Tcrlnc-.rf.n' Aprff ?1. TflfiO pace 7 a ly kuMwn Hippo, uill hejin at Clmnh will hold a rummase i..!e dinner at 6 ;;n nm. Sdl in clay. 'and continue until all are served CITY BRIEFS L pnv Mrs. Alive (ruikshank will .in the small mom of Clide's April 21, m the American LecionAdmisMon is SI (or adults, 60: he program chairman. Towing Service. 7;;4 Klamath Ave., Hall, for reservations call Mrs. icenls lor children, pre-school chil "oe. Friday and Saturday. April John Gluhrecht at TU 4-7209 be- dren free. Public is invited. Two Htm Classic. "Mr. llu-m the circuit courtroom at the Klamalli Falls (i.iinVn Club ancS2;i. Oonal ions may he left lore Friday. j lot's Holiday." a French prue-ly courthouse. menilwrs wihinS luncheon reser-s the church or taken to Clvde s j Th(,ma Mj,t)r ttin be hosi. winnini; movie, and a British 1 "isioii mceuns. r i-ur.- Klalllalh tm.nlv n,fl,l,r.-l ,..! Klamath County political can-'ess to the Friendly Circle far a didates will he at a "cot ac-not luck luncheon and business .Midland (liansr voulh dull piea.-e call TV 4-Miti immediate- l 'L' 4-M4H. short on (ieori;e Bernard Shaw, will he shown hv the AAl'W at team will pi ,u lice Thursday. '' .maimed" breakfast in the Mid- meclmc at 12:30 D.m. Thursday. April 21. ai 7 pm at Midland ' "'"' Karrrr will call for he- hmd Urancc Hall Sundsv Anril, u.r.l ! at he,- home. Mill Ava- Hoosevelt School at 8 o'clock Fn- Gimme Hall. . ''wcomers Club will meet pinners' square dame class Fn- m, Servuu; will begin at' H a m i Ion Street j.... ,j:i. u.. ...i,.....i., I'hursdav, April 21, at 7.30 n m. dav. Annl 22. at i n m. at Sum. - - ... - TTFTiALP AVP FVS. Kbm.nh ',,1K r, V' J , r ' , ... .. . r.'---- .!-.. 7-JT".VJi' Matil . .-wtv ''.-.'- i i MWOKJi I Lost lliver e n ill '"' "" ' r iTisiianoil 02sWaAA5ai . 'i,u,. , ,.,,!,,. I u-....i..., ilose and classes begin that eve- I7?SS Mamalli louniy iiemoeraiic "-'""' 'fc ' .Mills s.-hool Primary pro- ning. Central Committee will meet'1 ,, ! uram. ' Siorv Land. " will be pre- ff-'f. Th,.,l.nv Anril 51 7:1,1 nm al 0k'"f' 1 hc PMk ' " M seated Fndav Ann! : ai 7,;o .-, hrt Appeal Denied pm. in the school auditorium. Klamath Mineral I lull ...... i . , ...... : Alvin I). Sl.-ele. Navy aviation Paisnls and friends are invited Mj,....a c. j machinist's male second .-lass . .......... ...... ...... .. .-,,,.,, . jp-, ison of Mr. and M,s. Frank K.' :A'1"' , : "'n ' " PS" L mTn NPH """m n"h ' r trunt of 'the Chamber of Com- o..a.v, un i .iiiii-i iv.ui- ,i rummage sale at C u e s iKfl operalint! with the Seventh Ti.ins Service K lam- i "ii - Fleet in the Western I'acilie. 'ath Avenue Friday and Saturday. mcrce IniilHine, at ti a m Satur day moniiiiB. Members 9 r i iV.l uiriK'ftili I SAI.KM i APi - An appeal of Ia?vi S McDonald of Portland on nu -liinnles will meet Wed a ny vucui. v JUUKencday. April 20 at 7.311 pm in r. r.. nai.unoi.u o. wii-ruii -" n,e V Building on campus April 22 and 2:1 Helliel ci. , .loh's Daughters. l-u will have it s regular in the Masonic Temple. lo.vd Deihy will be host- bring guests. Mrs. Blanche Heidi ainf w ill he hostess to the Malm VFW Soci, nicelini; ... u... u ...... ....... ItrVjiv lhal favored the Oregonian and h( c,canun nidl, s0 d..F!t!t Thursday. April 21. at 7 30 p.m. - J"""- ' 1.. 'V . foi April 2o. Mis. Oregon Journal was denied Tues- accordingly. ta.v. I i nr uii-giiii .-.nil. i-i..t- i ..ill. .nr. mm .lies. .n. Mil iiii I (- t '.." nu. hum j.-,, am mv Sjin w denied McDonald's petition to returned last night to their home rss 1,1 an m'l'tant meeting ol h.ivi, ls ilnMlMl nave ine iwo I'oruann nauy news-at 197G Huron Street, alter at- l,lhlnly oi viregitn .moiii- papers declared in contempt ol 'lending funeral services at F.I ''ls 1 lllh Ihursday. April 21. at F.O.S. BONUS In AddiHon To Your Trade-in (Most Liberal In Oregon) ON ANY 1960 HOTPOINT Refrigerator INTERVIEWS for 27 Oregon Technical Institute students were arranged recently by These Bureau of Public Roads and OTI officials. Some first year students are sought "for summer survey worlc: graduate for Dermannt onainapr aIAo inh. The mon re. from left, Richard F. DIx. bureau nlacement assistant. Frnk Stanko. dan of men. U'liurl for publication of testimony Cenito. t'iililornia. Inr Mis V.m 7 :!n P 111 ;lt her honir. Hur rd A. V. McVey, OT engineering division department head. Those selected will which pivi-edcd his arrrsl. Uomi's mothiT. Miv .1 H ,m S,1'7'' A!l "mhoi s are uryed work on forest highways, timber access roads and forest developments in Oregon, i The testinumy as that of Cor- Ta.vscl Mrs. Van Tassel had vis- allonf'- Washinoton Mnntn nA Nk :ilH ('miiMi; nf Pnill;inH uhn ad- ilrd hi't'p manv limes. i ' m.H , i tKn hnmhim, anA ' I "iHIICIl kLAMATM FALLS MUNICIPAL COURT r,pr-rrjp Frrtcl. AnflprJOn, drunk rtriv mrj. S i fXi f,nrl 30 deiy Pranklin Hulchinson, drunk, S?5 or five Bv THK ASSOC I.TK1 l'RKSS 24 hums lo 4 ; :t0 a.m. Wednesday .Max. Min. Pup. Astoria l lrivd H. Mtlord, drunk, ?5 or five Bakri' Pic'Mrri HAtklnt, drunk dr.vino, m HrOnkldHS m jo dVs iKucone tAAC TAnklpy. drunk. S?S or five dy COAn, drunk, S?S r fiv div LakOVlCW Herman Tnnmpson, drunk, J2i or live Modfdl'H Dn E. Siip. rcfcl dnvntr). SS0 or NOW (Mill lf rlvi rtnvinq Oim-iq a SutpndPd pe- v..,u dJ rlM lfl or twn day AOlln HCnd rt.Hiam F. Hlflk, drunk, 125 or live Pcnrilcton Rnosevelt Carfer, Visqreincy, StOO and Porlland 30 f,flys- llted Bluff .Simon Riddle, drunk, S25 or five dvJl , ClPdonifl Jackson, drunk, 125 or five Salem fin . Fcrjmm E. Wfjnlqomery, drunk, S75 or The D.illos :.2 .-.4 57 M 54 VI .VI 5S fil 54 ":i 53 sr. 46 41 4li 45 40 44 44 48 4:! 4r, 4H 45 4.1 4 Partake In Exercise Palls iwrlu-ipalcd in the Army's 0l'cen Jmrml rcicnt "Kxortise Quick Strike" j .il Kurt Ciimphrll and Camp Brockinrid'40. Kcnttu-ky. 1 They crp S 4 C. Roiicrt L. Stil- well. 4420 Uarlk'll Avcniip; r'lc. 1 William .1. NiK'l. son nl Mrs. I.ura Nod. 114 Eldi.rado Avpnur; S.4.C. 1 Riihcrl L. Sari, son of Kzio C.I Sncioly ol Christian .aid McDonald hired him. ! Saernl Heart Aeailnm Musi.'""" ,m f ' M'!hodil J Mil'onald, a member of the Department will present its jSlereotypers I'nion that slrutk the sprinR coiuerl Sunday. April 24. lo newspapers Nov. 10, was at 2:3.) p.m. in the now mIi.ioI jeharped in Ihe Jan. .'II hombinn audilorium. Tickets at a price ol :nf Uiuks thai hauled newspaiersi$l (or adults and 50 cenls lor chil- (or Ihe struck Orceonian and dren are available from music sludents or may be purchased at the door. i al B -V'A DURING HOTPOINT TRADE. MERRY-GO-ROUND IN. OOING THE VVtfcKS WftiH l! SIMPLE Al MERIT'S COIN-O-MATIC LAUNDRY 111 E. MAIN 1101 SO. Ilh DLAM'S FACTORY OUTLET STORES So. 11th & Walnut Phone TU 4-6146 Hopeful Set For NW Tour Cascade Crest Chapter 150. 0ES, will honor past matrons and Jpasl patrons al a regular slated meeting Wednesday, April 20. at !R p.m. in the Cluloquin Masonic Hall. Sari, 24.i:i llomedale Road, audi WASHINGTON' (AP)-Sen. John Kaslern Oregon Partial clear- ' Pic. Jerrv B. Allcv. son of Mr. F. Kennedy D-Mass is sched-i " n""K" '"siussinn Kroup ind Mrs. Orval Alley. 44.17 Onyx arrive Friday morninR in Wl" mccl Mo"ay. April 2o. at 6 i-oiiianfi aim noin an a m. news i' " ""'. ."i" i... .11 I ..i:.!.. O...I i- til I -r ,u .-nil eren.-p al PnrlhtnH Inlrtrtia. "' ""i ijuii. I ... ct'l'lliail, if fiS. C'nUriy in ""Airhomo n,vis,on. which paici. 'l Airport. 'by MelviHc yrmw. w.rd. .irunk. . !"""" uu. l" ,)i,,ra , the ooeiation lo sh.iioen ,ftc news conlerence will own; y,,. c. H.rrer,. 0o,a.r.v ensue), soutn. tonlinued eool iliurstlay ;(s lvMn srik- ' ,. two davs of campaisniliR to win Klrsi Presbyterian C h u r r li ciyM drunk. i Iwith hifih 48-35. , . trninnif Oretion'R free-for-all Mav 20 pros- Women's Association meeting Western Oregon - Scattered .?.. idential nreference nrimarv. Ore-W" he Ihursday. April 21, at I Leonard F. Hriwki, drunk, S25 or live Tn . rh.n. -rllnfc , , '., AVCIUIO. Loonard Scnl, drunk. ?S AKred rettil, disorderly conduct. Lverne Perry, VAqrncy, SI00. Harry H. Boyd, drunk, S2S. - showers early today. Thursday i . , , , ' . " s. Kon deleKales will cast 17 votes: I""- Fireside lioom. Pray- mnsl v snnnv and not nniln sn'r,"u,en np "'"Pfr cioss ,. .!,. fi,-,. i il, i,,i,- r..,l (cook better with richer-flavor yandotte Olives imnslly sunny and not quite so cool. Low- tonight 54-44 dearrcs. ..jr.-- - - ' ' ' ivontion ncxl Julv in M Anoolr. Oeiamt t 1:15. Program "The HWh Thursday 54-fiO. Westerly to lw' ... . Kennedys schedule Friday calls !"..!!!i'L.di.rn:,w! souinwesieriy coastal winds !,..;id(11.lli-r- rnm , ' ' , w, ... for a tour of several Clackamas iS.Zt'Ta'rnS: 1 laiUrv Noe is a2XV o Com--'V j" and winds up wi,h Smallcrad narmngs up on coast. . . . ,,. ia speech that night in Eugene. Northern Oreson Beaches ' - ' ' . . .' . I Kennedy Salurdav will he e.and P.Hl -inHv ,,h .,-,-a nHenance Battalion. Sari is a mem-l ."n 'raTflayW"' h,R'and showers Thursday, Temperature nl Ihe Democratic National Con-l(M' ('ilcl in ll,c ,lln'01' fl'apel. her of Headquarters Detachment mars',al. , lf cm' Blo!"som Groiin fHrae m M?rf'ord, Ore., (hen ro 'Inn tn Aclilurl U r.Lr- c .5 W'etlerlv In o,-.h. '"? Division OU ) Xiri westerly heach winds 8-18 miles (""' . 7' ',' ; day night in Portland. an nnur. - ' ........... Rranm Pass and viciniiv 'AU entered the Al my after grad Showers and partial clearing to-jua1,ion, from Klamath Union High night. Mostly sunny Thursday. I'-""'"-Low tonight 3.1-38; high Thursdav so-fis. " i No Picnic Food just naturally! L.U.. ..,!. "CM. tdl ucur;i vvj.cii you cook with Wyandotte "Mission Ifariely" olives, tree ripened to natural rich dark brown. Send lor your tree Wyandotte recipes. Write Wyandotte, 625 Market Street, San Francisco. CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex. AP JOBLESS' PROBLEM SOLVED -One unit taking part in logisli- .MUSKEGON, Mich. UPI - cal exercises at Mustang Island Honest Mantey Hallas was lillingihas decided Army lile is no out a job application form when Ipicnic not with seagulls around, jhe found a blank labelled "police The Mill Transporiaiion Balla record" so he went to the county lion set up outdoor tables lor llieir jail lo get exact dates for his.meals. Then the gulls began past problems wilh Ihe law. swooping down lo snatch (he sol ! Sgt. Charles Harken got Hal- diers' chow, las' record from the file and ar-j Several mess tents were hnr rested him for failure to pay rowed from a National Guard oul Iback alimony. Iii and the 3!'4lh retreated inside FIRST TIME SALE ' Now thru May 14 Only! World Famous Best Selling 1 Floating Action BRAS Regularly 2-50 each NOW each 503 Extra CCA Bonus Points With Each Bra Purchase Famed fcr tangent straps that move as you move, yet the bra stays in place. You never know a single moment's distress from shoulder pressure; stay glamor ously uplifted all day! tlll Main Ai in in LADIES' HOMI JOURNAL "the best place to shop . , , after all" : 1 y Sun-time attractions! The season's leading lights . . . bright and breezy Lobbies fashioned to play exciting supporting roles to your whole sun-wise wardrobe. Show-off shoes to flatter your foot with their open-airyness ... to pamper it with their always-wonderful Cobbie fit. Most Cobbiet 10.95 to J2.95 rVKld Wilciki Ombr. J' Ss Slrtw 4 Mtlh Vr' Thil prodvel K fie eennffMn wHi(f tlh Tht mf((i Kit,enil Rid C'OV 'the best place to shop . . . after all" Shirt, 8-18 5.95 Springtime Is ivkfcjhgfap Tim 6 at Miller's... Make your selections now during Miller's Special Showing! I i ...iKialMtr 5' j'pR '1 . j . . . . ('isnXvS x Til : skirt, 8-20 W?J-.Ki : 7.95 ' - kW''A Shirt, 8-18 5.95 & l!PJ& A t. ' it-it ):m, shirt yMisKK rf?5r y 5-95 f- "it W ort., 8-18 r,5i. 1 '''' pn'' 1 7 8-20 W 6,95 y Hi KM M I w ' i Chorge :l lLXA Account r White Stag Mixers and Matchers Multiply Your Wardrobe! On top: The New Englander, easy-care pima cotton pull over to wear in or out, with Ivy League smartness either way. Below it, the slim Town & Country skirt of Reeves cotton cord has o front zipper that locks at any height. Shirt, 8-18, 5.95. Skirt, 8-20, 7.95. Center: Soft, cool-toned cotton Batik in a roll-sleeve shirt gives you a pretty choice: wear tucked in or tied in front. Matching Jomaico shorts are completely lined and have invisible side zipper. Shirt, 8-18 5.95. Shorts, 8-18, 6.95. Left: Sleek Southampton pant in cotton twill, designed without pockets or belt and with a completely smooth, invisible zipper. Harmonizing shirt is Saxony print a muted heraldic pattern on supple cotton shirting. Shirt, 8-18, 5.95. Pant, 8-20, 6.95.