Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, July 23, 1959, Page 24, Image 24

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    HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls. Ore.
Thursdav. Julv 23. 1959
FOR PICNICS, at home or away, delicious butterscotch
bars are easily made from packaged cake mix. One pack
age of mix makes 32 of. these 'tasty "fingers." A coffee
glaze makes these an extra treat and ice cold Coca Cola
is the delicious beverage which goes with any picnic. The
photo and recipe features Swans Down Butterscotch Cake
Wherever the picnic site and
whatever the crowd, one thing is
cure, there must be a dessert. And
everyone agrees that the most pop
ular dessert includes cookies or
small cakes. Team these with ice
cream or fresh fruit or let them
hold their own with just a bever-l
age, iced or hot.
These moistly delectable Mocha
Butterscotch Bars with their cot
fee glaze are quickly made from
Summer Cologne
This light, sparkling, new Sum
mer Cologne, in its generous all
summer b o t't I e is meant to
splurge, to splash, to revel in.
Blended for extravagant use, it is
refreshing, exhilarating, cooling
and downright soul-nourishing.
The fragrance of Desert Flow
er is a modern classic, bordering
on the exotic. Its appeal is mys
terious, emotional. A fresh citrus
top-note makes it light enough for
summer, and it is surprise-blended
with jasmin and rare sweet woods
to create a sophisticated, yet deep
ly romantic elegance.
There are countless ways to en-
Joy it ... as a cooling after
bath rub ... for quick fresh
tips. Be inventive. Dream up spe
oial ways of your own, Try sprin
kling it in the rinse-water when
you dip your 'prettiest lingerie or
stockings. Use it on your hands
after kitchen chores. Keep a bot
tle in the bathroom, the kitchen,
St the office, in the car. If you
want your .weekend hostess to say
come again, take her a gift-bottle.
a box of butterscotch cake mix.
lhey are baked in two 13x9x2-
inch pans and then cut into bars
Fine out of hand eating, they are
for picnics at this season and lunch
boxes later on.
1 package butterscotch cake
1 cup strong cold coffee
2 eggs, unbeaten
1 cup raisins, chopped
1 cup chopped nuts.
If desired, dissolve 2 teaspoons
instant coffee in 1 cup water; use
instead of the strong coffee.
Empty cake mix into bowl. Add
coffee and eggs. Beat 3 minutes
until smooth and creamy. Mix in
raisins and nuts. Pour batter into
two -13x9x2-hich pans, which have
been greased and floured on bot
toms and sides. Bake in moderate
oven -1350 degrees) 15 to 20 min
While cake is still warm, spread
Coffee Glaze over top of cakes
When cool, cut into bars. Store
in pans covered with aluminum
3 cups sifted confectioners su
2 tablespoons melted butter
Vi cup strong cold coffee
- .... . about) i - -.y- -2
teaspoons vanilla
- If desired, dissolve Vi teaspoon
instant coffee in U cup water
use instead of strong coffee.
Measure sugar into small bowl.
Add butler and coffee gradually,
beating until smooth. Blend in va
nilla. Makes 1 1-3 cups glaze.
. C-;KI:li;'(Jttm
v(, 7
, . f -
NEW YREKA SAFEWAY store is holding its grand opening today. This photograph was
provided by Safeway Stores, Inc., Sacramento headquarters, and shows the beautiful maat
department of the new store. Self-service meats represents "another important step in our
contniuing effort to provide the public with better and better service," a spokesman for
Safeway said.
The first firstaid measure for
hee sting is to wash the sting
rea with soaD and water evi
apply a soothing lotion or anti
histamine cream. Then remove
the stinger with tweezers. If the
victim has trouble breathing, call
a doctor, because this symptom
may indicate an allergy to the
bee's venom.
We'SL ' "' A
through and through. The dress
ihg "con'a'ihs,'a world of delicious
spices and seasonings that add de
lightful new zest to the meat.
For a nice extra touch, warm
the buns before serving. Add
tossed green salad, baked beans
and iced tea,' and you have a real
party menu for pennies. So easy
loo! v
GRILLED HAMBURGER takes on zesty garlic flavor when
seasoned with Wish-Bone Italian dressing before cooking.
Two or three tablespoons of the dressing mixed into each
pound of raw meat serves to hold the patties together,
tenderizes and seasons with a delightful combination of
garlic and spices..
Everybody's cooking, out these
days. There seems to be a "certain
magic, to a fire in the grill, the
faint aroma of smoke in the air
and good company gathered
around. But the best is yet to
come-rthe food!
Here's a wonderful new way to
dress up hamburgers till they're
fare for any event . . . and just
as delicious and welcome as more
expensive cuts of meat.
To each pound of raw ground
beef, mix in 2 to 3 tablespoons of
Wish-Bone Italian Dressing. Then
shape the meat into patties about
l'& inches thick. And here's a
hint. Handle the meat as little as
possible; handling makes the
meat tough, causing it to lose
flavor and juices.
Next, the grilling method: Start
your fire far enough ahead so you
have a glowing bed of coals, be
fore putting the Wish-Burgers on
the grill. Place the rack 3 inches
from the fire you should have a
medium, not high, heat. Then the
cooking'time will be 10 to 12 min
utes for medium-rare burgers, 16
to 18 minutes for well-done.
Watch the meat closely at first
so you can scar both sides quick
ly, then cook until they are crusty
on the outside. Turn often as the
burgers cook.
Result: You keep all the juices
and flavor inside, and a marvel-
ously rich, garlic flavor spreads
QUICK SET your bangs with Desert Flower Summer Cologne
between shampoos to-give your hair a lift and freshness.
For a real lift during hot weather, use it as a splash after
every bath or shower. " ,
Would you like to be
17 Degrees Cooler
at home, or in office or store?
C-thru Aluminum Awnings
C-thru gives --
12 months a year service.
7 colors to ad distinctive beauty and comfort.
Colors stay bright for years.
Custsemiied installation.
An engineered awning.
Air conditioning costs cut.
Prices start, 36x30 ut $24.00, and up.
Phone TU 4-3241, 2021 Lavey St., Klamath
Falls. Call for free estimates. Also aluminum
Storm windows, screens and combination doers.
Men fancy themselves as the ex
perts of the barbecue.
But even an expert can learn
new tricks from another expert,
of course.
So. Barney Duin of Safeway
Stores will come from his Port
land headquarters to talk about
and demonstrate beef barbecuing
next Tuesday afternoon at Klam
ath County Fairgrounds. Men are
welcome to attend.
The demonstration will be put
on by Duin and Bev Lyons, pop
ular home economist (or Califor
nia Oregon Power Company. Med-
ford. The cooking school will be
sponsored by Klamath County Cow
Belles. It will start at 1:30 p.m
and conclude about 3 p.m.
Guests at the Cow Belles' last
free beef cooking school, present
ed by Mrs. Lyons, were not all
women. But this time a direct
appeal to the men to attend is
being made by Duin.
Montgomery Ward & Company
is contributing the use of a bar
becue grill and lawn and patio
furniture to add atmosphere to the
big exhibit building at the fair
grounds, according to Mrs. Homer
1229 E. Main TU 4-3324
DeLamater, president of the Cow
Kirkpatrick's East Side Appli
ances will contribute the use of
Westinghouse Electric range and
Lucas Furniture and Adair's
Furniture have oftercd the use of
furniture, also, Mrs. DeLamater
Guests at the beef barbecue cook
ing school will be invited to sam-j
pie the dishes cooked by the twoi
experts. Home marie cookies and
iced tea will he served by the
Cow Belles. There will also be
gilts and prizes.
To keep toenail polish from
smearing, separate toes with cot
ton or little bolsters made from
Cocts quilted cotton squares.
To sleep in comfort, set your
hair with rollers made from Coets
quilted cotton squares. Fasten
each Coet roller with a small hair
vapo lob
Grocers iZj
'All I did was promise him , ,'',JjJ
I BLUE BELL Potato Chips... 1.
I fresher in the Double Bag!" ',.-, ' 4l ,
Jefieef Fresh fruits Will Not Soak Into Shorttok
SVE TWS!.0tie Recipe for All Fruits Without Cooking
Preparation of Fruit: Wash thorooghly. Hull end eroah
berdeg. Grind tree fruits.
L Measure 2 cups crushed or ground fruit and 1 cup M.C.P.
"Low Sugar" Liquid Pectin into kettle. Mix well,
2. Add 2 cups sugar; blend mixture thoroughly to dissolve
&. Some tart fruits, such as Red Raspberries and Logan
berries, may be tart enough to jell the fruit, but other
fruita will need lemon juice. The amount of lemon juice
to add ranges from V4 cup to cup, depending upon the
kind of fruit being used.
4. First, try adding Vi cup lemon juice, mix well. If texture
and tartness suit you, do not add more lemon juice. If
jellied fruit ia not firm enough, then add Vt cup more
lemon juice; but no fruit will need more than Vi cup
lemon juice for this basic recipe.
5. The fruit will jell immediately when the proper amount
of lemon juice is added and it is then ready for use on
shortcake, or if you want to keep it for future use, it will
keep for weeks stored in refrigerator same as milk.
"Jellied Fresh Fruits" ran be frozen in regular freezing con
tainers tor long storage. When thawed out, jellied fruit will retain
its perfect texture and fresh fruit flavor.
The above recipe will make 2Vt lbs. of "Jellied Fresh Fruit."
This recipe may be doubled, tripled, etc., by multiplying all the
ingredients by the same number.
Get M.C.P. "hove Sugar" Ptctin at your grneert wm.
Wlil'' i iitTb z, 9l44b.r- , Z)
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