PAGE TWO IIKRALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Mnnriav. Nov. 9. 1359 "DENNIS THE MENACE" ARE YOU TRYING T-) TPK ME TUP IIKl ? ftlA3fC'Aj Info Center Sought By Cuban ' MIAMI (UPD - Ma. Pcdi Diaz Lanz, former chief of the Cuban air force, has proposed radio lice Cuba be set up in the United States to inform the Cuban people about "Communist tactics" of the Castro government Diaz Lanz, one of the most out spoken opponents of Cuban Pre mier Fidel Castro, defected from the . revolutionary government several months ago. He admitted to the FBI recently he led a con trovcrsial leaflet dropping r a i over Havana. STRIKE VOTE HII.L LOS ANGELES (UPD - A bill to require secret ballot voting by union members before all strikes will be introduced in Congress next session by Sen. Harry Gold water (R-Ariz.). liolflwaler, in making the an nouncemcnt Friday, said he had not introduced the bill before be cause he did not think it would pass, but now believes "tho tem per of the steelworkcrs and their wives is such that it would have a good chance ol passing." Americans consumed an cstimat Cd 32 billion bottles of soft drinks in 1858, an average of 184.7 per person. CPIN t:Al P.M, 9 "GREEN I S22 MANSIONS" I yrmt lee'u'obb HNISILV I F nhotuw I I ! TlOO . 10:45 l 1 A 9:05 Only h raw inn I Faith Lost In Quiz Shows WASHINGTON (UPD - Broad casting Alagazine reports the pub lie s confidence in TV programs especially quiz shows dropped sharply alter Charles Van Dorcn confessed his appearances were rigged. The industry publication reach cd this conclusion as the result of two national opinion polls. One was laken before Van Dorcn told his' story to House investigators. The other came a day after the testimony. "A national hero fell from grace last week and with him fell the public's opinion of him and tho medium that pushed him into national prominence Broadcasting said. The magazine said t h e second poll showed that more than half of the viewing public now wanted no more quiz shows. More than half also had lowered their opin ion of the TV industry after hearing Van Dorcn, the same poll showed. The magazine's report came Sunday as Sen. Jacob K. Javits Tt-N.y.) warned the industry it might be in for a rude shock when Congress reconvenes in Jan uary unless it moves fast to clean house and make "sonic long overdue changes in programming.". ' ( SCOUT NEWS MALIN Nine Malin Explorer Scouts attended a recent Air Force DC-3 orientation flight over Klam- ;ith Basin. They were accompanied by leaders, Charles Hale and Joe Halousek. Capl. Frank Kclley, Kingslcy icld explorer project officer, ar- anged for the boys to witness ukeolfs and landings of the jets ml planes. The Malin scouts who attended were Penny Kalina, Gary Halou- ick, Kicky lllian, Harvey Milligan, Hon Mullanix, Claude Hagcrty, Neal Halousek, Jim' Kolkow and Miilip Hale. Chief Of Indian Forces Ordered To Halt Reds NEW DELHI (L'PIl-The Indian government today ordered army commander Gen. K.S. Thimayya to halt with force any further Chinese Communist aggression at the border, cabinet sources dis closed. The order was disclosed after an emergency midnignt meeting of the inner cabinet called to study Red China's latest note in the border dispute. The P e i p i n g note defiantly reiterated Chinese claims to Indian territory. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Neh ru met with inimayya anu tnc cabinet at the residence of strong Political Maverick Dies At 73 WASHINGTON' (API Sen. William (Wild Bill) Langer R ND, a colorful political maverick both as governor and as senator, is dead at 73. He spent 45 turbulent years in politics, the last 19 of them in the Senate. Langer died in his sleep of heart failure Sunday at his home. He had been ailing since his wife, Lydia, aied of cancer Aug. 4. He recently spent three weeks in a hospital with pneumonia. Langer steered a safe course WILLIAM LANGER ASKS JEWISH PRESSURE NEW YORK (UPIl - Label Kalz, head of B'nai B'rith, called on U. S. Jews Sunday to bring strong pressure on Russia to re move restrictions on Jewish cul tural and religious activities. Katz said no special privileges were being asked for Soviet Jews just the right to continue their ages-old traditions. ass mil Opens 6:45 NOW ...uenrK'S -.itUfC?! 1 v 1- -i, .v.. through many a political whirl wind. In 10.14 he easily won nom ination for reelection as governor ot North Dakota although he was under a federal indictment for conspiracy. Eventually he was ac quitted, c Only last year he won reelection without making a single cam paign speech in spile of the op position of his own state Republi can organization. In the Senate Langer voted against the Eisenhower adminis tration more often than with it He opposed Eisenhower's foreign policy. Anything proposed by Sec rotary of Agriculture Ezra Tatt Benson was almost sure to brin; Langer's opposition. Langer was an orator of the old school, who emphasized his words with windmill gestures and much banging on the desk. His trade mark was a cigar forever clamped in his mouth. He never lit one His sense of humor could be dis concerting. Once, while Sen numer Lapenart iK-mcn was making a Senate speech, Langer lounged in a chair in front of him He began plucking cigars from Capehart's breast pocket. 1'hc struggle was inequal. Cape- hart faltered, lost the thread of his speech and finally just sat down. Typical of Langer's often lonclv political stands was one of his last Senate votes. He and Sen Wayne Morse (D-Ore) were the only senators to vote against the labor reform bill at the last ses sion. Another key party vote was on the confirmation of Lewis. L. Strauss as secretary ot commerce earlier in the year. Two Republi cans voted against Strauss Langer and Sen. Margaret Chase Smith of Maine. Strauss 's con Urination was defeated 4D-46. ly anti-Communist Home Minister G.B. Pant. The meeting, in an atmosphere of intensely worsening Sino-liidian relations, lasted near ly three hours. Communist China Premier Chou En-lai said India's latest note on the clashes along the Sino-Indian borders showed "An attitude which is extremely harmful to the friendly relations between the two countries." The Chou statement was broad cast by tne iew uriina news agency in Pciping and monitored in Tokyo. The Indian government released the text of the latest note to Pciping today. A source close to the cabinet said Thimayya had outlined de lenses along the border. Thimay ya was instructed to take vigorous action to stop lurther Communist advances but not to begin any offensive. Communist troops now occupy Longju in the wild northeast fron tier agency and some areas in the Ladakh region. The note from Pciping that pre cipitated the rush meeting of the cabinet came only hours after the government released the text of its own latest nole to Peiping. It warned the Chinese that In dia would use "all means avail able" to halt the Chinese creep ing aggression below the tradition al India-Tibet-China border. In the note to Red China today India rejected as a "travesty of the truth" Chinese claims of Indian responsibility for the clash between Indian and Chinese troops Oct. 21 in the Ladakh re gion of the Indian state of Jam- rmi and Kashmir. Nine Indians were killed in the battle. Weather Toble THE WEATHER ELSEWHERE By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HIDES LOOT IN I.K.C, CHICAGO (UPIl Police said that when they arrested James P Hammond, 52, (or questioning in $27 robbery they found part of the loot stuffed In the hollow of his wooden leg. PR Klamath Full, Orrfon Serving Smitharn Oi-rgon and Northern California Purtliah.rl dally except Saturday by Southern Oregon Puhlljhtna' Company Maln at Laplanade Phone TUtedo 4-Rlll THANK JENKINS, fcdltor BILL JENKINS, Manailnl Editor FLOYD WYNNE, City Editor Entered aa aecnnd clan matttr at tha poat office at Klamath rail., Oregon, on Auguat 30, 190(1, under art of Cnngreaa, March 3, 1X79. Second-elata portage paid at Klamath Falla. Oregon. ana at additional malllnn orrtcea. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Carrtrr 1 Month f so fl Mnnlha ft 00 1 Year Slim Mail In Advanc. 1 Month ... 1 XI Montha -W 1 Year , $11(10 Carrier and Dealera Week daya copy So Sundaya. cooy lop UNITKI1 PRKSS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATED PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OE CIRCULATION Suhacribara not rei-elvtng delivery of their Hetald and Newt. pleaa phone TUnedo 4lll hefore 7 PM Aflar T PM, phone Meurlre Millar Cir ulatloft Manager at TUxeda 4-4JU. . High Low Pr. Albany, cloudy 41 22 Albuquerque, clear 60 34 Anchorage, clear 24 7 T Atlanta, clear 62 36 Bismarck, cloudy 38 30 Boston, cloudy 39 39 .02 Buffalo, cloudy 41 37 Chicago, cloudy 46 37 Cleveland, clear 46 27 Denver, clear . 60 32 Des Moines, cloudy .48 32 Detroit, clear 43 32 Fort Worth, clear - 61 35 Helena, cloudy 54 38 Honolulu, clear 83 72 .30 Indianapolis, cloudy 45 24 Kansas City, clear 55 39 Los Angeles, clear 88 60 Louisville, clear 50 26 Memphis, clear 55 28 Miami, cloudy 82 70 Milwaukee, clear 45 31 Mpls.-St. Paul, cloudy 37 20 New Orleans, clear 61 43 New York, clear 42 35 Oklahoma Cily, clear 60 38 Omaha, clear 49 28 Philadelphia, clear 45 32 Plioenix, clear 79 55 Pittsburgh, cloudy 44 35 Portland, Me., cloudy 39 33 Portland, Ore , clear 58 31 Rapid City, clear 52 36 Richmond, cloudy 48 31 St. Louis, rloudy 50 41 Salt Lake City, clear 55 25 San Francisco, clear 75 56 Seattle, cloudy 55 39 Tampa, cloudy , 68 55 Washington, clear 49 32 (T-Tracc) The Indian note called the inci dent a "Lapse into violence and aggression" on China's part and demanded that the Reds remove their troops from Indian territory and seek to resolve frontier dis putes by peaceful means. The note said it was "a matter of special regret" that China's "ruthless attack" at Ladakh came at a time when both Russia and the United States "are striving to their utmost ability to put an end to the cold war." (President Eisenhower is due in India for a five-day visit next month. Diplomatic sources con firmed Sunday that Soviet Premi er Nikila Khrushchev may also visit Nehru soon.) The nole to Peiping revealed tor the first time that the Com munists occupied parts of Ladakh as far back as 1957 but this was unknown to the Indian government until recently because the area is inhabited very sparsely and India "had no reason to anticipate FILM Developing 8-Picture Roll Jumbo Prints 39c Western Thrift 7th & Main any aggression from China." The Chinese have crossed the Mc.Mahon line border several times and now claim nearly 40,09. square miles of land traditionally j considered Indian. . s it a ILP' ta ifcjg' i jt' AM VutuMw And IMPROVEMENT I ytrar firaflac Tiermo-Hte Tempered Gloss FIREM.ACE ENClOSURf So b a dutiful framed in toM eeaee : S ilea Ml rt or aMli Sa toff o tporkf r cVofta $ trarMlfW bvra wood, caeal m ftaal fingertip Ira central Avoilobit foe a tiae apaaanga lead alia f Ureal, lai.iae mmf ten eototfui toomn. Shop Klamoth'i Meit Complete Stock of Fireplece Accenoriet 528 Main Phone TU 4-5662 Our exclusive "Better Than Gold" proportion fit nylons are exactly what the name implies. You never buy a single pair . . . because you always buy a box! FULL-FASHIONED STYLES: dress sheers, 60 gauge, 15 denier, dark seam, dress sheers, 60 gauge, 15 denier, self seam, dress sheers 100 stretch, self seam, walking sheers, 30 denier, self seam, box of 3 pr. box of 3 pr. box of 3 pr. box of 3 pr. SEAMLESS STYLES: dress sheers, seamless stretch, bolanced stitch, streak free, short, med., toll walking sheers, 15 denier, deluxe twin thread with mercerized lisle, plaited "soft-ease" sole for extra comfort. box of 3 pr. box of 3 pr. box of 3 pr. 1.95 1.95 2.50 1.95 2.75 2.95 2.95 Proportioned sizes. Small, 8Vi threuah 9Vi, Medium, 8Vi through 11, long, 9Vi through II, . . . four - five - six muddy little Indians . , . AND NOT A WASH-DAY PROBLEM IN SIGHT! Automatic, electric laundry equipment for fh horns eliminates wash-day woes... allows the homemaker to wash and dry the dirtiest clothes simply by setting a dial and flicking a switch ... Many things (es pecially the kids' wash and wear clothes) come from the electric washer and dryer so smooth that no ironing is necessary.. Saves strain on the pocket book, too. When you can wash and dry soiled clothes so easily, any time of day or night, in any kind of weather, you buy less clothes especially school clothes for the youngsters. Let your Ca!Ore Electrical League Dealer demonstrate automatic ' ELECTRIC WASHERS AND DRYERS for you and see for yourself I xK?L V