PAGE TWO (Radio 'Miter! Note: Tli radio aod Wlcrteton elation. eerric tale m Ma p arvpil ta correct -IheoO rerrea Ion dally prior U preea eadllne. Frequently, t w v . cbaafes occur loo late (or public. Mob. Tho Herald and New ear nee Ihle Information aa a pooiio eervlco bat cannot bo reeponalble tor tho accuracy of tho lof a (or the toaaona plated abore.) irLW-CB8 ABC. 1UI P.C TririaV t.VCniOK, oru ' a M Godfrey Dn CBS M3 fSif's-orl. HlfJIUbU i f 00 Spertt nounduD CBS TO lenin" Ernts J-oo 7 45 Bnf Croiby CBS BOO News CBS 815 Nslional Guird Program f 30 Bed Benson HIiHwiwiy ABC TSS Newa ABC 00 Bttrgi MuBlO Bos Abv B 30 Mutic t ia Amu 'N' And CM 10 00 10 PM Edition 10 15 Strans ABC 10 30 Tima for Relaxation 11 00 Bun Off Mwa Summarj UM 8ifn Off Saturday, Sept 10 no Mlnuitt Now- 8umB i 01 Amirici'i ravoriu Music 16 Minuu Ntw. Summry It America's Favorita Mailt : Mmuia New. Summary 31 America' Favorita Muita 45 Minute Ntwi Summary 48 America's Favonla Mulia 7:00 Newa - Bkfit Edition 7 II Dug in V Met Show 7 .TO frank! Ga CB5 7 45 Count 7 Agent 7:55 Music 00 No School Today ABC " 1:30 Gunsmoka CBS 10:00 Kobt. Q. Iwii CBS 11:00 Weekend News ABC 11:00 Breakfait Club Review ABC 31:;tO It a Time ABC 11:33 reitlval ABC 12:00 Noon Edition Newi 32:13 revival ABC 1,00 Adventurea In Science CBS 1:13 Richard Haves Show CBS 1:30 Its Time ABC J-.T3 Saturday Platler Show ABC S:00 Newa ABC a 01 Saturday Platter Show ABC 3:30 ire Time ABC 2 35 Saturday Platter Show ABC a 00 Weekend Newa ABC 3:09 Saturday Plailer Show ABC 4.00 Weekend Newa ABC , , 4:0 Saturday Platter Show ABC 4 30 Basin Brlefa 4:45 Sport! Afield ARC B OO Galen Drake CBS 5 30 Eaay Listening a 43 Frank Com CBS S 38 Hometown Newi fl:00 String Serenade CBS 30 Today'i Sports Hlghlighll 4ft word el Ufa 7:00 TBA 7:M Bedtime Slorfea - 11:00 KUHS va Grant Football Game 10:00 10 PM Edition 10:15 Time for Relaxation li:O0 Sign Off Newa Summary 11.05 Sign Off Sunday. Kept 11 7 00 Concert Hall Review ABC 7:23 Weekend Newa ABC 7:30 Invitation to Learning CBS S:00 Salt Lake City Tabernacle CBS B:30 Church of Chriit M:45 You Were There 00 The Leading Question CBS 0:25 Thti I Believe CHS SO Weekend Newi ABC p:U3 MllliC 0:45 Sidney Walton Show CBS 10.00 Weekend Newa ABC 10:05 Negro College Choir ABC 10. SO Weekend Newa ABC 10:35 Pilgrimage ABC 11:00 It's Time ABC 11:03 Romance In MuhIc ARC 11:30 Firil Preibytenan Church 12:00 Woolworth Hour CBS 1 no Old Fashioned Revival Hour ABC 2:00 Voice of Prophecy ABC 2 30 Proudly We Hall 3:00 Hour of Decision ABC 3:30 Face the Nation CBS 4:00 Our Mlsi Brooke CBS 4::t0 CBS Newsroom B oo Gary Crosby Show CBS ti M Two lor ine Money tus 00 Gene Autry CBS C tO The Whistler CBS M Sunday Newa Feature CBS 7:00 Mitch Miller Show CBS a 00 Juke Box Jury CBS I ; raintiy aidiidi I 9:15 Doing the Truth ABC 9 .10 Two Tlcketa to Broadway J0:0O 10 PM Edition 10:13 Phil Norman CBS 10:30 Revival Time ABC 11 -on Sign Off Newa Summary 11:03 Sign Off KF.I1 MBS A PLUS, lift! KG Friday Evening;, Sept 8 fl 00 Bob Greene DLBS 15 World of Sport BUY Phont 4704 Hammond Organ Chord Organ liargeit stock lead . log make pianoa in thla part of the weat. Bent a Spinet piano. Rental pur chase plan. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7lk NOW READY Hardy Field Grown CHRYSANTHEMUM PLANTS KAIN'K Mlll lii (.itii:s JoOl Kono St, Phont 5890 Klamath Falls t and we're always on hand mak Inf turo vou never run out of Stan, derd heo'lne oill. lo worm, be tvre, tall nev and fit on our "Check and Fill" lit (or the ceminf cold weather, Peyton & Co. 835 Market Phone 5149 ! HUT r IIJ.LJIJI S22 Main SHI Jjog C 25 Hollywood HighltibH b ;io Local Evening Newa 0:45 Sam Havea DLBS a .U Harry Wumtr DLBS 7 00 Sporu Report 7:10 limber Tales 7:15 Football Game 4 era 00 Gabriel Heatter MBS Kami is root ban cam .M Jl Jamboree Saturday. Sept 1 5 00 Sunrise Serenade 6 . Sons of the Pioneerg :4! Sunrise Rrnada 7:00 News DLBS 7:15 Breakfait Gang DLBS 7:10 Todays Best Bu;s 7:45 Local Morning ISewe 7.53 Morning Melodies 8:00 Beit on Rocord 8:13 Morning Melodies 8:30 Farm Newi DLBS B 45 Social Security B .W Used Car Mart P. 00 Best On Record 9:15 Tips from the Town Shop f : (0 4-H Cluo 937 Firefighters fl:4.1 Bann Bouquet JO 00 Newspaper of Ut Air DLBS 10:13 Storyteller 10:30 P honors ma Time DLBS 10:35 Game of the Dav DLBS 1 10 Record Merry Go Round DLBS 4 Y Todavs Tod Tune DLBS 4 15 Hemingway 4.30 Army Hour n oo Marine Corp Melody Time 5:30 Tommy Oden (1.00 How It Happened 6:15 Loral Evening Newa Hollywood Highllghta . I.:t0 Request Music Show 7 00 Brevard Music Festival 7:30 Klamath Temple Hour fi 00 Grjiit vs KL'HS Football 10:15 JI Jamboree 11:00 Sign Off Sunday, Sept 11 7:T0 Oral Roberta 00 Wings of Healing DLBS 5:30 Bark to God DLBS 0:00 Radio Bible Class DLBS 9:30 Youth Soldiers for Christ 0:43 Frank and Ernest DLBS 10:00 Newspaper of the Air DLBS 10:15 Christian Science Heal DLBS 10:30 Lutheran Hour 11:00 Haven of Rett 11:30 Manhattan Melodies 11:43 Acroea The Blue Pacific MBS 12:00 Nwa DLBS 12:15 Bill Cunningham 12:30 Jlmmie Fldler 12:43 Basin Bououet 1:00 Comic Weeklv 1:30 Sunday Favorites 6:13 Local News 6:23 Hollywood Hlghtighta linn R'n T!n Tin MPS i 7:00 Wild BUI Hlckok 7:30 Public Prosecutor MBS 8:00 Couotfio" MBS B IO Nick Carter fi-AHi Newspaper nf the Air DLBS :13 Rob Conaldlne DLBS a 30 Chamber of Commerce fl 41 PS Program 10:00 Hawaii Calls ItiivlO S1'" or? KCNO AHurai, lit KG ' Alturag. CaHfarula Saturday Sept 19 W Sign on a. Top o' the Meralaf 7:30 Newa 7:45 Top o the Morning 8:25 Under the Capitol Point 8:30 Haven ai Bert 9:00 News 9:00 Freddy Martin 8:15 Kiddles Kapera 8:30 Book Paraoe 0:43 American Sery 10:00 Newa 10;0S Morning Meiooiee ll:0O Concert on the Potomaa 11:13 Vistas of tarael 11:30 Iok tn the Sklea 11:45 Serenade In Blue 11:00 Sports 12:19 Modoc County Ntf.t 12:15 Noon News 12:30 Farm Forum 12:40 Personality Time 1:09 Sports 1:05 Lake County Newa 1:10 World Newa 1:13 Best on Record! 1:25 All Time Hits 1:30 Flying Time 1:45 Town eV Country Time 2 00 Listener a Choice a 3:00 Newa 3:03 Listener ' Choice 4:30 News 4:43 Forward March 3:00 Music on the Upbeat 3:43 Open Bible Hour a ao sports. Local Wtiia Newa IS Lat a fJo to Tw 6:30 Sunset Serenade 7:00 Dance Time 7 33 Newa 8:00 Sign Off -Sunday, Opt 11 7 00 Sign on V Sunrise Serenade 7:30 Newa 7:43 Bible Hour 8.00 Music Serenaoa 813 Calvary Echoee H 30 Under the Capital Deaae 8:33 Music 8:43 Christian Science 9:00 Music 9:13 Ministerial a 30 Church Diractery 9 45 Band Music far Suadar 10:00 Newa 10:05 Pop Muilr 10:15 Reserved fer Vu 10:30 Chapel la the Sky 11:00 Concert 12:00 Sporta 12:10 Modoc County Newi 1213 Noon News 12:30 Wax Factory 1:0.1 L,axe inunty newe 1:10 Wax Tactory 1:25 All Time Hits l:sn Ten were There 1 45 Guest Star 2 00 Voire of Dellveranee 2 30 Music of Mentevanl 3:00 News 3:05 Music 3:13 Burt Ives 3:30 Proudlv We Hail 4 00 Mood Musis 4 30 News 4 43 Sunset Serenade 5 30 Let There be Light 5.4.1 Newa :58 Slim Off K BE 8 TV Chanael I CRS. NBC. ABC i Friday Fveninr. Sept 9 f 3 30 Dfvohons 4 4.00 reminine Fancies 4.30 Val Rogue Camera 5:00 Aunt Polly's Birthday Party 5 30 Wild Bill Hlckok 6 00 Cavslrade of Sporta b:4fl Holh w.d Album 7 00 Pappy Coleman Shew 7:15 Sporls in Review 7 4.1 Talent Time 9 on Life of Ritev 8 30 4-Star Playhoui 9 00 Undercurrent 9-30 l.uckv Sporu time 10:00 Weather lo.o-. Bfst Theater 11:00 Weather 11:03 Nius 11:10 Sign Off Saturday, Sept 10 9 43 Pre-Game Disxy Dean Show ft VI Pro Raieball 2:30 DsvOlloni 3 00 Mr. Wirard 3 30 TV Tunes 4 00 Faith for Todav 4 30 Western Theater 5 30 Soldier Parade 00 The Christophers B .tO Melotlv Wrangttrs 700 America's Greatest Banoe 8 08 Fddle Canter 5 .hi Arthur Murrav Partv BOO And Here's the Shew 9 Rrtak the Rank looo Wrestling From Hellywoed Id w News 10:55 Sign Off Japan Professor Hits Jackpot TOKYO if Hhoshl Slo. J PAn'! loll nml.lMI nt a.nnnltll.. tolled In ihr univtrjltlej tor 30 t-s at sioo a month. Hf uroie a doren Intensely scholarly books. They were reid only by other iteonollilrltna the Mienilsls ho study the effect of iteosnphy on peoples' domestic and foreign poltfles. Then the professor cranked out a Utile potboiler called "Naked Eiways." An avid public rocketed him lo Ihe top of Jtpan's postwar bet srller lisi. The Utile book his told tOO OOO copif.v "Naked F.sjivj Is a collection el silo s observmnns on life. Inrlud ln such subjects s Ihe shtpe of bosoms observed In a public bath house. About hall the to essays deal with sex. The nrofessor wrote minv of the essays for Ms own amusement. "I slmplv can't understand K." he sat a. "I am not a litenry man All my olher books flopped ." "DENNIS THE MENACE" IU HAVE roGBTA SHAVE OOWNTOIW,. DgNNlS UXKB9 UimBLF IN THE BXMZOOtA." Episcopal Church Meeting To Study Change Of Name By WILLIAM J. WAl'CII HONOLULU (.PI The 58ih Gen- eral Convention of the Protestant P.niipnnal Church, havinz nlnde several moves to soften Its aftacka on the Roman Catholic Church m Soulh America, today turns its nt' tcntion to a proposal to change the church name. There has been a move lo drop the word "Protcstcnt from the name. The matter normally de velops sharp debate, one conven tion source said. Less than three hours before the Rt. Rev. Ejjmont M. Kirschke, bishop of soulhwcst Brazil, was to address a foreign mission meeting last niprht, the church's public rela tions otfice announced there would be several revisions In his pre pared text because of "an unfor tunate choice of words which gave false Imprasion." The revisions deleted all refer- APRON AIDE! Cheery helper is this cobbler slyle keeps you nent nt cleamip timel Note the pinalore rultlcs, "tulip" pocket- very pretty, very newt Note the diagram how easy It Is to sew; opens lint for fitch Ironing too. You'll wont sevcrnl for yourself. Rifts, bazaars! Pattern 9005; Misses' Sizes 12, 14. 16. 18. 20. Size 16 takes 2 yards 35mch fabric. This easy-to-use pattern rivc perfect fit. Complete, illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step. Bend thirty-five cents in coins for this pattern arid 5 cents for each pattern for lst-class mailing. Rend to Marian Martin, care oi Herald and News. Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New York 11. N. Y. Print plainly name, address with lone, size and style number. L ; -if 12-20 Irw ilTtai Ca 7lfjvTfii -FREE TICKETS - FOLLOWING MERCHANTS Big T Market 5710So.6,h Suburban Drug Co. .3950 So. 6th Superior Troy Laundry & Cleaners 700 So. 6th IIKRAI.D AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ence by name fo the Roman Catho lic Church and toned down the speech to some extent. One phrase In the prepared text declared "Latia peoples have been nurtured in an extremely debased form ol Christianity. They are religiously undernourished." This was c-h a n g e d to "Latin peoples are religiously un dernonriohed." Another phrase in the prepared text read. "All Latin-American na tions have the great majority of their peoples scattered over im mense rural a reas where the Roman church exploits their illiter acy and credulity in a most sordid way." This was revised to read M . . . their illiteracy and credulity have been exploited in an appalling wav." On Tuesday the Episcopal bishop from Central Brazil, the Rt. Rev. Louis C. M?lcher, made several critical references to the Roman Catholic Church in a convention speech. His remarks prompted the Most Rev. John J. Scanlon. Catholic auxiliary bishop of Honolulu, to gav the speech was "regrettable, ill becoming and in bad taste." The Rt. Rev. Harry S. Kennedy, Episcopal bishop of Honolulu, also made an effort yestprdny to smooth over ruffled relations with the Cpiholic Church. He said in a statement: . .1 can spy that the relationship of the Episcopal Church Rnd the Roman Catholic Church in Hawaii has been most friendly and cordial. Wp all are rrrateful for the contri bution fhe Roman Catholic Church ns made to the spiritual life of Hawaii. neat Spreads To East U.S. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Hot weather spread eastward. deeper into the Midwest today, after running- the mercury past the ltiu-degree mark yesterday in Darts of Kansas and Nebraska. Oineha had an earlv morning low of 86 after its sweltering 103 .yesterday. The morning low was 21 degrees higher than the reading at the same time yesterday. Temperatures were higher in most of the central and southern ections of the country, with the l)ici;est Jumps over the Great Lakes and Missouri Valley. Somewhat cooler ntr spread over he area from the Rockies west ward and from New England to the Caroiinas. Los AiiReles' string of 100-degree or higher days was ended at eight yesterday when the mercury pushed no higher than 96. A band of liht showers and sea i tcred thunderstorms extended from Michigan westward into Washington and northern Oregon. STICK 110 Y DFTROIT ;jp Eight-year-old Albert James Crafton tried sliding down the clothes chute last night i at the Crafum family's two-storyj 1 home. He cot .stuck. His molner I called police. They tugged and j pulled. Then they poured baby oil jon him. That didn't work either, i Hut inuilly freed little Albert by 1 tearing out part of the wall. 9:30 SPEOAl ATTRACTION! .. "UTAH' IlL.UK AllliOU NO. IS 336 Klomoth Truman Urges Strong U.S.; CHICAGO Former President Harry S. Truman Eaid today the Communist countries seem to be taking a more peaceful course but that America must keep up its guard until it is sure. He decried cuts he said the Eisenhower administration is mak ing in the military establishment. His own administration, he said, began a buildup of the armed forces that "has had much to do with bringing about the attitude of Re-Enlist Try Ends In Arrest KANSAS CITY W Leroy Van Camp tried to re-enlist in the army yesterday and wound up under military guard after he told re cruiting officers he had been ab sent without leave 20 years. Van Camp, in answering routine questions by the recruiters, casu ally mentioned he quit the Army in 1935 at Ft. Douglas, Utah. "The pay was small," he said. "Only 121 a month along with room and board. I applied for a dependency discharge because of my wife and two babies. One day they told me my discharge papers had come through and I could pick mem up tne next day. "I don't know why I did it, but I decided to pack up that same day and go home. And. I did." Van Camp, 43, was held at nearby Ft. Leavenworth pending a check of his records. Van Camp, a pipefitter's helper, said he decided to re-enlist be cause "they need good mechanics" ana his conscience had been both ering him recently. TO RAISE YOUR INCOME use Classified ads. They sell, rent quickly! For ad-wrltlng help dial mil. illlllllllll .'H ii ' . K T uah I Mi J Technicolor :V. i i-. . z:smm: wiih JOAN BENNETT ALDO RAY VKTsUKIflll PETER USTINOV ' 'i1! J A ASAMQUNI rKTU " SHORT SUBJECT NEWS CARTOON L starts crafts nnri llUCUaCrnPr r . m ,uniM,vv. . LOVE ""-""Ik ? WJOEL ore IS A KVIANY-SPLENDORED THSG apparent reasonableness on the pan of the Communists." "If we value peace and free dom, we must be strong." he said in an address prepared for the Executives' Club of Chicago, a predominantly Republican group. His text, primarily about foreign policy, did not refer to President Eisenhower or the Republican par ty by name. He said he was rneaklng as a former president "who learned some important lessons from hard experience." "The Communists have In recent months seemed, on the surface at least, to desire a lessening of world tensions." he said. ". . . Perhaps the objective we have been pursu ing throuRh strength may be begin- Woman Finally Wins Citizenship CAMDEN, N. J. Wt Illness three times previously had prevented Mrs. Ermina Ciotti, 11, from gel ting her final papers to become a citizen. Yesterday she was again sched uled to receive the papers and to take the oath and once again she was ill. Federal Judge Thomas H. Mad den, learning of her plichl, went to her home and administered the oalh. Mrs. Ciotti, who came from Rome about 40 years ago. sat through the ceremony grasping a small American flag. She said aft erwards "I am so very happy." CLAIMS FILED GALLUP, N. M. ifl Gallup has had 7.5G0 uranium claims filed this year, more than the total for the past five years. A thousand claims were filed on a single day this week. Today & Tomorrow 6:30 12:30 WARMS STAGE SUNDAY! THUNDER IN THE SADDLE... GREASED LIGHTNING WITH HIS GUNS., .there never rode a man to match him! w . -a, I .?. I En THfi STRANGER I fj& The town gave him I 12hourtoliye! r J 1 r- , 1 Deplores Cuts It is not now possible to tell wun certainty, and it probably will not be possible for a long time to come." He said this should be America's course: "We must and should confer with the Russians. "We must and should look for peaceful solutions but never at the price of Justice and freedom. "And above all, we must keep up our guard. It is very easy, when the air Is filled with sweet reason ableness, to begin to relax a little. It is exceedingly easy, but it can also be awfully fatal. We must be sure that while we talk of peicc the balance of power does not shift against the free world. We must be sure that while we talk of peace, the peoples of the free world do not lose their faith In freedom and fall prey to subversion and tyran ny" . He said his Democratic admin istration built up "a very power ful military establishment." "Tne present administration has seen fit to cut it down below the goals which we bad established, but Is still represents, very great military strength," he said. He said recont disclosures about Soviet aircraft development and production raise serious doubts about the adequacy of American air forces. The United Slates, he said, must maintain sufficient ground forces to fight a limited war, so that an atomic war may be unnecessary. "I think the cut3 in our ground forces are unjustified and most dangerous at the present time." DOORS OPEN 6:30 P M. 1 Ilast time today f THE WESTS 4 MOST FABULOUS MUM! r - vast EXPRESS Charlton HESTON Rfionda FLEM1XS Ja STERLWS Fwrat TUCKER "TJre tAdveniures of IJAJJt BABA "w,., John DE8EK Rl.'IWVf M;fl ftain. STtWAWT " ." co JoA. SHORTS - CARTOON " NEWS IN, You'd better not with me," she said. "You'd better get 1 away from me while you can. i Remember the old I Chinese proverb.;, j do not wake a ) f.i 20Ui Century-Fox captures all th9 S it J beauty and rapture of Han Suyin's ; 'is . . J j? personal story as s told it in her j "j$ unforgettable bast-sellor! WILLIAM HOLDER FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1958 ' 1 In Services he said. "These cuts stem hr to the basic fallacy of the 4x;irine of so-called 'massive refi tion.' "The last thing in the wc id we want to see is massive retaliation hy us or against us in feet, If it ever comes to pass, it will prob ably be the last thing in the world we ever do see." Truman, who attempted once dunncr his -ldministration to cut the size of the Marine Corps, re called the resultant furor while criticizing the present administra tion's attempt to do the sair.o thing. He said: "The condition of our strentth. In the air is not the only cause for alarm. The Coigress recently showed Its concern wh?n ft voted over adininHtrntion opposition to apnronriate funds needed to avoil cuts in the Marine Corps. I hone very much that this money will be used for the purpose for which it was impropriated. "And if somebody want; to brinir up the time I Imoounded some funds under somewhat similar cir cumstances. Just remember what I told you In th! becinnirg about learning some lessons the hard way," OPEN 6:15 P.M. ON OUR GIANT SCREEN! ilAHY RRfTSS BBt.'SeSi 9!iB9antS WILD ADVENTURE! FEARLESS LOVEI JEFF CHANDLER MAUREEN O'HARA a uMrvrts At xrrnrONi wcrim tOVEtSEOD...BIII 9 7 Mngimowvii 1 Dick POWELl-Debbie REYNOLDS CART RIDES FOR THE KIDDIESI fa!. In love 1 sleeping tiger." j JENNIFER I JOEES