Invito"- ASPf w:onlThe 1 otfer ...This Fabulous "ieeTour" of Si FOR JUCT Now You and Your Family Can Visit Every Glorious State with these New Educational Album Guides to America! Ail This w" i OINt ,, prep"-- U MKT 6AIXERY "PICNIC" STYLE I Each Spring and Fall, the artists of Greenwich Vllljge encircle Washington Square with a colorful outdoor showing ol paintings, sculpture and craft works. There's so much to see in New York museums, con certs, movie premieres, Broadway "first nights" and the KNOW YOUR AMERICA PROGRAM shows you all of them. "I LOVE A PARADE" mlfht be New York's motto. Macy's ilia Thanksgiving parade is nationally televised. Others Include mighty military spectacles, Air Force "parades in the sky", and the famous St. Patrick's Day march. "THE LITTLE CHURCH AROUND THE CORNER". This is the favorite church of actors and theater people and it's also popular for weddincs. On "busy" days, a marriage Is performed every fifteen minutest v i r l rii i i f m zju iLmiJa i VISIT THE U.N. HEADQUARTERS, Manhattan's huge ultra modern United Nation's Building, where dele fates from 60 countries gather together to work and to debate . . . and where turbans, saris and tarbooshes are everyday attire) A BIT OF OLD NEW YORK. You'll see relics of the past like this tail stand near Central Park where top-hatted cabbies still wait with their horse-drawn carriages, lust as they did in the "Gay '90's." "SLOT-MACHINE" RESTAURANT. Molt visitors to New York can't resist a meal in the Auto mat, where you feed nickels into e slot, and the machine feeds you anything from a bun to a full meal. arm A New Program that Takes You on a Different "Tour" Each Month! 11 MILLION VISITORS A YEAR come to admire Rockefeller Center's flowers, fountains, fabulous hanging gardens . . . and uncountable other attractions you'll see on this excit ing "tour." New York City b the delight of millions of tourists every year. Now you can "come along" on a thrilling guided tour of the world most glamorous city for jutt ten cental Yen, for just a dime, you are invited to join the thousands of American families who are now enjoying the American Geographical Society's new Know Youtt America program. To introduce you to this wonderful new idea in education and enter tainment, the Society offers to send you the valu able Gift Package shown and described above. But you mutt send for it before the supply ia exhausted. You Con "Travel" At Far Ai You Want The Society will send you this $2 00-value gift to acquaint you with a new program of thmgt-to-know and thmgftO'$et in our marvelomly varied country. Once you have enjoyed your unique picture-tour of New York City, you can continue your trip through every glorious state of our great land. You can team fascinating historical (acts about America's past ... visit out-of-the-way places and scenic wonders . . . develop fresh under standing of our customs and traditions. Here is how this new educational program works: Once each month the Society imues a color ful, informative album containing a 7500-word picture-text on some aspect of the American scene. DIME especially written by an expert in the field. With each album you also receive a magnificent set of about 30 full-color photo-prints, gummed and per forated, beautifully illustrating the subject covered in the text. These lovely prints can be mounted right into the album thus enabling you and your family to gain a full knowledge of the subject covered and at the same time have a lot of fun! You build a priceless collection of facts and folklore about the people and places (hat make our country so exciting to know ... a collection that will help your children at school and be a stimu lating educational experience for the whole family. And the total cost is o very trifling: only $1.00 for each set, plus a few cents shipping. You are under no obligation and you may Btop at any time. Moil Coupon with Just Ten Cents To acquaint yourself with this new program, simply accept the $'2.00 demonstration set-your guided tour of New York City-or only ten cent. There is no obligation. However, if you are delighted with your trial package and do wish to continue with the program for a while, you pay only ft .00 for each monthly "tour" thereafter But quantities are limited. Mail the coupon today to The American Geographical Society's "Know Your America" Program, Dept. 8-FWB-8. Garden City, New York. I n 1 ir TIMET. SQUARE Is called the crossroads or the world and It is the center of the world's greatest melting pot"! More Irishmen live In New York than In Dublin, more Jews than In Israel, more Italians than any other city but Rome! You can watch cricket played In the " !"fflT"'. baP'P contests attend celebrations of "foreign" holidays you never heard of! You II visit them all, through your KNOW YOUR AMERICA PROGRAM. rr. zt I AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAl SOCIETY'S Know Your America Program Dept. i-FvVB-8, Garden City, N. Y. I enclose ten cent. Please send me at once my introductory pacluigeronsistina; of (1) the informative album "New York Crnr , (2) twenty-nine full-color reproduction to mount m the album, and (3) a giant 28 x 40 inch Wall Map of the U.S. 1 understand you plan to issue a new "Know Your America Program album and a set of color prints each montn. for only 1 plus ehipping. After examining my introductory package. I ll notify you if I do not wish to continue. I an not obligated to take any minimum number ol albums and 1 am free to resign at any time. Name. . City Zone Suite MAIl COUPON PROMPTLY WITH ONIY 10 (OBer food only In Continental U.S.A.) is;