Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 10, 1960, Page 18, Image 18

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HERALD AND NEWS. Klamalh Falls. Dip.
Sunday. April 10. 19R0
1 ' 'JL i 1 I ' 1 jL I ll
Couple Wed
In Reno Rites
Katherine I.emirc, freshman art
major and daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jay Lemire of this city. it-unii i m. ...j
was recently plcriCed lo Delia Dolls,u P(1((1,.son o( PorllanHJ
Phi Gamma, one of three campus (ormeriy of Mel.rl announ,.e the!
social sororities
Clark College.
at Lewis and
marriage of their daughter. Don-
ARRIVING HOME this week after a trip through South America and Africa
are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shaw, left and right. They traveled with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Royal Shaw, centar, who are former residents of this city now residing in Hillsbor
ough, California. The four are pictured on board the S.S. Rotterdam on the return
voyage. Photo by Holland-American Line
i 4 A
it i
v y i " 'i
' ' V ' f
r' u
a mi M -ii-n
na .Jean Carson, to (ierald Peter
son, sun of Mr. and Mrs. Don
John Moffitl, Junior engineer-lrp"'l's(,n uf Tulelake, California,
ing student, will he president fh,r "cn" married March 26 in
next year of Sigma Pi fraternity' Park deling Chapel in Reno
at Oregon Slate College. Elrlon1 K"r hor wMmg. the bride
L. Johns of Malin. sophomore in.m"'f whlte eelel embroidered
engineering, will be secretary inldns w,,h wh" aiecs.sones and
the same living group. learned a pink rosebud corsage.
; Hor sister. Peggy Carson, was
.her only attendant and carried a
Timothy 0. Harden, junior ag ired rosebud corsage,
rieulture major, is a member of' Rmiald Peterson, brother of the
the varsity rowing squad this bridegroom, was best man.
year at Oregon Slate College. I The bride is a graduate of Mer-
I rill High School and w as Potato
. . Festival queen.
Richard Seideman. junior, busi- ij.,,, . A ,
ness and technology student will I f Tudake Hj(,h' ;Sl.hooL Afcr
serve as presicem 01 tne noar.t sho., vjjjt , virjnta cj,
o, oirecors lor tne wregon state !,,, muple ,.,,.,, , ,lMe
:""' "'"" where they will reside.
.. ...... .. ...j. rtucnaing the wedding were
win e a memnerot tne Doara.u,r M,.s DoU),as pccrson
!of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Don
University of Oregon winter I'elerson of Tulelake and t h e
lerm honor roll, one of the big-mlne s grandparents. Mr. and
gesl on record, listed .W4 under- Ml's- Ivan '"enbice of Merrill.
nruAnuto vtiirlnlc uhn murn '
l eames con ann i numry iiun.R,.ar)(, jn, averilKrs o( 3 5 or
under direction of Clyde nilter.!hi hcr Spvpnly ,,ve r lhcs(1
club social chairman, is planning.,,,,, aM A (or a 4 inl
a . Acquam.eo rar.y tor avc,a(,p. Kam.,lh Fas sludorl,si
Reames Plans
April Events
' Return Home
pie over 12. weather permitting. ;Mrs. C!av Walker were eiven a
Other committee members surprise parly at the home of Mr. rio.Mn.
who arc working with the Sorans and Mrs. Lester Leavitt recenllv
on the Faster partv are Mr. and hv iheir close neichhnrs. nefiesli- WABKNO COUNCIL
MR. AND MRS. LLOYD CRAIG, 5300 Shasta Way,
announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Lou,
to Albert Boardman, son of Mrs, Alberta Boardman of
Medford. The bride-to-be, graduate of Klamath Union
High School, it a senior in English education at the Uni
versity of Oregon. She is a member of Gamma Phi Beta
sorority. Her fiance, also a senior at the university, was
graduated from Medford High School. He is in the
school of business administration and is affiliated with
Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. No wedding date has
been set. Photo by Fehly Studio, Eugene
new and prospective mem- 1 ....... ,..... vr- anrt Lawrence mm-
and Best Sundav Aoril 10 T . " ,a""schenbacher recently returned to
beginning at 4 p.m. A buffet din-'' ,. V.j", Vm, h ZJaL r e lollowmg a lengthy
ner will be served and live muaic r . Smith both made;,,.,y in lhe soulh, They , Kam.
is planned for the parly. "rM 3 4 poml aVe1'- " Falls the first of December.
Ileames mpmhers are irminH. aliC' Itravcltng with a luxurious 22-foot
cd of the annual Easier egg hunt! lnc s,m,sler Honor roll at'tr.uler in which they made their
to be held at the club Sundav Washington Stale University in-: headquarters in the Palm Springs
J- ..I...I.J i i
April 17. According to the chair-t,u,,en n'ianu, ircsuman. area.
men. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Soran l'rom Klamath Falls. To makel The Christmas holidays were
the ecc hunt is free to children of "le wsu "on"r roll, students sicnt with their son. Jack Van-
Heames members and will begin mml 50 Wd points based ausdeln, and his family in Long
at i n m ' lass hours times grade Beach.
Prizes will be awarded to i"'nts. During their sojourn
youngsters in a?e groups of tod
Former OTI Dean Weds In Dallas
dlers lo 6, fi to in and in lo 12
A driving conlest and games
will he arranged for young peo-
Springs the Motschenbachers at
tended an Oregonian luncheon at
lhe Diviera Hotel. Among the .100
guests were Mr. and Mrs. W.
Poole Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Har-
A JUNE WEDDING is planned by Barbara Free
man and Larry Charles Heaton, whose engagement was
announced recently by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Freeman. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heaton,
Both young people are students at Oregon State Col
lege. The future bride is a sophomore and a member
of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Her fiance, a senior, is
affiliated with Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity.
Photo by Hise, Corvallis
Mrs. Dick Beane, Mr. and Mrs.
Oene Favell, Mr. and Mrs. Bar
ney Cavanaugh and Capl. and
Mrs. Jack Anderson.
Dick and Dean Marks are plan
ning a special family dinner at
the club Easter Sunday begin
ning at .1.10 p.m. and ask mem
bers lo make reservations
ailing TU 4-n.Vll,
ments were served following lhe
social evening. Those honoring the ,lr!ed as the result of the recent
Walkers were Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Metier. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Smel
cer and Aileen, tMr. and Mrs. Pe
lor Hi'ioztsese, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Partridge and Fleur. Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Brett. Mr. and Mrs.
Bud Harris, Mrs. Grace Blaser.
Banquet Honors Dads-Daughters
The Falcon Heights Girl Scout Kalhy Frazee was mistress of
neighborhood committee spon- ceremonies. Cora Jean Kipping
sored a March banquet atlendedjied the flag salute,
by 113 fathers and their Girl; Mrs. Marjorie Nelson. Mrs.
Scout daughters and 13 leaders of Marvellen Mackenzie and Mrs.
Brownie and scout troops. The j Jill Simmons made the ariange
affair, held at the Officers Club, ments with Mrs. Evelyn Kel-
WEED A huge success was re-ias the first such affair for the ley. Martha Davis and Florence
year-old program in Falcon I "wens in charge of food.
Heights. j Entertainment for the evening
Mrs. Harriett Brotherhood, included skits presented by each
council executive, was a guest, troop.
Word has been received of the
marriage March 10 of Virginia
Kemoston. former dean ol women
at Oreoon Technical Institute, to
nhur Slump of Monmouth, tne
double ring ceremony was per
formed in St. Thomas Episcopal
Church in Dallas by Father Samp
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kompslon
of Eugene. She will continue nei
work as dean of women at Ore
gon College of Education.
The bridegroom is the son 1!
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Stump of
Given in marriage bv her fa
ther, the bride was attended by
her sister-in-law, Mrs. David
Kemnston of Portland. Clifford
Slump was best man for hit
I Following a short trip to the
coast the newlyweds have re
turned to reside in Monmouth.
The bridegroom is a well knon
farmer in the area and has been
a science teacher in the local
high school. At present he is
working toward a master's de.
gree at Oregon State College.
Mrs. Stump is a graduate of the
University of Oregon.
One designer uses a fine plaid
in black-and-white cotton for a re-
sort wear evening dress with full
skirt. The dress is completely
pleated and trimmed with flounces
of black lace.
Welcome cU a
kneatlt o
The way our -v
puts "New Life"
into your clothes!
I at its mstre yow last year's
Spring anrt summer wartVob
Ail ynur family clothes took
"likft new" again with our quality
Sta'Nu ay riftantnc nd finishing.
Sta'Nu it usrt by the nation's
lidding clothing manufactursrit
We give you Sta'Nu at
no extra cost.
March Reception Fetes Newlyweds
.heather, pink rose buds, while
; TULELAKE Mr. and Mrs. Con
Novotny, who were married in
Iteno January 10, were honored
with a large reception the evening
of March 19 in the Tulelake
Grange Hall. Some 100 guests
greeted the couple.
, The bride is the former Barbara
Bleak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Mauldin, Klamath Falls.
Her husband is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Novotny, Tulelake.
The Con Novolnvs are making
their home in Medford where the
bridegroom is with the California
Oregon Power Company.
Hostesses for the reception, all
of Tulelake. included Mrs. Ed Ba
Icy, Mrs. Everett Sprout, Mrs. Le
nny Loiselle, Mrs. Jessie Long.
Mrs. Russell McFall, Mrs. C. B.
Grecnbank, Mrs. Bruce McMa
lion. Mis'. R. R. Woodman. Mrs.
Herbert Kirhy, Mrs. Ed Havlinu.
Mrs. James Woodman. Mrs. Don
Woodman, Mrs. Victoria Thaler.
Mrs. Galen Lcsh. Mrs. George
Mrs. Earl McFall made the at
tractive center arrangement of
The Orion Club hold its annu
al ham dinner March 29 at the
YMCA. The hostesses, Mrs. Fred
Bichn and Mrs. James Sweatt,
created an atmosphere of spring
with lavish bouquets of flowers.
After devotions by John Weber,
dinner W'a? enjoyed by the fol
lowing members and guests: Mr.
and Mrs. Cy Baker, Carol, Steve
and Julia; Mr. and Mrs. Van
Pelt, Roy, Gingy and Beckic;
Mrs. W. D. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs.
Myron Murray, Mrs. Sadie Jans
sen, Mrs. Richard Teater and
Oraiu Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Wachter. Judy Paddock. Ncal
Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. John Web
er and Lee Ann: Mr. and Mrs
.Neil McEachern and Ginger.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paddock, Mr.
and Mrs, Al Nanncman and sons;
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Biehn and
Fredric; Mr. and Mrs. James
Sweatt, Mr. and Mrs. Preston
Card and Barry; Mr. and Mrs.
Roland Cofer, Barbara and Joan
Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
W achter and Vince; Mr. and Mrs.
Pele Stride, Jow, Lyndel; and
Airs. Nolan. Mr. and Mrs. C. R
;York, Dennis and Jon Aschenbach.
Other guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Haiwell of this city and
Mr. and .Mrs. H. G. Olson of
'Sheridan, Wyo.iung.
Special prize was won by Mrs.
OVivinn Nolan and Mis. Al Nanne
man was given a birthday gift.
carnations and silver leaves and
the corsages for the bride, moth
ers of lhe young couple and others
Al the silver colfeo service was
Mrs. Novotny. Mrs. Mauldin was
at the punch howl
Duplicate Play
Winners Told
The Tuesday morning duplicate
bridge session was the largest
yet with 111 new members includ
ed in the 11 tables of play, ac
cording to Mrs. Ted Hyde, di
Mrs. William Grove and Mrs.
. M Raymond received high
score for north-south position.
Second north-south score was
won hy Mrs. Raymond Reeves
and Mrs. Rob Ross Sr. Scores of
Mrs. II. O. Juckeland and Mrs.
Louis Scrniys and Mrs. Bill Cun
ningham and Mrs. E. C. Lemler
were tied for third and fourth.
East-west winners were Mrs.
Bvron Johnson and Mrs. Chester
rummage and food sale sponsored
by the Wabeno Council, degree of
Pocahontas, at the March meet
ing of the council, by Mrs. Rita
Renning and Mrs. Geneva Hil
dreth, co-chairmen.
Mrs. Alma Killingsworlh. Poca
advertised in Vogue, Esquire
Send Your Cleaning With Your Laundry
Ph. 4-5111 or 2-2531
and Men's Hand Laundry and Cleaners
Opp. Posr Office IHh & Klamalh
Mr. and Mrs. Waller Smith Sr., hnnlas, presided and thanked the
members for their assistance in
the fund raising project.
Mrs. Renning received the dele
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frazier and gale award for the evening ses
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dearborn, Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Roberts. Mr. and
Mrs. .limmv Nork and Michelle.
Linda. Mr. and Mrs. Ilowrey Rob
erts, Pat, Joan and Tim, Mr. and
.Mrs. Bill Rurnett. Mr. and Mrs.
Following the short meeting
politick supper, games and danc-
Wes Dearborn. Albert Dearborn, ing were enjoyed by the members
Mr. and Mrs. Art Monroe andlof the Wabeno Council and mi
Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt. proved Order of Redmen.
lhe young coupe cu he Irani- . ., .,. ,
,, , , . 1 , ,. ... and Mrs. Warren Bennct were
tional fust slice of the wedding , ., . ., .. , ,
c-t " second- Mrs. L. F. Carter and
Llrs. Vern Moore, third,-and
For the reception, the ynungM,.s. Uiilo Peloquin and Mrs!
Mrs. Novotny wore a frock ofiuilb.,,,, ta,Kon7in f.,,il.
wiuie water print chillon with
pink jewel accents.
Guests were present from Klam
alh Falls. Malm. Merrill and Tulelake.
Picture collared flowing peignoir enhanced with eye-cttch-ing
satin bow and ribbon tie sash. Gown features camisole
top and sweeping romantic skirt encircled with ribbon tit
sash and topped "just above" the waistline with lace insert
In no-iron, no-care HONEYBLENO
Polyester DacronNylonCotton. by
isume wnn lace insert.
The next meeting on April 19;
will he lhe monthly master point
play starling al 1015 in the city1
library. Players are reminded to1
I bring a sack lunch. i
Moku w'd cote
ThtrVi a nw thrill In noil cor in Hort for you whtn you ,h
(Birr-lltt DIAMON-DE& Noil Drtmr avar your noili. Nvr btftrt
hovt you iiparlcnctd Iho iift, yl ginll shaping olion o lvtl abroiiv
lurfact cempoiad of countltm liny om cryitoli con give lo ftngtfl
Whol't mora Diamon Db pttnii and cofrtttt iplilhng end pttlmg
no-li. Tht ittftl ll In t" ostium ' DIAWAUTC" iiffloto (hot hot no
herih odgti which lat liny indtnlationi on noil tndi, or caul nol
loyori 10 lopoio't). No icrolchiog or itroo'g, or tfcock lo itniitiv ntrt.
And tht pur niche) mtnl with ifi "Dl AMAltTI ' lurtoeo il lonifory
ton b ilonliitd without ollidinfl ill prmonnt ruttp'Oof iur(ocl Workl
tquelly wtll whtlhtf no ill or ilial hard or paptr Ihm, tool Eutntioi in
total ol "prsblm noili" to prtitrvo In nail bantfiti gomd from laktng
internal preparations.
Com in and try Ihil pro'tlionol pron and nd'd mom cu'ing
m.recli particularly il you hov a Mil p-oblml Avsiloblt n 3 t'ltt.
4 inch pun or pot It I m SI.OOj o-lnch gnral pwrpoi in V-Ut
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New smooth wash and
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