Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 25, 1959, Page 22, Image 22

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HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls. Ore.
Sunrlav, Ortohpr 21 1959
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A TRANSFER was received recently by James A. Tiffee, who Is being sent by Sears
to a new job as shipping receiving manager at their store in Medford. He will be joined
in the valley city in the near future by Mrs. Tiffee and young son, Kevin, 6 months old.
James Tiffee is a native of Klamath Falls and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Tiffee,
3008 Cortex Street.
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THE CROWN of worthy adviser of Rainbow for Girls
Is placed on Diane Kircher's head by her father, Dwight
Kircher, at recent installation ceremonies at Chiloquin.
Photo by Darlene Wolfe
Rainbow Girls
Install Officers
CHILOQUIN - "Candy Cane
Lane" in bright red letters on
while spelled the theme of Diane
Kircher's recent installation an
worthy adviser of Rainbow for
Girls. Tall crossed simulated can
dy canes, a sugar cube house with
red decorations and oilier arraiiRe
ments were placed throughout the
main rooms.
The new worthy adviser, who
wore a red and white gown made
by her mother, was crowned by
her father, Dwight Kircher, who
has been active in lodge work for
many years and served several
times as worthy patron of Eastern
Star and has been master of the
Masonic Lodge No. 197.
Sandra Haas was the Installing
eflicer. Other officers were Mrs
uwignt Kircher, Installing mar
shal; Claudia Heglund, installing
chaplain; Agatha DiUlio, installing
musician; Klliel Mathis, installing
recorder. Mother adviser is Dor
othy Stanley.
Other officers of the assembly
Include Janet Hall, worthy asso
ciate adviser; Judy Stanley, char
ity; Linda Oats, hope; Diane Haas,
faith; Cherry Wolff, recorder; Don
na Kircher, treasurer: Donna
Brown, chaplain; Jinny Doak, drill
leader; Barbara Davis, love; Shar
on Chase, religion: Judy Adamo,
nature; Karen Jenkins, immortal
ity; Micki Wolff, fidelity; Karen
Chase, patriotism; Barbara Nich
olson, service; Kathy Hayes, con
fidential observer; Helen Hes
cock, outer observer; Donna Rob
inson, musician.
A short program following Ihe
Installation included an addenda
dedicated to Sandra Haas, outgo
ing worthy adviser, one by Don
na Brown and Claudia Hrglund
Linda Oates, Beverly Ochna and
Norma Souers sang a trio. "On
the Good Ship Lollipop" which
was dedicated to Diane Kircher.
Refreshments were served in the
dining hall from a very long ta
ble covered with a white linen
cloth, candy cane centerpiece, and
red and white candles. Napkins,
mints and food carried out the red
and white color scheme, as did
all the floral arrangements.
Later in the evening the Rain
bow Girls and their guetls en
joyed a formal dance.
Mrs. Lorena Ward, slate pres
ident of the Retired Teachers Asso
ciation, was hostess at a dinner on
October II. Her guests were Mrs
Ivah D. Murray of Medford, slate
membership chairman; Mrs. Alice
F. Willits, Ashland, slate record
ing secretary; Mrs. Edna Russell,
Klamath Falls, stale correspond
ing secretary. Mrs. Ella Dick
ensen and Mrs. Elsie Burton of
the local unit were also present
After dinner Ihe group discussed
business of the stale organization.
Etna Rebekahs
ETNA The regular meeting of
Aureola Rebekah Lodge No. 113 of
Ihe Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows was held Thursday, October
8, with Laura Grossen, noble
grand, presiding.
Gwendolyn Munson of Fidelity
Rebekah Lodge No. 29, Hollister,
and Atlanta Adams of Atlanta Re
bekah Lodge No. 373, Weed, were
A letter was received from the
fledhud Rebekah Lodge No. 416
of French Gulch in regards to a
school of instruction to be con
ducted by President Helen McFar-
land of the Rebekah Assembly of
California on November 17. She is
to be assisted by Mary Newcastle,
secretary of the Rebekah Assem
bly. Appointed to serve on the re
freshment committee for Ihe next
meeting were Eleanor Lewis, Au
gusta Dotan, Ada Jordan and
Laura Grossen. r-
Following the adjournment of
Ihe business meeting a bridal
shower leting Irene Weston, vice
grand, was held in the banquet
hall. Present were Laura Grossen,
Ethel Norris, l-eatha Palmer, Mi
nerva Mattison, Atlanta Adams,
Bernice .Smilh, Dorice Young,
Doris Jackson, Mary Franklin
Lottie Ball, Ada Jordan, Augusta
Rotan, Frances Smith, Minnie So
lari, Maude Short, Claire Poller,
Gwendolyn Munson, Audrey Wol
ford, Virginia Roberts. Those un
able to attend but sending gifts
were Rose and Luther While, Meta
Quigley, Marie Rorshay, May Aker
and Irene's Secret Pal. After the
gilts were opened, refreshments
were served by Laura Grossen, Vir
ginia Roberts and Elhel Norris.
Ormsbee, president of the Mount
Shasta Snroplimist Club, and dele
gates, Mrs. Olivia Thebolt, Mrs.
Bobbie Geer and Mrs. Edythe Win-
kleman attended a convention of
District 3 clubs in Reno on Oct
her IB and 17.
ALTURAS In a high Nuptial
Mass Marilyn Lee Steffan and
Donald James Birmingham were
united in marriage at the Sacred
Heart Catholic Church in Sacra
mento on Saturday morning, Octo
ber 17.
The bride . is the daughter of
Mrs. Barbara McGrath Steffan of
Sacramento and Albin Steffan of
Gait, both formerly of Alturas.
Msgr. Gerald O'Driscoll, former
pastor of the Sacred Heart Church
of Alturas, was assisted by the
Rev. Michael Cormack at the
Events Planned
By Altar Society
YREKA High point of discus
sion by members of St. Joseph's
Altar Society at its October 8
meeting were the group s plans
for the annual fall dinner and the
fashion show, : both events sched
uled for November. The meeting
was held in St. Joseph's Parish
House with Mrs. Alice Colburn,
president, conducting the session.
Charles O'Donnell was named
as chairman for the annual fall
dinner event, which will be held
on November 7.
The fashion show is slated for
November 12, to be held in con
junction with the society's regular
meeting. Rosemary Svetlik of Mon
tague, program chairman, reported
on progress of plans for this event.
A report on the first meeting
and installation of officers in the
newly formed Siskiyou County
Deanery Council of Catholic Wom
en, held in Weed on September 23,
was given by Grace Micke. The
event was attended by representa
tives of Yreka, with Arleen Duffy
chosen as second vice president
of the new organization.
A comic hat show was presented
following the business session. Car
ol Favcro received first prize for
an original creation of a towering
pine cone and grapefruit nestled
in pine needles. Mystery package
was won by Ann Boyce.
Refreshments were served by
hostesses Madeline Baumbach and
Leona Bryan. Others present in
addition to those mentioned were
Pauline Bart, Florence Clement.
Jeanne Ensele, LeAnn Lavagnino
Margaret Lawrence, Martha Ieal
Ruth Leal, Marie Purinton, Chris
tine Reece, Nadine Silva, Theresa
Sokolosky, Anna Wright, all of
Yreka; Marie l,enz and Josephine
Suva, both of Montague.
BONANZA The Bonanza Gar
den Club met at the home of Mrs
Marvin Brown on October 9. Mrs
Robert Hartley was co-hostess.
Irene Hartley, who was to have
talked on flowering shrubs, was
unable to be present so a round
table discussion was held on in
door and outdoor plants. Lizzie
Schmor won the special prize.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. Harry Frazier in
Langell Valley on November 13.
Lizzie Schmor will be the speak
er on winter mulch.
Refreshments were served fol
lowing the meeting.
Use thin toasted bread circles
er square. Spread with a little
mayonnaise and sprinkle with In
stant minced onion; broil until
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wLjJ under-cover
435 Main
nien it comes to describing this enchanting preparation,
words fail us. It does all the things you beg a foundation
to do... and then more and more! It foters your com
plexion with exquisite, lasting color! Touches your dry
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seem to disappear. 5.00 plus us
Ph. TU 4-5463
The bridal gown of ivory peau
de soie had deep side panels of
Alencon lace extending into a court
train. The princess waistline was
accented in back with a rose of
the gown fabric. The bodice fea
tured three quarter length sleeves
and a scoop neckline trimmed with
Ivory floral sprays of antique
pearls formed a tiara which held
her fingertip length veil of ivory
illusion. She carried a mother of
pearl prayer book and a shower
bouquet of white orchids, lilies of
the valley and stephanotis.
Shirley Ann Armstrong of Los
Angeles .the maid of honor, wore a
gown of white chiffon. The draped
bodice with short sleeves was at
tached to a floor length gathered
skirt. Two floating panels were
draped from the neckline in back.
Her headpiece was a white chiffon
hat encircled with veiling and
trimmed with pearls. Her flowers
were blue chrysanthemums, bou-
vardia and sma II white chrvsnn.
themums in a shower bouquet.-
Helen Klutcher and Beverly
Marsden, both of Los Angeles
were bridesmaids. Patricia Birm-
ingnam ol Santa Rosa, sister ofl
the bridegroom, was junior brides
maid. Their ensembles were iden
tical to the honor maid's except
for bouquets which were white
chrysanthemums and blue bouvar
dia. John F. Birmingham of Santa
Rosa performed best man duties
for his brother. The ushers were
William Steffan, brother of the
bride, James Birmingham, cousin
of the bridegroom, Kevin Birming
ham of San Jose, brother of the
bridegroom and Arthur Mcssiler of
Los Angeles.
The Del Prado was the scene
of the luncheon reception for the
275 wedding guests.
After a honeymoon in Ihe Ha
waiian Islands the newlyweds will
be at home in Sanla Monica while
the bridegroom attends graduate
school at the University of Cali-i
fornia at Los Angeles.
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RECENTLY ARRIVED from Headquarters of Air Defense Command ENT AFB, Colo
rado Springs, Colorado, is Lt. Col. Wilson V. Edwards, who is the new director of opera
tions of .the 408th fighter group at Kingsley Field. He is pictured with his wife, Barbara, and
sons, Gary, and Danny, seated in front. Col. Edwards as a command pilot has over 4,000
flying hours to his erpdit and flew 34 combat missions in a P5 I Mustang in the European
theater. He has served in England, Germany and Malta. The family is residing in Falcon
Heights. Photo by Sgt. Charles Bennett
Coed Captures
Lead In.OSC Play
Sue Thompson, a junior in ele
mentary education, has been sel
ected to play the leading role of
Annie in "Annie Get Your Gun'
on the Oregon State College cam
pus December 1-5. The production
will be presented by the combined
music and speech departments of
the college.
Sue is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Thompson of 660 Loma
Linda Drive.
LAKEVIEW - Mr. and Mrs.
Merle O'Neill and family wete
honored with a farewell party this
week given by their many friends
in the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints. The O'Neills
have moved to Reno where they
will be in the motel business. ,
W. Give
Green Stamps
better fit for all babies
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d. Ptoyttt living Bra with Beauty.Snopo Op. Not podried, but pro-vhopoj
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