CP rr 4 O 0 1 i - n " 'm- - r vi ;v y noneybacw -iJ ...... . .7,..H6w ' i -a V. - 1 V so good vNk v ; -r-w rBOV oranges an, i J Of J 4 4 BUY THEM BY THE BAG AT YOUR. GROCER'S! . 4 Oh( BOY! SNOBOY FRESHNESS! GUARANTEED! SNOBOY sees to that . . . rushes the fruit from tree to packing house . . . rushes it to conditioning rooms . . . rushes it to your grocer's. There you get true tree picked SNOBOY freshness! a, OH BOY! SNOBOY FLAVOR! : OK BOYl SNOBOY JUICINESS! GUARANTEED I r'jv , :,. GUARANTEED! , . . , ,; '. SNOBOY oranges and lemons ripen on the tree. When 1 j'-" '. SN6b0Y picks fronl'trees specially selected for every single juicy drop of flavor has reached its peak . - their- ability to produce extra-juicy fruit ; .,, the and hot before .the .fruit is picked. That's' what r kind you want for drinks.. salads . and other picked. for flavor quality means! v. sax'. -At. ' 1reh-fruit treat. : .,'.- o o uo - . r . . ... , . like a Read the guarantee on SNOBOY Orange and Lemon bags; it's your guarantee o( highest quality ... of your money hack ! is no orange orlemoi t In sonny California i found the climate orange and lemon like bet. There, gun, noil and temper ature work full-time to produce SNOBOY'S true coloring, match less flavor, and extra juiciness. Ripe and ready! And noSNOBOY orange or lemon is ever picked until it i. Both suRar teats and taate teats are used (o he sure tpxture, juiciness and flavor have reached their very peak. After condit ioning under carefully , controlled temperature and hu midity, the fruit i washed, graded bv hand, sized, and then packed also by hand. SNOBOY'S care . here means quality at your store. . SNOBOY'S tree-to-grocer care continues as the oranges and lemons are rushed in cool, cool trucks to your grocer's. There you , get famous SNOBOY quality . . . puked far flavor quality! picked for f 1mm THERE'S NO CARROT LIKE A SNOBOY EITHERI Fresh from the fields, SNOBOY Carrots are washed, brushed, traded, packaged and cooled. . With carrots, speed is important., And SNOBOY Carrot art hsr , vested, packaged and shipped all In the same day! When they arrive al your grocer's, they're fresh, erisp, full of flavor! , f 1