PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 195a- "DENNIS THE MENACE" ' r."& fbwvA like that CRAZY igPl SHO V Robert Donat's Last Days Recalled By Film Director By BOB THOMAS AP Molina Picture Writer HOLLYWOOD (AP) Who is your favorite actor? I don't mean just the current heart throb. I mean the actor you enjoy year after year, who is sat isfying even in mediocre or poor movies. Several come to mind Walter Huston, Humphrey Bogart, Frcd ric March, James Cagncy, Wil liam Holden, Marlon Brando. But I think my all-time favorite was Robert Donat. My first encounter with him was "The Count of Monte Cristo," and I'll never forgot his escape from the Chateau d'lf. The oilier films were equally vivid "39 Steps,' "The Ghost Goes West." "The Cit adel," "Goodbye, Mr. Chips,' "Vacation From Marriage." Naturally, I was interested to hear from Mark Robson an ac count of Donat's last days. Rob- ton directed the actor in "The Inn of the Sixth Happiness witn in grid Bergman and Curt Jurgcns in Wales. "I thought of Donat for the part of the Chinese mandarin and had a meeting with him and his so licitor in London," said Robson. "He seemed quile ill and was very quiet through tho meeting After he read the script, he told mo it was something he would like to do. But he suggested that I talk first to ins doctor. "The doctor told mo Unit Donat had been a dying man, hut now there appeared some hope. He thought work would be the host thing in the world for him. The studio wanted him to test to see if he could look Chinese. I told them you don't ask Robert Donat to test just pin a thin goatee on his photograph. They agreed. "When he started to work, 1 was surprised to learn that he worked like Gal bo with flats surround ing the set so no one could sec his performance except tho other actors, the cameraman and my self, liven the workers abovo the set had to hide from view. "His first scenes appeared to be DOORS CPfcN 6:30 P. Ends TONITE I ANTHONY PLRKINS RICH Aid CONK SUVANA MA HO AN O mm JJ Siom TUESDAY! "JET ATTACK" i and - "SUICIDE BATTALION" a great effort for him. I thought he would improve, but I found out lliat he was at iiis peak. After ward, he declined. He seemed to have no strength and remember ing lines was a struggle for him. I had to shoot some scenes many times. On occasion, 1 used black boards to help him remember. "Ingrid and Curt were extreme ly kind to him, and he was ap preciative for everything. He was very ummposing man. He seemed unsure of himself as an aclor and even surprised at the success he had had. Donat was failing rapidly, and nonson was laced with a prob lem. The huge Chinese village that had been built in Wales had to be bombed for I he latter part of the film. Donat had to appear in the later scenes, yet many more scenes had lo be made of the un bombed village. Robson finished up Donat's scenes by bombing small portions of the set. His last scene was the most prophetic I have ever directed," Robson said. "In it, he said good- by to his friends and his past. The day after he finished, he went into Ihe hospital. Two weeks later, he was dead. English Star Follows Rule! Cast As Southern Belle Bv BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (API-Why are English actresses cast as South ern belles? "For the life of me, I don't know," says Margaret Leighton, Ihe latest of them. She's as Eng lish as Yorkshire pudding, but she has been brought here to play a Southern lady in the film version of "William Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury." She follows a tradition. Vivien Leigh bested a bevy of drawling actresses to play Scarlet O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind" and was convincing enough to land an Os car. Gertrude Lawrence won an other plum role as the mother in Tennessee Williams' "The Glass Menagerie," though her portrayal was not quite so convincing. Then Miss Leigh returned here to play the decaying Blanche Du bois in "A Streetcar Named D?. sire," and blimey, if she. didn't win another Oscar! Miss Leighton's casting is the work of movie mastermind Jerry Wald. More than a year ago, he visited her backstage in New York, where she was helping light up the Great White Way in "Sep arate Tables." He mentioned "The Sound and the Fury," but she for got about it. Recently, he contacted her in England. It happened that she was free, and her husband, Lau rence Harvey, was coming to the U. S. to tour with the Old Vic Company. So she agreed to her first journey to Hollywood. "I must say I was a little wor ried about handling the accent," she admitted. "People have told tv, th Southern 'and British accents are not far different, but I don't see it at all. me aouuie is lazy and drawn out; the Brit ish is about as clipped as the lan guage can be. "T ackri Vivien Leich for cnr advice and she said it was easy. in . . Utit in romomhnK ...... nil ju "ax " iHHWHun d lUOU-uuHii - - -wi- Ford car.) I tried it, but it didn't kal- at all." I",!. Dr. Posner Shoes For Children Popular Prices ED'S SHOE SHOP 1022 Main Phone TU 4-5111 or TU 2-2531 CASCADE & MEN'S HAND LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS 330 So. 7th and 11th and Klamath Rescue Crews Save Climber ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. 'API Mountain climbers and state po lice yesterday rescued a young New York climber who tumbled 25 feet to a ledge in the rugged Sandia Mountains. William Pinch, 18, a University of New Mexico student, and a companion, Sidney Pascua. 18. of Puerto Itico, fell while climbing the craggy face of the mountain about 12 miles east of here. Pinch, of Rochester. N. Y., was trapped on the ledge 8.000 feet above the valley. Pascua dragged an injured leg lo Ihe top and called stale police. Pascua declined medical atten tion. Pinch was held for observa tion. He suffered only cuts and bruises. Missing Gold Probe Continues GARFIELD. Utah (API Kennc- colt Copper Corp. officials contin ued their inventory check today to determine how much gold, if any, was missing from their re finery here. Asst. General Manager Ira K. Hearn said there definitely was some gold missing, but "we can not estimate the value of the miss ing metal until our inventory is complete." Secret Service Agent Robert r . Grube of Salt Lake City said no definite shortage had been estab lished yet. He did not elaborate. Hearn termed a radio station estimate of three million dollars as "ridiculous." 'Harvey' With Art Carney To Be One Of TV's Best By CHARLES MERCER NEW YORK (AP) - "Harvey." visible tonight as the season's first Du Pont Show of the Month (CBS- TV), surely will be one of Ihe best television shows of the year. Ihe sponsor invited crates to view Ihe first dress rehearsal of Ihe comedy in New York yester day and pass along their judg ments before the home audience has a chanco to make ils own de cision. Although. . I personally, have reservalions about judging a TV show before the public and critics outside New Yorn have had a chance to sco il, 1 personally have absolutely no reservations about GATES OPEN 6:15 P.M. ENDS TONIGHT! is si yiiyiffi DEBORAH KERR SUWART GRANGER Fcaturo at 6:45 & 10:10 IS 2373 Scott BRADY Margia DEAN Shown At 8:40 Only SOLID WITH LAUOHSI I CADILLAC J HliaM)MIIHAIU.lllBOTITB PLUS 2nd LAFF HIT! K7 AtMlrq HIP8URN flrtUtJURl "Harvey." It's superb entertain ment and you'll miss something ill you don t see it tonight. Art Carney finally finds a TV role worthy of his abundant acting talent as i-Iwood P. Dowd. a mid dle-aged bachelor who views lifc perceptively through Ihe bottom of a glass. Llwood never is drunk. you understand. But by some standards it's difficult to call him sober. Among Elwood's fine percen-i lions is a six-loot pardon, 6-foot- V2 rabbit named Harvey. The fact that other people have diffi culty in seeing Harvey does notl dim the clarity of Elwood s vision. Harvey very well may be the ideal friend we all want and never find. Ihe velvety ear into which we pourj Ihe wisdom the world never quite I recognizes. Because of his friendship for liarvcy, Klwood is a great em barrassment lo his sister, delicht- iully portrayed by Marion Lornci in as memorable a piece of acting j as mat demonstrated by Carney. Notable in the excellent cast as sembled for Ihe David Stisskind! production are Larry Blyden. ' Charlotte Rae, Lonng Smith, Ray i Walslon. Ruth White, Fred Gwynnc. i Who plays Harvev? Whv. Harvey docs, of course. You know Harvey. Rnh Hnnt in hi Tirct ctinti, nfll tne season, nntneiy Drought Itlci and fun lo that old operetta dame "Roberta," on NBC-TV Friday i evening. He was ably abetted by Anna Maria Atoerglietti and Jams! I'aigc. mm N o W r M u M presents l new higfi in HIGH SOCIETY HILARITY! Rex Kav HARRISON-KENDALL St Of NT Ml U3I I (Stilt 01 LIS Gill 'The Reluctant Debutante' j X Sandra DEE . 7,vt Annala fcTZ 1- UHSBURY A. Conscience Puts Burglar In Clink CHICAGO (AptPrank k'vl.'. inner voice has landed him in the clink again. Kyle. 2!). spent 2'j hours search ing for a detective squad. He finally found one. "It s my conscience again." he said. "Please lock me up. I have robbed two home." The detectives acquiesced. Thev also checked and learned that the two homes Kyle mentioned had been broken into. Kyle said he has served prison terms in Boston. New Jersey. Texas and Alabama for grand lar ceny and burglary. I "Kach lime that inner voice my conscience made me give myself up." he moaned. "It has cost mc 10 years and my career.", lilill Sliced r- i Jaa- f Mmmm WT fif A.I If 11. If - " mu Mil iiir if I ILJI M MM Guaranteed fleer j 1 1 I WPrltltv- . II ii i m ii ! -r - wicf lit u l PeoK."-. we-- IVl" II II I l fir II I I V -TZ,, if tnt 1 I 1 o",re. 1VJI 1 I Qsad -s vy; u 1 LIU " I II I I l i . I I f4 Pure Safer for Linens! 1 1 mm rss ii wiwvfmr ".: ... II mii rurpose Household Bleach! 1 I I New Blue Detergent! mm Energy 5w Liquid Detergent mmm home quality COOKIES Low, Low Prices - Plus Tv. We Give '-T -J Shop these early in the week Specials; Prices effective through Wednesday! Medium "AA" Dox. Strawberry Preserves Del Rich Margarine Fruit Market, 20-oz. Hunt's Treasur X.r Ki inn r.M . mm 49c 39 5 ,ts $1 HI f HI Cocktail Giber's S.J flF4fl Baby Food Mrl Just Heat and Eat! Famous Dinty Moore Beef Stew Nalley's Chili Nalley's CON CARNE Hot or Regular IS oz. Tins Spaghetti Puss 'N Boots Lindsay Ripe CatFood Olives Flav-R-Pac Blackberries Medium Ripe No. 1 Tins 1 4Bt I 29 29( in With Meat 15 oz. Cans No. 303 Cans Aluminum Foil Dog lood Reynolds Wrap ,H. 69 TSLOADKD' GIN NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Nine-' year-old Glrnda Prudhomme and her brother were playing in the family parage when she saw a shotKun on a table. "Is it loaded"" (she asked, Six-year-old Larry re- i plied, "No." A Glenda picked up I the sun it discharged. The charge i struck Larry in the side. He was dend when An amhuiance got him to a local hospital. i Tall Tins 6 - 49c EXTRA SPECIAL! Simple Simon Fresh Frozen Bruce Cleaning Wax q, 79 e Cherry, Apple, or Pineapple Kaiser Aluminum " mtrttw Foil 'Ef 2VC Zee Tissue 4 ; , 39c TreJ'""l If you're not shopping here. you're spending too much! each A9 L c ID Sweetheart of Hotcakes" Nalley's Lumberjack NALLEtS 1 22-oz. Bottle Syrup 2W U r finest mm $159 V.7 j aa. ,