PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Monday, April 18. lOfiO Newspapers Separate; Publish Own Editions PORTLAND (API Kor the first i Both newspapers announced time since the Portland news- (hoy were happy (o he coins it pajier strike began 'more thanialone again, and planned to keep five months ago, (he Orcgonian and Oregon Journal have resumed separate publication. il lliat way. A spokesman for the striking unions said (hat separate puhli Hum tlie start 01 me striKc iasiit.alion u.m havc n0 decisive cct.t Nov. 10 until Sunday, the news-ion K strike. j;ikts naa mergea lorces ami had published a joint edition, in the Orcgonian plant. That ended Sunday, as the Journal moved hack to its own plant, and put oul a 40-page Sun day afternoon and Monday morn ing edition. The Oregonian's morn ing editions carried 4H pages. Ships Await Lock Opening The newspapers, as Ihcy havc since (he start of the strike, con-, tinucd (o publish mostly with non-i union and supervisory help. I The slrikc began last Nov. 10 when the Stercolypers Union, walked out in a dispute oven terms of a proposed new contract. Among the issues: A new type of casting machine, which the Urn-' gonian says il has ordered andi which would require lewcr men1 lo operate, union membership lor foremen, and wages, hours and fringe benclils. Unions at both olanls havc oh-; MONTREAL (API Some 25iliCrvcd the picket line. However.! ocean and (beat Lakes ships wait-json)0 mcmlx:ni thc I'orllandj ed at the St. Lambert lock wesl j NcwS)il)cr Guild have returned! nf Montreal lor the opening to-,,,, Wl.k A unjon j(.j. s:,id! day of (lie St. Lawrence Seawayy;1)out 4n (;uj(.srm,n have gone'. second season. I,,,, l0 U()l( n(, nc ii;ii The 10,4110-ton Lemoync, a wl-m stin .. 0)st..vjg the picket eran freighter of (he Canada nle steamship lines, was lo lead thej As h(, ncws)i,OT.s rPsum,.d sep- parade Into (lie Mo-miic waicr- lc .,u,;ci,,l()11 Sunday, a long! c ' l If-.: A7:y cr. - i i" i r ' i Rheumatic Fever Decline Unexplained By Physician NEW YOKK (L'PI i Take no- sons (o fully explain it. (sulfa and penicillin drugs were in a favorable direction as a re- itice of what has hapiencd to In the 20s decade, eight of lOO becoming available to fight in-,sult of more resistant hosts (ehil rheumalic fever, once (he su-jdied within a year aller the first feetions. Vet Bland was not sat-jdreni and less vigorous organ preme killer of children, over the attack of rheumatic fever, and 16 istied (hat all these factors com- isms streptococcal bacterial," nasi few decades. died within two to five years. i bined accounted for the disease's he said. i It has declined so much that: in thc 50s only one died during decline. "the next generation of studentsjthe first year and only two in j "One cannot fully discount a may well learn of rheumatic fev-'two lo five years. inatural mutation of the disease er as lliey now do of typhoid. I A number of things probably largely from the written wurd.";cnntributcd to (his change for the Dr. Edward r. Bland was better, he said, and "perhaps of speaking. He was taking notice first importance was the consid- of (he decline of the disease of erable over-all improvement inl Anmic fovariu ChildiM'i Ins speciality in a medical lee-, standards of living for the poorer lure. There are reasons for its'classes of urban areas." fall, he said, hut not enough rea-i This was thc time when Ihe AT BOGATAY'S 617 MAIN SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES during Heart Academy high school were, Ken Moty, president; Mike Holland, student body elections last week at Sacred left to right, Robert Amberg, vice president; incumbent, treasurer, and Valerie Waters, secre tary. Ton candidates woro nominated. Winners will reign during the school year be ginning next fall. larate publication Sunday, a parade of union workers m Stolen Child Found Alive SYDNEY MINES. NS (APi-iwilh the child The Canso Cause- m.'.i'i-li. All IK-mouth-old Imv. snalchcd wav. only road entrance from "Thc first day will be as busy . .ilin..isi wound bv ImiIi from Ins crib just alter midmghi Cape Breton Island lo mainland as last year, hut it won't continue i , i banner was car-ihy a vuung man. was found sale Nova Scotia, was sealed olf. that way," Seaway Sunt. ItcncLje( t s;ij(. KJlstor Parade of'and unbanned in a field behind L lleureux said. YOU CAN RELAX iVnen You Do Your Laundry A! MERIT'S COIN-O-MATIC LAUNDRY 33 E. MAIN 4101 SO. Mh 'Newspaper Unions. We Appreciate the family home Police said they had picked man but gave no details il J.asi yen sum.: ... Y()Ur Sup)()., wailing when Queen Elizabeth II: v. i , . . , i i n and President Eisenhower opened ' ... ... media o y. i . . n, ,..,. unions as director of the strike ' ,. , ,. , , (he deep-water route to Ihe ureal , , , , Nocxp ana ion or he kidnap- , , -,i . , ac ivi y, Sunday was asked about 1 , ' Lakes with ceremony and pug-. ,, , . . ng was apparent. The cud s fa- , , . ' , .. ,, ,i the separate publication, and he , h . , eantry. Because ol inexperienced . .. lher is a telephone coniiany em- crews on (he locks and ship cap- s'"' ' pvc and the family has only (ains unused to handling their big1 "" ' ' decisive factor in nllJk,s m(..ins freighters in such narrow ehan- slrike. It doesn't make any A sl(1t, l.k,.k ,,,.., Ml...Ci nels. delays were frequent. Idilfercnce lo us iMhey are sep jouni, h(. ,v nllss(. M.R.Kenzie. This year only lalc-scason icclaratc or together." ;.S si(, tt:ls ,,king lo work. Is expected lo delay (he early traf-j In an editorial in ils Monday A doctor examined the baby and fie. jmorning edition, Ihe Orcgonian said lie was a little cold but other- To (he wesl a heavy snowstormicommenlcd thai its decision in good condition The lower halted all shipping late Sunday in : print a combined newspaper was hall of his sleeping suit had been Ihe Sault S(e. Marie locks leading based partially on this: I removed and lie was w earing only "When newspapers are sluit,a T-slitrl. down, a community sailers in The man stole thc chubby, business volume, and in the depri- hroun-eyed baby from bis crib to Lake Superior. The U.S. ('oast (liiard said 115 ships were an chored in the St. Mary's River and would have to slay there un til visibility improved. Weather Table By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Albany, cloudy Albuquerque, clear Anchorage, snow Atlanta, cloudy Bismarck, cloudy Boston, cloudy Buffalo, cloudy Chicago, clear Cleveland, cloudy I leaver, cloudy Des Moines, cloudy Dctroil. snow Korl Worth, clear Helena, cloudy Honolulu, cloudy Indianapolis, clear Kansas City, clear Los Angeles, clear Louisville, clear Memphis, clear Miami, clear Milwaukee, clear Mpls. Sl. Paul, clear New Orleans, cloudy New York, cloudy Oklahoma City, clear Omaha, clear Philadelphia, rain Phoenix, clear Pittsburgh, cloudy Portland, Me., cloudy Portland. Ore., cloudy Rapid City, cloudy Richmond, cloudy St. lxiuis, clear Salt Lake City, cloudy lit San Diego, clear 73 San Francisco, rain !ti Seattle, rain fit Tampa, clear Kl Washington, rain 85 (M Missing; T-Traeel vatiou of information essential to alter knocking at Ihe door ol Ihe security, health, government andiMacKenie home and pushing the amenilies." aside a baby siller. The editorial added: "In resum-. The kidnajier fled without say ing publication . . . Ihe Orcgonian ing a wind. Itosscll was still High Low I'r. 74 lilt .. Mi 41 .. 41 !I4 .04 HO 52 .411 00 40 .. 00 51 .. 77 :17 .40, 47 .14 .(III! 75 Mi .05 : 57 35 ,. III .12 .15 1 74 30 .13! 7:1 41 .. 00 3!l .. 111 72 .. 70 34 .04 54 42 .02 112 M M 70 3!l . 7(i 44 .05 70 74 ..I 43 211 .. eels it has met ils full rcsMiisi. biltty as a mctroMlitan news. paper." The Journal commented editor- sleeping as Ihe man carried him oul and sped away in a ear. Itussell is Ihe son of Erank Mac- Kenzie, an employee of Ca- ially that it was "good lo he homcinadian Overseas Teleeommunica again," and added: lions. The mother anil father were "Each newspaper has an iricnli-, attending a late movie in nearby ly which it wants In preserve. North Sydney. Each has long wanted lo get on The baby was found at 7: 10 a.m. wilh Ihe business of publishing in! The baby and his brother, its own way. Each strives lor nil'rank. .1. were being tended Sun return lo normalcy as quickly asday niglil by their aunt, Christina nossihlc. Both see the value to MacKenie, 20. Police launched an extensive search shortly after the heavy-set abductor, said to he alxnlt 27, fled live newspapers again. "The Journal hoes thai Ihe re sumption of separate publication will dispel for all lime the myth conceived and perpetuated by Ihe striking unions thai Die strike was provoked as part of a plot by S. I. New-house. Ihe Orcgonian owner, to absorb the Journal." dollar (or dollar LoPointe's saves you money 13 SALE MATERNITY DRESSES 88 ( Affcr Easter clear- ' once sate -of two piece maternity dres ser.. Regularly to $19 95. A large se lection, come save. t 1 1 v x Y :n 47 2.1 -aarr I s -i ?2 37 .. Jean Pierre Hlanchard. a French pilot, made Ihe first bal loon flight in America, going from Philadelphia lo Woodbury. New Jersey. January il. 17!i:i. ' : BLACK & WHITE 8 AC EXP. ROLL ot tt n i 39 JUMBO REPRINTS 5c EACH PAYLESS DRUG 808 Moin worn Enjoy The Great Whiskey of the Old West NOTICE! Tuesday, April 19th, is the last day to register to vote in the Oregon Primary Election. You moy register ol thc following places in Klamath County: COUNTY CLERK'S OFHCE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS FIRE DEPARTMENT, BROAD AND WALL UNION HALL, J20 MAIN ST., OFFICE H. W. WAITS JR. AMIDON'S BUSINESS MACHINES. TOWN AND COUN TRY - HOURS 10:00-5:30 MARY HEIM, JOHNS MANVILLE PLANT DON RICE, DAIRY, OREGON HENRIETTA MARQUARDT, CHILOQUIN CLAUDIA LORENZ, CHILOQUIN MADELINE KEFFELER, BLY CHATBURN t, 8RICKNER, MERRILL LOUIS KALINA, MALIN HOPE N. BRADER, CHEMULT ESTHER BROWN, BONANZA JESSE L. KIRK SR., BEATTY DORIS SMITH, BLY W. W. IARNST, GILCHRIST EVELYN ACUFF, CRESCENT LAKE GUS A. PAGE, FORT KLAMATH ELNA 0. KOSKI, CRESCENT, OREGON Chos, F. DcLop County Clerk TWO ' CM01C. ,-.: ' TAK VOLI" - : SfNNV i llltdOK Hl.'NX V IIKOCIH Kentucky Straight or Kentucky Blend Sunny Brook tastes better, richer than any other whiskey! STRAIGHT BLEND The men who tamed the Old West chose Old Sunny Brook above other fine Ken tucky whiskies. Today this is still the brand to make you say, "I really like the 4 Ss Qi. ' 3 ??. $ 4 5, o,. ' 3 V, tSle f this Whiskey !" ihi old susnt am co .0isniLM. . mhiulm $iRMi mm so tm ktsu'.M f.-.s; m ss nm.i csfN Ntmmsnmrs Rich, hritly, ftn Kcniuoky Sltiiitfht Pourliort whukry Licht. nnvth f -criitionnlly tr, Kentucky Uiif When you begin to think about bursting buds and gentle breezes, it's time to think about changes in meals! Come in and see the wonderful spring-crop produce and many other exciting foods we have to help you brighten meals. ..and perk up appetites at your homel ff&'tfhZ Speciol Savings! m MAYONNAISE W) E"...0,.39' ste NU MADE iM it 1 Qt 7C M.-.--..-- St''-,, l' In".- ' ! . "m Ml V WOOD - METAL KITCHEN CABINETS HOME MART 2030 S. 6th TU 2-S885 the air Asparagus Large iize, bnghr green speors . . . tender as butter from the tightly budded tips oil the way down. You're sure to en joy the grand flovor. Sensational Savings on COFFEE! Butter-Nut 2-lb. can 98c 49c Edwards 1 2-lb. con $1.09 can 55c Nob Hill 2-lb. bag 99c 1 -lb. bag 50c AUnGy 3-lt. bog 1.43 1-lb. bag lOL Safeway Inilont $149 Airway Inilant $107 10-01. jar. 20c aft 8-ai. jar ' Tomatoes Red ipe p"feinfl25c Radishes or CREEN ONIONS. Mild flavor bunch 5c New Potatoes aong w'es 5 .b, 39c I -! DUuK-m U Field grown. Strawberries Zestful flavor. Colorful! Sweet! Shortcake perfect. J cups 3 ibs. 25c 3 1 00 save, save For the finest meats . . . just remember Safeway! ee? Pot Boast gee stamps Tqble Salter pl2t;.Pk, 10c Cake Mix p"lsbury 0'an9hTt. 39c Long Grain Rice Show l. k.9 43c Chocolate Eclairs iTut 49c "USDA CHOICE" beef . . . sci entifically aged and carefully trimmed. Eating satisfaction GUARANTEED. All Blade and 7-Bone cuts Apple Juice Town House 32-ox. btl. 29c Grapeade Pu" Concord Sjsr... 29c Boysenberries Town House 4 39?.3$1 Facial Soap Brocade, Pastel C 9- OQ colors bor LIm Cross-Rib Roast 'US CHOICE" beef BONELESS ib 79c D Cm.i "US CHOICE" beef. Boneless cubes 7Q Deei JieW of lean, tender beef lb. 7C BA;- D "US CHOICE" beef. Meaty DOlliny DCClflovorful plate cuts. Ground Beef Fresh daily. Low fat content. Fine flavor. ib. 19c .b. 49c "US CHOICE" Beef T-Bone Steaks Bonclcst "US CHOICE" Top Sirloin becl s,eoks Delicately seasoned pure beef Beef Sausage Coptairt't Choice Fish Sticks e-cocked ,,S1.19 ,,$1.39 3 ib, $1.00 3 at si.00 Save on ICE CREAM Snow Star CCC Choc, Vonilla, Strawberry, Neopohton Vi Gal. Party Pride TQ0 Extra rich; seven flavors 90 m Vz Gal. LUNCH MEAT Safeway brand. Five popular varieties. Sliced Ib. 59 Corn Flakes 5c olf 12-oz. pkg. 21c Alber's Oats "h 5".,b. Pk 55c Tissue Ch,"on bo,hroom 2r.,29c Cat Food Keor,yKa,Np 3'a;V29c Twinkle Cooptr clsoncr 4 18;nV 49c Deodorizer Flonent Aeroscl 5!'a-oi. can 89c Aluminum Foil Koiber, Quilted 35 c 25-fr. roll Ajax Cleanser Foaming Action 214-ox. C cam Trend Liquid Detergent 2 can? 59 C Priees'in this advertise ment are effective through Wednesday, Ap ril 20, at Sofewoy in Klamath Falls. We r scve the Mght to limit. Handy Andy Liquid Cleaner pint 43c