FACE SIXTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls. Ors. Frirlav. Nov. 13. 1050 American Education Week: Duties Of Board Members Editor's Note-Tills is another Inlwith the primary aim of securing the series of articles evaluating tne nest possintc caucationai sys our education system during Amcr ican Education Week. It is writ ten by .Mrs. Victor (Lucilci O'Neill, past chairniaji of the Ore gon Stale Board of Education. By LL'CILE O'NEHX Of all American institutions, none better exemplifies the spirit of democracy than the traditional district school board ... a group of citizens selected on a non partisan, non-remunerated basis, elected by their lellow citizens and responsible to them lor local con trol of education in that district, subject only 'to the laws of the slate and nation. Under the Oregon statutes, the powers and responsibilities of a board are much broader than an uninformed person might think, first of all, it develops all policies for the conduct of schools under its jurisdiction and sees that these policies are carried out by the ad ministrative stall. It directs one ot the largest business enterprises in any community. It determines, through budgets, the amount of taxes needed. It conducts building programs through one ol several possible financial plans. It selects and hires administrators, teachers, employes in many lields and. with in certain legal limitations, may discharge any employe of the dis trict. Its responsibilities are threefold tern for the children of the district. On the other hand, the board is responsible to the taxpayer and has the obligation of seeing that the system is conducted in accor dance with sound and economical financial principles. Moreover, the board is responsi ble to a large extent for the wel fare of every fierson employed by the district, often a very large group, for experience has shown that, for a first class educational system, not only the professional but non professional personnel should be adequately recompensed and be provided with the best pos siblc surroundings, consistent with Doctors At Loss To Explain Man's Cancer Recovery BREMERTON, Wash. 'UI'li -Joseph W. Mayerle, given up to die seven months ago, today was looking for work and doctors were hoping that he may be a living cure for cancer. Seven months ago the 37-ycar-old cx-barlcnder walked out of Seattle's Veterans Hospital alter doctors had told him Ihcy couldn't do anything to save his life. An exploratory operation showed his lungs were shot through with cancer. of starvation because they could not cat. "I decided I wouldn't die of starvation, so I forced myself, and the wife and kids kept at me. to eat, keep my stomach' full." Mayerle said he followed no diet, just ale what he wanted to. "We paid a little more for groceries than we would have ordinarily, he said, "But then, I 2UCSS we figured it was worth He weighed 120 pounds and was,''- Africa Riots; 2 Whites Die CAPETOWN, South Alrica (API Anti-white riots that loft at least two whites and eight Africans and Asians hospitalized 35 miles north of here at Paarl were reported, under control today with a de tachment of police standing by. j Mobs of angry Africans at tacked whiles Sunday night with knives, clubs and stones in re taliation for government banish ment of an African woman trade union leader, mother of three chil dren. The woman, Elizabeth Mafck ing. left her husband and children Sunday under government orders to live 750 miles away in the re mote Vryburg district. Mobs of enraged Africans lore through the streets of the wine fruit center, a city of '3U.0U0, at tacking all whites they found. Police reinforcements, rushed to the city when blood spaitomli whites brought news of the attack, exchanged gunfire with the rioters and finally drove them indoors. virtual walking ghost. He had only a few weeks to live, doctors told him. As lie cheerfully chopped wood yesterday. Mayerle said "I can break a leather bell around my chest right now." He weighs 1311 pounds. Three months alter being toldl he would die, Mayerle walked into his doctor's office, roscy-chceked and bubbling health. "When my physician saw me enter his office, ho turned white i a ghost," Mayerle recalled. "I had just been home a few days after they told me I'd die, when .John Foster Dulles died of cancer, .Mayerle said. I read that some doctor said people never died with cancer, but died Maverle, who said he smokes cigarettes regularly now, and has smoked a pack and a half daily since he was 17, is now hoping to find work to support his wife and three children. His third young ster was born just four weeks ago. Doctors were unable to explain his recovery. Examinations at the hospital two months ago showed his lungs completely free of any malignancy. A pint of Maycrlc's blood will be used with another cancer victim soon to discern whether a cure is possible. Physicians said there are only about 40 known cases where cancer has disappeared after being judged hopeless. the financial Situation of the dis trict, and an atmosphere of har mony. A conscientious board mem ber frequently finds himself caught in the middle with these three fun damental obligations. Klamath County has been indeed fortunate in the fine type of men and women who have been willing to give freely of their lime and elforls with no recompense, except that of perlorming a vital task. Since the position has few legal restrictions, many persons ask what qualifications a person should have to become a good board member. First, of course, is per sonal integrity with all that im plies, including the courage to re sist pressure groups and to arrive at impartial decisions after study- all sides of a question. A sin cere, deep dedication to education is obviously essential, as is a de termination to lay aside precon ceivea prejudices. No person should run for the school board who is unable to accept adverse criticism, who lacks the ability to get along with his fellowmen, or who is unable to compromise when compromise is necessary. No one should run who is unable to do vote sufficient lime. to study, con sultation and meetings, for this job is extremely time-consuming. The board itself should have bal ance- in its membership, including a reasonable proportion of men and women, some geographical representation; and diversity of in terests. ' It is of utmost importance that all members, at least after a year or two, understand to a consid erable extent the intricacies of taxation, school finance and even school law, as well as the tech nicalities of building and construc tion, besides the obvious special and general problems of educa tion. The average new board mem ber finds that he is almost over whelmed the first year by the complexity of a large school district. A school board deserves and needs the support of the communi ty, although disagreement with some policies is inevitable In any district. Sometimes these disagree ments can become so extreme as to react to the financial detri ment of the board member who is only acting in accordance with his conscience. A hair shirt is a part ol the habitual garb of any school board member. 9th and Pine Phone TU 4-3188 BIG dramatic golden clocks at a new low price 88 ularly I J 1 24,95 U VX 0 Plus Fed. excise tax Masterpieces in satiny brass finish, to make walls glow like the golden sun. Guaranteed 8-day movements. ANGEtUS stunning starburst with curved centerplate. 18' diam. (D BALALAIKA musical motif with 3-dimensional look. 22" tall. TARANTELLA graceful swirls of metal, brass finished. 20" diam. SPANGLE symmetrical design, wooden ball accents. 24' diam. STORE OPEN TONIGHT TIL 9 P.M. There are no restaurants or ho tels in the little Himalayan king dom of Bhutan. THEY'RE BACK!! THE "DOWNBEATS" (PETE OLSON & BOB NORTON) Returning After A Successful Alaskan Tour OPENING MONDAY NIGHT AT THE Ponderosa Room WILLARD HOTEL MUlujjiiJlixnmMHi L-TT! gl car coots Only at Wards! Deluxe Model Auto Coats in O Tweeds v O Frosted Meltons O Plains ere we Go A gain! D Our Semi -Annual Sunday 12-Hr. Store Wide Sale is This Sunday, November 15 $ 12 88 m Style Values From 16.98 to 22.98 Wards hos these snappy models at a low $12.88. Quilted acetate linings, pile trimmings! Many new attractive colors to choose from. Sizes 8-18. USE WARDS CREDIT PLAN hi We seldom have a sale, and only 4 times in our history have we had a storewide sale like this. But for Sunday only, we are sale-pricing every item in our store that the manufacturer will allow us to discount. It's our regular line merchandise (nothing bought purposely for this event) including lounge chairs, bedding, sofas, wall accessories, dinettes and dining room furniture, carpet, lamps, ash trays, baby furniture, sofa pillows, etc. In all the popular finishes of maple, wal nut, mahogany and blond. It's all furniture you'd be proud to own in the very newest traditional and modern stylings. Shop all 3 floors! 30 DAYS TO PAY WITH NO INTEREST, OR UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY ON STANDARD CREDIT TERMS. WE WILL BE GLAD TO HOLD FOR CHRIST MAS DELIVERY! FREE DELIVERY WITHIN 100-MILE RADIUS! Everything Clearly Marked! You Are Welcome To Browse! No Rctu rns, Refunds or Exchanges Co. Next to Willard Hotel Where Quality Is Not Expensive" BUSH FURNITURE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY TO PREPARE FOR THIS EVENT OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9:00 P.M. mm