Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 03, 1961, Page 16, Image 16

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Herald & Newg Klamafi Tat
Frl., M.fch 3. 61 P M
Police Break
Robbery Ring
SALEM (AP) Police today
said they had broken up a burg
lary ring that netted the thieves
near $10,000 in cash and mer
chandise from mid Willamette
valley businesses.
The police have arrested 11
persons. Police said much of the
loot, including several thousand
dollars worth of cigarettes was
disposed of in Portland. Four
persons have been arrested there
For many Salem area police
officers, it has meant a scries of
sleepless nights in the past two
It started with the arrest of
four west Salem residents two
weeks ago on a traffic violation
One of them was Richard Lee
Arnold, 25. He was held on the
traffic charge. Of others in the
car, Vernon Sidney Price, 21, and
his wife, Dalee Sharone Price
were charged with violation of
their parole and Donna Dee
Myers, was .charged with va
Police said that led to the find
Ing of some burglary loot in tlicii
Next implicated were Bcuford
Amburgey, 24, Salem, and Ernest
Eldon Vahl, 17, Salem. Further
questioning led state and Port
land Police to a home in southeast
Arrested there were Joseph Dc
Orio, 22, also known as Joseph
Haas; Dennis B. Handa, 21, Fred
L. Hart, 23, and Nancy Carol
Swcitzcr, 20, all of Portland.
Next arrested was Tony De
Orio, Salem, the father of Joseph
De Orio.
Arnold, Amburgey and Price
woro charged with' burglary, the
others with receiving and conceal
ing stolen property.
The burglaries were at Gervais,
Hubbard, Salem, Turner and at
other points in Marion, Polk and
Yamhill counties.
Book Burning
In California
Harlan Haeen. D-Calif.. said In.
day there was a possibility thel
U.S. Information Agency might
step in to save thousands of text
books from being burned in Cali
fornia. A Duhlic Olltcrv was raised r.
cently in California when it was
learned outdated but unused text
books were being burned.
Il.icen said he had asked the
USIA to accept about 800.000 of
uio Dooks lor distribution abroad.
"USIA officials advised me that
they are favorably Impressed with
the utility for use abroad of the
samples which California state of
ficials forwarded to Washington,"
Hagcn snid.
Tho Hanford Democrat said one
problem still to be solved was the
estimated $100,000 cost of packing
and shipping the books.
"It has been frequently alleged
that one of the defects of our
foreign policy operation has been
the failure to make available suit
able litcraliiro about America to
people of the uncommitlcd coun
tries," llngen said. "I think this
charge is justified and that these
school books would help remedy
that defect."
Costs High
Forest Sci-vice has asked for a
$31.5 million supplemental appro
priation to pay for unexpectedly
high firefighting costs in 19f0.
A report Issued today by the
House subcommittee on deficien
cies included testimony by Forest
Scrvico officials indicating that
firefighting costs had far exceed
ed the $5 million appropriated 'or
the purpose.
Tho Forest Service, in a report
prepared for the subcommittee,
said 1960 was the "third bad fire
year in a row and one of the all
time bad (ire years in the nation-1
al loreits.
Arthur W. Greeley, assistant
chief of the service, told the sub
committee that by the end of De
cember about $il.8 million had
been spent for firefighting. al
though only $5 million was budg
eted for the emergency fund.
Charles L. Grant, director of fi.
nance for I lie Department of Ag
riculture, told subcommittee mem
bers tho Forest Service had au
thority to use funds appropriated
for other purposes for firefighting
when the emergency fund was ex
hausted. The supplemental appropriation
was needed, he said, to reimburse
funds from which expenditures
were made for firefighting.
The Hindustani word- "jungle"
means "uncultivated land," which
tends to become covered with
tree! and long grass,
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