Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 12, 1961, Page 46, Image 46

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    HERALD AND NEWS. Kltmarh Falls, O1T90H Sunday, March It, mi Page S
Electric Auto May Be Returning
BUILDING A BLADE for the rotor of a gyro-glider is a
most exacting task. These clamps are needed to insure
uniform stress while cement is drying.
. ' Photo by Herb Jones
Safe Stairs Important
AP Newsfeatures
When you plan to convert your
basement into a recreation
room, don't overlook the probable
necessity of - remodeling the
stairs. You won't want an out
dated intrusion into a modern
First of all, you want the stairs
to be safe. If you plan to build
a new staircase yourself, here1
are some tips on safety and design.
The most desirable staircase
angle is 30 to 35 degrees. The
relation between risers and treads'
also is important for safety and
ease of walking. The rule is that
the sum of one tread and one
riser should equal 17 or 18 inch
es. A riser of seven inches and
tread of 10 to 11 inches depth
is ideal.
Handrails usually are placed 32
or 33 inches above the steps.
Ideal stairs are three feet wide,
which will allow two people to
pass comfortably.
Stairs with open risers will fur
ther the feeling of openness and
lightness in your room.
If College Research Is Successful
OREGON STATE COLLEGE ha purified version of coal) tlial
The electric auto" may coinc gives of( d;rm electrical energy
hack in feasible form in the future
if research on fuel cells that Is
underway at Oregon Stale Col lege j
and dozens of otiier industrial ami
college research centers is suc
cessful. 1 he old battery -run electric auto
of. 40 years ago made a hit at
first but faded away because it
took almost all of the electric
when heated and exposed to oxy
gen. The process is still rela
tively crude, but Meredith is hope
ful that findings may lead to bet
tor things. Victor E. Hauser Jr.,
who is working for his doctor's
degree, is assisting Meredith on
the project.
Alcohol, metals, and dozens M
the hefty block of storage bat
tenes. It simply wasn't efficient
Present day research is keved to
development of a highly efficient
fuel cell, says Dr. Robert E.l
Meredith, professor of chemical
engineering at Oregon State Col
lege. In such a cell, the fuel
and it mav take various forms
and oxygen or other elements are
combined in such an electrochem
ical way that electrical energy is
obtained directly without going
through the mechanical cycle of
tive. you can hide them with a generators, etc.
storage wall or a room divider. now "pen-
luuiiiiiig wan a caruon luei ecu
energy derived to haul aroHnd other fuel cell substances are he
A 1.003 fuel cell demonstration
tractor w;s built by Allis-Chal-mcrs
Manufacturing Co. two years
ago. The cells converted fuel
gases directly into current for
a 20-horscpower electric motor
that powered the tractor. While
admittedly only a demonstration
device, the no-heat, no-noise, no
friction tractor showed that pos
sibilities are there once the fuel
cells are perfected. Meredith said
Years of experiments remain,
of course, but he foresees a time
when the fuel cells will be used
for dozens of purposes in factor-
The Reader's Corner
ies where electricity may become
a by-product of some chemical
reactions, space vehicles, etc. in
addition to auto prospects.
Current Best
(Compiled by Publishers' Weekly)
advise and consent,
HAWAII, Michrner.
TER, O'Hara.
Lee. '
LINES, Kerr.
BORN FREE, Adamson.
Thomas Wolfe and his Family
by Mabel Wolfe Whcaton.
A memoir of a well-known writ
er's family, based on the conver
sations and notes of the late Ma
bel Wolfe Wheaton, the elder si:
ter of Thomas Wolfe, and the
"Helen" of his novels. She had
signed a contract to write this
book in collaboration with Le-
Gette Blythe only a week before
her death. She comments
the dramatic version of "Look
Homeward, Angle," as well de
scribing family affairs.
Emily Dickinson's Poetry; Stair
way Of Surprise by - Charles
Roberts Anderson.
An intensive study of Emily
Dickinson's poetry including tile,
full text of over 100 of her best
poems. In an informative, well
written, and beautifully organized
book, Mr. Anderson reveals tin:
stairs. One end pf each tread If f' important facets of he
rests on a shelf angle fastened ,hlht an? V'ZL-
to the wall. The other end
pierced by a IVt inch, round
metal rod with a flange on the
bottom of the step and at the
art, use of words and employ
ment of wit; her attitude toward
I the outer world of nature in its
many forms; and her preoccupa
tion with the inner world of ecsta
sies and despairs.
The First Five Lives of Annie
which does not need to Bcsaul by Arthur H. Nethercot
The present book is the first
volume ot a projected two-vol
In another open-riser construc
be against a wall the .side
boards of the steps form struc
tural support. Steps rest on
cleats on the inside face of the
side boards. Railing and supports iand. Tie author
can be of black iron. known scholar, professor of En"
bride Bella are charmingly inter ! Ra'ivavac; an Expedition to
woven. The second part tells about the Most Fascinating and Mvs
the artist's way from Petersburg ,. . . . . ,. .
to Paris, his friendship with Apol-
linaire and Cendrars, his first ex
hibit in Berlin, his return to Rus
sia at the beginning of World War
I, his official activities as direc
tor of an art school after the
Revolution, his disappointments
and his return to France. The
book makes pleasant reading for
people interested in art or in
Chagall, but has also literary mer
it of its own.
S.icco-Vnnzetti, the Murder and
the Myth by Robert H. Montgom
The trial of Sacco and Van-
zetti in 1921 for the murder of a
paymaster and his guard in South
Braintree. Mass., has been
cause . of contention lor lorty
years. Because they , were profes
sional anarchists, it has been pas
sionately argued by individuals
,nd by organizations heavily fi
nanced to support the cause of the
two men that they never were
legally proved guilty: that they
were convicted and executed for
their political opinions. In the view
of the late Justice Oliver Wen
dell Holmes, however, the Sacco
Vanzetti case was an ordinary
murder "turned into a text by
the Reds." And in the view of
Donald Marshall. I
An account of an expedition
into the South Seas to the island
of Ra'ivavac to examine tlie state
of civilization and the religion.
the rites, superstitions and beliefs
of the inhabitants:
Memoirs of World War I by
Brigadier-General William Mitchell.
General "Billy" Mitchell was
one of the most controversial fig
ures in American military his
tory. Flamboyant and colorful, he
fought for years to give air power
its rightful place in war and
Uicdcu. ma lui uuii-iii rtiiny icjiei::
ended, ot course, with his tamous,
We Sell
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Emergency Phone:
Charlie Ramp, 2-4958
umc biography ot one ot the most m,. Montgomery, considered one
dynamic women of Victorian Eng 0f ti,e foremost legal minds in
wiutiy (Massachusetts, Sacco and Van-
lish at Northwestern University, a
recognized authority on Bernard
Treads should be of hard
wood, preferably oak. An. asphalt,
rubber or cork tile finish pro
vides an easy-to-clean surface.
If your present steps are wellfirst volume is divided into five
zetti were guilty of murder as
charged and were properly con
victed by an uninfluenced jury.
Shaw and the literary period as- He has devoted vears to a stud;
sociated with Shaw s name. This f t,e evidence, and in his book
made and safe, but not attrac-
Love to have a flagstone walk
or patio, but find it would be a
bit too expensive?
Check local builders and build
ing wrecking firms. What you
may find are concrete chunks
that once were a floor or re
taining wall.
If they are of different tex
ture and color, all the better.
Laid in an informal pattern, the
effect will be charming.
chapters corresponding to the five
phases of Annie Besant's early
career. They are entitled "Tliejones
Christian wile, me Atneisti
Mother," "The Martyr of Sci
ence." "The Socialist Labor Agi
tator" and "The Chela of the
he examines the arguments of
prosecution and defense.
Golf Is My Game by Bobby
It V, V II
Although Bobby Jones has
played little golf in recent years,
having retired from active com-
When It's Your
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Mahalmas." The second volume 1"10" ,n IJjVle ' '5 51
will cover the major part of herl "S". m.an f "ere
career as leader of the Theo-
To many East African tribes
men, the cow is a mystic posses
sion without which life would be
Harry Brown, left, and
Merle Clark, Klamath
Falls, subdue their eager
flying machine as it
comes alive in a stiff win
ter wind.
Herald and News Photo
sophical movement as well as
her role in the struggle for the
emancipation of India. The biogra
pher spent close to a year in In
dia gathering materials for this
My Life by Marc Chagall.
Chagall's autobiography, written
in 1922, when the artist was about
33, now published in English foi
t lie first time, has two parts.
The. first one deals with his youth
up to the time he entered Leon
Bakst's art school in Petersburg
and parallels his paintings. All
tlie motives and colors of his
paintings, the blue stars, the vio
let earth, grandfather sitting on
the chimney and eating carrots,
tlie green ralAis, peasants in their
baths, red Jews on the streets,
on horses, even on roofs, and his
the master himself talking
about many of the varied aspects
of the game he knows and loves
so well. He tells of fourteen years
of exciting championship competi
tionand what gclf is today com
pared with wliat it was.
Fate Is the Hunter by Ernest
Kellogg Gann.
A true account (with only a
few names fictionalized) of tlie
author's start as an airlines pilot
and the dangerous missions he
flew for the Air Transport Com
mand in World War If. Tlie set
ting is very nearly the whole
world, from tlie cold Canadian
wilderness to Brazil and India.
He praises tlie line pilots who
have been his friends and fellow
officers, a modest, wary, tough.
immensely skilled breed of air-i
mea l
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