs.! Gerald L. Motslnger March 13 fn Klam ath Valley Hospital, a boy weighing 7 lbs., 2Vi ozs. j POULSHOCK Born to Mr. and Mrs. Normand G. Poulshock March t5 In Klam ath Valley Hospital, a boy weighing 6 CHURCH OF CHRIST 1774 Arthur Phone ru 7-H4n io:oo a.m. Biota classes 11:00 Lord's Supper 7:30 p.m. Bible Study CHURCHOF CHRIST JAMES CAMPBELL. MINISTER WANTLAND AND MARTIN , 1:4$ a.m. Bible Study 10:45 a.m. Lords Supper 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service 4:00 p.m. Evening Worship Service CHURCH OF GOD PENTECOSTAL The Rev. and Mrs. C. D. Lee 4437 Shasla Way Phone T 4V 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Serve ! CHURCHOF GOt OF PROPHECY Altamont and Maryland Street 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Mornlno Worshlo 7:00 p.m. Young People's VLB Service 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Servica CHURCH oTgOD, FIRST 2803 Altamont Drive T. Charles end Irene Buckle, pastors 9:45 a.m. Sundav School 10:45 a.m. Church Services 10:41 a.m. Junior Church (youth room) e: is p.m. Youth Fellowship 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service - GIDEONS i ; C. R. Larson, President ! Phone TU 4-5003 or TU 4-4083 for time and olaca or InformaUnn Meetings Third Sunday of the month CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ! Rev. Marshall A. McKlnnle, mis tor 2154 Garden St. Phone TU 2-3978 y-.ti a.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service . 4:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship each Sunday EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ST. PAUL'S , Eighth and Jefferson ThVRev. Robert L. Greene, Rector TU 4-3S1S ' I 8:00 a.m. HbIv Cnmrnunlnn . ia .in. t-nmiiy avrvica una tnurcn - ; School (3 years through adult) 1:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon : Mory communion 1st and 3rd . Sundays (Nursery at 9:15 and 1 1 . 00) 7;00 p.m. Episcopal Young Churchman FAITH TABERNACLE Rev. W. D. Bfgby, pastor 3410 Shasta Way 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 1:30 p.m. Young People's Meeting 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship GOSPEL MISSION OF THE UNITED HOLY ) CHURCH OF AMERICA 351 Commercial Street . Rev. C. M. Tlmmi. naif or 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship o:ju p.m. sunaay roung people's serv Ice 7-V D.m. Sunday Evenlno Service FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1918 Oregon Aenua C. O. Tremetn, pastor Ph. TU 4-588! 9-45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning. Worship 4-30 p.m.-Y. p. Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Servica KINGDOM HALL Jehovah's Witnesses ' 133 North Ninth Street 3:00 p.m.-Pubtlc Talk 4:15 p.m. Watchtower Study ' KLAMATH TEMPLE 1007 Pine Phone TU 4-5 Rev. Harry M. Strachan 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a m. Morning Worship 4:30 p.m. Overcome 5ervice ' 4:30 p.m. Sunday C. A. Young People 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Worship 7:43 p.m. Evangelistic . KLAMATH GOSPEL CENTER 1415 Mitchell Phone TU ?-0?7r- Rev. Malvin R. Griffith 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mornlno Worship 7:30 p.m.-Sunday Night Wn'thlp chTrch of jesus christ of latter day saints Home and Martin Phone TU 4 4BV Klamath Palls First Ward Bishop David J. Davis Phona TU 4-7377 8:00 a.m. Sunday, Priesthood 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 5:00 p.m. Sacrament Meeting CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Home and Martin Phona ru 4.4SV Klamath Falls Second Ward Bishop Georae Shatter Jr. Ph. TU 4-748 l:4j a.m. Sunday, Priesthood 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:00 p m. Sacrament Meeting REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS ' 9th and Plum 9 5 a.m. Sunday School M Wi m. Morning Werihln 7:30 p m.-Pvantwi Worship LUTHERAN. HOP! Rev. W. W. Pechman. Pastor TU 2-WSt TU 4-A414 South Sixth Street and Homedale Road t. w a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.b.-Worshlp Servica Holy Communion tirst Sunday each month Pacific Synod UCLA LUTHERAN, KLAMATH 1175 Crescent LeRoy M. Redl. Pastor TU 4 34ST 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 4. 11:00 a.m. Worship Services Broadcast KFLW 1st and 5th Sutviav Holv Cor.munion an 4th Sundev at ch monm. LUTHERAN, ZION (The Lutheran Church-Missouri vmm Eleventh and High Streets Norbert E. Dev. Pastor tu -ai 9-45 a.m. Sunday Bible School il;00 a.m. Oiv'ne Servtce "The Changeless Chnst o 1 mts Changing World' METHODIST CHURCH. FIRST Rev. Ralph Richardson 730 North 1 0th St, Phone (U 4-405. 9 41 am. Church School Sunday U:00 a m -Service ot Worship Sunday 7:30 pm -Fellowship Hour Sunday 7 00 p.m.-Yeuth Fellowship Sunday Sunday, March 19, 1961 - - lbs-, 3 ois. GIRLS BAOGLEY Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Badgley March 14 In Klamath vaney Hospital, a gin waigning ids., y7 ozs. BLEAK Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mertln Bleak March IS in Klamath Valley-Hos pital, a girl weighing 9 lbs., 3W ozs. SKfcL'ON Born 10 wr, no Mrs. to- gar F. Skelton March 14 in Klamath vat ley Hospital, a girl weighing 6 lbs.. 9li ois. 1H1 SUMMARY SISKIYOU SISKIYOU COUNTY BIRTHS CATTANEO Born to Mr. and Mrs. Waller Cattaneo, Weed, March I, Mount1 Shaste Community Hospital, a girl weigh ing 7 Its., V' ozs. PON Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pon, Dunsmuir, March I, at Mount Shas ta Community Hospital, a boy weighing s ids., y-i ozs. DORS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dorst, Dunsmuir, March 5, at Mount Shas ta Community Hospital, a girl weighing I, IDS., O'l Oil. POMATTO Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pomallo, Weed, March 3. at Mount Shasta Community Hospital, a boy weigh ing a lbs., 5 ois. TATUM Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben latum, Mount Shasla, March 4, at Mount Shasta Community Hospital, a girl weigh ing a lbs. CROWE Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mitcn- ell Crowe, Castella, March 7, at Mount Shasla Community Hospital, a girl weigh ing S lbs., II ozs. justice Born to Mr. ana Mrs. Ar nold Justice, Yreka, March 7, at Siskiyou MIRACLE TEMPLE Brother and Sister Peters, Paetora 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, FIRST Garden and Martin Piione TU 4-4870 Lawrence T. Ho man. Minister 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. Classes for all ages. 10:50 a.m. Morning Worship 4:00 p.m. N.Y.P.S. and Junior Society i:w p.m. evangelistic Service CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, LAKESIDE Ouarrv and Acuta strowi J. Loy Ferry, Minister - TU 4-5942 a.m. aunoay acnooi M '00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service PKNTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD Corner Grant and Douolas The Rev. W. T. Potter, pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH WEAVER MEMORIAL Rev. James D. Rockholt 2301 Wantland Ph, TV 4.5584i v: a.m. Sunday school H:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Service 7:10 p.m. Evening Service PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, FIRST 401 Pine street Rev. Robert C. Groves. Mlnlstsr 9:30 a.m. Church School class for all ages 11:00 a.m. -Worship Nursery and story hour S:30 p.m. Westminster Fellowship, luntor nign ana iigrt scnool PRESBYTEPJAN CHURCH, MT. LAKI COMMUNITY Andrew A. Jarvls, Pastor Ph. TU 3-W10 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 1 11:00 a.m. Worshlo Sarvlc 700 p.m. Junior High and Junior Youth Fellowship PRESBYTER7AN CHURCH, PEACE MEMORIAL "31 4th TU 4-5057, nev. Lamg w sibhet - 9:30 a.m. Church School and Worship! service t):00 a.m. Church School and Worship service 7:00 p.m. Junior High Wesfmlnsfer Fel lowship 7:00 p.m.-Senior High Westminster Fel lowship PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ST. ANDREWS Corner of Nosier and Angle Streets Thrae blocks from Pelican 0- 9:00 a.m. Sunday Church School SEVENTH DAYADVENTIST 1725 Main- ph0na fli i.ii- Eider Kenneth H. McVay 9:30 a.m. Saturday thhih rhi H:00 a.m. Saturday Morning Worship UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP ' Himn Kiiimever. Pres Ph. TU 3-0104 t-nw wrov nncennnnouse Lakevlaw H'wy, r-.uwtnms evvrv aunnav 11:00 a.m. Fellowship Program and Ois. cuss ion 11. '00 a.m. Junior Fellowship Classes for all ages YOUTH SOLDIERS FOR CHRIST Htf Oregon Ava Rev Eftia Shelby "on a m. Sunday School il hfl a m. Mornlno Worshlo 7-45 p.m -Pt,nlno Wnrhn VICTORY TEMPLK SMas H. Jones, pasinr 1909 Homadala Road 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evanoellitle Rally BEAT f Y BEATTY METHODIST MISSION The Rev. Harvev Zeller t Vi a m Sunday School u '30 am. Worship Service BLY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Charles N. Pratt, pastor lO nft a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Sarvlca CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE OF ILY Georqe Simon, paster Phona W, Biy f a m. aunoay scnool 11:00 a m. Sunday Morning Service 4:30 p.m.-Sunday Young Ptnpi-s Me Ing f om, Sunday Evening Service BLY CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Robert E. Simard it 00 a m.Mess every Sunday BONANZA TssemblTood" bonanza community Rev. Forreit B Bard ta 00 a,m.-5unday School li w a m Morning Worship S '30 D.m -Evening Service CATHOLIC CHURCH, ST. F. X. CABRINI Bonama Rev Geo A Murchy H 00 a m Sunday Mass "hiloouin"" ASSEMBLY OF GObT. CHILOQUIN Rev William Rents in 00 a m. Sunday School I t oo a. n Worship Servica a 10 pm Young People 1 30 p.m.-evangelical Meeting LATTER DAY SAINTS CHILOQUIN MASONIC HALL Fred lenoo. Sunday School Suot, 1:00 p.n1. Sunday at Methodist Church METHODIST CHURCH, CHILOQUIN COMMUNITY Rev Albert E. Plate 10.00 a m. Sunday School H (IC a m -Worship Service 00 a m -Sitimtay Itrxysi 7,00 p m.-Mva O'nnef atler Church !wnly General Hospital, girl weighing ON Bwn to Mr. and Mrs. Harry On, Yreka, March J, at Siskiyou County Gen eral Hosclisl, a boy weiahing 7 tba., $ ots. WEBB Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Webb, Yreka, March e. at Siskiyou Coun ty General Hospital, boy weighing I lbs., S'i ois. CALKINS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Calkins, Yreka, March 4, at Sis kiyou County General Hospital, a boy weighing 7 lbs., 15 ois. CROWNOVER Born to Mr,' and Mrs. Tillman Crownover, Montague, at Siski you County General Hospital, a boy weigh- ina 8 lbs,,, I'll ois. MORGAN Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan, Yreka, March I, at Siski you County General Hospital, a boy weigh ing 9 lbs. : EDWARDS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tommle Edwards, Weed, March 1 el Sis kiyou County General Hospital, a boy weighing 7 lbs., 5Vi OZS. . DEATHS Paollna Sbarbaro, 74, Weed, died March 7. Interment at Mount Shasta Memorial Park. Maroaret Ann Nollman, 10, Mount Shas ta, died March I. Interment at Mount Shasla Memorial Park. Mary Cecelia Lamb, 41, Yreka, died March 10. Interment in SI. Joseph's Cath olfc Cemetery. MARRIAGE LICENSES Enoch D. Reece, 23, Mary Beth But tertleld, IS, bolh of Gazelle. Glendel Meeks, 30, Dunsmuir. Karoia Joyce McCurdy, 21, Yreka. Neil Raymond Marlow, 19, Mount Shas ta, Ravma Louise Swanson, 19, of Mc Cloud. , , . DIVORCES Elsie L. Cooke vs. Eugene F. Cooke. Interlocutory decree March 7. Floyd William Spearin vs. Elvata Pearl Speerin. interlocutory decree Marcn io. CATHOLIC CHURCH OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL Chiloqum Rev. Robert Simard 7:30 a.m. Sunday Mass 9:00 a.m Sunday Mass . OPEN BIBLE STANDARD ' CHURCH, CHILOQUIN . The Rev. Jack C. Hardin, pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 4:30 p.m. Overcomer's Service ' 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service DORRIS w FREEWILL BAPTIST, FIRST North California St. Dorrls, California Pastor. Rev. Robert H. Hiddle EX 7-2952 10:0C a.m. Sunday School 11:00 ajri. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Young People's Servica 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship BAPTIST, FIRST W. B. Russell, pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. Leo Harring ton in charge 7:00 p.m. Sunday, Training Union, Otis Mlddaugh director Sunday ' , evening worsnip service CATHOLld CHURCH OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL Oorris. California Rev. C. F. O'Connor, pastor 11:15 a.m. Sunday Maw FORT KLAMATH s METHODIST CHURCH FORT KLAMATH COMMUNITY Rev. Albert E, Place 9; 30 a.m Mornlno Worshlo 10:30 a.m. Sunday School Bill Milne, fav vlear 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship and Church School LANGELL VALLEY ST. BARNAIAS . EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bill Milne, lev vicar K) a.m. Morning Worship and Church sniooi LORELLA FULL GOSPEL, LORELLA Rev. Eugene A. Wlllli, pailor f:4S a.m. Sundev School 11:00 e.m. Morning Worship 7; 45 p.m. Suiidey Evening Worship MALIN " ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH, . , MALIN Charles L. Puller, paster e;J3 a.m. Sundey School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worshtp t:oo p.m. sunaay Evening worsnip ' Visitors Welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MALIN COMMUNITY . Rev, Ethan Whitman 1:415 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service MERRILL ASSEMBLY OF GOD, MERRILL W. H. Reeve, pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:45 p.m. hvangtllstic Services 7:45 p.m. Wednesday, Young' People's Service CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. AUGUSTINE'S Merrill Father Vincent C. Egan 8 00 a.m. Sunday Mass 10 00 a m. Sunday Mats PRESBYTERIAN, MERRILL. FIRST Rev. Lloyd A.' Htndorton 1:45 a.m. Sunday' School 10. M a.m. Worship Service 5:00 p.m. Junior High Youth Group 4: p.m. Senior High Fellowship. NEWELL IAPTIST, NEWELL CONSERVATIVE Howard W. Roth, pa slot 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11 00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p m, Training Union 7:30 p.m. Evening Service SPRAGUE RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH, , SPRAGUE RIVER Pastor. Evert J. iuning Ift Ofl a m. Sunday School . 11:00 a m. -Worship Service J 30 p.m. Evening Service 7-30 p m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting ' 9:45 m Sunday School TULELAKE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor l. A Lawrence P O. BOX 365 pnone 7-oiai fulelake. California . '41 am Sunday School 11 00 a m. Morning Worshm Services and Children's Church C. A Chapel 6:30 p.m. Christ Ambassadors Service (Youth) 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service IAPTIST CHURCH, FIRST Tom Helm. Pafttor 45 a.m. Sunday School n m a.m. Morning Worship A: JO p.m Baptist framing unten 145 p m Fvanlng Worship CATHOLIC CHURCH HOLY CROSS luleiahe. Cannvni Key C. P OTonrtOf. Batter I NI a m. Sunday Mass .30 a m Sunday Mass CHURCH OF CHtlST fultiaKt Caltprn Rev Rov iqo f is a m.-B'bie School It DO a m Morning Service I 30 p m.-Youth Meeting , I Vt o m - pvaning Service ' PRESBYTERIAN. COMMUNITY Tuletake, cadf. Waynf E. Wattman, minister f:l a m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Worship k Nursery 6.30 p.m. Youth Fellowship WII-LIAMON" RIVE" METHODIST MISSION WILLIAMSON RIVIR Rev Harvey fit . 1 JOpm -Sunday School 1 JO rm. -Worship lervtc MlWuniYj' Dinner after Church Series Set For Lawyers UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Some 700 Oregon lawyers will be on the University of Oregon cam pus during spring vacation, for the 11 session of thsj Continuing Legal Education Series sponsored by the Oregon State Bar Assoei ation. , The topic for the March 23-25 session is creditor s remedies. Speakers, panel discussions, and live demonstrations will review every aspect of this important function. Proceedings will be held in the Erb Memorial Union. Registra tions will take place in the lobby of the Eugene Hotel. Interested persons should: con tact John H. Holloway, secretary, Oregon State . Bar, 622 Pittock Block, Portland. Guard Boat Tows Yacht SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - A jinxed luxury yacht will finally make it from Honolulu to Califor nia, on the end of a Coast Guard tow line. , . . , , " The 73-foot Endymion lost mast and its radio Friday ir heavy seas some 300 miles south west of San Francisco. It hailed a' passing freighter and reported its plight. The freighter relayed the infor- tlmation to the Coast Guard here, which launched a search. The ship was found Friday chugging along at about four knots on an auxilia ry engine. . HONORS FBI CHIEF WASHINGTON (UPI) - The United Service Organizations Inc. (USOI gave FBI Director J. Ed gar Hoover its annual award on Tuesday. The citation said "In grateful recognition of unselfish comriDutions io me American ner itage and to the youth who should er its growth and bear its arms; and for distinguished service to the welfare of the nation. Herald & News CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I A.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays a.m. to noon Saturday Caunt live words per line. Ads under f lines count tame as 3 lines. MINIMUM CHARGE 1.50 1 10 Timet 15.00 6.50 8.00 9.50 Lines Times Times Si. 00 5.00 . 4.00 Month SZ.50 3.25 4.00 $ 9.00 11.50 14.00 14.50 4.75 7.00 50c DISCOUNT oer advertisement, If da Id in advance Above rates are for consecutive inser ''one, without change of copy, for private individuals. Advertising must be clear and understandable to be productive. AH words must be spelled out. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and Monday. CANCELLATIONS & CORRECT IONS On lame schedule, except on Monday these re taken 'III 9:30 a.m. Please read first Insertion of your ad. The Herald & News wilt give one extra run 'or typographical error. BOX SERVICE 50 cents per ad. CARD OF THANKS, and IN WE MORI AM S3.M FOR COMMERCIAL RATES PHONE TU 4-8111 CARD OF THANKS A IWE wish to extend our hen rife it thank I to all who so kindly assisted and for me woras ot sympamy and beautiful flor al offerings extended at the death of our beloved brother, Mr. L. L. (Spike) Wright. Mrs. Bessie Jacket!, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wright, Mr. and Mrs. William Wright. MJNERAL HOME WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. High Street. Phone TU 2-4404. MEETING NOTICES 1 SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Ponderosa Lodge No. 220 AF & AM. Mon day, March 20th, 7:30 p.m. Work In F.C. De gree. All vissting Mo- sons invited, w. A. Lewis, w.M GENERAL NOTICES STORING FURNITURE? CALL PEOPLE'S. TU 4-7498 PERSONALS WOIJKINO woman wants to stiara IwrllirD A I P 0 MCAC iTJ-mot. 'irSo'tiam"" """r "om'n-iltKALIJ cx IN tVVo LUELLA Million and Jo Ann Invite friends and patrons to Lovely Lady Beauty Lounge, Main, TU 7-6043. Johnson, call, A 805 E.I Sponsored by the churches of the Klamath Basin Holiness Association: Free Methodist, First Nazarene, Lakeside Nazarcne, Pilgrim Holiness and Salvation Army. March 19-26 at the SALVATION ARMY -4th and Klamath ., v....- j.l " J DR. W. S. NEAL . 1. YOUR LIVER Is Your Life." (Read er's Oigeif) Stomach relief in minutes with "MERBELS" RX. Proven 40 years. Guaranteed! Exclusively at CURRIN'S for DRUGS, your RX Specialists. FULLER BRUSH SERVICE Norm Paup, 2011 Wantland. TU 4-7504. AVAILABLE for private parties, organi zations, etc. Magician accordionist, cer oid Argelslnger, age 15. Phona TU 4-5595. PRIVATE home rales. TU 4-8347. aged. Reasonable WATKINS PRODUCTS. TU 4-7831. LICENSED home tor aged. TU 2-3143. KLAMATH Beauty College, tor ap oint ment call TU M411. 124 No. 4th. NURSING HOME. TU 2-0529. PUBLIC CHARITY - SERVICES 7 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, phone TU 2-340 or r.u. do iv- i3w inmiuir for the families of aiconouc young women of any faith needing con- firfential advice mav contact Miss Pruitt. Catholic Charities. 20 w. Droeaway. cw gene, Oregon, pnone o-jeu. SERVICES An 10 WALL cleaning by machine, as per cent discount. Inexpensive, emcieni wok. j-ei TU 2-4119 for tree estimates. . iuiiPFn tree tnooino. removal, surgery and pruning. Free estimates. TU .4-0955. ROTOTILLING, tractor equipment. Mod erate rates. Gardens, etc. TU 4-9398. MOVING? Local, long distance. : Call PEOPLE'S, TU 4-749!. PLUMBING. REPAIRING. REMODEL ING, NEW CONSTRUCTION. TU 2-5330. VACATIONING? Will care for your home, nets, live In. Top references. TU 2-t is. FENCING material sold and Installed. HOOVER FENCE CO. TU 2-0747. ANDY BERGLOFF'S general blacksmith ing, welding, expert plowshears repair. 2748 Wlard. TU 4-4927. . BABY silting anytime. Your home mine. TU 2-1770, TU 2-2711. ONE hour dry cleaning, no extra charga. and H Green stamps, free pitup and delivery. Broadway Cleaners, soun Sixth near eon Bazaar. EXPERT sewing your home, mine. Fash. ion designing, alterations. Malln 723-2132. airraid ind News, Box 592c. EXCAVATION, foundations, dltchlngi drain fields, leveling. TU 4-8391, CALL NOW - For Free Estimates On SEWER LINE . INSTALLATION Bank financing on approved credit GRAIN PLUMBING TU 2-3248 or TU 2-5123 HELP WANTED, FEMALE 14 COUPLE wanted. Woman tor part time maid work. Trailer, lights, water fur- nlshed. Some wages. No children. Prefer Johns-tManvllle couple. Write Herald and News Box SMC. CAPABLE woman wanted for housework and baby sitting, call TU 2-mt. WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE ... If you would en oy working 3 or 4 hours a day calling regularly each month on a group of Studio Girl Cosmetic clients on a route to be established in and around Klamath Falls, and are wnitng to maxe ngm ae llurlii. ate. write to STUDIO GIRL COS METICS, Dept. AA-3AM, Glendale, Califor nia. Route will pay up to $3.50 per hour. HELP WANTED, MALE ...16 NATIONAL distributor of foods has open ing for man with clerical, experience or training and Is Interested Tn learning The business. Applicants should be between the ages of IS and 40, bondable and In good health. This Is a permanent position, com pany paid hospital medical insurance pro gram and other employe benefits. PleBiiej send qualifications, references and phone i number TO r.U. BOX OOU, MO mom rona. DISTRICT Manager western area, Cali fornia Hdqrs.; salary. Incentive, expenses, car. Construction- equipment sales neces sary. Herald and News Box 560C. moulding olant swino shift foreman. Northern California area moulding plant needs high caliber man who has worked UP trom grouna noor. rieosc uu hui ok' nit, imiMo well Qualified. All reolles wil be held in confidence. Write Herald and News BOX 5WL. RETAIL lumberman experienced in fabri cation, use of carpenter tools, power (nni. draftino. 5'? dav week including Saturdays and Sundays. House trailer, space available. First letter to state o. references, education, experience and salary expected. Write Herald and News BOX 593C. WANT to make $20 or more In a day for part or full time route work? Man woman, wrut mencaa -u., dua 4014, Oakland 23, Calif. . , CONTRACT TRUCKMEN make $$'s. Trailer furnished. If over 22 writ MAY' FLOWER Box 107, inaianapoiis c, mo. OPPORTUNITY 1 Due to expansion program we need help In management as wen as sates person nel. Men selected must be honest, bond able and have pleasing personalities. Complete training given. If you are In terested In a permanent career with an nnaretslve firm, this is ivour opportunity. Rapid advancement for ' those who qual ity, interviews a-, o-b p.m. m"ui Adams, win am noiei. BOYS! EARN EXTRA MONEY,, AFTER SCHOOL SELLING THE HERALD & NEWS DOWNTOWN AFTER SCHOOL 6 CONTACT UIK(UL I IUIN UtKI . Main ot Esplanade TU 4 8111 PERSONALS HOLINESS EMPHASIS PREACHING SERVICES Nightly At 7:30 P.M. BIBLE STUDY 1:30 P.M. Each Weekday SPECIAL PROGRAM Saturday, March 25 Four Sessions on "Holiness In Epistle To The Romans" 10:00 A.M. and 1:30, 3:00 and 7:10 P.M. WORKERS: DR. W. S. NEAL. Evangelist ol El Mont.. Calif., and REV. L. DOW WRIGHT, Paatsr, Church of tht Notarono, St. Htltns, Oraaan. U. R. INVITED! 16 NEED 5 PART TIME MEN Can you work Saturdays, evenings? Add SaO weekly to your income writing shoe oraers. comm., oonus. samples suppuea. Charles Chester Shoes, Dept. Low. Brockton, Mass. HELP WANTED .17 CALL TU 4-9196 THOSE WHO HESITATE ., ARE LOST! ! Pick up the phone and investigate this tremendous , ,. money-maker sales opportunity . " CALL 9 TO 11 A.M. V FOR APPOINTMENT SITUATIONS WANTED 18 ADULT BABYSITTING 211 Hillside IRONING, washing. Excellent work. Pick, up, deliver. TU 4-9434. IRONINGS done fast,' good. Also hour worx wanted, iu 4-4009. ROOMS FOR RENT 22 ROOMS home environment, TV, ample parking, S4 week, eav Jefferson, ROOMS, cabins, reasonable. Ernie's Ho TU 2-5225. tel. 631 So. 5th. HOUSEKEEPING" rooms tor men. reasonable. TU 4-9287, TU 4-M33. CLEAN housekeeping room, utilities turn- isneo, ji fine, iu z-ujii. ROOM and board tor men or students. 500 NO. 9th. LOVELY ROOMS, CLOSE IN. TU 4-4259. ANCHOR Hotel, clean rooma, low rates. T.V.. elevator. and cafe. 328 So. 8th. CLEAN, QUiET, APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 FURNISHED apartment near Weyerhaeu-. ser. Utilities paid. $40. TU 4-8313. DOWNTOWN, modern one bedroom fur nished. Utilities paid. $60. TU 4-9564. FURNISHED apts.. 550. LARK APARTMENTS TU 2-3471 DOWNTOWN, attractive, furnished three room apt. Adults - no pets. TU 4-57)9. NICELY furnished 3 rooms, 2023 Darrow. THREE ROOM FURNISHEO APART MENT. 911 Walnut. IDEAL for working couple, 3 room fur nished apt., electric heat and stove. Near town, 419 S. 9th. $50. TU 4-6282. BACHELOR apt. clean, comfortable. Util ities paid. 126 North Third. FURNISHED two bedroom apartment. 2061 White. UNFURNISHED one bedroom. Lights, heat, water paid. $75. 235 Alameda. WHOLESOME, SMALL, $40. 112 SO. 3RD. EWAUNA-DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished, 219 So. 11th, TU 2-1062. FURNISHED three room apt., i 5, all adults utilities Included. Shared bath, only. 419 No. 10th. . . FURNISHED one bedroom apt. Also, sne bachelor apt. 213 Cedar. CLEAN, furnished apts. 825 Lincoln, 501 Market. TU 4-5692, TU 2-3592. FURNISHED IVn bedrooms Mills Addi tion. Utilities paid. Adults preferred. TU, 4-6574 afternoons and weekends. ' FURNISHED 1 room apt. $40, utilities Included. 419 North Tenth. FOUR room furnished apt. $50. TU 2-6122. SMALL, clean furnished apartment. Close In. TU 4-5111, TU 4-6966. SMALL clean apts. Closa In, utilities fur nlshed. 433 North Tenth. FOR rent nice clean three room and bath furnished apt. Very comfortable. 207 East Main. TWO rooms turnlshed $45. Marlon Apt. Annex. Steam heat, hot and cold - wa ter. Two blocks from Main. 223 North Sixth, Apt. 102. FOUR ROOM FURNISHED APT. FOR RENT. TU 4-6959. SPARKLING, downtown, 7th & Pine, free, heat, $55 to 5 mo. $20 weekly. Adults. Alpha Apts., TU 4-4522, TU 4-5010. CLEAN, bachelor apt., private bath. Walk ing distance. TU 4-9375, TU 4-B444. THREE room furnished apt., Mills Ad dition. $40. Inquire, 2348 Vine after 12 p.m. TU 4-8825 v FURNISHED 1 bedroom apt., utilities paid, $65, 741 Rose. TU 2-2742. ATTRACTIVE, clean one bedroom furn ished apt. Laundry room, i u FURNISHED t bedroom duplex, free heat, Hoi Springs. TU Ma8l. . ROOSEVELT APARTMENTS ZJJO LCHUI rurnisi.wa 01 um" U a rage, nor WOior neoi, nui oyrinyo area. Adults. TU 2-1749 after 6 p.m. CASCADE FURNISHED APARTMENTS 1 & 2-Bed room Elevator Heat Disposal Storage Free parking Near Downtown $55 per month and up 230 So. 11th TU 4-7465 RICKFALLS APARTMENTS One and two-bedroom. Furnished or semi furnished. FROM $67.50 W W.30 7660 Shasta Way TU 2-5577; FTTatxa irA iHAi I r V ICYV APARTMENTS One and two bedroom apartments, fur nished or unfurnished; three bedroom apartments, unturnisnea. 83 TO $56 "r... -..K.i- .,..T uisposoi, "' W'w-n " matnlenjincB Included. OFFICE HOURS I A.M. IO 3 P.m. Monday throuqh Friday 1627 WASHBURN WAY TU 4-8277 SCOTT5WOOD MANOR 2544 UNION Klamath Falls newest and most luxurious apartments. Beautifully decorated, fur- nlshed or unfurnished, one and two bed - rooms. Year around swimming in heated pool with "bubble" cover. All utilities paid. Reasonable rent. Drive out for In- specllon or cell TU 2-5935 HELP WANTED, MALE ma The APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 DOWNTOWN furnished apt., parking space. I. TU 4-6300, TU 4-M3; CLEAN furnished apartment. 333 So- 1Uh, CLEAN, furnished one bedroom act Washing facilities. Reasonable. TU 4-533i. HOUSES FOR RENT . 26 UNFURNISHED three 1560 Gary.rtTU 4-9131. bedroom home. FOR rent or sale with low down payment. Two bedroom home, double lot. 2-5124 Sunday or after S p.m- FURNISHED 2 bedroom house close $47.50. No dogs. TU 4-3762. LARGE one bedroom, partly furnished. Garage. 719 Alameda. TU 4-4451. TWO bedroom furnished house, $50 mo. 3638 Corlez.' Tu) 4-B713. THREE bedroom unfurnished, full base ment, city schools, good lease, $95 a mo. TU 4-6S44. UNFURNISHED two bedroom. No small children, pets. 925 Mitcnell. TU 2-1812. SMALL furnished cabin suitable for one or' two people. Very good suburban dis trict $40. 2530 Gettle Street. TU 2-0973. CLEAN unfurnished 2 bedroom home, carpeted living room, $75 per month, 3910 Sturdivant. Wright Real estate, jue w. 6th, TU 2-2776. ci-id Hnt ths-a rivimi. un4iirnithri xranf I ,,Mi and refrloerator. floor furnace. Cou- pie only. Inquire 435 Oak, TU 4-5577. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHEO Y BEDROOM HOUSE, $50. TU 4-8261. UNFURNISHED three bedroom home near Stearns scnooi. iu z-bv. TWO bedroom unfurnished. Garage, fenced yard, dryer hookup, $65. TU 4-654?. TWO bedroom unfurnished duplex. rage. Adults. No pels. 2260 White. SEVERAL 1 and 2 bedroom houses In citv and suburban area. Some partly furnished. Reasonable rent. TU 4-8167 B to 5 Mon. through t-ri. Two bedroom home, wall to wall carpet. N-ar Ferguson scnooi. Gas neat, int Homedale Road, TU 4-8063. UNFURNISHED, clean one bedroom house near shopping center. TU 4-7592. SMALL unfurnished 2 bedroom house near Hillside Hospital, 55, iu 4-ezj. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom home, separ-l ale dining room, garage, near Conger' School, TU 4-5044; inquire 527 Upham UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom duplex, close to park and schools, cniidren welcome, TU 2-4664, TU 4-5544. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex. Wa ter, natural hot water heat, disposal serv !(-. let-trie ranae. aaraae. laundrv facili ties Included. TU 4-4B16 days, TU 4-7459 eves. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished. Fenced yard, Dorris, laiirornia. sja. i u o-dzj. TWO room furnished cabin $28. 13 owens. SOUTH suburban, 2 bedroom unfurnished, fenced yard, garage, tu 4-vbzi. MODERN, attractive, unfurnished onei bedroom duplex with garage. $65. Adults. Inquire 1645 Portland, iu PARTLY furnished duplex, two rooms. Close In. $65. TU 4-6761. bed' BEAUTIFUL brick three bedroom, wall to wall cametlng, l1 baths, family room olus la r ot recreation room, work shop, patio, fenced back yard. $135 month to apply on purchase, isis l anson unve. TU 4-8700. . . UNFURNISHED one bedroom. Heal, water paid. 933 High. TU 4-3593. NEWLY decorated unfurnished one bed room duplex, garage. 2060 Eberlein. TU 4-4392. NEW 1 bedroom duplex partly furnished, S60 mo. Suburban area. TU 4-4915. COMPLETELY furnished 1 bedroom apt. New wall to wall carpeting In livingroom and bedroom. Close fn. Call TU 4-8885 mornings. AVAILABLE now nearly new unfur nished two bedroom duplex, large living room, garage, $90, Mills. TU 4-7106. FOR rent three room furnished house and garage. Inquire 1832 Summers Lane. DUPLEX, furnished, $62.50, small child welcome, TU 2-3458. TU 2-0388 evenings LARGE home suitable for family or as 4 room apt. with 5 partly furnished sieeo ing rooms, TU 4-6615 after 12. ONE bedroom furnished duplex near Roo sevelt School. Water, paid, tu 2-um. DELUXE two bedroom unfurnished du plex, garage. Soundproof, baseboard heat. fireplace. Adults, inquire, 22M toeriein. MODERN clean one bedroom unfurnished, hot water heat, close in. Adults. TU 4-6B49. - TWO or three bedroom unfurnished. Gas range, floor furnace. Children welcome. Conger School District. $75. TU 4-3665. TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED MONTH. DAYS TU 2-4646. EVENINGS TU 4-3676. FURNISHED two bedroom duplex, $65. Two bedroom house, $75. One bedroom house, 550. Inquire 111 Pine THREE room house with refrigerator, electric range, gas heater. Adults, only, no pets. TU 4-5648. TWO bedroom unfurnished house near Hillside Hospital. ,TU 2-3933. CLEAN one bedroom furnished house, $50, 11117 Biashn Til 1.1 1 JO aftar 1 n IYV weekends, NICE one bedroom furnished, close In, 355, TU 4-3714 week days. TWO bedroom duplex. Stove, refrigera tor, washer and water furnished. TU 4-8944. FURNISHED 2 bedroom, 1732 Gary, TU 4-4023. FOUR room home with oarage. Reason able. 329 Martin. TU 4-4486. PARTLY furnished one bedroom house with three acres, . lovely view. Built-in oven and range. Separate guest or teen age room, storage space, connected to nirina Water timnlv from Wtl. Two biocKi from Frei's Market. TU 4-3309 latter 6 p.m. ana sunaays. PLACE for rent Independence, ph. or sale, inquire 5414 i TU 2-2857. FOR RENT Newly decorated 2 bedroom home. Full basvment. Easy walking distance Plronlar References quired. $90 month. 517 Main Street MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 FOR rent 40 acres alfalfa ground for! potatoes, lorelle 4107. i rr 1 RENT or lease So. 6th St. tile building ! sq. ti. plus J oeoroom span mem upstairs. immediate occupancy. iu 4-4362. t- rn lift ai-raa nf farm land Macdoel. Most suited for certified seed. 30 acres alfalfa TU 2-4137. WEEK DOW WRIGHT ' 1 &' REV. L. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET . 27 PASTURE FOR RENT. CALL TU 2-0704". : REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 LIST WITH UNITED FARM AGENCY WORLD'S LARGEST ADVERTISER OF 1 ' COUNTRY REAL ESTATE Bert & Dorothy Stanley, Rep. Fort Klamath Ph. 381-2306 evenings Had we known, we might have sold yours. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 NORTH of Main desirable duplex, for home and rental or good Income as in vestment. Good furnishings and appli ances. Well kept condition. Garages with easy access. Level landscaped lot. Near shopping and churches. $14,500. Dye Insurance Aaencv, 130 South Fifth St.. TU 47755, TU 4-4357, TU 4-3479. 00 house and five Ms, 300 ft. front- age. Terms to responsible party. Call Mr. Gardner 2131 Bonanza. THREE bedroom suburban home. WalFto wall carpeting, built-in kitchen, ample closet space. $9750. TU 4-9930, TU 4-7312. $300 TOTAL MOVE IN COST For this good 3 bedroom home with . circulating fireplace, on excellent W acre lot. This fine property Is offered by the owner at less than FHA terms. For qual ified purchaser, seller would accept trade in for good car or pickup or what have you? TU 2-3053. PR6ERTY with" Income $1000 per ye"aT. Will consider pickup or trailer house In trade. Write Herald and News Box 599C. NORTH S IDE BY OWNER Good two bedroom home. Automatic heat, garage. Only $7,000. $500 down. TU 4-9254. SOUTH suburban 2 bedrooms, bath, liv ing room, dining room, large kitchen with many cabinets and electric range In cluded. Good floors and foundation. Ga rage, separate shop building and chicken house. Level Vi acre fenced, lawn, patio, pasture. Paved road, sewer Installed. $8250. DYE INSURANCE AGENCY, 130 South Filth. TU 4-7755, TU 4-4357, TU 4-3479. COMMERCIAL property. Includes house and apt. $10,000. 1117 Walnut, TU 4-9185 or TU 4-5868. FIVE room, lovely, clean, attractive sub urban home plus rumpus room, fireplace. dinette. Attached garage, fenced yard, pavement, good .neighborhood, $11,200, terms. ALSO Good suburban building sites and several farms for sale. EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR, Since 1935 1407 Esplanade Ph. TU 4-8491 or TU 4-4578 THREE room and bath furnished house, all new utilities, electric heat. Must see to appreciate a good buy. Phone TU 4-5473. GOOD 2 bedroom home plus rental uml, Electric heat, good location. Call at 3412 Shasta Way. SOUTH SUBURBAN one bedroom home. New roof and siding. Only $2,000. SCHROEDER REALTY CO. TU 4-9254, Florence McConnell, TU 2-0168. After 5 p.m. TU 2-2831. MILLS Addition, attractive 2 bedroom home. Hardwood floors, carpeted, beauti ful kitchen with lots of bulltlns, elec tric heat, attached garage, fenced yard. TU 2-2794 after 5 or weekends. SAVE $1500 Three bedroom split level home, close Monthly payments only $79.20. F.H.A. appraisal $16,500. Will sell for $15,000. Located at 2211 Main. TU 2-2851. FOUR bedroom home, dining room, par ty room, utility room. Two fireplaces, two baths, garage, carport and storage room. Complete lawn sprinkling system, year around air conditioning. TU 4-5410. NEW five bedroom home with two car garage in Piedmont Heights. Outstanding view and part ownership In water sys tem. TU 2-3026. T' j ACRES level, shade trees, paved road. 114 ft. frontage. Very good home site. $2,950, terms. TU 4-6432. LINDLEY Heights "West Hills Homes," new 3 bedroom. Builtin range and oven, birch cabinets, large garage. Lot 90x120. Paved street. Dean Mason, builder. TU 4-4233. - 1024 A LAN DALE, 2 bedrooms. Storms, fully Insulated. $10,750. TU 4-3464. FOR sale by owner 2 bedroom house: Wall to wall carpet, fireplace, electric heat, new roof, newly decorated inside and out. Nice lot, some fruit and close to school. 4525 Clinton. COMFORTABLE two bedroom home, ga- , rage. Lot 50 x 150. $300 equity, $75 month ly. 2316 Wantland, TU 4-6685. NEW ER 3-bedroom Northside "home$45?l down, no closing costs. Full price onl" $14,900. TU 4-3632. THREE bedrooms, I'i baths, fenced yard. double garage, fireplace. Sell or trade equity for car or someining of equal value. TU 2-3682. . MODERN four bedroom home, garage. Reasonable. Ill Trinity. TU 4-7130. ONE bedroom. cement foundation, elec 3117 Maryland, TU 2-0531. trie heat, $2,800 NEW beautiful 3 bedroom W baths In lovely Moyina Heights. TU 2-0967. LEVEL 6 acres near Midland Grange Ideal for trailer park, TU 2-0167. FARMS RANCHES ACREAGE All Sizes and Prices. Call DEANE SACHER REALTOR Licensed Oregon California Broker 1037 Main St. TU -12' 160 ACRE RANCH Real good sandy loam soil irrigated from ' home. Laroe barn. Fenced. Pries reduced i Realtors i $10,000 for quick sale. Now only $35,000. TU 4-3211,1,:, mile from small town. Call for ap ipointment. WRIGHT Real Estate of Multiple Listing TU 2-2776 e.fV)er ... Ample Parking Space ST. FRANCIS PARK (LARGE 3 bedroom home In good sub' urban area - NEW carpet in living rrom - Fireplace Separate Dining .room LOTS of storage space Fenced yard. S13.500. APPROX. Vi ACRE GOOD IrrlQitled land Comfortable FOUR BEDROOM home In South Suburbs OVERSIZED attached ga rage - Completely fenced. 19,900. $500 DOWN CORNER LOT 110 175 Close to South Suburban Shopping area - Good 1 bedroom home - 12 x 23 living room, kitchen, separate utility -Insulated fruit room - EXCELLENT GARDEN AREA Full price IS, SCO. SOUTHERN OREGON Realty and Insurance 11 S. th St. TU 2-4671 Mrs. Del Malone TU 3-4320 Al Bonotto TU 3-1640 Bet) Jones TU 2-0973 STILWELL & CO. Presents: IF YOU NEEO LOTS OF ROOM thi six bedroom Hot Springs home should Interest you. Massive stone construc tion big living room with fireplace -full dining room breakfast room -modern kitchen. All bedrooms are larcte oversiied closets. Full basement and double garage with at tic store room provide space for all your equipment. Double lot. finest lo cation. Now offered for S3 1. 000. MILLS ADDITION: Comfortable two bed room home at 3530 Reclamation Street. All rooms good sue - fully Insulated storm doors and windows. Low heat cost. Prced to sell at Sfftt- Good terms. . SOUTH SIXTH ST, BUSINESS B'dO Per fect soot for someone who want a outness space 4 living Quarters comb-ned. Parking space 4 extra lot. Full price H2,5PO STILWELL & CO. Re I tort JiT Main Street Tu 4-33U or TU l-3i After 5 tin. Calh -uce Bwktey tu 4-J-.7 Don Sloan tu 4-mm 1