HKRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY. AUGUST 29. 1953 PACK 2 A Gals Want To See Western Hero Capture The Heroine Actress Slain, Police Report HOLLYWOOD (AP) Actress Helene Jerome was strangled to death, police say. The nude body of the 50-year- nesday in her room in a Hollv.;s'anns mem aner mem ai iv tirf rmti p,m n nrnu.1. 1 westerns hrrc the (chow never er entered the room through a , broken window. Her estranged husband, charac ter actor Edwin J. Jerome, found the body alter a room clerk re ported her phone off the hook. An autopsy was perfirmed yesterday. 1 1 By POKOTHY ROE Associated Press Women's Editor Women are sick and tired of RICKOVER MEDAL OKAYED WASHINGTON (LTD Presi- gets the girl, s:iys Helen Ains- worth, Hollywood's only woman movie producer. "Women want romance." says but I think it takes some of that to get some heart into movies. Of course you have to have plen ty of tough business sense too. After all, movie production is one of the country s biggest bust nesscs. But it can't be all busi nt-ss. "Kor instance, when I take on a new client, I m not only his Miss Ainsworth. who started out buflnes5 manaSt,ri bul ai50 pr;lc' talent manager and now is producing under her own banner, in partnership with her client, ac tor Guy .Madison. "Any fool should know that, but I guess it dent Eisenhower signed a bill! lakes a woman to make it clear Thursday authorizing the Joint Congressional Atomic Energy Committee to confer a gold medal on Rear Adm. Hyman G. flick over, "father" of the atomic submarine. HEkTOMMk Win 13,500 Swlmmlni Pool, SZ.000 motor boot and 01 other Drltes. ARROW FUEL CO. BALSIGER OIL CO. CLIFF YADEN'S FRANKFORD FUEL CO. GENERAL PETROLEUM JAY HAWK PETROLEUM PEYTON & CO. RICHFIELD OIL CO. SIGNAL OIL CO. WESTERN OIL AND BURNER CO. to the .sponsors and networks "Even Ihe actors are gelling fed up with all these rootin'-tootin' Westerns. Why for eight years, starring in these rough, tough, he man shows, Guy Madison hasn't kissed a single girl on camera, that is." Miss Ainsworth, a hefty blonde with a sentimental smile, is pret ty proud of her distinction of be ing the only woman producer in America's film capital. Says she: "I'm just naturally emotional, tit-ally a nursemaid, confidante and mother "Actors "re sensitive people. and you h ive to handle them carefully, roild up their confi dence, keep them ticking." Among Mm Ainsworth's dis coveries are su.-h stars as Carol Channing. John Raitt, Howard Keel and of course Guy Madi son. Her first TV commitment under the new production com pany will be a weekly scries star ring Madison in a romantic pe riod role. We'll be FRIDAY NIGHT! LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Mom Ph. TU 4-3134 Phone TU 4-5111 or TU 2-2531 CASCADE & MEN'S HAND LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS 330 So. 7th and 11th and Klamath Billjr&Kid JEANS ARE BETTER BECAUSE , Instant brand name identification. o Double stitched, stur d y - w e a r pockets with no-Bcratcb rivets. Bar tack reinforcements. Rustprool Talon iip p e r s and snaps. San forized den im . . . ma chine wash-ablo. SIX loops. belt SAF-T-NEES. a Billy the Kid exclu sive, guaran teed to out wear garment. True West ern styling... accurate siz ing in Slim. Regular. Husky. Ff 1 It, , "f 1 i t , ' j ft f PARENTSy Vparei iUm 4 coi ors Requlorj and Slimi, Sics 4-12 $2.98 Requlari and Slimi, Sizes 14-16 $3.50 Huskies $3.50 Ch?-r y-cny en Oi.r Rfvolsirg Oo-":e T'OI. Downstairs ol Dft - Mc-s'vr or Town S'-tre oprn Ml 9 p m ond C- DREWS Manstore 733 Main PO. TU 4-4121 DENNIS THE MENACE" Pair Seeks Trial Halting SA FRANCISCO 'API John W. Powell and his wile Sylvia arc asking the U.S. Supreme Court to halt their trial on charges of sedi tion. The trial is scheduled to start Sept. 22 in federal court here. Mrs. Doris Brin Walker, Powell altorney, said a petition asking a writ of mandamus or prohibition had been dispatched to the court's clerk in Washington and to Justice William O. Douglas. i The Powells are charged with printing false reports that U.S. forces made germ warfare attacks on Communist China during the Korean War. They published the China Review in Shanghai. Mrs. Walker said 'he petition contends the sedition charge is without basis since the Korean conflict was fought without a dec laration of war by Congress. The U.S. Court of Appeals here rejected substantially the same appeal here last month. Best Way To Become Star Is To Lose Beaut Contest '0W IF I TAKE GRUB OUT UNOEf? THE STARS, MA'AM ? Television Quiz Winner Hates 'Personality1 Tag By JAMES BACON AP Motion Picture Wiltrr HOLLYWOOD (API It's nice to win a beauty contest but it's bet ter to lose if you want to become move star. The historv of beauty contest winners has been dismal in Holly wood, but losers go on to star dom. Take Vera Miles, who lost! out in the Miss America contest some years back. Even she can't remember the name of the girl who won the year she entered. In the recent Miss Universe con test, Kvy. Norlund as Miss Den mark wasn't one of the five final ists. Yet she is the only one of the 79 international beauties who wound up with a movie contract. Max Arrow, talent director at Conn and urged that she be signed. That was Kim Novak. He has the same feeling about F.vy also a blonde. She's getting the same buildup that Kim got (our years ago. Columbia even fixed her up with a room at the nearhv Stud:o Club, the YWCA- like habitat that Kim called home oven alter she reacneo stardom Evv's selection for indicated a trend in Hollywood beauty, especially as it relates to box office. A few years ago. ev ery new starlet signed by a studio could roughly fall into two cate gories. Either she was a Marilyn Monroe type or a Grace Kelly type. Evy. a shapely blonde with an intriguing accent, is a Scandinavi Sportsman Files For Divorce RENO (API A legal notic ap pearing in a Reno newspaper to day disclosed that wealthy sports man James L. Stack Jr. has filed divorce action against movie ac tress Wanda Hendrix. Miss Hendrix and Stack, brother of actor Robert Stack, were mar ried in June 1954. Stack's divorce action was se cretly filed Aug. 15. Two days before, his wife was taken to Ce- contract dars of Lebanon Hospital at Los Angeles after a collapse her at torney said was caused by an at tempted reconciliation with Stack. Miss Hendrix was treated tor emotional collapse and released a few days later. Columbia Pictures, watched the i an Brigitte Bardot. The Bardot telecast of the Long Beach beauty pageant. It was a miniature screen test for the 20-year-old Evy. Arrow had a look at another beauty contest loser a few years ago. He took her to the late Harry category is a blending of the Kelly-Monroe types with that add ed something' that only foreign girls have. Evy had no dramatic training before Columbia signed her. The a top fashion model in Copen hagen when she won out over sev eral hundred girls for the Miss Denmark title. "I didn't think I would ever get to the United Slates as a tourist but here I am under contract to a big movie studio. It's incredi ble," she said. But then, how many tourists daughter of an architect, she was look like Brigitte Bardot? st SUNDAY ii By CHARLES MERCER NEW YORK Charles Van Doren detests being described as a personality. "I'm a person." says Van Do ren, who received an NBC-TV con tract after his intelligence, char acter and manner made a tremen dous impression on viewers last year in the course of winning $129, UOO on Twenty One. "I teach and 1 write and I ap pear on television in various capa cities. I have a contract with NBC that will run two years more and I don't want to be a white ele phant to the network. I'm from New England and I want to earn my pay." This week Van Doren is substi- 'Rigging' Charges Denied By Quiz Show 'Twenty-One' NEW YORK (AP) The Nation al Broadcasting Co. and produc ers of the Twenty-one television quiz show deny charges by a con testant that the program was rigged. Herbert Stempol, who won $50, nnn on the show, contended he was coached on the answers before he went on the air nnd then was told to miss a question which enabled Charles Van Doren to eliminate him. Dist. Ally. Frank S. Hogan con firmed that Slempel's testimony brought the show into the TV quiz program probe, louched off by a complaint of a contestant on the Dotto show. Jack Barry and Dan Enright, producers, issued a statement say ing Stempel s charges were "en tirely spurious and malicious." NBC issued a statement simul taneously, terming the accusations "utterly baseless and untrue. The network said it learned of them over a year ago and an in vestigation turned up nothing to substantiate them. Later Pharmaceuticals. Inc.. makers of Geritol, sponsor of the show, said it had not been aware of any complaints made about the program. Edward Klettcr, a .vice presi dent, said: "We have Implicit con fidence in the integrity of Jack Barry and Dan Enright. We have been associated' with them for eight years. Our present contract has another year to go." Ilogan, nominated for the U.S. Senate this week at the Democrat ic State Convention in Buffalo, said his investigation of TV quiz shows has uncovered nothing thus far to warrant grand jury action. "I am convinced that we have a lot more digging berore we can suggest anything serious here." he said, adding: "I won't think in dimensions not etched out in evidence." Ilogan did not disclose what Slempel told him. But the latter PORTLAND (AP) Reported ! has been quoted in newspaper threats of violence and the bent- stories as saying, after he won ing of a non-striker were under S.iIUHM, he was ordered to miss police investigation today in the! a question "any schoolboy could iltermath of on unauthorized -answcr- strike last week at the American! an Doren. who went on to win Can Co. plant here. -$129.00(1 after beating Stempol. Harold Riadlev.' Portland. told!s;li(1: "I'm sad "nd l n- shocked, police he was beaten hv a fellow!1 A"n'1 know what ,0 saV cxr0P1 worker for refusing to join the 1,131 1 thought I won honestly." ii no ume, van uoren said Non-Striker Said Beaten he coached or tutored or was any pressure put upon him. wildcat strike which was not .sanc tioned by the United Steelwork ers Union. Hradlcy underwent mi nor surgery Thursday for treat ment of a broken nose and a seri ous cut over his right eye. Police arrested Daniel Sloller. 27. Portland, oil a charge of as sault and battery niter Bradley siuned a complaint. Stoller also is employed at the plant. Several of the hourly paid work-1 Dragnet series, has divorced the ers who remained on the job dur-l husband she says "showed me no ing the strike have reported tele-; love or allection for more Ulan a phoned threats, police said. Onolyear." man said a threatening note was; The blonde actress testified yes pinned lo his front door. iterday she and TV director John The walkout occurred after the I'lorca, 4-', separated last May. company laid off three employes, They were married ill Tacom.t, as a disciplinary measure. The1 Wash , ir, in.'ii. A property settle- dispute was settled last week and menl approved in Superior Court work at the plant resumed. 'gives her MHO monthly alimony. Video Actress Divorces Mate LOS ANHELES (AP) Marjic Millar. 28, an actress on TV's tuting for Dave Garroway on the Today show. In a couple of weeks he 11 return to Columbia University and resume teaching English lit erature. In November he'll publish an anthology of letters entitled "Letters to Mother." Exactly what he'll be doing on NBC during the coming season is uncertain at the moment, but Van Doren hopes he'll be working in the area of news features. Some time ago Van Doren de cided that the television field where he could be most useful was news. Characteristically in clined to go to the heart of any matter, he went to the office of Robert Kintner, president of NBC. "I told him what I wanted to do." he said, "and Mr. Kintner said. 'Fine. We'll send you to Tok yo for some news experience.' I was rather startled. My wife was pregnant (their daughter Elizabeth was born July 2) and I asked Mr. Kintner if I could take her to To kyo too. He said, 'Sure.' and to check out with Bill McAndrew vice president) in charge of NBC news. But Bill McAndrew said they didn't need anybody in Tok yo. The best place for experience, he said, was Washington." The five weeks Van Doren spent in Washington for NBC this sum mer as a cub television reporter he considers one of the most prof itable times of his Inc. "When J went there," he said, "I was pretty worried as to wheth er they'd think I was a dilettante an interloper or a publicity crazy guy. But the people there accepted me on exactly the terms I wanted: as a beginning reporter. I asked millions of questions and everybody always was helpful." Gates Open 6:45 P.M. ENDS TONIGHT ! -rte... T)eViL5 Feoturt At 7:25 10:40 f -"Ht olo,CI "N Shown At 9:10 Only -SATURDAY!- ALL NITE SHOW Mm Elvis Presley Gates Open 6:30 JHIS SATURDAY ALL NIGHT!! u-i i i i u-i i ; i features 7 15$ ANDIDO URSULA THICSS GILBERT ROLANO f Hit I II . B PLUS 4 CARTOONS! KANSAS PACIFIC W IM4I Ivtin InttM . Inci bmtt ENDS SATURDAY! "TARZAN'S FIGHT FOR LIFE" "AMBUSH AT CIMARRON PASS" i:ii.wiMriiii:ytviii.iili;if.i.-.i.iiTanniTi rmmj RANDOLPH Scon ce they called "Helllowt Buchanan Doors Open 12:45 WHEN IRON MEN IN IRON MONSTERS UGHT F.OR A ONTKMENT! 1-1! I. ' -'J .. Wm7 i-on-the Border" KTW-,. ,7SZijr n im 1 "w sw fepT Craig Stevens RplVTp? vSaul U!jZjLMkMem - i ANTHONY NEWLEY BONAR COLIEANO IJF' 1 m wf II 9i You must have known a time of terrible fear. Everybody has. When it was over, every nerve of you screamed for peace. And you ran to a room and called it home because there was someone there you could touch without trembling. Soon you will see men pass on the key lo such a place. And with the key you, too. will unlock the door to a room that was a haven from hell and to the woman who came with the key. DOORS CPEN 6:30 StwdA TODAY! 1 Soon you will see men M ifj IfX r 11 frS--yfV. ; WILLIAM HOLDEN SOPHIA LORCM TREVOR HOWARD CinivaScooE ------ r -3 - - - - - LEE TOSSES tE-VANN ruPCELL x, , ,", v- IX" i..,.n,.,i.,i,1'i"'K -r...,.c,l(;,ii, 0,.,C3L'CD ..k... . u6 !" OSCAR H0V0LKA THIS SUMMER! LAST BIG KIDS MATINEE MONDAY Sept 1 of 1:30 WALT DINY'5 "UmtSST OUTLAW" & 5 CARTOONS