PAGE 2 A HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls. Ore. Sunday. April 10. IQflO hr imi i Jpp Jl Court Records KLAMATH FALLS MUNICIPAL COURT Jne Wahl, drunk. ?. or five days Herman Thompton, drunk, l?J or five davt. Carl Lloyd Brown, rtrunk, $JS of five Harold Eugene Warren, drunk, MS Cleo Henry Friemn, drunk, 175 William Mathews John ion, drunk. $?S, or rive gays. Wil KLAMATH COUNTY DISTRICT COURT i Warren Hall., no operator' Hummed moon diMnci aitor licemt ney Billy Charles Bowie,, driving while right to apply for operator'! license iui penrJM, five days end 1) 50 fine end cost, paid, hve days suspended. Mitchell flyrd, assault with a danger out weapon, preliminary hearing held, held to grand ury; released on U.JOf bail posted Harvey Lee Atevins, driving whil right to apply for operator's license sus pendtd, tvt days and HW fin and cost paid; tlvt days suspended. William Michael Badorek tail display license, lb. William Albion Clarke Jr., no opera tor's license, 1 Thomas Theodore Zupan, driving whilf intoxicated, enter plea of not guilty; re quest tor ury trial, let April 76 at IC a m Released on UOO hail posted William August Jackal, tail display combine weight, J SO I mlation basic Weather Table RIVALS for he office of sfudunt body first vice presi dent At Klamath Union High School for next school year ere Gingor Learning, left, and Patty Anderson. During a campaign sign-painting splurge Wednesday aftor. noon, Herald and News Photographer Wes Guderian caught them in friendly bit of backstage infighting. They posed, of course. HE KNOWS" 0 Salely is wrhas an over worked lopie. but overworked as I may he it still seems to jn inheeded by many. With the playground season starling soon he Klamath Kalis Parks and Recreation Department wishes to stress the importance of observ ing the posted speed limits and other salety regulations in and) Marhn omt winon, ont hfMiigni. ss jarnund local pla grounds and nugn uituen kick, i.ii oitpia iicensa. . , is parks. B,Un.. oi.t,oo b,t rui. There will be hundreds of small Yin,) cataria H,rrra, tail stop at children playing in these areas. ' uoTb.",!'Si, no euc swn.M.iThe mere presence of these chil '' ''len warrants extreme caution Georgf Kanna, (all display llcanse. ,, , , ,. , i;w I regardless ol speed limits and Ouslin ArchitMld Malolll. driving whil. 0ler sfety regulations. UlS not penflad, raauast additional lima; to an let lite Old dpciihctic axiom to tie posted. 'order In do sometlunK about it Otto William C'awson, fall slop at1 . . . stop sign, is. ripply here. I hp time to exercise Leslie iiiden smut., group aie over- caulion and common sense is now! Shasta Weather Summary Savs March Mimics June ' THE HEATHER ELSEYVHERI MOUNT SHAM A A weather iquite make June in January, il'lhrouuh 25. temneratures ranced First and last weeks of the' Rv THE ASSOCIATED PREsi summary from the Mount Shasta did make it in March. During the!,,. om the ow 70s , (he ,ow rtuced nearly a)1 the! High Low Pr. area l-ennrK that uhllA ,1 in t narinA r,.m I,...U t-? i r J '. : ! I jover the entire area. It was one precipitation. At Weed and MountlAlhany, snow lirvri. u ii- -r-i i r- i j f-K A -n f I I nf ,lle lnSest warm spells in Shasta, amounts were slightly Albuquerque, clear UCININIO I fit MtlNALxt since records were be-labove normal, while from Duib-Ancnorage riouny gun in lim. muir and McCloud, tiouth. j 'Boston roury There were eight consecutive amounts were substantially in Bulfalu, cloudy days of 70 degree temperature in excess of normal. Chicago, clear W.14 and again in 19.19. The warm-l In spite of the excess rainfall, (Cleveland, cloudy est day of the month was March eonsiHerably less than .IVnver clear . i ,V , average snowfa . Mount Shasla'Dcs Moines, cloudy 24 when the mercurv rose to ' " ' . , . , . u- Deimit cloudv imoasured a total of 12.4 inches fell on, uouuy 77 in Mount Shasta, the warmest L-ompared with an average of Helena, clear March day recorded in 20 years.i7.4. The greatest depth on the:Honolulu. cloudy It was onlv one decree cooler ground at any time was six inch- Indianapolis, cloudy on the third and lourtn. and it v...., iv y jl IN HEALTH, FOR YOUI Good Pharmaciili art info toad, demurrer tiled, apnear rlale April 11 at 10 m ; W bail posted Ralston Lynn Thomas, violation basic rule, 17 V) Ruth Pickett Mercer, violation baste rule, r tt. iSh. v iitlllP I i Tir had disappeared completely by!'-"' Angeles, cloudy .U-Ill(,l.., IKI.1 Miami, clear the fifth. At the close of the month, sea for Mount Milwaukee, clear than the all time high for March, recorded in 1940. Even so. Mount Shasta was the cuoieM Sinn ill me aiea. "ecu sona Mrw-jpit at ion recorded a high of 78. McCloud. Shasta. July 1 through March 0; North Dunsmuir, M, a n d was 22.95 inches, compared with Oklahoma City dear South Dunsmuir a very summer-3 noimal f dc'idc"I'i0maha, clear ' jsh m of Xtm inches, or about 85 P""" J phi!a(,clphja t.ou(iy cent of normal. Phoenix, clear Of the 27 million American work. mm " "Sures " I'lltsburgh. clear 49 33 78 48 36 28 78 51 47 37 46 30 45 26 49 26 57 39 43 22 46 27 72 42 78 68 52 30 56 34 70 51 71 45 76 66 39 25 .New Orleans, cloudy 79 70 53 41 69 42 48 25 57 41 91 59 21 02 New York, cloudy ine state department is spon soring a recreation exchange program whereby recreation de partments throughout the natinni ,,l:,c In a (., ,,.,.,.. MKRRII.L The jubilee exposi- ..h'h , lh. ,,s , . I lion to be held May 7 at thes..v1 h(lll, :r.i . k'him-ilh l.iirdi'niiMffi; WAKi , . - i td V , " " , ciepanmcms mnciion. ine KJam SCOUT NEWS 2 Guns Used In Shooting ASHLAND (AP) Jackson day two guns were used in the 50 25 3! lers who t!ct a dailv coffee break. S(,m ""ere is little cause loi Portland, .Me., cloudy 49 35 belter than 16 million don't havelalaim as fi"' as a iwlential wa- Portland. Ore., clear 68 38 3. 'to leave their desks or work bench-' !s : A Rapid City, clear 56 M es. Their coffee is brought to them. PacK '" "7 ,n,thos on "1C ou,n- H'"mond. clear 71 42 Coffee drinking in the C S wcsl slnl,es of Mt- shas,a J,archi-Sl- lM"' tlcar M 31 reached its highesl level in hislorv!2" is onl-v :fi Pc ?? ,lhp l ;,lic clMr 71 last vear. Total consumption was J Rme of )H-5 ""hos- !Sa" cloudy 69 59 more than 390 million cups a dav.1 Chances are good there will San Francisco, cloudy 61 52 An estimated 7 million dollarsjbe a water shortage in ShastajSealtle, clear 64 39 was spent for advertising coffee and Scott valleys, hut no shortage I Tampa, clear R2 56 and tea in daily newspapers in is anticipated in this immediate Washington, clear 66 43 !!. ' ,area. i 'T-Tracp) .02 .10 .18 n.") .04 County Sheriff Joe Walsh said Fri- Pharmacia!. one more reason . missed t the recent ('lib Scout .,, FMs ,.ccrCitllon departnlcn dap.nd en our Regiiitr.d Photma-jpaik rnecling. Mel Brooks gavc,w be vjsicd jn (hc ncar fu(m. cm. up-to-date inlormolion !rom"ie cuds suggestions tor a piojcct i)y sut.n fOI-oif,n representativ leaatng pnarmaciuticai noutti ktp tor the exposition in wnun eacni s n vj , an -x...i. Jury Indicts fatal shooting nf Mrs. I-estcr Hamilton in suburban Ashland March 15. Her husband found her body in the living room of their home. She had been shot nine times. The sheriff said it has been es tablished that five nf the bullets were from a .22-calihcr revolver and four from another .22-caliber FREE DELIVERY en Drugi, Prescriptions and Cosmetics In Klomoth Foils I Si IN II iim,u,t,nt...h..nov,s new d,g,, (cn will participate. T,ckets wtll pm oppo;.unlly , Rajn undpr. I MrUOIIAIn md their uses ... he (teens on ho anr Metri Cuhs w re-l J: ' , .. I IVlVllUlU MdW.; he mul to btina .u the 1 . ".. . r .... ,.JM""U,"K "e,Kel,n na"nns' an P- fTfTl in modern Preoption Service. " i" " porlun,ty to erase lalse impres- PORTLAND (AP) - Levi I Ten boys received awards - sm)nd . hanri jn(,jon andiMJonald osled bail lor the third Kun. No Runs or empty shells have Mark Hrooks. his two year pinjih lae movjM. Albert Em-'''m Friday. This was after hisjbeen found, and lion's badge; Colin Pope, a st(,jn sajd (a, peR(.0 canri0i he arrest Friday on a grand jury Walsh said an inventory shows Iwo-year pin. silver and gold ar-l.l(,hm,d hy folTe (,, n vindictment charging him with a'lhese items missing: a wallet,, a row and lion's badge; tar-vjlhruuEh untlerstanding. In our part in (he hurling of a jar ol silver charm bracelet, a set of Graves, two year pin, gold ar- (mn sma Uilv perhaps we can acid-like substance into the Ore- silver earrings, a man's brown row and lion's badge. Icontribuie something to such un-igonian Pharmacy Jan. 12. hat and a woman's white leather .Mike Hatiiil, two year pin na rfcrstandinc. Th. . wt' jacket. Police believe Ihe slaver nous im.iKt:. u,B .,.,n. ..... , . ,, Th a,-,-ot n( look these articles. In late May. Ihe Herald and McDonald was made at his Port News will be publishing the rec-iland home He u;i3 fi'pp nn huit STARTS TODAY! Three electrifying performances... the smash-triumph of three of motion pictures' greatest stars! 251 Leiilllilj We Give Gold Bond Stamps MsJHisjrteri Per Yeasr Drtjcj Noeelt T wwammmmBBUnBlmmmmmmmtJ9 SMiertJL 7tfi and Main Phone TU 4-3563 year pin. gold arrow ann non si hadge; Andy Trujillo. one year Meanwhile the search continues for a man reported In have been pin and lion's badge; Jerry Ham- lcallorl department's 1959 60 an- al the time from charges in Mult- in the Hamilton neighborhood the mono i. ..nrwii. . n, ,. . ..... ,u,j,i frjjoit. complete with pit-!nomah and Clackamas County of m i r inn I "im liff, silver arrows and Dennis Cup email, a gold and silver arrow lures, in Ihe magazine section damage to property by explosives. liasin Living - watch lor it. M..nnn,.,i was , mur nf Ihe A pnlluck supper preceded ; 0u. t)lanks to Ri Jenkins and to negotiating committee of the Ster- enlvtv,'S t'ninn that cti-iiclr tho organiialion for their cno.teralion Oregonian and Oregon Journal ..... K-r I ivrni V ST -V. Mil. ine i nr.iMM ... -. news in vou. Irecreation hall. day of the slaying. He was de scribed as about 25 years old. and stocky. The sheriff said there were fresh heel prints near the house. He added that these were from heels like those made at the fir TV HE COUNTRY GIRL Fm llM play by CMI. OaVu two previous OHKRL1N Ohio ifli A man liv- ' iukiip-a unir mn imi mm nin-avHwiirili, Ixan , tederal prls- in lin,-e is named Ahe President ,.,,, , ,r"l'n ,np nynamiung oi in irucKsin. shoes with such heels are s- r: lll!aLClMTe h..M t. the k news- Led to members of the armed ,:.u iiri-i-iiiiy. .IOCISO, HIP OCIII-hanAn anH ,,na uiH V ..,,M r i . rj..i I,, 1. neon Street. 01 u... " .. i-f." luict-s aou to icoeiai convicis l'"- "'"viiuiv -tii;nKiiiR nia-pairt them to do it. course. cac monkey, died of pneumonia.! nl, j:.,..:,, . .. . We hope the celestial 7.okeepersajr M(.l)nnald was jnd;c-(od on w,l be hind to Jocko md that lhe drug store incident after Carvl .iinisu, jn iui ii. win retrain irom t i.-..t.:..u m -r n...t i ... enaw ine nn mnliaannr'. ... iiaiiu .-..mi , ,ciiiievert savs she saw a w oman heenlv hide H,nTtr ,McD"nll him ,0 lh driver, her car stuck in a snow- izz h;e"h.:sifo.s'wne !,p ir ihiT- ,oca",d 'D-n,e,um,s hope that he has gone where all P TT 1 7' Um h" ,r""k ,he Car' and "7 tgood monkeys go Plans are he-' f ol'blsn appeared before Circuililo clip away the snow from Ihe ing made to replace the' deceased, 'lu,l,K H"rbci't sdlwab Fl'iriay on rcar tires- Th- sa-vs M,s- Schlie- DRIVE-IN Now Under New Management For A Real Taste Treat Try Our... O French Fried "Thunder Pups" O Golden Fried Chicken O Deep Fried Jumbo Prawns CAR HOP SERVICE DINING ROOM SERVICE Open 7 Days, A Week 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Saturday, 11 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. Phone TU 2-2040 For Orders To Go! limn Thunderbird Drive -In 1850 Main St. (Formerly Al's Drive-ln) Acroit From Swimming Pool Phone TU 2-2040 GKA.SS n.ll'PKHS, VKT! DKS MOINKS i.fv-Mrs. Waller THE SCREEN'S EXPLOSIVELY REAL DRAMA OF LOVE AND WAR I . .i.mi:s iii:kii's THE BRIDGES AT TOKO-RI chimp with another monkey of the same species. Starling Ihis summer a week ly playground schedule will ap pear in this column. All the ac tivities, programs and various other events occurring at city playgrounds will he listed. We're planning big things for (he sum mer months, so if you have a youngster who says that he can't find anything to do with his time, reter him to this column. Sports and games, handicralts, field trips, outings, parades, contests, costume parties and numerous other events are on lap. Mom and dad will he able to join in the fun. too. a charge of use of a slink bomb. I vert, the woman put the clippers Judge Schwab put off the arraign-! under one of the tires, hoping to ment until Korhish obtained anget the car to move. II didn't attorney. until she called a tow truck. 1 I ai sm-! 1 H ,Jf k ROBERT STRAISS CHARLXS McCRA KUKO A1AJI . Fte. ill ftitJ tit ltmn A UrfhrMi - 1 FaMMOVHT M RILEASF rby TECIINICOLOH 5 a- i-a r-X 8 f K PLIY J i ,i .ill.,, , Jar V nr uf iriinriFsrar isV .ifA m SkvdA Is it a bird. ..a rocket.. .a plane? No, it's TODAY! Open. Today 12:45 PKAHR AM) B ARIES LOCKPOItT. N V. iVv-ThoiT are indications tluit h.ibics' apfolites are goinR to spur a moderate in-i-rcase in )ear tree plantings in Niagara County. Kruit growers say baby food manufacturers think pears are among babies' favorite foods, and the nation's healthy birth rate may mean a greater demand. According to preliminary esti mates, more than 3 5 billion dol lars, or 31.7 per cent of all ad vertising dollars invested in 1359. went to newspapers. This made daily newspapers again the num ber one advertising medium. Klamath Fall, Ortqoti Starving Sou I htm Oregon ft'td Norlhtm California Publisriod dally tKcept Saturday hv Southtrn Ortgon PublUhmg Company vain r tipfandt Phone TUfX)o 4-ftlll FRANK JENKINS. Editor HILL JENKINS. Managing Editor FLOYD WYNNE. City Editor Emtrad ai tacond class matiar at th poit oitica at Kiamatti Fails. orgo. on August 70. IW. under act ol ConQran, March 3. 1179. StCnd-Cl"M ! poitaq Mid at Klamath Fails. Oregon, and al additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Carrier I Month t I 'S A V'fXithi V JIO SO I Year Hi 00 Mail in Advance I A-tonth J$ Months ItpOO t Year tuoo Carrier and Dealer. Weekday K Suivdav. coov tOc UNITfcO PRESS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATED PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION Subscriber not receiving delivery of ttieir Herald and Nevs, o'eaf phnne TU.MO -8M) Pftpr J P M. Atter 1 P M.. adone Maurice Miller, Or cult t ion Aftlnager st TUtao Mi2. fe "S . f0?wmm''' "Sj saucering down jf f U w to Earth with nothing ... jt ' Mi between his ears " f 2&SS jr -r except outer Space &zi$r JP " yH4 KiMf crttlurt to vrS ...for a , J$T '. 4SSir-K. A u nssn - HAL ---- a vTV J m Hi mm Pari m i imam Frfii Pi ark . . win! vuiviiiiiiiii biinui ivtaUiiinn i iilu Ulnil UALt UunUUN and Introducing Barbara Lawson