The Reader's Corner Book reviews from the City Li brary, by Addie May Nixon, li brarian. Many a Voyage by Loula Grace Erdman. One of the chapters in Senator and President-elect John F. Ken nedy's book "Profiles of Courage" is devoted to Edmund G. Ross Edmund G. Ross was the man who cast the deciding vote that saved president Andrew Johnson from impeachment. He was one of the most interesting and amazing men of our country. Mrs. Erdman's book is a bio graphical novel about the life of Fannie Ross, the wife of Edmund Ross. Mrs. Erdman is the author of several well known fiction books, one of which is the prize novel, "The Years of the Locust." In this new, fine novel, she han dles this historical subject in a most sympathetic and interesting manner. Fannie Ross marries Ed mund in the year 1848 when ex citing things were happening in the United Slates. Edmund was a newspaper man, and a man of strong convictions, so he early es poused the cause of the slave. Fannie once shielded a family of escaping slaves. Few women have ever had to summon up such devotion, trust, courage, and adaptability. Her life was a series of movies with much of it being spent in "bleeding Kansas." The years during which this remarkable life was lived were from 1848 to 1889; some of the most trying years of Amer ica's past, and Edmund Ross had a part in all the happenings. He helped frame the constitution of Kansas. He served as major in the Union Army during the Civil War. He was senator from Kansas, and still later, governor of New Mexico. Through all this his cou rageous wife stood by him. This book is assuredly Fannie's story, but it will excite your interest in this greaf man of our past. Mrs. Erdman's telling of the story is artfully done, and will leave you, as it did me, busy looking up more material on this idealis tic good man. New Books at the City Library. I Swear and Vow by Stefan Olivier. It seems lately as though an interesting novel is hard to find. This small book holds your in terest and is quickly read. It is about two doctors in a West Ger man hospital. Dr. William Feld husen is appointed head physician in this hospilal. He had a fine genllc manner, but cannot oper ate. Hans Neugebauer, senior physician, an excellent surgeon, has the struggle of his life watch ing trie other doctor mangle pa tients. This is the story and the outcome of their struggles. Gillian by Frank Yerby. Frank Yerby's novels really need no reviewing, they are al ways so popular. This one is about a fascinating ruthless woman named Gillian. This book is laid in the South during the tumul tuous days of the industrial revo lution. Who Is My Neighbor by Esther Pike. This book is edited by the wife of Bishop Pike of California, and she has been active in social relations work for some years Fourteen prominent men and women tell us that some of us do not recognize our neighbors and explain how they have found their neighbors, and what can be done to help them. A practical book on helping unfortunate peo ple. Murder at the White Tulip by Diane Cole. There are so many readers of mystery stories that I always like to include one in these lists of books. The mystery enthusiast will know we are adding new titles to our collection. This one is good to pass an evening. with. A Sense of Values by Sloan Wilson. This is the author of the best seller "The Man in the Grey Flan nel Suit." The sub-title is "The drama of a success story and a marriage." It is a record of one New Art Books Rate Interest By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Art lovers Who, for lack of opportunity to visit museums in Paris, London, Florence, Venice, Rome, New York, Washington, San Francisco and other great centers, must look at painting and sculpture second hand that is, in reproduction have never had such a fine choice of pic ture books as the publishers offer this fall. They arc convenient books for Christmas, even though to be sure they are, as books go, expensive. Yet they are more than handy answers to gift problems; these are artistic treasures in their own right, and though you may buy superb facsimile of 39 reproduc tions from a sketchbook dated 1955 5fi. The author is Georges Boudaille. There's a second admirable Pic asso: "Picasso in Antibes," text by Dor de la Souchere and Mal i aniie Greenwood photographs of both the Mediterranean setting and the art objects. It's a hand some Pantheon book ($20). From the New York Graphic Society comes "Masterpieces of Greek Art" ($12,50) with 112-color plates by Raymond V. Schoder and text conveniently placed on facing pages. Among other out standing volumes are: The Rococo Age. By Arno v Cftpir " if araj tmh at op henry moore It;.: I ; V-tv " f the -famed Mourlot printing house is a guarantee of quality. The Drawings of Jean Dubuffet, By Daniel Colder, translated from French by Cecily Mackworth. Bra- ziller. $15. Contains 100 drawings The Artist In His Studio. Text and photos by Alexander Liber- man, foreword by James Thrall Soby. Studio-Viking. $17.50. Short biographies in word and picture. Claude Monet. By William C, Seitz, Abrams. $15. About 50 color plates, 75 black-and-whites. Art Treasures of the Louvre, By Rene Huyghe. Abrams. $17.50. The publisher labels it a "port able Louvre." Crete and Mycenae. Text by Spyridon Marinates, photos by Max Hirmer. Abrams. $25. The 421 illustrations show sites as well as treasures. The History of Surrealist Paint ing. By Marcel Jean. Translated from French by Simon Watson Taylor. Grove. $17.50. Fascinat ing account, with first-rate illus trations, of the tantalizing mod ernist school. The Florence I Love. Photos by Robert Deseliarnes, introduction by Paul Morand. Text by Carlo Coccioli. Tudor. $7.95. A hymn to the city and its priceless ait and monuments. W. G. Rogers man's life and trie Influence of it on others. Since it is also a record of a struggle through the last forty years. Many a person will find pieces of their own life and experience in it. This book will probably be very popular. Pit Fall in August by Howard Roman. This is a Harper novel of sus pense. It is the account of a young man who took a summer job in the home of two elderly ladies throughout the summer. He learned of a secret that was mak ing them all unhappy. There is lots of suspense and your interest is held until the last. Current Best Sellers (Compiled by Publishers' Weekly) FICTION HAWAII, Michener. ADVISE AND CONSENT, Drury. 1 THE LEOPARD, di Lam- ncdusa. ' 1 i "i ?' ' ' ' ' MISTRESS OF MELLYN, ' Holt.- THE LOVELY AMBITION, Chase, v NONFICTION THE WASTE MAKERS, Packard. BORN FREE, Adamson. KENNEDY OR NIXON, Schlesingcr. FOLK MEDICINE, Jarvis. THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH, Shirer. TOP TEN Herald and News Nov. IT Page It 1 $cop per month installs Wards asphalt shingles on most roofs Ask for and got a fro estimate Use Wardi low cost Installation You ar protect ed by Wards fa in out guaiantee Wardf quality 3-tab shingles will give many years of protection through extremes of weather end temperature. Made of felt base, asphalt satu rant, asphalt coating and ceramic granule surface, they're virtually service free if properly applied, easily repaired if damaged. Labelled UL fire resistant. Choose from a wide variety of new pastel colors. Call today for a free estimate. NO MONEY DOWN ON PURCHASES OVER $100 FRIDAY NIGHTS OPEN 9th & Pine TILL 9:00 Phone TU 4-3 183 in December they are an un remitting pleasure in May and the whole year around. Furthermore, they become con stantly more reliable, and only a careless and indifferent pub lisherand where can you find one? whether he prints in Eur ope or this country turns out a product that fails to do justice to the original. Ten years ago, I took an occasional volume of reproductions with me to the Met ropolitan Museum or the Museum of Modern Art here to check color against paintings right on the walls. That is no longer neces sary, least of all with books of the superlative quality found in the list below. A typical example is "Picasso's Sketchbook," released in early fall by Harry N. Abrams ($". In a limited edition of 800 copies allotted to this country, it's a Sehoenberger and Halldor Soeh ner, with the collaboration of The odor Mueller. McGraw-Hill. $23.50. A composite of 18th Century cul ture. The Art of Henry Moore. By Will Grohman. Abrams. $15. With 12 color plates among 209 illus trations. A sculptor first known widely here for his London un derground drawings in wartime. The Paintings of Fragonard. By Georges Wildcnstein. Phaidon Doublcdny. $25. With 16 plates in color and scores in black and white. A work of exhaustive schol arship. Ihe Lithographs of Chagall. In troduction by Marc Chagall, notes and catalogue by Fernand Mour lot. translated from French By Maria Jolas. George Braziller. $22.50. There are 237 reproduc tions, almost a third of them in color. Mourlot's connection with IT'S CLEAN-UP TIME ON THE INTERNATIONAL LINE! New r NT R Ft NATIONAL 4-wlweJ-ilrive nitxlolj nave true-lrurk V-8 mi i n w ha ttimtiard equipment. Brand New Pick-Ups, 4-Wheel Drives, Travclalls in Stock for Im mediate Delivery, GET ONCE-A-YEAR SAVINGS NOW!! We have some early "First" series 1961s in stock The new "Second" series are com ing soon ' FOR QUALITY LOOK TO INTERNATIONAL! isssssa (MMCS n JUCKELAND MOTORS n II si. it ri ii re 1 1 minima inc. llth to 12th on Klamath TRUCKS are our business! Ph. 2-25S1