Camp Fire Girls Thank The Community ipJJbiigTnnS- !Parens NoHfied Hearing Defects Found "Camp Fire Girls observed their 1 ntU' M. Rull. Xl.-k'm.tnmalur tntlc in cliJnnlc in cl,l, --..It o -f lL ..I,. UM- i ..1. ,i i... ....... .i . ....... ... - . . ....I II1-PB1I 1 M.,...ill i;... ., 1...rr..i, , ...u,.. u .umu jn. , in., m uiiuc ..vic M.n, ii.y rouniuman ley renerwen non-ens iun, .joi- lamp r ire i.iris ana group .,...,,,,...,, .. . . r . ... h.ltl,in the counly recently. man ine ummuniiy uay lastiiepresenting Klamath Fails, re- ris, for interest and effort initrs of former years were intro- TllBcriaV Duonmif tt nauinrt tii. I k hiite to inftiviH?ij,l nH di-aiiikI' thanks for cooperation ofjsponsorinR, maintaining and exlduced and special iiibute which have enntrihnted time tal-lc'ty officials and for use of a sec- tending the CFG program in thai paid to Mrs. Bert C. i on, m, A c.-vi t n.n l'n oi ivoore f ai'K organization. ,r ire un is nay-camping programs, Darroi Frewing, representing! During the annual meeting at 11. !djL PjKlamath District, Rogue River First Preshvterian Church Frank "I'"F'"h. Rational rorest, was thanked for TVou- CAlii-mrt VUmolh rmm,.il president, was presented the Lu-lgoldhi'r P'-""'' ol ButteVal !summer campjtfjhe lake. ther 'hotcake breaktasl to heln raise nurse, reports that families of chil- Mi's. McKinncy said that 52 chil waslf..l for tlw.ii .ihi .il, .. i. ,..i k i dren were ioirnd to have sub Thomas ,,rooi im ' r j . i j u i. mormal hearing by this method of for Camp community for the past 10 years.; who founded the CFG movement i The brenkfast will he served! . Klamath Falls by organizing Feb. 12 in ,he remMim m enner ny nome cans, a group in tile spring of 1915. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. leiepnone or man. The organization nationwide is Clilf Onaman will lie the chief The county administered audi- known. The first inauguration of George and may learn ot theiriur.-hintiimi u.a delaved almost two months because of travel dif- testing impediment through the family. Each family has the option to do what it feels best, once re-lficulties. Halsey Gulick Award the highest national Camp Fire Girls symbol of recognition for out standing service to a local CFG program. Drew has been a member of the council board of directors for six years. He has devoted a great deal of time to help finance and develop the camping pro gram. Hie tnoi'M?l anA altnrl in tlu, camping Di oeram have been to- S ward securing additional land for :Camp Ka-Esl-A, the girls' sum mer quarters at Lake of the .Woods, and development of long Tange plans for modernization and! ;redevelopment of the campsite. ; Before retiring as president, ;Drew presented certificates of ap preciation and expi-essed the coun cil thanks to those who attend ed the dinner, and to Don Hum mel of Weyerhaeuser Company for his assistance to the local pro fessional staff and program com mitlee in training group leaders hi identification and appreciation of trees, enabling the leaders to present the program effectively to hundreds of girls in the coun cil. Drew also thanked .lim O'Dona hue for his personal interest in the CFG program and for his help in developing the wildlife con servation studies in the CFG Gold en Jubilee conservation project called "She Cares Do You?" I Thanks went to the news media .for coverage during the year. ; The Klamath County and Klam ath Falls schools were represent ;ed by Mrs. Isabelle Brixner and ;thanked for their help in making facilities available for activities such as dad-daughter dinners, ouncil fires and Blue Bird flyup "oere monies. : They were also thanked for the schools' cooperation in help big the agency contact girls in extending the program to as many in the area as possible. iimiiks weni to Mrs. frank the districts he D in deveooine current v celebni ini! iLs 56th an'rook and invites everyone to come and sample his delicacies. ,"-nu,u " in una. Riamain rails, ure. 9m m:mmmmmmmmmmrmmmm ' mw nu n amu m mil niversary. toL.M-r; ('TOP'''! . ii-l-l...K . MMtf -.l-WJB Wednesday, February 1, 1961 PAGE IB Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort FASTEETH, & pleasant alWalln (non-acid powder, holds false teeth more firmly. To eat and talk In mor comfort. Just sprinkle a little FAS TEETH on your plates, No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or reeling. CneckA "plate odor" (denture breath). Get FASTEETH at any drug counter. . a. 1. y I W " I IS 1 t Dlr 4o WLS uYPOlt WOOL" KNITTING rr Iter Now JUST PANtc - jy. 2 , FOR Pa 69c TtVC 2 FOR SIP Koll I 1 TOWELS 2 ---r-fly-' VSi- FIRST UAUTY 51 Denier 15 Gauge Seamless Brach's Valentine Heart Box CHOCOUTE ASSORTMENT UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED On The Record SISKIYOU il SISKIYOU COUNTY BIRTHS BEEM Born to Mr. end Mrs. Richard Beem. MeCloud, Jan. IS In McCloud Hospital, a girl weighing 7 lbs., 10 ozs. FRY Born to Mr. end Mrs. Frank Fry, McCloud, Jan. 13 in McCloud Hospital, a firl weighing 7 lbs. MATT OS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mattes, McCloud, Jen. 17 In McCloud Hospital, a boy weighing 7 lbs., li ou. STANLEY Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Stanley, Montague, Jan. 10 In Sis kiyou County General Hospital, a boy weighing 8 lbs., 3'i ozs. : THOMAS Born to Mr. and Mrj. Rich ard Thomas, McCloud, Jan. 16 In Mc Cloud Hospital, a girl weighing 6 lbs., '14' 7 ors. ALLEN Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Allen, Yreka, Jan. 11 In Siskiyou Counly -General Hospital, a girl weighing 5 lbs., IK ,i1-4 ozs. BERRY Born to Mr. and Mrs. Rlch- jftir. nrd M. Berry, Fort Jones, Jan. 20 in n$ Siskiyou County General Hospital, a girl weighing 5 lbs., 2 ozs. HAMMOND Born to Mr. and Mrs. ' John P. Hammond, Grenada, Jan. ?2 In Siskiyou Counly General Hospital, a boy.K weighing 8 lbs., 5'j ozs. MARTIN Born to Mr. and Mrs. Brlcel Martin, Montague, Jan. 23 in Siskiyou . County General Hospital, a boy weighing j I lbs., 4' j ozs. HEATH Born to Mr. and Mrs. Orrin I Heath, Yreka, Jan. 23 In Siskiyou County General Hospital, a boy weighing 6 lbs.,, 1 oz. I RHODES Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ron-1 aid Rhodes, Hornbrook, Jan. 23 in Slski-lj you County General Hospital, twin girls, i weighing 6 lbs., 7 ozs., and 5 lbs., 4 ozs. SISKIYOU COUNTY DEATHS Lyle Alphonso Lambert, 55, McCloud, j, Hied January 14; Interment at Mt. Shasta ;1 Memorial Park. Rebecca Jean Moore, 1 year, Duns mulr, died Jan. 16; Intement Mt. Shas- - ta Memorial Park. " William Griggs Tillotson, 74, Dunsmuir, "died Jan. 15; interment Woodland Ceme-, tery. 1 - Charles Thomas Fehley, 91, Yreka, 'died Jan. 18; interment Fort Golf Ceme-1 I ery. . Florence Elizabeth Grieve, 85, Horn- brook, died Jan, IS; Interment Henley Hornbrook Cemetery. ' Jessie Inskip, 85, Happy Camp, died, Jan. 1; intermtsnt Happy Camp Ceme-j Robert La Sell Wood, 64, Dunmuir, " died Jan. 18; Interment Mt. Shasta Me ! mortal Park. . .Vernon Orvan DavU, 16, Fort Jones. ;.ed January 13, interment Etna Inaian ' Cemetery. Archie Richardson Klnd'fl, 64, Fort; I Jones, died Jan. II; Interment Etna I . Cemetery. SISKIYOU COUNTY MARRIAGE LICENSES ', Brownie Tyler Artams, 21. Med ford, Ore., and Dawn Maria Zimmerlee, 19, Eaole Point, Ore. Ray Lee Grissom, 42, end Virginia Alice Mcllwaine, 41, both ot Central Point, Ore. DIVORCES ' CI.;. aianbanthift Vt N O h I Hector Bi'ankenship, interlocutory decree B. eranted Jan. 13. Judithe Lynn Price vi. Kent Everett Price, interlocutory decree granted Jan. Rose Ellen Long vs. Paul Franklin Long, Interlocutory decree granted Jan. 16Rejr B. Oberg v. Lois Daniel Oberg, tlnaf decree granted Jan. 20. . Juanfte Garcia vs. Bernabe Garcia, in - erlocutory decree granted Jan. 23. ; Former Lake Resident Dies LAKEV1EW New? has boon received hprc iif the death in : Cornine of Spencer C. Oshom. M. ; former Lake County resident. H.r died Jan. 20 and funersl service.' ere .Ian. 24 with interment in the cemetery at Corning. Mr. and Mrs. Osborn wld their Interests in Lakeview last No vember and went to siend the inter in CornirS ilh their son jind his wife. .Mr. and Mrs. Blain Osborn. 1.00 Value j At fay Less FULLY LINED CARRY ALL BAG WITH ZIPPER! PLAID COLORS' COLORFUL POLY - UNBREAKABLE Can't chip or scratch your fins china! BATH TOWELS BUY NOW! I PAY LESS IS HEADQUARTERS FOR UAI CKITIMCC FOR V HbEM I lllbw EVERYONE I Rg 98c Reg. 99c --:-: i BIG 22"x44" 1 -0 DELUXE-THICK AND THIRSTY DECORATOR K COLOR S- PAY LESS FRESH PEANUT BUTTER Full One Pound Jart 2 FOR MEN'S DELUXE NECK TIES 1.29 MEAT THERMOMETER SALE! 69c Without Outside Pocket! FULL V INCH SISAL ROPE ! Ideal for Horn e. Snorts. Campers & General Use. SMASH SALE PRICE!!! c BATHROOM DELUXE - DOUBLE PLY TISSUE 86c Value 8 ROLLS FOR SOF-PLY -".rlc WEAVE WSH aoms '0c V, 10 tfue For 3 PIECE IONO HANDLE "BAR- B-QUE" TOOLS Fork, Spoon A SpttuU R.g. 1.00 SUN LAMPS JS BY WNETMY (pirtct r Jition of ultraviolet energy t the thin raiultt in itht formation of Vit- 'amin 0 in lha body. 275 Watt Price I I 7 J HEAT LAMP PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB. 1-2-3-4-5 INCL. 93 DRISTAN TABS 89' BENGAY ANALGESIC BALM 'SHAMPOO Richard Hudnut Enriched Creme Type VET DOG OR CAT FOOD AT 8 PAY LESS CANS Driti Hair or Eatai Sore Muiclet Reg. 1.00 69' Hershey Nest.e' . . .IT CHOCE SIZE OS BARS LARGE ROLY POLY Fcq. 49c Eocn SPBlMTS JZK 6 ro u A cahin. ronstrurl hy ths iH- tRted explorer Robert Srolt in 1901. still la f landing in th Ant 3c Bors CREW SOX 2 5 69c, ""spray SHOE SHIN BAGS for lott ! Tun 40 Kith. I Tall t,0- BANDED INSTANT COFFEE CONTAINER CERAMIC REPLICA OF AN OLD TIME COFFEE GRINDER. Reg. 88c ftC Now Just Q 3 'EMPRESS' AUTUMN LEAVES FINE CHINA 69' YOUR CHOICE OF TEA POT, GRAVY BOAT OR LARGE PLATTER. Volucs to 1.98 MEN, WOMEN or KID'S JERSEY GLOVES s Reg. J . 35e pair I FAMOUS THERMADOR ELECTRIC GUARANTEED ONE FULL YEAR! PORTABLE - EASY TO CARRY! HEAD TO HEEL WARMTH WHEN AND WHERE YOU WANT IT! IDEAL FOR BATHROOMS AND OTHER SMALL ROOMS BECAUSE IT TAKES SUCH A SMALL AREA! REG. 12.95 NOW JUST 1.00 MAYO SPRUCE l-MXIfittHSl VINYL PLASTIC FOR MEN, WOM KM & CHILDREN! SOME WITH HOODS. KIDS REG. 98c - ADULTS REG. 1.29. YOUR CHOICE! 4-Cup Aluminum PERC Now 70 POUND 1.39 Safe.' SZE T-SHIRTS OR BRIEFS First Quality Your Choice EACH 7l Men's 98e Heavy BOOT SOX NOW JUST CERAMIC FIGURINES! 2 COWBOY QUARTET FIGURES FAIRY TALE FIGURES AND EVEN MONKEYS WITH REAL FUR ALSO COMIC PSYCHO FIGURES! Reg. 59c Each FOR HYTONE - GIANT PACK STATIONERY 100 SHEETS SO ENVELOPES NOW JUST . BAR ACCESSORIES FANCY OPENERS, JIGGERS, TONGS, LIME SQUEEZERS, CORK PULLERS, ETC. SIGHT INCH NVIR&W Values To 1.00 YOUR CHOICE SET OF TWO FOOD SERVICE SCOOPS If Cream anJ & Portion Scoopi BOTH FOR REG. 98c 100 CAN WAll Type OPfNfft iHi LlfM, arctic. o oo a o o O