Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 30, 1960, Page 13, Image 13

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    a O
HERALD AND NfTS, Klamath Tan's, Ore,
Frliay, Beremher WW
" -ik- I Willi
New Bible Translation
To Play Part In Meeting
' Flaying a prominent part in-the
"Be Taught By Jehovah" Circuit
Convention of 800 to 1,100 Jeho
vah's Witnesses at the Municipal;
Auditorium, Eureka, ' Jan. 6-8,
will be the New World Transla
tion of the Hebrew and Greek
Scriptures. . , .
George Hriczicset presiding
minister of the Klamath - Falls
Congregation, announced today
that the release of the last vol
ume this summer marked the
completion of the translation.
The first volume containing the
Christian Greek Scriptures was
published in 1950. Since then sec
tions of the Hebrew Scriptures
have been released until the finalj7;
volume, completing a task of over
10 year's duration by the trans
lating committee, was officially
released June 18 at a convention
in Manchester, England.
"This is a fresh,' new transla
tion based on the best basic
texts available, Kittel's Masoretic
text and Westcott and Hort's
Greek text. Care was taken to
make as literal and as consistent
a translation as possible. Special
attention Mas given to verbs in
order to rapture the forcefulness
of the original communications of
the divine will," Hricziscse said.
"Bible scholars hail this trans
lation as just as understandable
to modern readers as the original
writings of Christ's disciples were
understandable to the readers of
their dav. Ministers of the Klam
ath Falls congregation have ex-
To Every
Creed and Purse
Word's Klamath
Funeral Home
Marguerite M. Ward
and Sent
925 High TU 2-4404
Klamath Falls' Newest Church
Starts Jan. 1st Nightly at 7:30
Silas H. Jones
Nationally Known
Bible Centered
0 Faith Building
0 Soul Inspiring
0 Preaching
0 Singing
Rev. Jones Will Be Assisted by Wife & Son
Victory Temple
1909 Homedale
perienced a stimulating response
from local residents as they make
the New 'Vorld translation an in-i
legral part of every feature of
their door-to-door ministry," ne
Program speakers will feature
(his new translation in their plat
form teaching so that all in at
tendance will "Be Taught By Je
Highlights of the Bible seminar
will be the keynote address, "Be
Taught By Jehovah, by conven
tion chairman, Lester M, Dugan
at 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 6; bap
tism and ordination of new min
isters at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, Jan,
and the public Bible lecture
Is God Interested in the Affairs
of Men?" at 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan.
8, by the convention chairman.
Churches Pool
Their Programs
BEATTY The two B e a 1 1 y
churches, Methodist and Assem
bly of God, pooled programs for
Christmas. Pastors of both
churches presided over the in
dividual programs, and delivered
short services. Songs and recita
lions were given.
Troop 93 and Cub Pack 93 pre
sented a Christmas program in
uniform. Jesse Kirk, representing
Santa, presented a -small present
of candy to everyone. '
. A large crowd attended the
service. -
ITHACA, N.Y. (AP)-A $10,000
Cornell ..University study of the
movement toward , unity within
the Christian church has been
launched under direction of the
Rev. Ewell J. Reagin, a Presby
terian, and the Rev, Richard T.
Tormey, a Catholic priest.
The study is entitled "The Ecu
menical Movement: The Search
for Unity in Christendom."
W S, j T7 e"
V ir-3 r , j?
OeI 4gain Cals Locaf
Mefhodisfs To Services
Members of the First Metho
dist Church are called again to
worship by a great bell that
pealed out its welcome to the
congregation in the early part of
this century.
The origin of the bell is un-
Past Year
Is Paradox
In Religion
Associated Press Writer
In the realm of religion, mark
down the year 1960 as a paradox
ot turmoil and tranquility.
This was the year of "the reli
gious issue, and beneath the se
rious debate were manifestations
of intolerance and bigotry. It also
was the year Christianity visited
Rome, and overshadowing the of
ficial courtesies was an unprece
dented air of dialogue and unity.
It was the year that gave birth
to a new phrase: "kneel-in dem
onstration"; and the year that
produced the first Negro cardinal.
It was the year swastikas and
anti-Jewish slogans defaced syn
agogues and public buildings; and
the year rabbis preached sermons
in 400 Methodist churches by in
vitation. It also was a year of personal
John F. Kennedy buried the no
tion a Roman Catholic could not
ie elected president of the United
States. There also were other
names that made news; some of
them familiar, others in the head
lines for the first time:
Eugene Carson Blake, stated
clerk of the United Presbyterian
Church of the U.S.A., who pro
posed a merger of Methodists,
Episcopalians, Presbyterians and
members of the United Church of
Christ. '
Billy uraham, who added a
sixth continent to his worldwide
evangelizing crusade with a 10-
nation Safari for Souls in Af
rica. Archbishop ' Gunnar Hultgcn,
primate of Sweden's Lutheran
Church who abandoned tradition
and ordained three Women min
isters. Aloysius Cardinal Stcpinac of
Yugoslavia, whose death cried out
against Communist injustices as
eloquently as the prelate had in
Lonnie King, 23-year-old More
house College student who led
the first kneel-in demonstrations
in six Atlanta churches.
W. F. Albright, senior editor of
a group of Protestant, Catholic
and Jewish scholars who began
working together to translate
from original manuscripts a Bible
acceptable to all.
Bishop Maurice Schexnaydcr of
Lafayette, La., who announced he
would deny Catholic burial rites
to any of his flock guilty of crimi
nal negligence in automobile ac
James W. Wine, Presbyterian
lawyer employed by John F. Ken
nedy to answer questions of reli
gion in the presidential cam
But no names produced more
startling religious news in 1960
than those of Angelo Giuseppe
Roncalli, Pope John XXIII; and
Geoffrey Francis Fisher, arch
bishop of Canterbury.
Their Dec. 2 meeting in the Vat
ican was the first time the heads
of the two ancient churches had
set down together in 500 years,
and marked the high point of a
year sprinkled with other expres
sions of growing cordiality in the
Christian community.
Earlier in the year the Pope
appointed 11 cardinals to head ad
vance work commissions for his
forthcoming ecumenical council.
One of the posts went to Augus
tin Cardinal Bea, a German-born
Jesuit w hose job it will be to keep
Station Sundays
KFLW 10:10
First Church of Christ. Scientist
A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Christ at Christ,
Scientist in Boston, Mats 10th Btid Wathinaton
Services: Sunday Servica 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday veninf Testimony Meeting 8:00 O'Clock
Lesson-Sermon Subject, January 1
Golded Text: Deuteronomy
Bur Cod it one Laid.
Nursery tacilitiai available durinf church tarvicet
known, even to those members
who can lecall the beginnings of
the Methodist Church in Klamath
Falls. It is known that it came
by freight teams, probably by
way of Ager in California and
was hung in the bell tower of a
church -that once stood at Tenth
and High streets, where the
present church is located. That
church was dedicated in 1907 and
the bell was raised to the tower
the following year.
Soon after the dedication, Mrs
Marcia Mitchell, later to become
Mrs. Marcia Jameson, "in consi
deration of the benefits accruing
to the community by reason of
having a Methodist Church there
in, and the added convenience of
having a bell to notify the public
of its various meetings," felt
moved to provide a bell.
Mrs. Mitchell made a down
payment and, lacking funds
enough to complete the transac
tion, deeded to the church trus
tees the rents from her resi
dence property on the adjoining
location in the amount of $80.
The church tower was strength
ened and made safe for the
heavy bell and for 20 years it
called young and old to worship
when rung by Edmund M. Chil
cole, Sunday School superintend
ent. Its weight threatened dam
age to the church structure and it
was taken down and for many
years has been stored in the
basement of the present church
Upon arrival some months ago
of the piesent pastor, the Rev
Ralph Richardson, who was in
terested in the significance of its
use in the church services, the
bell was brought upstairs to the
street floor hall where each Sun
day it is again rung by Mrs
Sanford Selby to herald the begin
ning of divine worship.
Present plans call for a perma
nent outdoor base where the bell
will be hung to peimit others
than the immediate church fam
ily to enjoy its tones.
Ladies Society
Votes Payment
MERRILL Members ot the La
dies Aid Society met at the home
of Mrs. M. A. Bowman for their!
Dec. 21 meeting. '
The group voted to give a
check to the church to cover in
surance, note payment, and
church charities.
The newly elected officers will
be installed with other church of
ficers at a worship service early
in January.
A gift exchange was enjoyed
by the members following the
meeting. Mrs. W. F. Jinnette as
sisted Mrs. M. A. Bowman at
the meeting.
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP)-The
Essenes, an early Jewish sect
whom some credit with compiling
the Dead Sea Scrolls, sought to
reform Judaism, according to
Harvard University professor
Frank Moore Cross Jr.
The Essenes were a radical
group who regarded themselves
as the only true Israel group,"
Cross said at a University of
Michigan seminar.
He said the sect "did not stem
entirely from doctrinal differ
ences, - but was engaged in a
struggle for power."
non-Catholic Christian groups in-,
formed of the council's work. The j
cardinal described himself as,
"general liaison officer."
Also in I960 leaders of 171
Protestant, Eastern Orthodox andj
Anglican churches gathered in St. f
Andrews, Scotland, for the 11th i
annual meeting of the World
Council of Churches.
Their chief topic was church
unity, and among other moves
they drew up a code of behavior
which would prohibit proselytiz
ing one another's members. The
code awaits final approval at the
1961 meeting in New Delhi.
What threatened to be the most
divisive episode of 1960 the reli
gious issue .in the . presidential
campaign may result in more
understanding between Catholics
and Protestants. A post-election
survey of church leaders showed
most felt the campaign inspired
discussions provided a foothold for
further conservation which inevi
tably will lead to better under
standing between the two groups.
Hoar, 0 Israel: The Lard
THE BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH is home church for Mrs.
John P. Simpson, right, 4860 Frieda, her daughter, Donna
Simpson, center, and Janet Highland. The Simpson fam
ily has attended there for four years. The Rev. Freeman
Schmitt is pastor.
Clipper Club Has Yule Meet
ETNA-Christmas holiday serv -
es and meetings of the Etna
Methodist Church included a
meeting and Christmas party for'Mrs. Merle Buck, Mr. and Mrs.
members of the Clipper Club at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Dudley in Noycs Valley when
75 were present. Mr. and Mrs,
Albeit Miles, skippers, presided
over the business meeting.
Christmas festivities were
around a lighted tree where gifts
Women Present
Yule Program
MERRILL An - interesting
Christmas program was given at
the recent meeting of the Presby
terian Womcns Association.
The story of the first nativity
was given by Mrs. Charles Cun
ningham and Mrs. Robert Graves,
accompanied by Mrs. L. E. Stew
art, sang a sblo.
Several Christmas carols were
sung by the guests and members
followed by refreshments.
VICTORY TEMPLE. 1909 Homedale Road, is Klamath. Falls newest church. Officers
announce the start of revival meetings end regular church program on New Year's
Day, Jan. I. The 1 1 a.m. worship and communion service end nightly services at 7:30
are planned. Silas H. Jones, pastor and evangelist end former minister here, will serve
the church. He will be anissted by his wife, Catherine, end his son, Robert. An invi
tation is extended to the public to attend.
Fun for the whole family on New Year's Eve! BOWL IN THE
NEW YEAR! Party favors for everyone! We will remain open
Open at 9:45 a.m.
New Year's Day
Open Bowling All Day
and Evenina ...
Come Out and Join The Fun!
3319 South 6th
were exchanged. A program was! e ' "T " Z,iD
followed by relroshments served" ef, J 1 "1 es mg
by Mr. and Mrs.' Dudley, Mr. and
John Bcny and Mr. and
Glenn Barnes.
tl c. ........ i
i..c onmia.y uti.uui jjiufcriuil
Was presented Oil Dec. 18 WhCIl
children Ol all classes took part
in the Urogram with snnrs and
in me program wun songs ana
recitations. A gill was presented
to each child and refreshments
were served in the recreation
NEW YORK (AP) - A corn-
new translation of the
Bible from its original languages
will be published jointly next
March 14 by the Oxford Uni
versity Press and Cambridge Uni
versity Press.
The new translation, tilled "The
New English Bible," is the work
of scholars appointed by the ma
jor Protestant churches of the
British Isles.
Services Will
Feature McCoy
Ray McCoy, once under con
tract as an entertainer, known as
Ray Dancll. to MGM of Holly
wood, will open a series of evan
gelistic services at Kaith Taber
nacle, 2610 Shasta Way, Friday.
Dec. 30. at 7:30 p.m. Services
.will continue nightly except Sat
There will be three services on
Sunday, Jan. 1, at 11 a.m., 2:30
and 7:30 p.m. The evangelist will
provide concerts of sacred music
with each service. The public is
invited to be present for all serv
ices by 'he evangelist and the
pastor of Faith Tabernacle, the
Rev. W. D. Bigby.
The speaker was en route to
Rome, under contract for study
in the entertainment field, on ra
dio, television and screen when
he was converted "through pray
ers of my mother."
For six years since that time
he has traveled widely in the
i Nonet it nerebv otven in? ine Board
i0 Directors of School Olslrlr.1 No. I ol
Klamath County. Oreoon will receive sealed
hLrdar M e 1Kb t I If m l IhB mtelr-t f"laasb
tie Klamath Avenue, Klamalh Felli, Ore-
"J1' un'" 5:00 o'clock p.m. on January
,J .... , , Illrll,,hinll ,nd d,nv,rina
1961 lor Ihe furnishing and delivering
of one 73-passengtr school but according
to conditions and specifications on fllei
at the above address. Bids will be public.
ly opened at a special meeting ol the
Board al Klamath Union High School on
January 23. ml at 7:30 p.m. The Board
reserves the right to accept any or re-
ect an bids.
h. b. Aimey, tier
no. an, December it, . January u.
Notice Is hereby olven that the under-l
signed has been appointed executrix of
the Estate in William John Routs, de
ceased, by the Circuit Court of Klemalh
county, Oregon, and that all persons hav-
ing claims against said estate are here-
py noimea -o piesent same to said execu
trix at the oltlce of the undersigned at
Koom a, iweinose Building, Klamath palls,
Oregon, together with proper vouchers,
withm six months of the date of the first
publication of this notice, which is De
cember Vth, 1760.
Attorneys for executrix
No. 606 December 9. It, 11. 30.
TU 2-5536 or TU 2-5537
SSS taaVJB 111 WW V ViL
Missionary Tells Of Work
Christmas greetings were re-1 in the work of the Evangelical
ceived by friends of the Rev. and
Mrs. Bill Ainley who some years
ago served the pastorate of the
Mt. Laki Community Presbyterian
Church. During their work here,
they decided to go into the mis
sionary field and left here to be
gin intensive training in the diffi
cult languages and dialects of
African tribes before going over
seas. Their address now is Apartado
195. Bata, Rio Muni. W. Africa.
Part of their Christmas letter fol
lows: "We are very happy for the
arrival of the Roy Strange fam
ily in November after several
months delay due to illness and
housing problems. They will be
living 60 miles from us at the
inland station of Mongo. Their
coming will greatly lighten the
load ot work we have been Car
rying. "The Christians of Bolondo con
tinue to thank God for their love
ly new church building buili
largely with the help of funds
from U.S. churches through our
mission. Although Gustavo is the
pastor of this church of 192 mem
bers, Bill often preaches here as
the resident fraternal worker.
This has been a good year
ROME (AP) - Katerl Tekak
witha, born three centuries ago
in an Indian village at present
day Auriesville, N.Y., may be,
beatified soon.
The second of two miracles
needed prior to beatification by
Ihe Roman Catholic Church is
now under examination at the
Vatican. Further study remains,
however, before final canoniza
tion. .
The girl is described in arti
cles written about her as "the
Lily of the Mohawks." ' ;
No. 60-31
In the Metier of the Estate at DFL.
PHIA L. HOVT. Deceased.
Notice Is hereby o yen thet I hava filed
my final account as executor of the
Estate of Delohia L. Hovt. deceased, and
Ihet the Court has set January u. 161,
at the hour or 10:00 a.m., as the time
for the heerlng ef obiectlons to sold final
eccount and settlement thereof.
Dated this December 11, It.
' Executor
Altornevs tor executor
No. tl7. Dec. 23, 30, Jan. L It
No. S9IJ6
Chester W. Calaway, Administrator ef
the above entitled estatt hereby gives
nonce mat no win from and after Jan
uary IS, 1961, al 10:00 A.M., at the office
of o. w. Goakey, Attorney for the estate
at Room 115, First National Bank Build
Ing, Klamath Falls, Oregon proceed to
sell at prlvete sale for cash the fo.
lowing described reel property, to.wlt:
ne Nortneriy nan (rt'it or ine west
erly US Feet of Lot I, Slock II, Stewart
Addition to Ihe City of Klamath Falls,
Klamath County, Oregon.
said sale is mede pursuent n the order
of the above entitled Court.
Dated this 16th day ol December, 1960.
SS: Chester W. Celaway .
No. eli Dec. It, 21, 30. Jen. 4,
Notlca It hereby given that the under-
tlgned, Admlnlttratrlx of the Estate of
ANNA FORD, decoosed, ties tiled her
final account and the HONORABLE DA
VID . VANOENBERG, Judge of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Klomath, has set the 17 dey
of Jenuary, I tel. at the hour of 10:00
A.M., at the time and the Courtroom of
taid Court as the place for heerlnf Ob-
lections to said rinai account.
Administratrix ,
Attorney for Administratrix
No. til, Dec. It, 21, 10. Jen. t. I
your gills in
Why get swamped in t set of Christmis Nik,
when U. S. National's Christmas Savings Club
makes it so euy to save for holiday expenses?
Save what you I ike -as little as 50c per week. ,
Even this small amount, coupled with high
bank interest, means a substantial check next
November. For more Christmas fun in '61,
join U. S. National' Christina Savings Clufc
starting now I - - -
$ .50 I $ 25"
1.00 50
2.00 w 100
5.00 250
' 10.00 ' 500
Pill IrVteWtl
ttttat Netted lt ef Nell
'Church in Rio Muni. Miny
church leaders have grown in
their understanding of Christian
stewardship and discipleshlp.
"An unhappy note was the
death of Lucas Menye, an elder
of the Ngono church. He died of
injuries inflicted upon him by
some non-Christian villagers who
accused him of practicing witch,
craft. As he was a former work
er of witchcraft but now a Chris
tian for many years, some of his
neighbors still feared him and fl
nally gave vent to their feelings.
"We look forward to our fur
lough next June when we will be
seeing many of you again and
sharing personally the results of
our mutual labors,
CHICAGO (AP)-Nearlv three.
out of four public school superin
tendents polled by an education
al magazine say they favor Bible
readings in the classroom.
The Nation's Schools, a pro
fessional journal, asked the su
perintendents: "Do vou believe
al readlng rom 'he Bible (any
Christian version! without Inter
pretation or comment should be
permitted in the public school
Favorable replies totaled 72 per
cent. Opposed: 28 per cent.
"Party Clothes"
look "like-new"
In A Hurry!
1-hr. Cleaning
Service at
No Extra Charge
Wa'll fat your ratty drat tat
aarty-ready in na lima. Un aur
fraa dnva-fln twrkini and con.
vantant driva-in window .Call
r coma in It thinf tomorrow!
We'll have ovoryrhlno. roady fee
year Now Year's petty In
matter at heart.
SH Green
Stamps, Too!
Free Pickup t Delivery
! 461S S. 6th
Phone TU 4-6403