o o Q HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Kails. Ore. Friday. Aprif 1. 10(in PACE 9 A Eleven-Year-Old Thai Lad Taking Round-World Trip NEW YORK a'PI - A briRht yed lad from Bangkok. Thai land, arrived here Wednesday niaht on an unprecedented an as? Odyssey a pleasure trip around the world alone at the ace of 11. Veteran airlines officials were a little non-plussed when hand some Chula i Robert) Na Ranonj appeared unescorted at the New ark Airport with a chunky book of airlines tickets, his Thai pass port, and his bassaue check clutched in his hands. But Robert was all business. He had reached the halfway mark in his trip without mishap, and he had learned all the ropes that manipulated his manic car pet from enchanted city to en chanted city that are only the Gas Blast Kills Five AUBURN'. X V. (VPP-A Raso line explosion killed five persons Wednesday ni?ht at a downtown service station where firemen were checking reports of a gas leak. Three victims were firemen. Two firemen received minor in juries and a hospital reported at least one other person was injured. The cinder block station was torn apart by the blast -from an underground fuel storage tank, and windows were shattered fliroughout the area. A movie theater next door es caped damage because of its rein forced concrete walls, a fire offi cial told United Press Internation al. A usual week-night audience of ,100 to 400 persons was in the theater, but there was no panic The explosion also ruptured the natural gas feeder line running to the station. It was permitted to burn until tiremen could dig through the rubble and find the cutoff valve. A woman near the blast .scene had a heart attack and was taken to a hospital. The fire official said escaping gas fumes could have been ignil ed by any of a number of ma chines in the station. The dead were identified as sta. tion owner Walter Ockenfels; fire Lt. Alfred Murphy, firemen John F. Searing, 27, and Anthony T. Contrera, and station employe John Bell, all of Auburn. stuff of most children's dreams. "Is this New York?" he asked. 'Where's the Empire State Build ng?" Tours Manhattan An hour later he was in Man hattan ' seeing the shimmering ky-high lights of the world's tallest skyscraper in the company of friends. The excitement of a rough, weather-delayed flight from Washington gradually sub sided and Robert was happy and at home. You could toll by the satisfied way he chomped his chewing gum. 'My children know nothing about fear: they have been taught to look lor solution rather than dropping tears." wrote his moth- Dr. Lydia Na Rannng. in let ters preparing her friends from Manila to Cairo for Robert's ar rival, "he is a very independent little gentleman who has been making trips by himself since he was six." Pays Half-Fare The American-educated Dr. Na Hanong. daughter of Manchu Princess Dcr l.ing of China, de cided to give Robert a trip around the world during his spring school holiday because he is the only one of her three chil dren who has not been sent abroad to school. Her duties as a faculty member of two Bang kok universities and as a journ alist kept her at home. "Mother thought it was a good idea to give me a trip while I still can pay hall-fare." said Rob ert. "I will be 12 years old in June, and then I would have lo pay the full adult fare." Berry Men To Be Paid WASHINGTON (API The gov eminent is going to pay about 10 million dollars to cranberry grow ers who were unable to sell tin contaminated berries after last fall's cancer scare. Cranberry growers had asked 13 to 20 million dollars from the government for' 11159 crop losses and possible losses in the 1960 crop. They claimed there was no need for such a scare. Emergency government loans already had been offered to grow crs who suffered losses because they were unable to sell their berries. M 0 l ' Television May Be Harmful To Unstable Children WASHINGTON UPI A Se attle, Wash., educator says there is evidence that t lie emotionally unstable child may be influenced by crime, passion and violence he sees in movies and on television. Dr. Chester Rahcock. executive director of Seattle public school YOUR GRANDMOTHER may have used something like this crank operated Hayes sewing machine with which Tina Gow is struggling here. The machine is on display at the William B. Ide Adobe State Monument near Red Bluff which will be dedicated during the weekend of April 30 May I. Ide was the first and only president of the Bear Flag Republic which gave the state its official emblem. Pornography Beneficial In Teachinq 'Life Facts1 Movie Strike Continuing HOLLYWOOD 11M - The movie industry and its actors pro vided a real-life suspense story today when will the actors' strike end? The predicted settlement of the strike in its Dili day Wednesday came to naught when negotiators postponed their scheduled meeting. The two groups scheduled a meeting for today at which it was hoped the curtain would come down on the dispute. Two days of meeting by special negotiating teams Monday and Tuesday were expected lo have re sulted in a compromise agree ment lhal has only to be loriually adopted bv the U.OOO-member Screen Actors Guild 'SAG) and the seven struck major motion picture studios. The tentative agreement was said to include a lormula lot haring of profits of movies sold to television, one of the key is sues of Ihe strike which started March 7. LOS ANGELES (UPP-A hus band and wife team of controver sial psychologists say pornograph ic literature should be used "to instruct children about sex. Drs. Kberhard and Phyliss Kroilhauscn Wednesday said in an address at the annual meeting of the Los Angeles Health Education and V.D. Council that the suppres sion of pornography is actually harmful. "fn our clinical experience there has never been a case where damage was done through the reading of pornography," said Kronhauscn. "On the other hand, the sup pression of pornography does more harm in the suppression of the normal sex drive." His wife added she has talked to children who told her their on ly knowledge of sex came from reading so-called pornographic literature. "I believe most adults are sex ually ignorant," she said. "Yet they would oppose their children reading literature that informs them of what they as parents do not or canpot tell them about sex which is here lo stay. The Kronhausens, authors of the controversial recent book "Porn ography and the Law," said they believed there was an attempt by a small minority lo impose "pri vate censorship." The private censor Ihe indi vidual such as a parent who pre vents his child from reading cer tain hooks usually has little or no idea of what or why he is cen soring, believes Kronhauscn. Such a private censor is an in lellectual snob, said Kronhausen. "He wants lo read anything and everything and Ihen tell you that if your read it you will be harmed," he said. But so tar I ve .never seen a censor harmed." QUEEN HAS FLU LONDON (UPI)-Oueen Mother Elizabeth has the flu and has cancelled all her encacements. Buckingham Palace announced Tuesday. rTl " Up to 30 miles p 9aHm III I if 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 viH I Fo,d 1 n,w Folte,n s"""" I I I I I' I 1 t I I I 1 fl F w-' I dm .ih tac Jm VJ DO"w Si ii 9Mid Is 4 nat ' ft' 1 JmfsB Big 6-foof box V rr: : BmfmmfMJ!pS fjj 91 pi 3 Wt tatlgatt flol Ibex's Hy (! .! : ' ' I f . : j! i w lood ef,giK. Yi cofi reach inlo any . VA P 'J' B9 S w NEW FORD RANCH ERO Here's the lowest-priced pickup of all the leading makes-up to $210 less than other 14-ton pickups! Meet a new kind of truck! A truck that seats 3 in comfort . . . has a big, roomy 6-foot box . . . gives up to 30 miles per gallon . . . and saves hundreds on price, gas and upkeepl Some fun, this new Ford Ranehero! It 11 head for the hills or the beach with a mountain of cargo m hack and Falcon comfort for three in front. NATIONAL CAR DEALER WEEK! USED CARS WERE NEVER 8ETTFH' Some saver, too! Starting with lowest price, everything about this new Ranehero is designed to cut costs. It delivers up to 30 country miles on a gallon . . . 4,000 miles between oil changes. Tighter, quieter single-unit construction mean low upkeep costs. Replaceable front fenders (they bolt on) list at less than $M. Tires, brakes and parts ail eost less, too. We've got it! Come on in! See the newest and save the most! Rated on latent availahle manufacturer' tunftexted retail delivered prtem NMwrtr.oon.ny FORD TRUCKS COST LESS BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main & Esplanade 1 Klamath Falls, Ore. NEED A USED CAB OR TRUCK? GET ONI OF OUR MONEY-SAVERS GUARANTEED IN WRITING Pupil's Thesis To Be Published PRINCETON', N. J. (AP) A Pripcclon University student's, senior thesis will be published as a novel next year. Charles Scribner's Sons of New York announced Tuesday thev would issue "The Golden Axe," a story of family lite in a small Maine town by Lauren R. Stev ens, 21, of Philadelphia. Stevens, who plans lo studv English in graduate school, has won two undergraduate short story prizes. instruction, said Wednesday there was no conclusive evidence that TV and comic books affect a nor mal child's behavior. But. he remarked, to ai-iiuo that television does not influence the viewer to some extent is to "indulge in Ihe wildest kind of contradiction." Television Influence He said: "If it doesn't intluence hen the nation's advertisers are pouring millions down the rat- hole. Our businessmen are too smart lor thai." Habcock was the windup speak er on Ihe mass media forum at the White House Conlcrence on Children and V o u t h. Related workshops discussed the etfects of radio and TV. newspapers, pa perbacks ami mov ies on youth. Television was one of the most controversial issues. Dr. Frances U. Norwich of the DiuS Dong School TV program insisted television could not be blamed lor "all the unfortunate things happening to children in the I'nited Stales." Most Potent fnniiiiiiiiieatinit She said TV was the most po tent form of communication and that it was the combined respon sibility ol the home, school. church and community to oversee proper use of TV She called lor a study by the TV industry (if its commercials. which she said were used to "ex ploit" children to sell products. She and the other speakers agreed thai parents must guide children's TV v iewing habits. Bab cock said Ihe number of hours a child watched television and his tasie in programs was directly influenced by the number of hours his parents watched TV and tha type of programs they select. ROCK 'N ROLL Dance & Show LEON SMITH and his Orbit Rockers Plus Kay Johnson, Girl Vocalist This group last year mode the popular record "Little Forty Ford!" They art now hoping thot their newest release "Honey-Honey" will be a hit. Saturday Nite April 2nd 9 till 1 a.m. RED BARN Dorris, Calif., Admission 1.25 befora 9 1.50 after 9 US W$H2(ff again and tJde1 lays the groundwork for Spring fashions FROLIC In gorgeous bone lustre . . . or white lustre.' Wide range of sizes in stock. 17 95 Come In Soon See Our Complete Selection of Beautiful dcAngelos Shoes for men, women and children SEE EVERYTHING THAT'S NEW FOR EASTER 8 SHOES 617 Main 12 CARPETS YOU CAN AFFORD! M Ipf m ' FORYOU! ' m Bit .J. MM. JiV , V tfvV . V HERE IS DEEP. SOFT WOOL-RICH LOVELINESS FOR YOU! i k Calhoun't it Klamath'i most complete floor covering center. Large selection of carpet, linoleum, tile and drapery hardware. See these twelve beautiful patterns Calhoun's have chosen for this $8.88 value ... all wool heavy Wilton or Axminster weave as well as tufted turf carpets in new decorator patterns. You'll find one of these 12 rolls suited for you . . . and all for one low price. You'll save as much as $4.07 per square yard. 12 rolls to choose from! One low price of just $8.88. LINOLEUM 7 CARPETS flfl TILE THE LARGEST STOCK OF QUAulTY 357 E. Main BLINDS IN THE KLAMATH BASIN TU 4-8495 MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS Reason