SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8. lflSO HERALH AND KEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Off-Street Lots Answer To Parkinq Dilemma PAGE 3 A By TOM 8TI.MMEL A dynamit young man who operates parking lots as a busi ness but hands out advice on parking problems for free had some interesting (acta for Klam-I th Falls listeners. What Klamath Falls needs to solve its traffic congestion and parking problems, he said, are: 1. Tandem pair parking on downtown streets to make park ing easier, "until all street park ing has to go." 2. Cooperative, merchant - fi nanced off-street parking down town "where shoppers can park for nothing." These are the basic 'recommen dations from William Barr, a man who operates downtown parking lots In six Illinois cities, has a reputation as the nation's "No. 1 Doctor of Parking," and made a quick but keen survey of Klam e'h Falls' situation. Jailbreaking Killer Caught ALTUS, Okla. (API Confessed li'llcr Ray Allen Young was cap tured by Texas officers two hours after he broke out of jail here Fri day night. Young, 32, awaiting trial for the (hooting of Oklahoma highway trooper John Barter Jan. 23, picked up his wife at whom he had fired six shots before hjs first capture at a cafe here. He drove a car he stole from Clayton Tin ney. Tinney stepped out of the car, occupied by his wife and their 2-year-old grandson, when Young threatened the boy with his knife. Afler getting his wife he headed Into Texas and was captured 11 miles north of Vernon at an emp ty farm. He tried to run down his captors who riddled the car with gunfire. Young drove the car past the officers into a field and crashed into a gaiage. Neither he nor his wife resisted arrest. Young, who was unarmed, told Sheriff Percy Taylor of Foard County. Tex., he had tried to kill himself. The Youngs were taken to Ver non and both waived extradition. They were returned to Altus where the wife was charged with aiding a fugitive to escape. Day Of Prayer Theme Given "Lord, I Believe" will be the theme for the World Day of Pray er which will be observed again this year in both Klamath Falls and the Lower Klamath Basin Fri day, February 13. This is the 73rd observance of World Day of Prayer which be gan in 1887. The purpose of the day is to unite all Christians in a bond of prayer, to pray for all the peoples of the world, and to make an offering for Christian missions at home and abroad. The United Church Women of Klamath Falls will hold services at First Methodist Church at 1:30 p.m. The Lower Basin Council ol Church Women will hold their cervices at the Mt. Laki Commu nity Presbyterian Church at 1:30 p.m. All are cordially invited to at tend either of these services. Child care will be provided. SP Engineer Ends Service ALTURAS John Shellgrain, lo 'ccmotive engineer with the South ern Pacific, has retired at the age of 65 after a career of 42 years in railroading which began with the Nevada-California-Oregon Rail way. He was employed with the NCO Railway 12 years and after its purchase by the Southern Pa cific Company, he entered the serv ice of the latter when it took over the narrow gauge line. Shellgrain, native of Sweden, came to the United States when 16 years of age. He has made his home in Alturas for 42 years. Shellgrain, a married man, is member of Modoc IOOF Lodge. "I'm not being paid anything." Barr said to a small grout) of in terested persons at a luncheon sponsored by the chamber of com merce in the Winema Friday. "Therefore I can say what I think." Here's what he thought about: ON . STREET PARKING 'You've got 750 parking meters in town. Let's say 400 of these are desirable downtown parking locations. I'd say, conservatively. that 40 per cent of these fall to meter-feeders people who stay there all day and feed nickels to one meter." Without meter-feeders, each one of those spaces should accommo date six cars an hour, not one a day, he said. ways to cure tnis, ne said, are nhallr ctiplre in tha hanAtr nt malap maids and a fine nf 5 and rnsts' the first time a driver is caught re-feeding a parking meter. "That," he commented, "takes all the gamble out of it." Even so, Barr said, "we'll have to recognize that sooner or later parking meters along streets will have to come out" streets will be needed just to move traffic. OFF-STREET PAR KING Allen- town, Pennsylvania, started a sys tem 10 years ago to get shoppers back downtown and away from suburban shopping centers. That plan has developed Into the Park and-Shop plan now used all over America. The plan: Mrs. shopper pulls into an off-street Park-and-Shop lot, gets a time-stamped ticket from an automatic machine, and goes shopping. At each store par ticipating in the plan (and it should be most stores downtown) she gets a stamp on her ticket. Each stamp gives her an hour's free parking usually more than she needs. She goes back to the lot, gets her car, shows the ticket to the at tendant, and leaves without cost. "This puts the cosls where they belong," Barr said. "And the peo ple who benefit share equal dis tribution of the costs." How much are the costs shared by the people who benefit (mer chants)? "It never has exceeded one-tenth of 1 per cent of gross sales . . . you can do it econom ically for 15 cents an hour." Barr suggested the chamber of commerce get busy and form a committee to study such a pro gram. "I don't sell the thing.' he added. "My angle is to keep the city out of the parking busi ness. It s in enough businesses al ready. As for the on-slreet parking that exists here, Barr suggested that existing 22-foot spaces, end on end be repainted to provide groups of two 18-foot spaces, with a vacant 8-foot space in between. This would provide as much space as necessary for parking a car (the total for each arrangement is the same, 44 feet) but would make parking much easier. Mixed with other advice, such as where to lease (not buy) park ing lots downtown, why a city should beware before selling park ing revenue bonds, and how to revive sagging bus services, Barr had these comments: "Remember you can't park all the cars at the best location say Sixth and Main that want to be there. It can't be done. No body goes anyplace just to park." Don't attempt to put parking lots more than two blocks from a place where people want to go. "It is unreasonable to expect people to walk more than 300 feet." "Parking is the only commod ity that was free and easy a few years ago but now is hard and costly. A loaf of bread may cost 30 cents today when you could buy it for. a nickel in the de pression, but at least you've al ways expected to pay for it. Not so with parking." r - . Lt . . ruin . THE FOURTH ANNUAL Woodehopperj Ball, sponsored by the Crescent Community Club, will be held in Crescent Community Hall March 21. Shown are two members of the executive committee, E. B. (Ozl Stumbaugh, left, and Jud Heater. Money raised is used to improve the hajl. A Mrs. Woodchopper will be chosen from five communities, Cres cent, Gilchrist, Crescent Lake, Chemult and LaPina, on the basis of ticket sales. Court Records Kt.AMATH COINTT DISTRICT COl RT Larry Rrhrt Payn. violation nf h. Ic rule. 17. SO. Marvin Wayne Luttser. imnroner muffler, SS forfeited. Richard Cullen Choouette. enmhina. tlon overload. S:i5 forfeited. Lawrence Alan McCarty. inadeauate top light. $.1. Lawrence E. Lacey. tandem axle overload. $37 forfeited. On The Record KLAMATH COI'NTY MARRIAGE LICENSES John William Yarber. 25. Tulelske. ana uiona Jean Richards, 18. Tule lake. Jerry W. Brcazeah. 18. and Patricia Ann Dvorak. 16. Roger L. Harms. 30. and Barbara ti. mormon, is. Walter H. Palmberg. 40. and Mary June nazes. DIVORCE PETITIONS Phillip E. Menses vs. Carmen G. Menges, seeks divnrce. Sylvia Joan Osborne v Jam Owen Osborne seek divorce. ANNULMENTS Edwin R. Olson vs. Marearet M. Olson, seeks annulment. William R. Gregory va, Marilyne ai. orefory. seeks annulment. KLAMATH FALLS BIRTHS BOYS DUNCAN Born to Mr. and Mrs. Af tnn L. Duncan February 4 In Klamath valley Hoipital a boy, welshing 7 lbs.. 2', ozs. GIRLS ROBINSON Born to Mr. and Mra, Peter T. Robinson February 4 in Klam ath Valley Hospital a girl, weighing 7 IM 10V'4 OW. MM ROUNDUP Boyi: 51 Girli: 32 SISKIYOU COUNTY BIRTHS HOLMQUIST Born in Mount Shai ta Community Hospital January 27 to Mr. ana Mrs. Cierald H. Holmqulit, Mount Shasta, a son. HALNAN Born in Mount Shasta Community Hospital January 30 to Mr. and Mri. Martin R. Hainan, Mount Shasta, a son. DURI Born In Mount Shasta Com munity Hospital February 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Durl, Mount Shasta, daughter. Harry Edgar . Woody, tandem axte overload. $20 forfeited. Dannie! Phi in Dosrinf nvrw(Hth 110 forfeited. A. C. Badorek. fail to confine auK wrerking business to a building, $23 lorieuea. Dale Edward Brown, violation of nanc rule, 910 forfeited. John Leroy Nolen, violation of basic rule, $7.30 Paul Freeman Miller, fall display 11- ente plates, 3. Larry Robert Payn, driving whil operator's license suspended. $78, Krnie Thorpe Clou ah. fail drive on rignt, 97.30. Douglas Alvln Meyers, fall stop at stop sign, S3. William Smith Vian. no signal de vice, sa. Robert Earl Hitson. no PUC per mit, a ism issea. Bert Winfer Davis, violation basic rule, dismissed. Lroy Vernon A cord, failure dis play license plates, dismissed. Randolph Clyde Martin, driving while operator s license suspended, dis missed. Arthur Glrndon Anderson, failure dim headlights. $5. ! KLAMATH FALLS j MUNICIPAL COURT ! Jack Braxton Egan, drunk driving. pending. Ernest A. Swartsfager. disorderly conduct, $25 or 121- days. Thnra L. Cress, disorderly conduct, $25 or 12' days. Melvln Leon Barkley, drunk, $25 or 12i days. . Julius H. Green, drunk, $25 or 13Vfc days. Harold Lee Knight, drunk, $25 or 12'? days. Valentine Theme For Luncheon A Women's Fellowship luncheon is to be held at Klamath butheran Church from 12 noon to 2 p.m. on Saturday, February 14. A Valen tine motif will be used on the table and about the rooms. The luncheon is to be sponsored by the Naomi Circle of the church and all interested women are in vited. For reservations call Mrs Del Schrocder, TU 4-9105 or Mrs Reuben Laurelhammer, TU 4-7685. Luncheon will be 99 cents for adults, and 49 cents for children. Six Ministers Resign Iraqi Cabinet Posts BKIHL'T, Lebanon (API Iraai Premier Abdcl Karim Kassem. wooed by both Communists and Arab nationalists, aiiDarentlv is lacing a new political crisis with the reported resignation of six Cabinet ministers. Informants arrivinc from Bach- dad said one of the six who quit was Foreign Minister Abdul Jab bar Joniard. The others were Kuad Rikabi. minister of state: Kaha Ali, communications; Col. N'aey Taleb. social affairs: Saleh Mahmud. health and Seddik Sen- shel. national guidance. The significance of the resigna tions was not immediately clear. Missem has been under pressure from supporters of the United Arab Republic's President Nasser to strengthen ties wilh the U.A.H. and from Communists to lean to ward Moscow. The Communists are the larg est and best organized political group in Iraq, and have gained considerable strength since Kas sem took over in the revolution last July which overthrew the pro Western monarchy. Ivassem has declared that he wants to follow an independent na- lonalistic foreign policy without alliance with Fast or West. It the resignations stick. Kas sem will have to depend on leftists to help him run the government or abolish the civilian forms of government and proclaim a mili tary dictatorship. So far he has shied away from assuming dicta loriai powers. ti . " as .it'. : MISSED AT LAST BITHA, Israel (UPD-Mrs. Leah Samuel told police her husband has been missing for five monftis. Asked why she didn't report his disappearance sooner, she ex plained: "1 didn't miss him until now." $2 PAT HANRATTY, new managar of th it getting ready to great winter sportsmen t the newly opened hotel lounge which will be known as the Bier Maus. Pet characterizes the decor es post-Neandrathal European end says the 'atmosphere will be informal. This gathering spot for skiers is at the intersection of Highway 99 end the road leading to the Everitt Memorial Highway and is furnished with benches and tables. Photo by Peggy Walsh l J -k ' " - si Black Butte Inn, Mayer Reviews City Progress The Young Citizens League of the Young Republicans met Jan uary 27 at the home of Andrea Beeder, 1105 Pacific Terrace to hear Mayor Lawrence Slater speak on "City Management." His talk reviewed the progresi made in city government in Klam ath Falls during the last few years. Members plan i spring banquet later in the year and another meeting. February 17 at which . time Mr. and Mrs. Collier will show slides on South America. Any person of high school age il invited to become a member. The February meeting will also be held at the home of Andrea Ree-der. FREE . SIGNAL TRAILER 1st ttm Tickets trim any Signal Station! Dentist's Chair Good For Life HOLLYWOOD AP If red haired actress Diane Brewster hac kept her mouth shi she wouldn't he engaged today. She met her fiance, oral sur gcon Jahe Walker, while silting in his dentist s chair. The couple, who announced their engagement Friday, plan a May wedding. Chos. J. Cizek TAILOR Suits t Slocks Modt to Order Perfect Fit Guaranteed 119 SOUTH 7th RED PARTY GAINS LONDON (UPD The Commu nist Daily Worker reported today that Britain's Communist Party stained 414 members this year The newspaper published a state ment by the party s political com mittee announcing that total 1959 registration was 25,303. Britains' total population is close to 50 million. 1-Year Fully Guaranteed STARK'S REBUILT KIRBY h VACUUM CLEANERS ' Prices Start 1 Q 95 , At Only ' ' TRADES! TERMS! WARNING Compare 'before you buy For Reliable Information on Home Cleaning Problem!. Call Dean at Dean's Stark's 122 So. 9th TU 4-7192 Church Plans Long Crusade The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 9th and Plum, will hold a "Cru ade for Christ," beginning Feb ruary 8 to run through March 22. The sermon topics for the first week are. February 8, Sunday a.m. Why Seek This Christ" by Elder Waldo Lasley; February 8, Sunday p.m. "Is God Concerned?" by El der Waldo Lasley: February 11, Wednesday p.m. 'What's Wrong With Us." by Priest Matt Koffler: February 13, Friday p.m. "Have oa Found Him?" by Elder Har old Crooker. All are invited to participate in this series. UNEMPLOYMENT LP NUERNBERG, Germany (UPD The number of unemployed in West Germany jumped 412.376 in January to 1,343.507, the Federal Labor Office announced today. O People Read SPOT ADS - you are xs mon r.w ill Sew And Save Specials! DRIP-DRY COTTON PRINTS Mylar llripti, small hcki and patttrns, paiilay prints and avargtasa cottons . 4hit cltvtr colltctlon raady for yau to turn Into aaty-cara bleuias, ate. 53'- COTTON & FLANNEL - PRINT REMNANTS Prints, lolidi end patterns and just took at Hie price. NEW ASSORTMENT r FIESTA PRINTS Our prettiest assortment In eluding a new collection of printed pillow case tubing. 39c Sewing Is Easy When You Select Your Patterns From Our Complete SIMPLICITY Collection! jJVu3W&flU CO. 825 Main This About The Sabbath Qt'ESTtnN; When was the Sabbath instituted.' ANAftER: Creation. When doe the Sabbath day begin? And Onrf called the light day. and the dnrknen he railed nifht. And tha evening and the morning: were the first day. Gen. 1; S , It ahall be unto you a SABBATH OP BFST. .... from even unto even ihnll you relebrate YOUR SABBATH. Lev. 2.1:32 Sn then the SABBATH bogina at sundown on the sixth day iFridayi and end on the seventh day 'Sat urday' at sundown. And at even when the sun did set. Mark 1: .12 Qt'FSTinN: Where is the Sabbath Commandment found? ANSWER: In the very heart of Gods law, the fourth Commandment. BEMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY TO KEEP IT HOl.V. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work. BUT THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY , GOD. In tt thou shalt not do any work. . , . For In six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that In them is. and RESTED THE SEVENTH DAY; wherefore the LORD BLESSED THE SABBATH DAY AND HALLOWED IT. Ex. 20;R 0.1O. QVEftTlONi For whom did Christ say the SABBATH was made? ' ANSWER: Mark 2: 27 THE SABBATH WAS MADE FOR MAN (ALL MENt, and not man for the Sabbath, QUESTION: How did the Lord point out the definite SEVENTH DAY SABBATH to the Israelites? ANSWER: Exodus 16; t, Behold I will rain bread from heaven for you. And It came to phhs, that on the sixth day they fathered twice as much bread Verse' 22. And He said unto them, this I that which the l.ord hath said: Tomorrow is the rest OF THE HOLY SABBATH unto the Lord. Verse 2.1. See, for the Lord hath given YOU THE SABBATH, therefore ho glveth you on the sixth day in bread of two days. Verse 20 (God observed His Holy Day.) This continued for the forty years they wandered In wilderness. QUESTION: Was the Sabbath designed to be a day for public wor ship? ANSWER: Six days shall work be done: but THE SABBATH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF REST, an holy convnralopm; Ye shall do no work there in: IT IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD. Lev. 2.1:3 QUESTION What will the Sabbath be to those who keep It holy? ANSWER: And hallow MY SABBATHS: and they shall be a SIGN between me and you, that ye may know that I am the Lord your God. Eze. 20; 20. .... Verily MY SABBATHS ye shall keep; for It la a SIGN between me and you throughout your genera tions: Ex. 3I;11 QUESTION: How does the Lord thru the prophet Isaiah, Indicate what , Is TRUE SABBATH KEEPING? ANSWER: If thou turn away thy foot from THE SABBATH, from doing thy pleasures on my HOLY DAY: and call THE SABBATH a delight, the HQLY OF THE LORD honor able; and shall honor him, not doing thine own ways nor finding thine own pleasures; nor speaking thine own words: then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord. . . . For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken It. In a. M.n and 14 QUESTION: Did Christ have a part In making the SABBATH? ANSWER: All things were made BY HIM: and without HIM WAS NOT ANYTHING MADE THAT WAS MADE. John 1:3. QUESTION: Of what is Christ Lord? ANSWER: The Son of Man Is Lord alio of the Sabbath. Mark; 2; 28 QUESTION: What was Christ custom when on earth? ANSWER And he came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up: and as his custom was, he went into the synagogue ON THE SABBATH DAY and stood up for to read. Luke 4;t8 QUESTION: When is the first day of the week? ANSWER: After THE SABBATH Is past. In the end of THE SAB BATH, as It began to dawn toward the first day of the week. Matt. 2B:I QUESTION: After the crucifixion what day was kept by the women who followed Jesus? ANSWER: And they returned and prepared splcea and ointments; and RESTED THE SABBATH DAY ACCORDING TO THE COMMANDMENT. Luke:2.1:M QUESTION: On what day did Paul and Barnabas preach at Antioch? ANSWER: They came to Antioch . . and went Into the synagogue on THE SABBATH DAY. Acta 13: 14 And when the Jews were gone out nf the Synagogues the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached unto the NEXT SAB BATH. Verse 42. QUESTION: What did Paul say about JESUS CHANGING THE ORIG INAL SEVENTH DAY SABBATH? ANSWER: ror he spake in a certain place of THE SEVENTH DAY on thia wise, and God rest the SEVENTH DAY FROM ALL HIS WORKS. Again he limited certain day. saying In David, today after so long time It la said, today If ye will hear hie voice harden not your hearts. For IF JESUS had given them rest would he not afterwards have spoken of AN OTHER DAY? There remaineth therefore a rest to tha people of God. For he that is entered into his rest has ceased from his own works: as God did from His, and God did rest the seventh day from all his works. Heb. 4:4-10. QUESTION: Will the Sabbath he kept in the new earth? ANSWER; For as the new heaven and the new earth, which I ahall make shall remain before me, salth the Lord, so shall thy seed, and thy name remain and It shall come to pass from ONE SABBETH to another shall all flesh come to wor ship before me . . Isa. 96,22,23. 16 Propositions on Sunday Sacredness Read your Bible through form Genesis to Revelation . . . Over and over again and you will find: me ' to the first day of the week. 1. Not one text where the first day was ever called Holy day. 3. Not one text where we are told to keep the first day of the week Holy. 4. Not one text which tells us that Jesus ever kept the first dav Holy. .1. Not one text in where the first day was given any sacred title. 9. Not one text that telle us to keep the first day in honor of the resurrection of Christ. 7. Not one text that affirms that the Apostles kept the first day of the week. ft. Not one text from any of the writings of the Apostles that author ize first day observance. f. Not one text that gives Instruction, or how tha first day of the week should be observed as a rest day. 10. Not one text that says It was custom iry for tha church to meet on the first day. 11. Not one text which we are told not to work on the first day. 12. Not one text that says the seventh day is not now Goda holy day. M. Not one text showing that the seventh day sabbath Is abolished. 14, Not one text In which we are released from keeping the seventh day sbbath. IB. Not one text In which the Apostles taught their converte to keep Sunday the first day. 16. Not one text where the first day was ever appointed to be kept as the Lord's day. If You Hova Any Questions, Phone TU 4-7828 Elder Kegley, Pastor, Seventh Day Adventist Church Armour's Star Thick Sliced AC0M 2 POUND PACKAGE Coupon Refund When Mailed In YOUR ACTUAL COST 1.15 50' 65 All Cuti, Man Sixe Rib Steaks 69l Seasoned Right Pork Sausage 29l Wesson Oil -.85c Dressing -47' IZ-'l t 77 Borden'i Salad Scott's Toilet Tissue Herihey't Instant Cocoa 400 Count 00 21s-lb. Giant Pkg. White King Soap Chiffon Facial Tissue 400 Count 7 Golden Ripe Bananas Medium Sixe Avocados 2 fc.291 2W Specials for Mon., Tues., Wed. Right Reserved To Limit TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER . 3800 So. 6th