Scw KVIP Continu?d from Page 10) 11 :M Bofc Cummlngt $mm 12:00 Camouflage 12:30 Number Pleas 1:M About Facet 1:30 From Thtt Roots 2:M Day In Court 1:30 Road To Reality 3:00 Queen For A Day 3:30 Who Da You Trust 4:00 American Bandstand 5:00 Ptpeye and Friends 5:36 Lone Ranger e:M Newsbeat Nerttutato " a: 30 Bugs Bunny 7:00 American Civil War . 7:30 Wagon Train 1:30 Price Is Right :00 Hawaiian Eye 10:00 Naked City 11:00 nth Hour News 11:15 Jack Paar Color 12:30 Lale News and Sign Off THURSDAX 10:00 Prlca Is Right Color 10:30 Spanish I 11:00 Truth Or Consequences . 11:30 Bob Cummings Show 13:00 Camouflage 12:30 Number Please 1:00 About Faces -1:30 From These Roots 2:00 Day In Court 2:30 Road to Reality 3:00 Queen For A Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 American Bandstand 5:00 Popeye and Friends 5:30 Rocky and His Friends 4:00 Newsbeat Northstefe 4:15 NBC News 4:30 Brothers Brannagan 7 M Sea Hunt 7:30 Outlaws 1:30 Real McCoys 9:00 Bachelor Father ' 9:30 Ford Show 10:00 Groucho Marx Boy Inspires Preparing Of Braille Encyclopeda CHICAGO UPI Ten-year- old Michael Esserman of Great! Neck, N.Y., could read many books in Braille. He could write in Braille. And he could do his arithmetic in Braille. But when he- wanted to look up something in a reference work, he had to ask someone to do it for him. So did all his blind schoolmates. Michael and his blind friends intending public schools in t h e Great Neck area had no major reference works in Braille be cause there weren't any avail able, except for a 36-volume Web-! ster's Dictionary. Michael's mother, Mrs. Howard Esserman, and 95 other Great Neck women decided to do some thing about it. Children in Nassau and Suffolk counties, N.Y., had plenly of text books and flashcards transcribed by volunteers of the Sisterhood of Temple Beth El. They even had three-dimensional picture books made with paper, fur, fab ric and leather, a project devel oped by Mrs. Esserman. The Three Bears sported, real fur coals. The women, under their chair man, Mrs. Dorothea Wahrburg, decided to rewrite an encyclopedia in Braille. Their goal, after years of hand Drinting, was to be a Next month (March), three years later, the first of about 300 Braille encyclopedia sets will be finished at the non-profit Amer ican Printing House for the Blind at Louisville, Ky. The first major reference work for the blind, the giant, 145-vol-ume sets are the answer to a let ter written by Mrs. Esserman to Field Enterprises Educational Corp., Chicago, which publishes the "World Book Encyclopedia." "Youngsters have only one source of information, their text books," Mrs. Esseiman wrote March 17, 1958. "Our Braille group . . . wants to transcribe the 'World Book' into Braille. "Can your firm put at our dis posal a complete set of encyclo pedia?" she asked. "We will work as fast and as accurately as poUible." Bailey K. Howard, president of r leiu enterprises cuucduuuuij Corp., talked with the women at a luncheon in New York. Then he assigned Dr. William H. Nault, director of educational research for the encyclopedia, to investi gate the possibility of publishing a Braille edition. "Educators of the blind unani Jhh Wjaqaybisi Suction CM - TV 1C:3D Bell and Howell Close Up 11:00 Uth Hour News 11:15 Jack Paar Color 12:30 Late News and Sign Off FRIDAY 10 00 Price is Right color 10:30 Educational Show 11:00 Truth or Consequences 11:30 Bob Cummings Snow 12:00 Camouflage 12:30 Number Please ' 1:00 About Faces 1:30 From These Roots 2:00 Day In Court 2:30 Road To Reality -3:00 Queen For A Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 American Bandstand 5:00 Death Valley Days 5:30 R.n Tin Tin 4:00 Newsbeat Northstate 4:15 NBC News . 4:30 Shotgun Slade 7:00 Pony Express 7:30 The American 0:30 Flintstones ' 9:00 77 Sunset Strij, 10:00 Detectives Robert Taylor 10:30 Law t Mr. Jones 11:00 11th Hour News 11:15 Academy Theater 12:43 Late News and Sign OH SATURDAY . 12:30 Pip The Piper 1:00 Why Teacher 1:30 Film Fare 2:00 NCAA Basketball ' 4:30 Enforcers 4:45 Film Fare 5:00 Disc Date 4:00 Lawrence Welk 7:00 Figi t Of Week 7.45 Make That Spar 0:00 TBA 0:30 Tall Man 9:00 Untouchables 10:00 Roaring Twenties 11:00 Stage 7 12:45 Late News and Sign Off mously endorsed the idea," said Nault, a native of Battle Creek, Mich., a former school adminis trator at Ridgewood, N.J. "But they felt it was impossible.' The Field Foundation, headed by now United Nations Ambas sador Adlai Stevenson, contribut ed $60,000 and Field Enterprises added another $55,500, Nault said. The funds were sent to the American Printing House for the Blind, the biggest Braille book producer in the world. Editing the encyclopedia fori transcription into Braille turned into a 15-month job. The Braille publication contains some hand tooled diagrams and line draw ings. But all reference to maps and other illustrations had to be rewritten. Marjorie S. Hooper, chief edi- tor of the printing house, took charge of rewriting and such baf fling problems as a Braille article on color. "That was a corker," said Nault, who passed on the final result. Rewriting also became a chore in dealing with such topics as 19fil international Court of Jus geography, without maps; bird(jce) on Feb. 13 are reminded watching, without pictures, and that day service is given only crystallization, without complex al u N Headquarters in New diagrams. .York. Envelopes should be sent Storage space also was a prob - lem. But that was solved by ship ping out each volume as it was completed The regular edition of the en - cyclopedia, 20 volumes, lanes bout 30 inches of shelf space, Nault said. The Braille edition fills 43 feet and weighs about 700 Dounds. Nault said distribution of the Braille volumes by the Louisville printing house was expected tol cover much of the English - speak - ing world. He said all blind insti - tutions in the United States and Canada were told of the project as well as others in the Common - wealth nations. Cost of creating the Braille edi- (ion was $75,000. Nault said. addition, production costs amount r.A tn tr.iK ; Nault said 200 sets would be of-cookies. She explained she figured fered to selected institutions for out the recipe by dividing it by the blind at J200 below cost andjWO. me ouier sets wuuiu uc ouiu ivi ., ., u 1 a rnH cost. Helen Keller, author and lec turer who is both deaf and blind, LONDON (UPD Prison guard valued the work another way: (William George Alston, 34, was "It will truly be a precious' jailed Wednesday to await trial instrument of education for the on charges of selling escape kits blind " she said. ! including hacksaw blades and cell A woodchuck can gorge a ton of alfalfa in one season. KHSL (Continued from Page 10) 4:15 Doug Edwards News 4:30 Mr. Ed . 7:00 Award Theater .7:30 Rawhide 0:30 Route 64 9:30 You're in The Picture 10:00 Twilight Zone 10:30 Mike Hammer 11.00 11 O'clock Report 11:05 Channel 12 Theater SATURDAY 9:00 Captain Kangaroo 10:00 Magic Land 10:30 Junior Auction Stamps In By SYD KRON1SH The signs of the Zodiak are Iru nhur-le nt a noiu cut nf stamps issued by Israel. Each of the first 12 stamps will show a different sign. The 13th and highest value will com bine the signs and symbols of the 12 constellations comprising the Zodiac. The values aret 1 ago- rot, 2 ag., 6 ag., 7 ag., 8 ag, 10 ag., 12 ag., 18 ag., 20 ag., 25 ag., 32 ag. 50 ag. and one pound. First day covers bearing the set of 13 stamps will be available! in complete sets only the lowest six values on one envelope, the! next six higher .values on a sec-, ond envelope and the 13th on a separate envelope. Collectors will be nhle to nur- maac Micac aituiipa iiiu nisi u,iy a X5 ZiG i-1 vfls from their local stamp dealer, reports the Israel Philalel ic Agency in America. Nationalist China issued on Feb. 4 (Farmer's Day in that country I three new stamps hon- Ilia "rono.c r An..;.ii..ri " - d . foa,ures a farmer and his tractor to indicate rural prog ress in mechanization. The Cen sus of Agriculture emblem ap pears in the upper right corner. First day cover collectors desir ing service on the first United vati0ns commemorative stamp of 10 the u.N. Postal Administration, United Nations, N.Y., prior (0 the date of issuance together with re mittance to cover the cost of ;uie stamos to be affixed. There are two stamps in cents and 8 cents. Die set, 4 Ecuador will Issue a new green SMALL PORTION McALESTER, Okla. 'API j W. M. Woody, a guard at the state prison, commented on the fine taste of cookies made by 'penitentiary cooks. His wife asked 'for the recipe. He told her - it i-as 600 pounds of flour, four cases ol eggs, inrce cans 01 lara In" gallons of milk and so on. Later his wife surprised him by presenting him some of the HELPS CONVICTS ESCAPE keys tp three convicts at Penton ville Prison. All escaped but were recaptured. . t "Til HERALD AND NEWS, Klamalh Palls. - TV 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:30 5:00 5:15 5:30 4:30 7:00 7:30 0:30 9:30 11:00 Jeff's Collie Mighty Mouse Cartoon Carnival Cisco Kid Western Th Theater i Tirr Saturday Matinee Santa Anita Race Dan Smoot Dog of the Hour Wrestling Not For Hire Ann Sot hern Perry Mason Checkmate Du Pont Show of the Month Channel 12 Theater The News and blue stamp to commemorate the participation of Ecuador in the First Philatelic Congress in Barcelona, Spain. The stamp will illustrate the oldest church of Ec uadorEl Belen in Quito. It was founded by Sebastian de Benalca zar over the rums of Quito im mediately after the Spanish con quest of that country. Greece has issued a 2.50 drach mas commemorative stamp hon oring the victory of Crown Prince Constanline and his crew at the I960 Olympic Games in Rome. The Crown Prince won a gold medal in the Dragon class yacht racing. Greece previously issued an Olympic set of 11 values but this, of course, was prior to the yachting victory. TV Service All makes, all kinds Pick up ond Delivery Service up to 8 pm doily 24 yeen of service to the K to moth Basin. Phono TU 4-5121 or 4-7241. Oepftife 126 No. 7th ph n ACE TV ZENITH Salts t Serv. FOR THE FINEST IN TV-RADIO SERVICE PHONE TO 4-3M1 1140 Rlvertid Drive Open 4 450 HOUSE A CALLS L 5o Billy Golden TV Formerly with J. W. Kerns Phone 2-1259 Have Tubes Will Travel Day - Night & Sundays IT'S PREMIUM QUALITY! DAYBREAK FRESH! Only Fluhrer's Ho (sum hot "FLAVOR-CUPS" ond you con lotto . the difference! Your LOCAL Bakery READ CLASSIFICATION NO. 41 "RADIQ-TV-MUSIC" In The CLASIFJPD SECTION OF TODAY'S Oregon Sunday, Feb, L ltd r-ata II (jJssik KOTI-TV (Continued from Page !) 7:00 Fight of the Week 7:30 Make That Spare 1:00 Interpol Calling 30 Twilight Zone 9:00 Tennesee Ernie Ford 9:30 Tom Ewell 10:00 Roaring 20's 11:00 News 11:15 Premier Theater KBES-TV (Continued from Page 10) 2:30 Lone Ranger 3:00 Walt Disney - 4:00 TBA 4 30 Sanla Anita Races 5:00 Championship Bowling 4:00 Dan Smoot 4:15 Saturday News 4:30 Price Is Right 7:00 Tennessee Ernie Fore? 7:30 Perry Mason 130 Checkmate 9:30 Dupont Show of the Month 11:00 Late News 11:15 MGM Hall of Fame Merit Service Supply w Guaranteed Service! ALL MAKES Phone TU 2-3429 609 SOUTH 6th B & B RADIO & ELECTRIC Complete Service on TV's - Radios Record Players 316 S. 6th TU 2-4434 Plenty of Free Forking Fast, Dependable TV, Radio, Hi-Fi Service WARDS WILL PUT NRW UK IN YOUR SIT QUALITY SIRVICI M AN HONEST Mid In the new Red Wrapper . . . stays fresh longer! eOlfVw ' A", r aanre ol . , a nl rrWoa iM Sepaf I igpTP,! ploae- I roPiuJii m" 3 tajrl'BTJ bMl Far any a