PAGE TEN 1:;, l& yw J J Hy-- k - HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath F!!. Orr Tuesday. .Tunc 30. Over The Garden Gete I Twelve member were present j corresponding secretary, was pre A the meeting and all participateflented with gift from the club in NORTHSIIIE GMtllKN CUB Members of the Northside Gar itrn Club will have a work day Tuesday, June 30. at Shippin.ion Park, it was decided at the last meeting, which was held at Muore Park recenily. Hostesses for the potluck lunch eon were .Mrs. Cf.ry Trice and Mri. iMenn Thomason Mrs. M. A FASHION COUNCIL members of th. local Hi-Fi Club modeled sportswear end sep arates at The Town Shop last week. This group is sponsored by the Coca-Cola Company and pictured here, from left, front row, are Kathleen Cionon, Sacred Heart Academy freshman; Cheryl Ball, KUHS freshman; Nancy Nicol, KUHS freshman, and Donna Con. tier, Merrill High School senior; back row, same order, Carolyn Osborn, KUHS junior; Carolyn Ball, KUHS junior; Barbara Medley, Henley High School junior; JoAnn Bogatay, University of Oregon sophomore, and Cynthia Kann, Marylhurst freshman. A similar pres entation is planned for Miller's Department Store with members of the Hi-Fi Club Fashion Council participating. Council members are chosen as representatives of all schools in the area. State Cattlemen Name Secretary PORTLAND 'APl Cecil Kd wards. former supervisor lor the state Racing Commission, is the new secretary of the Oregon Cat tlemen's Assn. He was named to the post Sat urday and said he soon will move to Prineville where the organiza tion maintains its headquarters. Edwards was fired as racing supervisor several months ago. The board said after releasing him that his work had been satisfactory. BOAT SKIZLRES SKOl'I.. Korea lAPi The South Korean government today claimed that the North Korean Commu nists seized 3R South Korean tish ing boats with 231 fishermen aboard during ihe first Tive months of this year. Bowman. Merrill, was the guest speaker. Her talk on horticulture contained many suggestions which can be used for the District Flow .r Show. August ) and 2 at the fairgrounds. Mrs. Price gave a oi let account of her trip to tne dis-t-ict convention. The plant sale, held recently, was discussed 'and pictures ni the group, officers and guest speaker were taken for the scrap book. f.ll.rilHIST CAItDEN 1'1.1'B j The Gilchrii Garden Cluh met iciently at the Gilchrist Metho dist Church for its regular month ly meeting. Pl?ns were completed lor the annual family picnic to he held W 'dncsday. July 2J. in Gil christ. Mrs. Richard llialt. presi dent, announced there will be no July meeting. Irs. Izom Kzell and Mrs C. W Oxoorrow reported on the Oregon Confederation of Garden Club's Convent'on. which they attended June lfi. 17 and 18 in Portland. They were present at the installa tion of ofliccrs for the coming year, al which time Mrs. Verne llrader, Chemult, was installed as president of tne Oregon Federa tion. The affair was held at Lewis and Clark College. in the program of flower arranging using fresh flowers (romjhe mem bers' gardens. Mrs. Leslie Norlin, appreciation of the many hours of work she has contributed to the organization over the years that mm, ' r4 V'. --," -he has been- a member. Mrs. Norlin and her family are lea irg Gilchrist soon to make their home in California. A gift also was given to Mrs. Dale Harris. KU Teacher Attends Meet Charles T. Carlson, Klamath Union High School, is one of six Oregon educators attending a sum mer leiiowship lor physics and Chemistry study at the University Ot California at Berkeley this year Kitty high .school and prepara tory "science teachers from 14 western, slates received the awards. The scholarships are of fered by the General Klectric Charitable and K.ducational Fund Course are handled through uni versity extension. The at holarships cover intensive lecture and laboratory courses the UC campus and field trips to various Oh install j ions in the Bay Area. Program is under di rection of George Jura, professor of chemislry nt t'C. Purpose is to bring teachers up tc date in their areas of instruc tion and to help them stimulate student Interest and enrollment in high school science courses. Instruction began Monday. All expenses are covered by the scholarship. Land Bureau Sells Tracts esti- I. "V 5 c V- . J 1 . 1 1 'i 'ft Li Ml f ol - al Beach Peir Hslie To HY tin. -,h: STEVE E. JASSO. a Marine private of Kamath Falls, re cently completed four weeks' individual combat training at Camp Pendleton. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe' I. Jasso of 729 Walnut Avenue. SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (APl Two you.-g men are hiking to New York--along the beach. Why? To prove it can he clone. Don Jcr.kin and Frank Culy said as they set out last Saturday. The plan to trudge via Los An geles. San Diego, the peninsula of ower California, the west coast ol Mexico and Central America, along the Pannma Canal, then up the east coast of e North Amer ican cnnlincnt to New York. They figure it will lake them lit months. Kach carried a machete, hunt ing knile. two changes of cluthes. a compass, maps, knapsacks, blankets, lirst aid Icits. flashlights. toilet articles and 20 pounds of food. But no money; they plan to live nlf the land. Friendly Helpfulness To Every Crted and Purse Ward's Klamath Funeral Home 925 Hiqh TU 2-4404 Marguerite M. Word and Sons DRIVE THE HILLMAN HUSKY Plcnir pK rr tdnlU ant M9 peaniU f luteal; lUp ) tha back aval and Ibcre'a rtom far S4M mar paanda af carta. Idral a a llfht driivcr-, ar at can car . . . and anly M76900 DICK B. MILLER CO. 7th I Klamath Ph. 4-4154 Announcing... NEW HOURS ft For Your Sears Stored Beginning July 1st Our Hours Will Be: Monday Through Thursday . 9:30-5:30 Friday . . . . .-. . . 9:30-9:00 k Saturday 9:30-5:30 W yow money JacA" jLHli J 133 S. 8th Is Ten tracts containing an tlialcd 34, 1711. 000 board feet of lim her were sold by the Mcdlord Dis trict, Bureau of Land Manage ment at an oral auction June as. The sale brought a total of $'.m. 24. Competition was keen In all except two of the tracts. Major species contained in the tracts was Douglas fir. It sold for prices rangml from 123.10 to 150 peritf; lkn,l--tin4 kn..,J I it- . . .vai,u uuuiu im. lusi OlOS r' were MO per thousand Icel or 4 more. , i' Seven of the tracts are located In Jackson County, two in Jose phine County and one in Doug las County. Sale of a tract containing 3.."til, 000 board feet, located on I'pper Grave Creek in Jackson Couniy. will take place at the Mcdlord Dis trict Office in Medford July 9. The timber has been appraised at $i!6, 966.40. . Notes Are Sour; Clarinet Missing CHICAGO ,(APi Several times Sunday night Hyde. Park police re ceived corqplainls about loud and dissonant music coming from clarinetist John Williams' Southj Side apartment. Three squads responded and er-ch told Williams to "exclude the sour notes and hold the noise down." Monday Williams reported to the police his clarinet was miss ing YOUR PR OS P E R I T Y 4 i WITH SCREENS V . sSm- ' V':0 (T ALUMINUM SLIDING 3- 0x2-0 4- 0x2-6 6-0x3-0 Complete List of Sixes At Proportionate Prices McCollum Lbr. Home Mart 2030 So. 6th TU 2-5885 IWWV JWnUlF "BJ ,"a WTa i if H - - ' - - - - ' ' Congratulations To JOHNS- MAMVSLLE On Their Grand Opening From H. B. DEXTER CO. 709 RIVERSIDE YOUR GENERAL PETROLEUM DISTRIBUTOR t t The building boom in industry brings a promise of more jobs and improved prodaete. As long a btieinees expands with confidence we can look forward to ever increasing prosperity. Advertising is the tool which -ies busine-s confidence to spend money on growth. Increased productiveness demands the movement of more merchandise. By selling our increasing production advertising erea mart Jab. Jnct as important, it enlargeg our ability to bny more and more good thing tor goad N-riaf. ADVERTISING IS ESSENTIAL TO OUR PLENTIFUL WAY OF LIFE and advertising can help make your future years more plentiful than ever One of a teries of advertisements prepared by ljj Western States Advertising Agencies Association