Special Offer to PARENTS: Now-you can take your children on thrilling, educational 'guided tours" of the world's most exciting country-America! AS A DEMONSTRATION J, .a i m a fi .g'tHV ll l o o 'at THIS SAVA6I KVIL UNCI is still performed each year by the Apache Indians. Long ago, this fierce tribe gathered nuts and berries for food and hunted small game with boomerangs. But when European horses were introduced to the Southwest, the Apache way of life changed overnight and they became the most dangerous and bloodthirsty of all Indians! The Apaches had many strange customs; a warrior, for example, was forbidden to speak to his mother-in-law ... or even to look at her face! CUNT PADOK WMItl STUMIM used to take 20 days for a Mississippi voyage which a modern jet plane makes In two hours. But these shallow dratt ships were perfectly suited to the perils of the River. Even huge floating logs were turned to splinters by their churning oaken paddlesl The most famous of all Mississippi pilots was Samuel Clemens iose pen name "Mark Twain" means "two fathoms (12 ft.) deep water" In the fascinating language of the river boat men. 9 CF S?a WHIM Is TNI OiDCIT HOME IN JUHHIMr You'll find It In St. Augustine, Florida. This colorful city was founded more than 40 years before Jamestown was settled by the English! Four different national flags have llown over this building. Tories hid here during the American Revolution. 1 - SoB Sgff TlITNCly f I INFORMATIVE ALBUM I I II II I StV ' ' j 29 FUU-COIOR STAMPS I I II II I f ' I . Rift UfAII MAP I I II II I V . . I ' 111 II I mh7 WW - r 1 MJ xmm. ... "vr LZ T7 f;W S - - j. . it I r J - . 1 I I i I I II 1 . UA frI -I c-rQL r l SWX II II . I I iLsTi1 A A-iAfi. IJ fXTRA FR ClfT I Magnificent wall map of U.S. Over 3 ft. wicUl SSI I f Ff OUT pint lULLOtZEM are made from the same kind of steel ingot as this one, shown emerging white-hot from a huge furnace. Today, the United States produces about half of all the steel In the world or more than 1000 pounds for each man, woman and child in America. TNI MW "KNOW VtUI AMERICA" PftOCMM will take you to California's fabulous Tournament of Roses then back to New York to watch the giant balloon parade at Thanks giving time. Wherever you go, experts will describe every fascinating detail. What a wonderful way to prepare the family for touring "in person" some day! Addrets AMERICAN OlOGUAfHICAl SOCKTY'S Know Your America Proaram 0pl. FW-2. Garden Crty. N. Y. I rnrlow ten cent. Pleas send m at once my introduc tory parkaRe ronsiiting of ( 1 ) the informative album "National Park Wonderland!," 2 thirty full-color re produciioni to mount in the album, and 13) A giant 28 x 40 inch Wall Map of the U. S. I understand you plan to issue a new "Know Your America Program" album and a set of color prints each month for onlv $1 plus shipping. After examining my introductory package, I'll notify you if I do not wish to continue. I am not obligated to take any minimum num ber of albums and I am free to resign at any time. ifLtAHI MINT) MAIL COUPON PROMPTLY WITH ONLY 10( tuner good only in Continental U S A Here's what you gmt . . . for just One DIME! THE AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY invites you tO join the thousands of American families who now are shar ing the pleasures of the "Know Your America" program with their children. To introduce you and your family to this new program of fun and education, the Society offers to send you the 4-part Gift Package shown above for only 10c! (Value $2.00). Here's what you get: 1. 79 breathtaking natural color photos of owr "National Park Won derlands." Theso pictures are already gummed and perforated, ready for mounting. 7. A colorful album in which to mount thu photos. This otbum con tains an informative 7500-word text full of interesting facts. You and your children will know as much about theso national parks as if you all had visited them in person. 3. A GIANT 28 x 40-inch WALL MAP of the U.S., especially pre pared for the American Geographical Society, with all the impor tant cities, rivers, mountains and other landmarks clearly shown. (This map is ideal for framing or mounting in a child's room.) 4. In addition, if you decide to continue, you will receive as a Free Bonus a handsome red, white and blue pull-drawer Library Case to store and protect your albums. The entire $2.00-value Gift Package it yours for only 10c , . . but you must send for it before the supply it exhausted. Tad Your Family en a Different Tour Eech Month This package will demonstrate how deeply the whole family will enjoy this delightful new program, and how much your chil dren can learn from it. Each month, you will take fascinating "trips" with expert guides; you'll visit national parks . . . see our cities, industries and historical shrines ... discover strange cus toms that still exist in the U. S. No matter how well you know America, you'll make new "discoveries" every month! But the great value of this hobby program will be reflected in better school grades, and in your family's interest in learning. Here is how it works: Each month the Society issues a color ful, informative album containing a 7500-word picture-text on some aspect of America, especially written by an expert in that particular field. With each album you will also receive a mag nificent set of about 30 full-color photo-prints, gummed and perforated, which illustrate the subject. Your children can mount these colorful photo-prints right into the album. In this way they learn rioroutfiy-and enjoy themselves at the same time. Thus, you can build in your own home a priceless collection of facts and folklore about America ... a collection that will help your children at school, and be a stimulating experience for the whole family. And the total cost is very low: only $1.00 for each set, plus a few cents shipping. You assume no obliga tion and you may stop at any time. Mail Coupon With Only Ten Cents To acquaint yourself with this new program simply accept the $2.00 demonstration set lor only ten cents. There is no obliga tion. If, however, you are delighted with your trial package and do wish to continue with the Program for a while, you pay only S1.00 for each monthly "tour" thereafter. Quantities ere limited. Mail the coupon today to The American Geographical Society's Know Your America Program, Dept. FW-0A, Garden City, N. Y.