An Offer to Families from the NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY: CkAAn 'Vettinsr to know' , AUmn1 Ism Still" 1 thoco Holiorhtf ill BORN MASTER OF CAMOUFLAGE. The fawn's dap- 7 (a. pled coat blends magically with the lor est back S V ground. But that's not his only hide-and-seek p4 protection ne can actually tuooue ms niuir. . 3 sctnt so that an enemy may pass within a few .w feet without noticing him. Tr D m 1 1 W 1 El lV.Ss rU.fM w nil. Ihe "".'" k" t all. He "Vi"; I" ..iSom ven ms w (few ttift,,11 Mm "' "V own way S2i Mitlc M" .- i.n.lh ol MiiM rtnwn We " ".L"' "..nrtsol mll5 ""' niotm. "lost VOUnv .-i.rr "ATE. N, "i so k ' i.Tr ow'n"".1" 2 '" toe i,-;;: swim! in He actualil fti. I""'' but The NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY invites you to you and your family to an exciting new NATURE HOBBY BnwSh flights niu""h. iwing tn lM,i!S meIi w 85 S " 4 tn tree. from 1 V-vl I rrIE NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCICTY S new L 1 Nature Program has captured the imag ination of thousands of American families. Now you and your family can discover fnnd share the wonders of nature right in your own home under the guidance of friendly, experienced naturalists. As vour introduction, please accept the 42.00-Value Gift Package described above ... or only ten cents. Just imagine! You get a magnificent set of 30 full-color photoprints showing the most interesting, most unusual animal children of the wild plus a fact filled album in which to mount them and an extra educational handbook on birds. What a delightful and rewarding way to introduce your family to this fas cinating new program. Here's how the Audubon Society's new Nature Hobby works. Each month a different "expedition" is planned, and a set of about 30 full-color prints is issued, together with a 7500-word picture text in which to mount them. Guided by wise, companionable experts, you explore nature's closely-guarded secrets . . . Icarn the strange, almost unbelievable ways some animals raise their young . . . collect your own "museum-at-home" of albums about exotic butterflies, beautifully-colored fish of the deep sea and animal oddities. Best of all, your naturalist-guides open your eyes to the wonders you can discover in your own backyard or nearby park. Once you get acquainted with the Society's program, we feel sure you'll want to continue these monthly "adventures" for a while. Your whole family will look forward to each new Nature Program set, and find warm pleasure in enjoying it together. And the total cost is so very low: only $1.00 for each album and series of pictures plus a lew cents shipping. But you assume no obliga tion when you send in a dime for your introductory package. You may discontinue your participation at any time. However, we urge you to send for your lOf sample package now, as quantities are limited. Mail the coupon today to: The Audubon Nature Program, Dept. a- w-, uaraen uity, in. y. MAIl COUPON wnH H ... . "'in..' "POT, ,.' on ijn Vr So n "u men fh. w We on iwT Mil, r THE AUDUBON NATURE PROGRAM m Dept. 8-FW-9, Garden City, N.Y. 1 enclose ten cents. Please send me at once my intro ductory DAckase consisting of i 1 ) the informntiv II album "Animal Children," (2) the series of 30 full Jk color photoprints to mount in the album, and (3) the 1 understand you plan to issue a new nature album complete with a set of color prints each month, for only $1 plus shipping. After examining my introductory - package, 1 ii notify you it I do not wish to continue. ttnrn i am not obligated to take any minimum number of . jT'fe- albums and I am free to resign at any time. Name. , Addrem . . City Zone State SAM OFPIR TO RESIDENTS OF CANADA: Addrraa Audubon Ntture Profrra, IDS Bond Street, Toronto 2. Oder food In U.S.A. and Ctnad only. N-27 FO ONLY A DIMII y Jl Of Mi J J Hill's WHAT YOU GfT Wl Of M Ull.C0lO MINTS. ,howl, "lot..up," of -h... MlghH.1 ond lrt.r.,ll9 Animjl Childr.n in ineir nolhi lurroundingi. HANOSOMI AlUM i which to mount your pi.,,- MND00V"F'" wK fJird, " T.II. how houici, birdbathi, fMding itotiont to ttor ond orotoct vour aiKm.