Scientists Now Exploring Inner Space Of SAN THEM. :alif. (AP)-Sc entists have taken the first real step in the exploration of inner space Their aim: Find out what's in side the world. Scholars have wondered for years, and the an swers may tell us how life began and how the earth itself came into! being. The project is Operation Mo- hole, being conducted off the coast of Southern California. The first step Thursday was the lowering of more than 3,000 feet of drill pipe to the ocean bottom then drilling a few feet into the sediment. Operations are conduct ed from a special drilling ship. Cores punched from the sub. oceanic bottom will be brought up in subsequent days. The core material will be of great interest to scientists because it comes from a kind of earth layer never more than superficially penetrat ed. CHURCH DIRECTORY KLAMATH FALLS ..MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Th Raw. Andrew Jarvli, Mt. Lai Community Presbyterian Church, presi dent) the Rev K.G. West, Stewart ' innnx Baotlst Church, vice president; Chaplain Jefferson Davis, Kingsley Field Chapel, secretary-treasurer. Morning business meeting will bo held the first Wednesday of each month In the various churches. KLAMATH GOSPEL MISSION Purpose of the mission Is reaching "The Last, Tha Least, and The Lost" John Pedersen, director 823 Walnut Street Ph. TU 2-48951 Post Office Box 17 Kiamai.. ran; 4:30 a.m. Broadcast on Station KFLW Monoay inrouon Miuronr 7'in a m.Nlahtlv oreachlno B:45 a.m. Broadcast on KFJI, Monday through Friday SALVATION ARMY 400 Klamath Avenue Phone fU 4-69i Major and Mrs. M. Lewis Kendoll, Officers In Charge Sunday: 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Holiness Meeting 7:00 Street Service 7:30 Evangelistic Meeting ASSEMBLYOF GOD 744 Oak Street . Rev. Lloyd Fosner 1 Sunday Schedule 1:30 a.m. "The Voice of Kevlv , Station KFLW 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Servlca 4:30 p.m. Christ's Ambassadors ; 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Rally baptistTbibli '1 Conservative Baptist Assoc, M44 Wlard Phone TU 4-4949 Rev. Freeman Schmltt 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 4:00 p.m. Baptist League 7:00 p.m. Evening Servlca baptistTcalvary e. Main and Garden Rev. Ferris D. Winn Res. 1740 McClellen Street Phone TU 2-466 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 4:13 p.m. Training Union 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship BAPTIST CHURCH, FIRST Sfh and Washington Phone TU 4-427? 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 4:30 p.m. Training Union 745 p.m. Evening Worship Service BAPTISTCHURCH GXACI MISSIONARY City Library Basement Auditorium l Elder C. V. Blancherd, pastor 4735 Harlan Drive, parsonage -Ph. TU 2-0120 J 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 7,-00 p.m. Sunday Bible Study baptistTimmanuel conservative Tha Rev. L. J. Ron) Halt 11th and High ' Phone TU 4-1934 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 1 11:00 a.m. Worship Servlca 4:00 p.m. Young People's Meeting 7:00 p.m. Evening Servlca BAPTIST, "MISSIONARY 4134 Douglas Elder J. L. Wisdom 4143 Balsam Phone TU 2-3440 9:45 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Training Union .00 p.m. Sunday Evening Servlca BAPTIST, STEWART-LENOX K. O. West, pastor , , i Corner Douglas and Emerlad Phone TU 2-0544 9:4! a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 4:30 p.m. B T U 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship : BAPTIST FUNDAMENTAL (Indeptndanr) Meeting In the Klamath Falls Auditorium pining Room ' ' Main and Spring Street! Lewis A. York, pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Servlca CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. PIUS X Rev. Geo. Murphy 4501 Bristol Ave. Phone TU 4-4240 7:30, 9:00 and lliOO a.m. and 7:30 p. Sunday Masses 4:00 and 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Holy Day masses 4:00 and 9:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Pint "ridav Masses 3:30, 4:30, 7:30 and 1:30 Saturday Con fessions 7:30, and 1:30 p.m. Eves of Holy Days . ind First Friday Confessions and before in wastes, Sundays, Hoiy Days and First -ridays catholTcchurch . sacred heart ' Right Rev. F. P. Casey, Pastor 115 High St. TU 4-454 Sunday Massest , ft, 9:30, II, 12:15 7:30 p.m. Weekday Masses: 7 and I a.m. Saturday Confessions: 3-4:30 and 1-1:30 - CHRISTIAN CHURCH, FIRST Otis ft. Bell, pastor 9th a. Pine Phone TU 4-5432. v-43 a.m. Rioia scnooi 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 4:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study -4:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship CHRISTIANCHURCH, SUBURBAN SB35 Shasta Way Let Shater, minister :4S a.m. Sunday School 430 p.m. Bible Study 1 C I 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Servlca CHRISTIANSCIENCI 10th and Washington Phone TU 4-442 Rending Room 519 Main Street Phone TU 4-5797 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday Servlca CHURCH OfThB BRETHREN 4773 Bristol Avenue Rev. Carl Simmons, Minister, Phone TU 4 4540 t:4) a.m. Church school 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship ; p.m.-C.B.Y.F. - It wU he the first earnuie stem toward getting samples from an earth level which may have been this world's surface a billion or so years ago. Getting samples from that lev el will take several years, sev eral million dollars and consider able experimentation. Late drilling will be in deeper water 12,000 feet and more off the coast of North America, i If the tests succeed fully reaching the original surface where life began scientists may uncover the course of the evolu tion of life, age by age. The goal is to drill through the earth's outer crust and reach into its mantle, which scientists be lieve is a very hard kind of rock 3V. to 10 miles below the top crust. Previous drilling at sea has been done through shallow water about 400 feet deep. Such efforts For week-day services, please CHURCH OP CHRIST (774 Arthur Phoia MJ 2-1140 10:00 a.m. Bible Classes 11:00 Lord's Supper 7.30 B.m. Bible Study CHURCHOF CHRIST JAMES CAMPBELL, MINISTER WANTLAND AND MARTIN 9:45 a.m. Bible Study 10:45 a.m. Lords Supper 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service 4:00 p.m. Evening Worship Service CHURCH OF GOD PENTECOSTAL Tha Rev. and Mrs. C. D. Lea 4437 Shasta Way Phone T' i 493, v:43 a.m. Sunday school UvOO a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Serv CHURCHOF GOt OF PROPHECY Altamont and Maryland Street 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Mornlno: Worship 7:00 p.m. Young People's VLB Service 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service CHURCH oTGOD, FIRST 2S02 Altamont Drive T. Charles and Irene Buckle, pastors 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Church Services 10:45 a.m. Junior Church youth room) e: is p.m. Youth Fellowship 7-00 p.m. Evanrjellstlc Service GIDEONS C. R. Larson, President Phone TU 4-5003 or TU 4-4083 for time and Place or Information. Meetings Third Sunday of the month. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. Marshall A. McKlnnfe, pastor 2154 Garden St. Phone TU 2-397S v: a.m. cnurcn scnoo 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 4:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship each Sunday 1 EPISCOPAL CHURCH, ST. PAUL'S Eighth and Jefferson Tha Rev. Robert L. Greene, Rector TU 4-35S5 1:00 a.m. Holv Communion 9:13 a,m. Family Service and Church School (3 years Ihrough QUID 1:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays (Nursery at :15 and i i :uoj 7:00 p.m. Episcopal Young Churchman FAITH TABERNACLE Rev. W. D. Bigby, pastor 2410 Shasta Wav 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 8:30 p.m. roung peooie's Meeting 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship GOSPEL MISSION OF THE UNITED HOLY CHURCH OP AMERICA 251 Commercial Street Rev. C. M. Tlmms. oastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 4:30 p.m. Sunday Young Peooie's Serv Ice 7'V) D.m. Stmdav Evenlnn Service FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1911 Oregon Aenue C. O. Tremaln, pastor Ph. fU -W 9-45 a.m. Sunday School H'fiO a.m. Mornlno Worship 4 30 p.m. Y. P. 5ervlce 7:00 p.m. Evanlnq Service . KINGDOM HALL Jehovah's Witnesses 133 North Ninth Street 3:00 p.m.-Puhllc Talk 4: IS p.m. Watchtower Study KLAMATH TEMPLE ' 1007 Pine Phone TU 4-6325 Rev. Harry M. Strachan 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11 -no a.m. Mornlno Worshlo 4:30 p.m. Overcome Service 4-10 p.m. Sunday C A Yoimn Pwle 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Worship 7:45 p.m. Evanoellstlc KLAMATH GOSPEL CENTER 1635 Mltihell Phon ru 3-07?" Rev. Metvln R Griffith Mrftfl a m. Sunday School 11 -on a.m. Sunday Mornlno Worship 7:30 p.m. Stmdav Nlqht Wn'thlp CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Home and Martin Phon nj 4 ' trirwath Palls Pirst Wrd Blshnn David 1 Davis Phone TU 4.73" 00 a.m. Sunday. Priesthood 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 5:00 p.m. Sacrament Meeting CMDPCH OlTlisUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Home end Martin Phono Til 4-4H" Klamath Pali Second Ward Bishop Georoe Shaffer Jr. Ph. TU 4-9241 s a.m. Sunday, priesinood 11:00 a.m. Sunaav School 7:00 p.m. Sacrament Meeting REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER PAY SAINTS 9th and Plum 9- a m, -Sunday Schonl ii n a m -Mornlno Worship 7' JO p m. pvi-nlno Worship IMTHrRAN. HOP! Rev. VV. W. Pechman, P-utor TU 2-nMJ TU 4-44H South Sixth Street and Homtdalt Road T;JP a.m. 5unnsy Sctwol 11-00 a. P. Worship Service Holy Communion first lundav e4 Mh mown Pacific Synod UCLA . LUTHERAN, KLAMATH 1175 Creicant LoRoy M. Rrrlal, Pastor TU 4-JW :30 a.m. Sunday School f:30 l 11:00 a.m. Worship Servieet Broadcast KFLW 1st and 1th Sutviav- Holy Communion on 4th Sundav of each monm. LUTHERAN ZION (Th Lutheran Church -Mmouri tynort eleventh and High Itrtett Nortwrt H Dty. Pastor, TU M79.1 9 45 a.m. Sunday Bible School H:00 a.m. Divine Servtco "Tha Changeless Chrn o ttm tha no i no World' METHODIST CHURCH, FIRST Rav. Ralph Richardson HO North lOth St Phon IU e-4011 9:45 e m, Church School tumtay il 00 a m Service o Worship Sunoay 7 JO pm - Fellowship Hour. Sunday 7:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship Sunday have nenetraled to about Discontinuity" is feet below the earth surface, but; the sediment at that level is less revealing scientifically than ma terial below greater ocean depths Moho technically called "Mo- The Court Records KLAMATH COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Janet C. Schlll, disobeyed atop sign, $7.50 suspended. Juanlfa C. Oakes, disobeyed stop sign, J 7. 50. Alan W. Purdum, violate basic rule, J 10. John J. Owens, violate basic rule. $l5.jnd publishing a torgaa panic check, pre Donald L. Brander, overheight, $15. Louie F. Borgialli, no vehicle license. $5. Vernon L. Durant, violate basic rule, $15. Elmer Jacobs, no PUC permit, $75. Sanders B. Oliver, disobeyed stop sign, $7.50. Luell J. Perrett, violate basic rule, $15. Raymond W. Harpole, violate basic rule, $15. James H. Bennington, violate basic rule, $15. Lee M. McBrlde, violate basic rule, $20. Albert J, Dial, no vehicle license, $5, William C. Durham, violate basic rule, $25. Arthur P. Altofer, overwldth, $25. call the church of MIRACLE TEMPLE Brother and Sister Peters, Peelers 10:00 a.m. 3undy School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE. FIRST Garden and Martin Phone TU 4-4870; Lawrence T. Holman, M-nlster 9:45 e.m Sunday School. Classes tor all ages. 10:50 a.m. Morning Worship 4:00 p.m. N.Y.P.S. and Junior Society :w p.m. tvangenstic service CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, LAKESIDE Quarry and Acosta Street. J, Loy Ferry, Minister TU 4-5942 v.ti a.m. sunaay school 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD Corner Grant and Douglas The Rev. W. T. Potter, pastor 9:43 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship p.m. tvening worsnip PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH WEAVER MEMORIAL Rev. Jamas D. Rockholt 3301 Wantland Ph. TU 4-5M' 9:45 a.m. Sunday School H:O0 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Service 7-10 p.m. Evening Service PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, FIRST, 401 Pine Street -Rev. Robert C. Groves. Minister 9:30 a.m. Church School class for all aaes 11:00 a.m. Worship Nursery end storyl hour 1:30 p.m. Westminster Fellowship, lunlor nign ana nign scnooi PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, MT. LAKt COMMUNITY Andrew A Jarvls. Pastor Ph. TU 2-1310 9'JS a.m. Sunday School tl-nn a.m. Worship Servlee 7-00 p.m. Junior Hloh and Junior Yonti- Fellowship PRE.BYTFRtAN CHURCH, PEACE MEMORIAL 4411 S. 6th T( 4-W57 Rev Lai no W Slbhet 9:30 a.m. Church School and Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Church School and Worship service 7:00 p.m. Junior High Westminster Fel lowship 7:00 p.m. Senior High Westminster Fel lowship PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ST. ANDREWS Cnrntr of Nosier and Annie Streets Throe blocks from Pllcn 9-00 a.m. Sunday Church School SEVENTH DAYADVENTIST 1735 Mi'n Phnn tii Elder Kenneth H. McVay 9-W a m Saturday Sahhalh School H-00 am. Saturday Mornlno Worshla UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Htmh KHimever, Pros . Ph. TU 3-0104 pine Grov Meetinnhouse Lakevlew H'wy. proarams everv Sunday 11:00 a.m. Fellowship Program and Oil- cus on 11:00 a. m Junior Fellowship Classes , (or all ages YOUTH SOLDIERS FOR CHRIST 144? Oreoon Ave. Rev Effle Shnlhv n-rw a m -Sunday School it-no. a m Momlnq Worship 7-4 O "1 - f(tnlne Wnrihl VICTORY TKMPI.E Silas H. Jones, pastor 1909 Homedale Road 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:nfl a.m. Sunday Worship 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evangelistic Rally BEATTY BEATTY METHODIST MISSION The Rev Harvey Zeller a m Sunday School n-30 a m. Worshlo Service KLY ASSEMBLY OF GOO Charles R. Pratt, pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE OF BLY Georqe Simon, oastw Phone (31. Blv t a.m. sunoay scnooi 11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Servlca 4:30 p.m. Sunday Young Peooirs MeH ing 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Service BLY CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Robert E. Slmard II 00 a.m. Mass every Sunday POMAN7A ASSEMBLY OF GOD BONANZA COMMUNITY Rev Forrest B. Bart) m nfi a m. Sundav School tl 00 a nv Morning Worship 130 p.m pvonlng Service CATHOLIC CHURCH, 5T. F. X. CABRINI (Innama Rev. Geo A Murphy tl'00 am. Sunday Mats CHILOQUIN ASSEMBLY OF GOD, ' CHILOQUIN Rev William Rtntt ift'Ofi am. Sunday School U:M a n. -Worship Service A W p m -Voor-o. People 7-30 p m Pvangeliral Meeting LATTER DAY SAINTS CHILOOUIN MASONIC HALL Prod Liron, Sundav Schoot Sunt. 1:00 p.m Sunday at Methodist Church METHODIST CHURCH, CHI OQUIN COMMUNITY Rtv Altwrt Rite 10:09 a m. Sunday School 1! -00 am Worship Servlca f 00 a m -.Sunday School 1 00 p.m. wp Dinner after Church Earth . . .. mySEfriOUS division OeiWeen Uie'tlons miMt h tt on or before April crust and the mantle, and gives! me project lis name, ine WorKI is sponsored by the National Sci ence Foundation. Roy W. Tl.fct.en, comblnitlon overload, S34. Oran W. Circle, combination overload. $126. Charles E. Shulmlre, driving while oper ator license suspenoea, dismissed upon motion of district attorney. Betty J. Retch less, knowingly uttering liminary hearing set tor March 13, bail $3,000. Wiley Cox, axle overload, David L. Lindberg, violate basic rule, US. Frank B. Stewart, driving while oper- 'a tor's license suspended, $75 and two davs. Dennis S. Gathwrlght, larceny, bound over to grand (ury, bail $1,000. Charles Arthur May, Intoxicated In orlvate place, 20 davs and $20. Gary Woodrow Karr, intoxicated on a public highway, $15. Lawrence Salinas, Intoxicated in pub lic place, George H. Welgman, assault and bat- tery, motion allowed, case dismissed, your choice CATHOLIC CHURCH OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL Chtloquin Rev. Robert Slmard 7:30 a.m. Sunday Mass 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass OPEN BIBLE STANDARD CHURCH, CHILOQUIN The Rev. Jack C. Hardin, pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 6:30 p.m. Overcomer's Service 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service DORRIS FREEWILL BAPTIST, FIRST North California St. Dorrls, California Pasfor, Rev. Robert H. Hlddla EX 7-2952 10;0C a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Young People's Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship BAPTIST. FIRST W. B. Russell, pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. Leo Harring ton In charge 7:00 p.m. Sunday, Training Union, Otis Mlddaugh director Sunday evening worship lervice CATHOLIC CHURCH OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL Dorrls, California Rev. C. F. O'Connor, pastor 11:15 a.m. Sunday Mass FORT KLAMATH METHODIST CHURCH FORT KLAMATH COMMUNITY R.V. Alb.rf E. Plac. 9:30 a.m. Morning Worshlo )0;30 a.m. Sunday School BUI Mlln.. lav vicar 10:30 ..m. Morning Worihlp and Church scnooi LANGELL VALLEY ST. BARNABAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH ' Bill Mltna, lay vicar LOR ELLA FULL GOSPEL7LORELLA Rev. Eugene A. Willis, pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship : p.m. sunaay evening worsnip MA LIN ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH, MALIN Charles L. Fuller, pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday Schoot 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Worship Visitors Welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MALIN COMMUNITY Rev. Ethan Whitman 8:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Servlca mrrTll- ASSEMBLY OF GOD, MERRILL W. H. Reeve, pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:45 p.m. bvengellstlc Services 7:45 p.m. Wednesday. Young People's Service CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. AUGUSTINE'S Merrill Father Vincent C. Egan 1:00 a.m. Sunday Mass m oo a m Sunday Mass PRESBYTERIAN, MERRILL, FIRST Rev. Lloyd A. Henderson 1:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 3:00 p.m. Junior High Youth Group 4:30 p.m. Senior High Fellowship. NEWELL BAPTIST, NEWELL CONSERVATIVE Howard W Roth, oastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School H;00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Training Union 7:30 p.m. Evening Service SPRAGUE RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH, SPRAGUE RIVER Pastor, Evert J. Tuning lOlOO a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service 7-30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 9:45 a.m. Sunday School TULELAKE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor L, A. Lawrence P.O. Box 35 Phone 7-02H ' rulelike, California 45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service and Children's Church C. Chapel 6:30 p.m. Christ Ambassadors Service (Youthl 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service BAPTIST CHURCH, FIRST Tom Helm, Pastor 9:45 nv Sunday School M 00 a.m. Morning Worship 1 6:30 p.m. Baptist Training Union 7-43 p.m -Fvwtlng Worship CATHOLIC CHURCH HOLY CROSS Tulelakt, California Rev. C. F O'Connor, oastor 8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass CHURCH OF CHRIST Tuieleke. California Rev Roy Biggs 9 45 e m.-Bible school tl 00 a.m. Morning Service 6 30 pm. Youth Meeting r-w o m Pvvnlng Service PRESBYTERIAN. COMMUNITY Tutelake, Calif. Wavna C. Wattman, minister f-ij a.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Worship 4 Nursery . 4:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship WILLIAMSON RIVER METHODIST MISSION WILLIAMSON RIVER Rev Harvey eiMr . 1 30 p m -Sunday School 1 30 p.m.-Worhip servico Mliowihie Oinnor erter Chwch LEGAL NOTICE MflT If FS Examination for Cerlillod Public Ac- Icounlents ol Oreaon will be htld In Purt.i B r0m. :M ..n,,V V.. Bi " ' " inrouon r-r aav tvtav it, ivot. M'rS:5 American Bank Building, pornano, vr American Bank Building, gon. No. 719, March 10, 12. Herald & Newt CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays I a.m. to noon Saturday Count five words per line- Ads under nes count samt at 7 lines MINIMUM CHARCE 1.50 1 nt. W0J!? $ 900 n.50 14.00 16.50 50c DISCOUNT aor advertisement, it paid m advance Above rates are tor consecutive mser ions, without change of copy 'or orlvate: individuals. Advertising must be clear i and understandable to be productive. AH words must be spelled out. DEADL INE 4:30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and Monday. CANCELLATIONS & CORRECT IONS On tame schedule, except on Monday these ere token 'til 9:30 a.m. Please read first insertion 01 your ad. The Herald S News will give one extra run for typographical error. BOX SERVICE-i-50 cents per ad. CARD OF THANKS, end IN MEMORIAM S3.54 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES PHONE TU 4-81 1 1 .UNtRAL HOME) WARD'S Klamath Funeral Horn.. High street. Phono TU ?-44(M. MEETING NOTICES Odd Fellows, KLAMATH LODGE; No. 137 regular meeting Tues day evening, 8 p.m. March 14. Odd Fellows Hall, 5th & Mo, Refreshments. Visiting Odd Fellows welcome. F.dgor D. Hoffman, N.G. STATED COMMUNICATION Klamath Lodge No. 77 AF&AM, Monday, March 13, 8 p.m. All Master Masons In vited. Refreshments and entertainment. Al Schreiber, W.M. GENERAL NOTICES JOBS: High pay. All trades. So. Amerl ca. The Islands, USA. Chance to travel, etc. For Information Write Dept. 44G ""'""' "wo Broad, Newark, N.J, STORING FURNITURE? CALL PEOPLE'S, TU 4-7498 PERSONALS FULLER BRUSH sfp V i r p Norm Paup, 2011 Wantland. TU 4-7504. WATKINS PRODUCTS. TU 4-7831 LICENSED home for aged. TU 2-316?, KLAMATH Beauty Colleao, for oint. ment call TU 2-141 1. 124 No. 4th. NURSING HOME. TU 2-0539. AVAILABLE for private parties, organ! zatlons, etc. Magician accordionist, Ger ald Argetslnger, age IS. Phone TU 4-5595. PUBLIC CHARITY SERVICES 7 ALCOHOLICS Anonvmous. nhnn Till 2-5740 or P.O. Box 204. Also friendly help for tha families of alcoholics. YOUNG women of anv faith nPArtinn mn. fidential advice may contact Miss PrulttJ v-outmu. tnaruies. ia w. Broadway. Eu pene, Q-eqon. Phone 5-3642. TRANSPORTATION , .... 8 WORKING woman needs ride" from Bar ry Ave. to Town and Country Shopping v.i.c. neon uay mornings ar y a TU 4-6404. SERVICES CARPENTER work Price Is right. TU 2-0456. EXCAVATION, foundation. rillrhlnn drain fields, leveling. TU 4-8398. INSURED tree tOODlno. rmnual. mrnaru f uinriw. rrw tjiitmfl'es. (U 4-OV5S. ROTOTILLING, tractor equipment. Mod erate rates. Gardens, etc. TU 4-8398. MOVING? Local, long distance.' Call PEOPLE'S, TU 4-7498. ' PLUMBING, REPAIRING, REMODEL ING, NEW CONSTRUCTION. TU 3-5330. VACATIONING? Will care for your home, pels, live In. Top references. TU 2-6115. BEAUTIFULLY hand finished doN' clothes made to order. TU 2-5446. ORDER your Jack Frost suit and dress ior easier now. man woolen M s and: Mtapp snoes. iu eves. TU 2-0376. FENCING material sold and installed.! HOOVER FENCE CO. TU 2-0747. BABY sitting anvtlme. Your hnm nr mine. TU 2-1778, TU 2-2711. ONE hour dry cleaning, no extra charoa. 3 6 10 Lines Times Times rimes jl $2.50 $4.00 $5.00 1 3 3.25 5.00 6 50 4 4.00 6.00 lOO S 4.75 7.00 9.50 S and H Green Stamps. Free plckuplWHOLESOME, SMALL, $37.50. 112 SO. ano oeiivery. tsroaoway , Cleaners, South 5ixm near Bon Baiaar. EXPERT sewina vour hom. mln.""FMh! Ion designing, alterations. Malln 733-2132. neraig and News. Box 592C. HELP WANTED, FEMALE y COUPLE wanted. Woman for part lime maid work. Trailer, lights, water fur nished. Some wages. No children. Prefer Johns-Manvllle couple. Write Herald and News Box 595C. ' WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE ... If you would enloy working 3 or 4 hours a davl calling regularly each month on a group i-wiiitni. vur-iu vi a iuuik iv m ninuiitnta in ana arouna Memain Falls, and are willing to make light de liveries, etc., write to STUDIO GIRL COS METICS. Dept. M-36M, Glendale, Calllor-, Route will pay up to $3.50 per hour. PARTY PLAN DEMONSTRATORS We have 500 Items In Plastics, Jewelry, & Novelties. Protlts up to 150 per cent. Grand opportunity for you to make mon- nnre loaay premium salts, Dept. Box 261. Avon, Connecticut HELP WANTED, MALE 16 $3.50 PER hour or more for part or full time route work. Large repeat orders. Man or woman. Write McNESS CO.. Box 4014, Oakland 23, Calif. WANTED man for permanent position 'n mens doming store, must be aggres sive, capable and have good personality. Apply in person at Dick Reeder'i Store, j FURNISHED apts. Close In, utilities fur- SMALL 1 bedroom, stove and refrlgera 5lh and Main. Inlshed. 1605 Esplanade. 1 tor furnished. 5249 Miller. STARTS TONIGHT 7:30 P.M. Evangelist R. E. HATCH Special Singing & Dynamic Uncompromising Preaching with Power "THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE" YOUTH SOLDIERS FOR CHRIST, Inc. 1442 OREGON AVENUE Rev. Effio Shelby Invites the Public , HELP WANTED, MALE ..." 161 ADV. Specialties, calendars, year round Una. rnmmiuiMit. hnnu. tam- Dies furnished. Stevens Merloy Co., 904 E. 31lt St., Kansas City, MAKE BIG MONEY ulllno Industrial ... - - . - 7,Dn me to gas siaiions, stores, fac tones. orders dally pay you $100 week ly. Protected territory, tull commissions on repeal orders. No experience needed. tamni Hilar xlt nnrjmtrt Writs HARPER BRUSH, 2313 Third, Fairfield, , ATTRACTIVE, clean one bedroom turn Iowa. Ished apt. Laundry room. TU 4-7077. LOCAL resident for route sales work. Must have good references. Apply, Cas cade Laundry and Cleaners. CONTRACT TRUCKMEN make SS's. Trailer furnished. If over 72 write MAY FLOWER Bok 107, Indianapolis 6, Ind. I RETAIL lumberman experienced In fabrl - J, cation, use of carpenter tools, powar tools, drafting. 51 a day week including space available. First letter to state age, references, education, experience end salary expected. Write Herald and N.w Bo WIT. v WANTED Detail setup mon for Mattison' Moulder No. 226. Must be able to grind pattern knives. Y e o , . round employment. LORENZ LUMBER CO. P.O. Box 796, - Ph. 76M Burney, California "BOYST EARN EXTRA MONEY AFTER SCHOOL SELLING THE HERALD & NEWS , DOWNTOWN AFTER SCHOOL CONTACT HERALD & NEWS CIRCULATION DEPT. Main at Esplanade TU 4-8111 :HEI.P WANTED 17 WANTED Immediately qualified and re sponsible persons to operate Wheel-in Drlveln. New eoulpment. Well established. Some capital necessary. Call TU 4-9B73. SITUATIONS WANTED 18 WILL do baby sitting. sewing, knitting, my nome. I u 4-2VHS. IRONING, washina. Excellent work. pick. up, deliver. TU 4-9434. ROOMS FOR RENT ....22 ROOMS - home environment, TV, ample parKing, m week, vtv jetterson rotint terrace. ROOMS, cabins, reasonable. ErnlM't Hv tel. Ml 50. 5th. TU 2-5225. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for men. reasonable. TU 4-9287, TU 4-6033. CLEAN housekeeping room, utilities furn- isnea, 31 pine, tu 2-0311. ROOM and board for men or students. sou no. vtn. STEAM HEATED, CLEAN, O U I I CLOSE IN. TU 2-0214. LOVELY ROOMS, TU 4-4259. CLOSE IN. PHONE ANCHOR Hotel, clean rooms, low rates. T.V., elevator and cafe. 32B So. 6th. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 DOWNTOWN, modern one bedroom furn- isneo. uiiniies paid. J60. TU 4-9564. FREE heat and water, one bedroom du plex unfurnished except range and wash ing facilities, $60. Adults only. No pets. TU 4-75S8. FURNISHED one bedroom apt. Also, one acneior apt. zu leaer. FURNISHED I'i bedrooms Mills Add!-. tion. utilities paid. Adults preferred. 4-6574 afternoons and weekends. FURNISHED 1 room apt. Included. 419 North Tenth. FOUR room furnished apt. S50. TU 2-6122. SMALL, clean furnished apartments. Close in. TU 4-5111, TU 4-6966. SMALL clean apts. Close In, utilities fur- nisnea. 4J3 Norm Tenth. CLEAN, furnished two bachelor apts. Mills Addition. Inquire 2343 Vine alter 12 p.m. TU 4-882S. PARTLY furnished apt. 2731 Altamont. Suitable for couple. TU 4-9849. FOR rent nice clean three room 'and 'both furnished apt. Very comfortable. 207 East Main, (TWO rooms furnished $45. Marlon Ant. Annex. Steam heat, hot and cold wa- ter. Two blocks from Main. Sixth, Apt. 102. NICE 3 room apt., furnished, prlvateen trance, bath, TU 4-9621, TU 2-5505. 3RD, EWAUNA-OOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished, 219 So. lllh, TU 2-1062. LARGE 3 room apt. Fireplace. Apply I evenings it fine. rur-iiiancu oyi., wasning facili ties, utilities paid, Infant accepted, TU 4-3762. UPTOWN furnished clean one bedroom. Reasonable. 312 No. 11th. j LARGE "two room furnished apt. Adults on V. 212? Vine. IU 4-97B9. FOUR ROOM FURNISHED APT. RENT. TU 4-6959. FOR FURNISHED three room, automatic washer, silk drapes, wool rug. TU 4-3762. LARGE well furnishedaparinientihot water heat. Adults. 503 Alameda. THREE room furnished apartment.TU 4-5472. CLEAN, bachelor apt!, private bath. Walk, ing distance. TU 4-9375. TU 4-8444. FURNISHED apts$S0 LARK APARTMENTS TU 2-3471 FURNISHED one bedroom. Water, gar bage pald.Washing facilities. TU 4-5334. REASONABLE. Furnished apartments small houses. Inquire 518 High. iilVIVAL HERALD AND , APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 DOWNTOWN, newly decorated, nicely fur. "Ished three room apt. Adulti-flO pels. itii i oie TU 4-5719. FURNISHED three room. Small child welcome. (43. W. TU 2-34H, eves. TU 2-OJ88. FURNISHED I bedroom duplex, tree heat. Hot Springs. TU 2-1881. UNFURNISHED, new one bedroom. Wash er, dryer. All electric heat. TU 2-4153. - ! UNFURNISHED one bedroom. Lights, heat, water paid. $75. 235 Alameda. i FURNISHED two bedroom apartment, 12061 While. downtown furnished apt., parking !? Space. 1W. TU 4-63O0, TU 1 3 ROOM furnished duplex, oil h e a t, washer, $45. 914 Lincoln. TU 4-4253. 1 - LAXAUt FURNISHED APARTMENTS 1 V 2-Bedroom Elevator Heat Disposal Storage Free parking Near Downtown $55 per month and up r Q So. ntti th TU 4-7645 RICKFALLS APARTMENTS One and two-bedroom. Furnished or semi furnished. FROM Se9.S0 to S99.50 260 Shasta Way TU 5-S577 ROOSEVELT APARTMENTS J036 LEROY Furnished one bedroom epartment. Ga rage, hot water heat. Hot Springs area, Adults. TU 2-1749. ' ' SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS One end two bedroom apartments, fur nished or unfurnished; three bedroom apartments, unfurnished. PRICES RANGE FROM 534 TO S56 Disposal, water, garbage and permanent maintenance Included. OFFICE HOURS 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. Monday through Friday 1627 WASHBURN WAY TU SCOTTSWOOD MANOR 2544 UNION Klamath Falls newest and most luxurious apartments. Beautifully decorated, fur nished or unfurnished, one and two bed rooms. Year around swimming In healed pool with "bubble" cover, an utilities paid. Reasonable rent. Drive out for in spection or call " TU 2-5935 HOUSES FOR RENT 26 MODERN furnished room duplex, oa rage, close In. TU 4-8617, TU 2-0409. TWO bedroom furnished house. Close In, $65. TU 4-8409. TWO bedroom house unfurnished. 3213 Delaware. TU 2-4746. CLEAN two bedroom modern house. Car peted living room. $75 per month. Sturdl- f Ave. Adu ts oreferred. WR GHT REAL ESTATE, 306 SO. 6TH. TU 2-2776. DELUXE two bedroom unfurnished du plex, garage. Soundproof, baseboard heat. fireplace. Adults. Inquire, 2236 Eberleln. MODERN clean one bedroom unfurnished, hot water heat, close In. Adults. TU 4-6849. PAGE 6 C TWO or three bedroom unfurnished. Gasi3342 CALIFORNIA, three bedroom, fam range, floor furnace. Children welcome, District. $75. TU 4-3665. UNFURNISHED two bedroom home, yard. Close to Main. TU 4-6181, TU 4-9173. NEAT and clean 1 bedroom, partly furn ished, reasonable rent, TU 2-1947. MODERN two bedroom partly fur nished. 1552 Summers Lane. Inquire, 2301 Eberleln. $55. TU 2-3214. TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED MONTH. DAYS TU 2-4646. EVENINGS TU 4-3678. UNFURNISHED two bedroom home, out buildings. $60. TU 2-6021 for appointment. FIVE room unfurnished house. 615 Conger. $55 per month. Tl days. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom home, separ ate dining room, garage, near Conger School, TU 4-5044; Inquire 527 Upham. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom duplex, close to park and schools, children welcome. TU 2-4664, TU 4-5544. UNFURNISHED two bedroom house on Ivory. To see, call TU 4-8786. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex. Wa ter, natural hot water heat, disposal serv ice, electric range, garage, laundry facili ties Included. TU 4-4816 days, TU 4-7459 eves. THREE bedroom unfurnished. TU 4-3061, LARGE two bedroom unfurnished. Fenced yard, Dorrls, California. $35. TU 4-8773. TWO room furnished cabin $28. 1350 ATTRACTIVE two and three bedrwmi, three miles north of Klamath Falls. $85, $95. TU 4-5647. SMALL furnished cabin suitable for one or two people. Very good suburban dis trict $40. 2530 Gettle Street. TU 3-0973. SOUTH suburban, 2 bedroom unfurnished, fenced yard, garage, TU 4-9821. FURNTsHED one bedroom house, tnaulre at 1502 California. TWO bedroom unfurnished duplex, gas furnace, garage. TU 4-3441. THREE-room duplex, $35rCabTn, tW. Also apartment. TU 4-5686. MODERN, attractive, unfurnished one bedroom duplex with garage. $65. Adults. inquire 1645 Portland. TU 4-9343. CLOSE IN, FURNISHED ONE BED ROOM. TU 2-2415. BEAUTIFUL brick three bedroom, wall to wall carpeting, IVj baths, family room plus large recreation room, work shop. patio, fenced back yard. $135 month to apply on purchase. 1516 Carlson Drive. TU 4-8700. UNFURNISHED one bedroom. Heat, water paid. 933 High. TU 4-3593. CLEAN, furnished one bedroom cabin, $35. Owner 2053 Eberleln. TU 4-4393. NEWLY decorated unfurnished one bed room duplex, garage. 3060 Eberleln. TU 4-4392. i NEW 1 bedroom duplex partly furnished, $60 mo. Suburban area. TU 4-4915. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. Inquire 1532 Martin. TU 4-5686 after 6 p.m. AVAILABLE now 5 nearly new unfur nished two bedroom duplex, large living room, garage, jvo, miiis. tu 4-H06. TWO bedroom duplex, appliances.' OTose ru 4-viie. FOR rent three room furnished house and garage. Inquire 1832 Summers Lane. FOR rent three rooms, unfurnished except range and refrigerator, floor furnace. Cou ple only. Inquire 435 Oak, TU 4-5577. UNFURNISHED three bedroom near Stearns School. TU 2-4289. home FURNISHED two bedroom duplex, $65. Two bedroom house, $75. One bedroom house, $50. Inquire 111 Pine. NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. HOUSES FOR RENT .. 26 4J447HAsTA"way,"convBn;ent"roomy du - plex. carport, furnished. $50. TU 4-9012. T- Z inixcc room nww ' ' ' . " ' T f inn ii isiitiii vu "' - no pets. TU 4-5641. TWO bedroom unfurnished house near Hillside Hospital. TU 2-3933. CLEAN one bedroom furnished house, $50, 2237 Biehn. TU 2-1549 alter S p.m. or weekends. LARGE one bedroom furnished. Close In, good neighborhood. Gas furnace, fireplace, $40 month. Days TU 4-3311, eves. TU 4-3478. FURNISHED 2 bedroom house, $45 mo. Water and sewer pd. TU 4-6651. SMALL 1 bedroom house. Stove, refrig erator, washer, dryer, and water fur nished. Three blocks from Main St. In 1st class residential district. $50. Suitable tor 1 person or couple only. Call TU 4-852$. Mrs. Ganong. FURNISHED one bedroom, $30 mo., wa ter and rubbish paid. TU 4-9215. NICE one bedroom furnished, close in, $55, TU 4-3714 week days. TWO bedroom furnished house. $50 month. 3631 Cortez. TU 4-8713. SMALL two bedroom furnished. Califor nia Ave., $55. TU 2-2002. LARGE 1 bedroom, partly furnished. Ga rage. 719 Alameda. TU 4-4451. SMALL unfurnished 2 near Hillside Hospital, bedroom house $55, TU 4-6773. IMMACULATE two "bedroom home. TU 4-8467. UNFURNISHED two bedroom. Large lot. 1730 Fargo, phone TU 2-5124. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 RENT or lease So. 6th St. tile building 4,000 iq. ft. plus 3 bedroom apartment upstairs. Immediate occupancy, TU 4-4J. FOR rent 210 acres of farm land in Macdoel. Most suited for certified seed. 30 acres alfalfa. TU 2-4137. . K.. , i.i i tiiItri.pi PX la than three block' lor, wasnr anu waior iummihcv. i u REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 LIST WITH UNITED FARM AGENCY WORLD'S LARGEST ADVERTISER OF ! COUNTRY REAL ESTATE Bert & Dorothy Stonley, Rep. Fort Klamath Ph. 381-2306 evenings Had we known, we might have sold yours. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 SOUTH suburban three bedroom home. Large lot. 1833 Hope. LEVEL 6 acres near Midland Grange iaeai tor Trailer pane, iu z-ui6. ily room. Two full baths, 5 per cent loan. $1500 down, tu 2-6004. SELL or trade nice two bedroom home for three bedroom In south suburbs. Nat ural hot water heat, basement, carpet ing, fireplace. $12,500. TU 4-7970. 80 ACRES all under Klamath Irrigation District. New, attractive four bedroom house. Nicely landscaped. Fenced and cross fenced. Ideal for city merchant who wants country estate, me best m hunting and fishing with half mile of Lost River frontage. Selling for only $40,000. Terms can be arranged. FIVE rental houses, close In. Income $165 per month. Selling for only $9,500. $1,000 down, $100 per month. 105 ACRES In Henley District. Eight miles out, all under KID Irrigation, all in alfalfa. This ground Is ready for spuds now. For the lady of the house. a dandy, modern pumice brick four bed room home with a unique fireplace. Large potato cellar. Will hold 3.000 sacks of spuds or better. Very large hay storage shed. Buildings on this property would cost $50,000 to replace. Owner must sell because of doctor's orders. This prop erty is bordered by paved roads on two sides. Best or all selling for only $65,000. 1-3 down, balance on easy terms. ST. FRANCIS ADDITION. Attractive two bedroom home. Large living room with fireplace, aining room, Kircnen, bain, ga rage and work shop. Only $2,500 down. Furnished $12,100, unfurnished $11,000. Owner will carry contract. $75 per month including Interest. 150 ACRES on Lost River. This ground lust right for spuds, clover, alfalfa, all Ofider water. Dandy three bedroom home, good barn, machine shop and other build ings. Selling for $50,000. $20,000 down, balance on easy terms. , FOR the city farmer. Five attractive acres of land. Ail newly fenced and andl cross fenced. With a brand new well with lots and lots of water. For you today. Only $5,000. It's a dandyl Midland Empire REALTY , CLEM LESUEUR, Broker Excellent Investment Buy If you are Interested In a nice home with an Income, let us show you this desirable Hot Springs apartment house. Four nicely furnished apts. with separate baths and garages. Large two bedroom apt. with fireplace, living room and sepa rate dining room carpeted, nice kitchen and bath. Provides comfortable living for owner. Large dry basement with laundry facilities, plus shop end lots of storage. Good hot water well. Large corner lot with ample parking. Price $28,000. Jesse Z. Smith, Realtor Member Multiple Listing Service 4842 So. 6th TU 2-5505 Mrs. Buff Jones TU 4-9863 Mrs. Harry Eck . TU 4-8364 Mrs. Jackie Carter TU 4-6130 STILWELL & CO. Presents: MOYINA HEIGHTS: 3 bedroom brick home In preferred location. Features living room & family room. 2 large fireplaces - 2 baths - most attrac tive kitchen with cozy dining space - large utility room - double garage with paved driveway. Large lot pletely landscaped. This fine home ready to b lived In - shown by appointment only. Price $25,000. MILLS ADDITION: 2 bedroom split level on good corner lot. Large living room dining room - attached ga- rage. Like something a Utile differ- -.,.1 C. tki. , oi,. urn r una. rilkl ,1 IrJWi UIMI ,errn. STILWELL & CO. Realtors 517 Main Street ' TU 4-3211 or TU 4-3565 ' Alter 5 p.m. Call: Bruce Binkley TU 4-3478 Don Sloan TU 4-5658 ( EXCELLENT VALUE Hot Springs. Only $6,950 and Immediate possession on this neat two bedroom home. Beautiful large lot, fine neighbor hood, terrific possibilities. For quick jaie $750 down. TRI-PLEX Very attractive, nearly new, trl-olex. Close to shopping area. Each unit ni two bedrooms, large living and dining area, beautiful fully equipped kitchen. $270 per month Income. Full price $27,500 terms. GOOD INCOME Five separate rental houses. All on ad lolnlng lots. Close to Main Street, al ways rented. Total income $162 per month. For quick sale only $12,500, terms igm parry. DRIVE BY 3247 Cannon and you'll be amaied at trie price. Only $7,500 tor this very at tractive two bedroom home Ecl'ent, construction throughout. Good cerpefina ing room ano one bedroom. Oood terms and immediate possession. Vernon Durant REALTOR I INSURANCE 2050 So. SkIH Ph. TU or TU JOSI7 EVENINGS Jo, Lorrd . TU J-OSU Bob Wrlohl TU i-U'JJ Johnny Fho , TU M" H. E, "Mr" KtiMV TO MtJ4 Sunday, March 12, 1961 REAL JSTATE FOR SALEJO j ACADEMY, ovr Mroomt 1WS tq. . H. ' living ar ea, basem enoH urn no closing costs. Immediate possession. f 41 1 No. 9Tn. tuditr KMirnnmi. 1U baths, fenced yard. double garage, fireplace. Sell or trade equity for car or something of equal value. TU 2-3682. THREE bedroom home ust completed. Fireplace, electric heat, builtin oven, range. $1,500 down. TU 4-4481. HOT Sprlngsspeclal. ust $1,000 down, 4'-i bedrooms, basement, fenced back yard. Assume A1 per cent Gl loan of $13,000. S104.50 per mo. Possible lease option. TU 4-3037. JTU 4-8572. NEWtfiree bedroom home. Landscaped, paved drive. TU 4-7835. MODERN four bedroom home, garage. Reasonable. "JrJ,yTU -7130-ONE bedroom, cement foundation, elec tric heat, $2,800. 3,1MarylarKlUW5-3K Tr R I GAT E Da Itaif a, Dairy, Ore. 72 acres, excellent soil. TU 2-0431. LINDLEY Heights "West Hills Homes," new 3 bedroom. Builtin range and even, birch cabinets, large garage. Lot 90x120. Paved street. Dean Mason, builder. TU 4-4233. . - ;.nr; hrivim hnme olus rental unit. Electric heat, good location. Call at 3412 Shasta Way. j TCr24 ALAN DAL E , 2 bedrooms. Storms, fully Insulated. $10,750. TU 4-3464. NEW beautiful 3bedroam PA baths home In lovely Moylna Heights.TU2-0967L FOUR bedroom home, dining room, par ty room, utility room. Two fireplaces, two baths, garago, carport and storage room. Complete lawn sprinkling system, year around air conditioning, TU 4-5410. NEW five bedroom home with two car garage In Piedmont Heights. Outstanding view and part ownership In water sys- tem. TU 2-3026. " EQUITY in 3-bedroom house. Income ren tal properly. Will take late model car part trade. Assume contract. Call TU 4-6442. " ' , . , , Cna t beautifully landscaped. S30.OWJ. appointment. Phone TU 2-1258 or 5 p.m. TU, 2-1554. SOLID two bedroom home with new car peting in living room and bedrooms. Auto malic heat, garage, v acre ot good soil In berries, fruit and flowers, fenced. Only $7,000. Owner will carry contract. SCHROEDER REALTY CO. TU 4-9254, Florence McConnell, TU 2-0168. THREE "room and bath furnished house, all new utilities, electric heat. Must see to appreciate a good buy. Phone TU 4-5473. : REDUCED $1150. Pay $150 down and $150 per month for 24 months. Then assume State G. I. loan on large three bedroom, Vj acre, completely renovated inside and out. A sacrifice at. $9450 total price. TU 4-6112 after 6 p.m. Do You Have a REAL ESTATE PROBLEM? SELLERS OR BUYERS, call us I We will solve It In a professional wayl DEANE SACHER REALTOR Licensed Oreoon California Broker 1037 Main Sr. TU 4-4127 FARMS RANCHES ACREAGE All Sizes and Prices. Coll DEANE SACHER REALTOR Licensed Oreaon California Broker 1037 Main St. TU 4-4127 NEWLY BUILT Ranch style home. 1300 sq. ft. plus double garage. Separate dining room and utility, a real bargain, uniy siMiu ioiai price. Easy terms. ONLY $8,700 Buys this modern 2 bedroom home in excellent condition Inside and out. At tached garage, level landscaped lot. A-l location. Terms. STILES REALTY 133 S. 9th St. Phone TU 2-4740 Fred Tucker Evenings TU 4-9743 Homer Stiles Evenings TU 4-9904 160 ACRE RANCH Real good sandy loam soil Irrigated from new 12 Inch well. Livable four bedroom home. Large barn. Fenced. Price reduced $10,000 for quick sale. Now only $35,000. mile trom small town, call tor ap pointment. . WRIGHT Real Estate Member of Multiple Listing 306 So. 6th TU 2-2774 Ample Parking Space PARTICULAR about NEIGHBORHOOD, CONSTRUC TION, SCHOOLS? Then call us about this two-bedroom home ust off Eldorado- Many outstanding features; 100 by J0 lot, superbly landscaped, many fruit trees; RADIANT HEAT, LARGE UTIL ITY which could ta used for THIRD BEDROOM; Onlv value like this In town! $15,700. IT'S FOR YOU AND FIRST TIME OFFERED! Located on North side, QUALITY CONSTRUC TION; Good neighborhood, close to school; This THREE BEDROOM family home has FIREPLACE, DEN, kitcrftvi and dining combination; PATIO; VERY NICE VIEW; Don't miss SEEING th:s home before you buy! $15,500. VERY ATTRACTIVE Inside completely remodeled; MAHOG ANY PANELING, Hardwood floors in living room; BUILT-IN OVEN and RANGE: Big shaded yard, all CEDAR FENCED; Two car garage; ALL NEW FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES can be purchased If desired. $7900. Sally Comstock TU 4-5216 Jeanle Walker TU 2-I8S5 Orville Reichenberg TU 2-4661 O. REICHENBERG Realtor Multiple Listing Member Wlllard Hotel TU 2-4661 Anytime 156 ACRES-$6,500 DOWN DO YOU WANT TO OWN A FARM? WELL! MAYBE YOU CAN! HERE'S HOW! 150 acres gravity Irrigation 70 acres alfalfa - 20 acres tame pasture. Balance in grain last year. 2 bedroom home, 1 mile to store and school Immediate pos session. Close to Klamath Falls - Henley com-ts?' dls,rlc'- Fu" Drl" onV S39.S0O, !3wpr rear., I OR . . . Do you have a property that you would 'ike fo tlrad8' Paid or or no,? 00 vou hflve 8 mortgage or contract on proper,v ,h''' you have sold? ""H'd rer a otaib ot Jfmp Veterans Loan? irT n . ... i, ; Do you have a small farm orf that you would like to trade on farm? wTntto Do you have a large farm and rraae on a smaller farm? Please ca" or come ln Bnd over. I am sure that we can work something 001 ,or VOU. 5 1 ILWbLL & CO. Call Or 4i Hjirrv Jn 517 Main St. TU 4-3211 or TU 4-3565 After 5 p.m. call TU 4-8204 HOT "SPRlh7GSAREA" Located on El Dorado Ave 2 bedroom nome Hardwood in living and hall - Separate utility 50 x 150 lot -$1,000 down - Balance on contract at $70 per month - Full price $8,000. $12,750 3 bedroom suburban Lesi man 1 yr old - Electric heat Fireplace - Fully Inflated - Built-in Oven and Range -Birch cabinefs - Present financing can be assumed - Payments $85 per month Include fanes and Insurance SOUTHERN OREGON Realty and Insurance U9 S. 6th St. tii s.Mt Al Bonotto TU 2-1640 Mrs. Del Melone Tu lunn Bob Jones TU 2-0973 Attractive. rwHv keot 7 hrnm . . .with fireplace Yard enclosed. un tin,. er beds, and shrubs. Concrete driveway, etc. Assume 4'i per cent 0 1. loan and mae reasonable down payment. EVERETT DENNIS Realtor Sine 1,35 HC7 Esol,n,d PH. TU 4-M! or TU 4.4571