Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 26, 1961, Page 13, Image 13

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YOUNG AND THEIR ELDERS will love this "Sweetheart" dessert on Valentine's Day.
Plan a party, it's so easy to prepare for it with pretty pink raspberry ice cream from
your grocer. Let the youngsters help too . . . starts them early on the highway to
gracious entertaining.
Pink Ice Cream For Valentine Party
I A Valentine Party! And what
a pretty refreshment table cen
tered with a lovely pink mer
ingue shell heart filled with van
illa ice cream and topped with a
fresh flavored raspberry sauce.
Ice cream, one of America's
favorite foods is popular served
plain or dressed up with a fancy
topping to suit any occasion. Nour
ishing, too, with the same high
quality protein, minerals and vita
mins that are found in milk. For
example, 1-3 pint of ice cream is
about equal to Vj cup of whole
milk in calcium, protein and the
B-vitamins, and equal to more
than one cup of milk in Vitamin
A. With a contribution like this
it pays, nutrition wise, to always
have a ready supply of Ice cream
handy in your freezer.
To carry out the Valentine Par
ty theme have little pink carna
tion corsages trimmed with red
and. white satin. ribbon for eachl
guest. They will add to your table
decorations during the party and
can be presented to each guest
as they leae.
Meringue Shell
4 egg whites
Vi teaspoon cream of tartar
V4 teaspoon salt
j teaspoon vanilla
1 cup sugar
Red food coloring
1 package (1 pound) frozen
v red raspberries in sugar
syrup, defrosted
4 teaspoons cornstarch
1 quart vanilla ice cream
Make meringue shell. Beat egg
whites, cream of tartar, salt and
vanilla until mixture holds soft
peaks. Gradually beat in sugar,
one tablespoonful at a time, and
continue beating until very stiff
and glossy. Add food coloring as
needed to tint the desired shade
of pink. Draw an eight or nine
inch heart on heavy brown paper.
Place on baking sheet. Spread
mixture onto heart mounding
meringue up around outer edge
of heart. Bake in very slow oven,
275 degrees, until dry and lightly
browned. Turn off heat and allow
shell to cool in oven. Cool thor
oughly before filling with ice
cream. Make sauce. Reserve one
cup drained berries to fold into
thickened sauce. Mix juice and1
cornstarch until free of lumps,
add remaining of berries. Cook,
stirring constantly, until clear and
thickened. Fold in remaining ber
ries. Chill, tirizzle over ice cream
in meringue shell. Makes six to
eight servings.
HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Thursday, January 2ti. ISHil PAGE S-B
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START THE DAY for your youngsters with a real laugh. The easiest way is to start
breakfast with a laugh. One way is the "Banana Funny Face" shown here. Fill two
dishes with favorite cereal, cut a curved, peeled banana in half lengthwise, place one
half on each cereal in the position of a smiling mouth. From the second banana, cut
crosswise slices for eyes. Use each tip of banana for a comical nose. Try it!
Treat Grapefruit Right For A Table Treat
Not too many years ago grape
fruit was a novelty on the break
fast menu. Today, most house
wives shop lor grapefruit each
week. Watch for the Snoboy In
dian River Grapefruit. Each, bag
will contain a certificate, which
will permit the purchaser to buy
a set of four grapefruit spoons
famous Wm. Rogers Silver-
plate for $1. They really work
little teeth on the tip of
the spoon cut cleanly and lift out
the segments easily.
No one seems to know why a
grapefruit is called a grapefruit.
It neither tastes like a grape,
nor looks like a grape. It grows
on trees instead of vines.
Unlike the grape, which has but
a few basic purposes on the fam
ily menu, the grapefruit is some-
thine like manna from heaven
for the housewife.
There are so many ways to
prepare grapefruit as a special
dish and so many ways to. use
grapefruit as a secondary element
in other dishes that it would take
weeks before you ran out of recipe
Incidentally, there are grapefruit
and grapefruit. Experts seem to
agree that the grapefruit grown
in Florida's Indian River country
are the best.
Since this is the time of year
when the top of the grapefruit
crop is coming on the market
here is a quick look at some of
the tastier ways to serve grape
1. Still the most popular way
to enjoy this fruit is all by its
lonesome, served chilled and
"on llie half shell." A very in
expensive but handy tool is the
grapefruit spoon, available this
winter through a coupon in the
Snoboy Indian River grapefruit
package. Four of these little
spoons, with scries of notches at
the tips, can be obtained for one
dollar plus the coupon.
2. Second most popular way to
eat grapefruit is in a salad com
bination. Grapefruit goes well with
a surprising number of fruits and
vegetables. For instance, avoca
dos, apples, bananas, strawber
ries, grapes, green peppers, cu
cumbers, green onions, and let
3. Then there is the meal opener
which calls for grapefruit sections
with shrimp or oysters in a grape
fruit shell. Or a garnish of grape
fruit sections around a serving of
chicken salad.
4. For the more adventurous.
try broiled grapefruit: Cut in half,
separate sections. Then sprinkle
with honey and coconut, or wiih
sugar, butter and cinnamon. Broil
for 5 to 10 minutes until browned,
and serve hot.
5. From among the many grape
fruit dessert ideas comes this
tasty dish dreamed up by an ad
venturous cook on the West Coast:
Just dribble 2 tablespoons of ma
ple- syrup over grapefruit halves,
TAMALE-CHEESE PIE is a toothsome Mexican-type dish featuring cheese for added
flavor and nourishment. Good on a frosty day for luncheon. ' x -
Cheese Ranks.High In Tasty Main Dish
Are you looking for a special
main dish to take to a potluck
dinner, serve for a buffet party
or just something yummy for the
family? You can stop your
searching because here it is
Tamale-Cheese Pie. A touch of
Mexico is found in this entree
that is packed full of taste tempt
ing flavors. Prepared ahead
even a whole day in advance will
eliminate any last minute rush
About an hour before dinner just!
pop it in the oven and "presto."
there is a bubbly hot, cheese main
You will be pleased too. know
ing that high quality nutrient!
also go along with Tamale-Cheese
Pie. Milk and cheese rank high
as nourishing foods and there is
a generous supply of both these
dairy foods added to the other
fine ingredients. Besides being our:
main source of calcium, milk con-!
tributes fine quality protein, vita
mins especially riboflavin and
vitamin A and many other nu-
Make Sunday supper a waffle
feast. Serve crisp waffles with
broiled canned cling peaches and
sausage or bacon. Plenty of hot
coffee completes the meal.
trients. The meaty tomato sauce
with a chili flavor adds its share
of important nutrients, too.
Take Tamale-Cheese Pie to the
next potluck affair and watch
requests for the recipe pour in.
'2 cup chopped onion
1 clove garlic, finely minced
1 tablespoon butter
ti pound ground beef
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 1-pound can tomatoes
I 12-ounce can whole kernel
corn, drained
1 8-ounce can tomato sauce
Vt cup chopped green pepper
1 tablespoon chili powder
l'-j teaspoons salt
1 cup sliced pitted black ol
ives 1 cup shredded sharp Ched
dar cheese m pound 1
54 cup cornmeal
.1 cups milk
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup shredded sharp" Ched
dar cheese 4 pound
To make filling: saute onion
and garlic in butter. Add beef
and mushrooms; cook and stir un
til beef loses its red color. Add
tomatoes, corn, tomato sauce,
green pepper, chili powder and
salt. Cover and simmer about 45
minutes. Add olives and simmer
another 15 minutes. To make
crust: mix together cornmeal and
1 cup of the cold milk. Com
bine remaining 2 cups milk, but
ter and salt and heat to boiling.
Gradually add cornmeal mixture,
stirring constantly: cook until
thickened. Cover and cook over
very low heat about 15 minutes.
Stir in egs and 1 cup cheese;
continue stirring until cheese is
melted. Line bottom of buttered
shallow 2-quart casserole with
cornmeal mixture, reserving I'M
cups of mixture for top of
pie. Pour meat filling over com
meal mixture. Drop spoonsful of
remaining cornmeal mixture onto
top of meat filling. Sprinkle re
maining 1 cup shredded cheese
over all. Bake in moderate oven.
350 degrees, until browned and
bubbly around eddges. 50 to 60
minutes. Makes 6 to 8 servings.
RIGHT FROM FLORIDA'S warm Indian River country
are the fresh SnoBoy grapefruit at food markets this
week. This is the place nature blessed for perfect grape
fruit that are picked for exact flavor balance, a just
right blend of sweetness and tang, and shipped to con
sumers. Warren Mason, in charge of fruit and vegetable
department at Big Y Market, looks at thin-skinned juicy
specimen of grapefruit.
People Read
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Pretty As A Picture Pie
sprinkle lightly with brown sugar.
and . spoon crushed pineapple1 on
lop. Garnish center with maras
chino cherry and give your des
sert a glamorous name!
Freezer Tips for Grapefruit
11 you have a Ircezer, grape
fruit need not be a seasonal
fruit. Buy only varieties tlult
freeze' well, such as the delect-
ible Indian River grapefruit.
To prepare for freezing, peel
the grapefruit, cutting away all
white of skin. Lift out each sec
tion, pack with or without sugar,
depending on how your family
likes it. (If sugar is used, figure
one pound ol grapefruit to five
pounds of fruit.) For better keep
ing quality, dissolve the sugar in
juice from the grapefruit without
Finally, ,pour syrup over the
grapefruit sections In a freezer
pack and squirrel It away for an
out-of-season taste treat of the
best grapefruit available during
the year.
Americans are famous for their
pics. Most men agree there's
nothing better than plel It is a
welcome ending to any dinner
from the popular hamburger to
an elegant crown roast.
A delicious pie that even a nov
ice can make with confidence is
tlu's Pineapple-Cherry Pic. The
rich easy-do filling is a combina
tion of cream cheese, brown su
gar, sour dairy cream, and cinna
mon. The fruit topping is a nov
elty, too, featuring glazed pine
apple chunks and dark Bing cher
The Pineapple-Cherry Pie will
be a delightful climax to a special
occasion dinner.
For the rest of the dinner be
gin with a Shrimp Bisque. Follow
with a Crown Roast of Lamb,
sweet potatoes, and a molded beet
Pastry for one 9-inch crust
2 (3-ounce) packages cream1
into 9-inch glass pie dish. Leave
inch overhang of pastry. Fold
this under and press to rim of
dish with tip of teaspoon to make
pretty pattern. Prick all over
with fork. Bake in very hot oven
1475 degrees) about eight min
utes. Cool. Soften cream cheese
and beat in sour cream, brown
sugar, and cinnamon. Spread in
bottom and sides of pie shell. Ar
range pattern of pineapple and
cherries on filling. (See Photo).
Heat jelly and pineapple syrup
over low heat just until jellly is
melted. Tint a deeper pink if
needed with a few drops red col
oring, cool slightly and spoon
cup commercial sour
1-3 cup brown sugar (packed)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Hi cups pineapple chunks,
1 cup pitted black Bing cher
V cup Guava or other tart
red jelly
2 teaspoons pineapple syrup
Roll pastry thin and fit loosely'over fruit to glaze. Chill until set.
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Meadow Gold presents a parade
of ripe cherries and luscious
chunks of tasty chocolate in rich'
Meadow Gold Ice Cream. It's a
salute to good eating, so delicious
your family will battle for more.
At Your Grocer's or From
Your Medo-Lond Route Meet