PACE 12 A HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Thursday, July 23, 195 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned hu been appointed admin irttnx of the Estate of thodiu wu liam Pieerd. alto known at T. W. Pi card, deceased, by the Circuit Court f Klamath County, Oregon, and that all person having claim agatiut aaid tale are hereby notified to present the tame to said administratrix at the ffiee of the undersigned at Room 4, Meinase Building. Kiamam ram. ure on. toarether with Proper vouchers. within tlx months of the dale of the first publication of thla notice, which U juiy urd, iatt. Helena Edith PUrard Administratrix O'Neill McLaren Attorneya for Admlniitratrtx ho. 88, July 23, 30, August 6, 13, 1859 No. 57-73 NOTICE Or FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE Or OREGON IN AND TOR -V THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH Tn the Matter of the Estate nt JESSIE BOBBINS WEISER, Deceased Notice is hereby given that I have filed mv Final Account as adminis trator of the Estate of Jessie Robbini Welter, deceased, and that the Court haa set September 1, 1090, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., as the time lor the hearing of objections to aald Final Account and settlement thereof. Dated this July 23rd, 1059. LORENTINE S. WEISER Administrator O'NEILL Sc McLAREN Attorney! for Administrator ho. 88, July 23, 30, August 0, 13, 1959 PROBATE No. 59-75 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY Tn the Matter of the Estate of WALTER EDMOND ANDERSCH. being the same person as W. E. ANDERbCH, Dread. Notice la hereby given that I have been appointed Administratrix of the estate of Walter Edmond Andersrh. belne- the aame person as w. E. An dersch, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them to me, with proper vouchers, at the office of Ganong it Canong, First Federal Building, Kfam ath Falls, Oregon, within , six months from July l, 1959, writer, is 'tne aaie ef first publication of thla notice. Genevieve Andersen, Adrainii' tratrix , ; . Gannng & Ganong 1 Attorneys for Administratrix ho, 77, July 16, 23 , 30, August 8. ' No. 58-1 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN TfE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOB THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH tn the Matter of the Estate of PAT RICK J. JACKSON, Deceased Notice Is hereby given ' that .1 have tiled my Final Account as adminis trator of the Estate of Patrick J. Jackson, deceased, and that the Court haa set July 31, 1950, at the htur of 10:00 a.m., as the time for the hearing of objections to aaid Final Account and settlement thereof. i Dated this July 2. 1959 J. C. O'NEILL, Administrator O'NEILL at McLAREN Attorneya for administrator No. A3 July 2-8-16-23. 1050 Temperatures Of Depths Provide Clues For Crew By LEONARD ENGEL Copyright. 1958 ABOARD RESEARCH VESSEL VEMA (AP) The men call it the hero board, because "you feel like a bloody hero after you've been out on it in bad weather." It'i a swaying, slender pivoted board that projects out over the side of the far-ranging Columbia University research ship Vema- two thirds of the way aft along the starboard side, and seven feet above the deck. The swaying plank's proper name Is the hydro board. It's used for ..attaching record thermo meters and water sample bottles to a wire cable that carries them down to the bowels of the ocean, samples and temperature mea- miles below. In the weeks 1 was on Vema someone was out on the hero board almost every day, sending down and retrieving thermo meters and bottles. Vema and three other research ships were cruising the Atlantic north of Puerto Rico, looking for a site for the MohoTe, the miles-deep hole that is to be drilled through the earth's crust beneath the sea. Knowledge of water conditions is indispensable to the Mohole pro ject. Moreover, ocean research ships send down thermometers and bot tles wherever they go. For water (JJV- THE CASE Of I V THE FORGETFUL SHERIFF By Donald J. Sobol The Bureau of Land Management an nnuncea plana to adverUie for compe tltlve bids timber from the tracts described below during the period July 1. 1990 to June 30, I960. Theie tracts art tn addition to the tracts Included Jn the plan previously an nounced for the period January 1, low to June 30. i960. This timber Is on lands managed by the Medfnrd District. The volumes listed are pre- llminary estimates of the timber to be offered from certain portions ot the sections described. The tracts are grouped according to the quarter of the calendar year in wmcn it probable that the timber will be fared for bids. Auctions will be held each month of the year at which time specific cruised volumes and minimum appraised prices will be published, as well aa other Information regarding the type of bidding, the exact time and place for receipt of bids, and oth er terms and conditions relating to the conduct of the auction and to timber Bale contracts. Further Information Jnay ba obtained from the District Manager. Bureau of Land Manage ment, South Riverside at Barnelt Road. Medford, Oregon. KLAMATH MASTER UNIT IN 3rd QUARTER 4 K., Sec. 37, 1.000 M bd. ft.; T. 40 S. R. I.. Sees. 27 33. 3.500 M bd ft. T. 39 S., R. S I.. Sec. 13, 3.900 M bd. ft.: T. 40 S. R. 7 E.. Sec. 1.000 M bd. ft.; IN 4th QUARTER CALENDAR YEAR 1999: T. 38 S, R E., Sec. 31, 3.000 M bd. ft.t T. 38 S. It. S I., Sec. 34. 4.000 M bd. ft. No. 78, July 18, 13. Haledjian dismounted from his little burro and limped after the other dudes bent upon corralling some western color. The tour's grizzled little guide brought them to a pocket formed by high boulders. He motioned for silence. 'Now this here spot is cajled Outlaw Cemetery, on account of the five desperadoes laid under in 75. . "Them outlaws held up the bank at River Falls and got off with $12,000 in gold. The sheriff set out after 'cm, but bein' new on the job, forgets to buckle on his shootin' irons. "So a posse rides after .the sher iff, seein' as he might need help. About a mile outa town, they hear gun play. When it stops, they ride up to this here spot. Stretched out dead as fish in a barrel is them five outlaws. 'The sheriff has the gold and a bad arm. Claimin' he only done his duty, he says the lookout spotted him and pumped two Bullets into his left arm afore he can act. Then he gets ahold of the look out's pearl-handled six-gun . and puts a shot plumb through the lookout's head. "The other four buckoes come ashootin', but the lawman drills 'em all in four seconds flat two between the eyes and two in the heart. ' ' "The. leader of the posse tells the sheriff he can run for mayor. Then one of the citizens speaks up. The six outlaws Is boothilled where they lay, and the posse con ducts the sheriff back to town. Naturally, they hang him. "I guess they reckoned he was either one of the gang or the lie he told was an insult to their. brains. Either case was cause for the' rope in them days." .', Haledjian knew what the citizen said. Do you? auk. "Stretched out dead as fish in a barrel is them outlaws." :u0 Bno a3n)S ixu am qejg : 'iibu pjed 'auo sim passim noA"Ti ; sBHio aAij aqj - jo qana pamn usq) jjijaqs aifi' PUB o) pajij im(oo aq) jaquiautaif (;'anS-xf b jo jno spnnq usass jag j,ubo no, ICopyrljhf, 159, by Dona lei i. Sobol) surements provide clues to one of the ' most important and. most mysterious regions on earth the region below the surface of the sea. Oceans cover more than 70 per cent of the earth's surface and contain an almost inconceivably vast mass of water over 320 mil lion cubic miles of it. Hidden with in this huge "inner space" is more life than exists on land much of it still unknown. Hidden in the "inner space," too, are currents mifihtier than hundreds of Mississippi, trans porting tropical warmth to one shore and chilling cold to another. Recent studies have even con nected the oceans with the Ice Ages. Warm Atlantic currents helped bring the glaciers that buried the continents by melting the Arctic .ice and converting dry arctic winds to wet, snow-bearing ones. Oceanographers probe many as pects of the sea simultaneously. Almost all research ships, for ex ample, are constantly on the look out for new species of marine life. Early on its present voyage. Vema went fishing for a "sea monster" the adult form of a re cently . discovered outside eel larva, whose adult form could easily be of sea monster size. No monster was caught, though some thing of great size and strength struck and straightened out the heavy six-inch iron hook Vema had put down.- And Vema's biology trawl did bring back, off Central America five specimens of a marine worm belonging to a family thought ex tinct for 300 million years. Oceanographie ships have long charted currents. At first, the purpose was to aid navigation. now they are studied for clues to the migration of fish and the role of the oceans as weather and climate maker. Meandering ocean waters can be tracked in several ways. One is to look for telltale markers that tag particular masses of ocean water. That's one of the missions of the man on the hero board. The temperature records and water samples he obtains identify water masses deep in the ocean and help reveal ocean water's wanderings. Over the decades, analysis has shown that the temperature, salt content and several other pro perties of particular masses of ocean water are remarkably con slant. As a result, ocean researchers have been able to work out the main patterns of ocean water flow. Warm water flows along the surface of the ocean from the equator to the poles. Cold water flows back again down below, near the bottom. OSBORN HOTEL EUGENE. ORE. Mrs. J. B. Early Jea Early Jr. Proprietara ThtroEgkly Mo"er ROUND-UP DANCE t?L liS SATURDAY JULY 25 ' Klamath AUDITORIUM Dancing 9 to 1 Starring ROSE & CAL ... J MADDOX - PEE WEE STIDHAM - "BUTTE VALLEY RANGERS" Jit mi No. M-3 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN TH CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TATl OF ORXGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Metter of the lit aw of HAMIK 8KEEN FARNSWORTH, Da MIMfli Nolle 1 hereby .riven thet I have tiled my Final Account as executor ef tne Estate ol Mamie Skeen Farm worth, deceased, end that the Court naa sat iuiy ai, ww at tne nour oi 10:00 a.m.. as the time for the hear iriff of objections to aald Final Ac count and settlement thereof. Dated this July a, Mitt. VICTOR C. TAYLOR Executor O'NEILL St McLAHKN Attorneys for Executor No. 48, July 3, 9, lfi. 23, - NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un derstgned has been aDDOinted adminis trator of the Estate of Thelma Hood, also known aa Thelma Miller Hood, deceased, by the Circuit Court of Klam ath County, Oregon, and that all per sons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to preten same to said administrator at the of fice of the undersigned at Room 4, Melhaae Building, Klamath Falls. Ore gon, together with proper Vouchers,' within six months of the dale of the first publication of this notice, .which U JUly IS, 1B38. Charles Hood, Sr. ' ' i Administrator O'Neill tt McLaren Attorneys for Adm.nlitratnr No. 73, July 16. 23, 30, August 6. 1959 NOTICE TO CREDITORS - NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that tne undersigned has been appointed by the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Klamath County. Oreaon as Administratrix of the Estate of Gerald Roy Lalo. Deceased. All rwr- aons having claims against aald estate are hereby required to present them to me at tne office of Glenn D. Ramtres. " Aulte 303. l.O.O.F. Building. I2 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, with proper vouchers within six months - from the date of this notice. DATED this 33rd day of July. UMIV Grace Lalo, Administratrix of the Estate of GERALD ROY LALO. Deceaaed GLENN D. RAMIREZ ROBERT M. REDDING Attorneya for Administratrix No. 93, July 33, 30, August 6. 1j. 1939 NOTICE OF STREET VACATION . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Common Council of the City of ' Klamath Falls, Oregon, at Its regular meeting, juiy ao, adopted a res olution, declaring on Its own Investi gation and initiation; Its intention to vacate: van Ken Street, in a westerly direction, from lis intersection with the west line of Highway 97. known as West Side Bypass, to lis intersec tion with the east tine of Monti iu Street, all in City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. That at regular meeting of said Common Council to be held on the 14th. day of August. IBM. at the hour ef 7:30 o'clock P.M. thereof. In the Council Room of the City Hall for aid City, a public hearing wjll be held on aald matter, at whtrh any ob jections or remonstrances which may be made In writing and filed with the Recorder of said City will be heard and considered, and at which the Pub lic may ba heard. Thla notice is given by order of the Common Council of aald City, Dona this July 33, 19S9. ROME KELLER I City Recorder. MO. 9$, July 93, 90, August I, 13. 1999.' ADMISSION 1.50 PER PERSON J pus me snerm nacK to town. , no s)snq usass lag i.ubo noA .1 , . No Done Thii Wack at iha Red Barn II (, 15T, b, Donald J, UM) IV . ..a g j 1 " " f 1 fidBwn i r-w fSyr , i wur vrocers: - yNl 1 f 1 I I I I for bowl filled with cottage cheeie , Bowl Alon. I. W VfcSX k4 I $1.21 . II Filled with delicious SS g- SJ 11 AlThA I AMI I v-JSt--, I Fi" ' If , ... ; .. . 1! ' ; . II NOV! A Berottfrn' modern bmrt wfth oView of honschoH inerf . , Team t h e delicate II. Unique dotiok wH cooKrucnoa kcept hoc foods HOT, md oM I I j x i. II- t j r " . 1 . II- f oodnen e f fresh- lis 'oods CLD . . . longer! Prevents messy rings on ail furnwore. 1 II . . 6fied of lorely. heat-resistant STYRON designed for years of I I creamed Mede Land II ' c n- . . . . , 'II' il..J -.IJ . nnrcim use. cjgm loreiy psstei srmdes, witn sir-tight nnbreakabla I I ' m""" "s piewtic core to march the white petal trims. II " ' , Cheeie with the f loor If So beoatrful, so procn'col yoo'D n mem every day fori . . , . . II l ' 7 of fresh summer fruits! II refngerotor ttaroge desserts .eareais - dips II hoforeoWses eo-oW. ' " uiek.. that's II IIMITIO TIMI OFriSI OIT YOUIS TODAY I ,ur P'k Up ho 'II'''.'" weather appetitee. Try At your grocers or from your Medo- 1 with II, ' . ' , ' - , 1 fresh-creamed Meadow LQ"d Route Man! J I G.,d ct.,. aw HEiaRflAN'S BIG MM, ENDS SATURDAY-JULY 25th EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE CUT 20 to 50 Except For A Few Nationally Advertised Fair Trade Items M Wool Suits 2 - Groups - Values to 67.50 , . No Alterations 3T8 n "ill.;: ' All Wool Slacks And Wool & Silk Slacks Sizes 28 to0 Sm values to 19.79. (No Alterations) V (o) NATIONALLY ADVERTISED Slightly Soiled $00 CLOSE OUT Odds & Ends WORK PANTS Green & Dark Grey$O)00 . 3.98 Value Western Shirts Dress Sox Sport Shirts All DressSbcks CUT At Least No Refunds No Exchanges On Sale Merchandise 826 MAIN ST. MMMMBMSSaSSaMMHIBMBH