FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1954 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINE FOLLOW THE DOTS IN THE (mmjfmm Go To Church Sunday CHURCH DIRECTORY CHUECH OP THE NAZARENE Garden and Martin Phent M70 first Church 11:00 a.m. Morninf Worship t:M p.m. Kumur iw-iKij 6:45 p.m. Young people 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7;J0 p-m. Wednesday Prayer Service Lakeslda Chare Corner Quarry and Acoata StretU Dewey Johnson, pastor t:49 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Thursday Mld-wetk Prayer Service BIBLE BAPTIST 1244 WUU- PhMf tttf 9.30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a -m. Morning Worship 30 p. m. Baptist Laagua 7:30 p.m. Zvanlm Warship 7:30 p.aa .Wednesday All faaiUj Night KENO GOSPEL CENTEE Phena Rev. Melvln Griffith II to a.m. Sunday Sehoal 11:00 a as. Morning Worship STEWART-LENOX BAPTIST ft G. West. Pastor Corner Douglas and Emerald Phone 2.1307 0:45 a.m. Sunday School 21:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. B.T.U. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 7:00 p.m. Friday Officers and Teach rs SALVATION AKMT 4M Klamath ' Phena SMI Lt and Mr. D. W Madse 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Holinasa Meeting 11:00 a.m. Junior Church 4:30 p.m. Young People S:00 p.m. Salvation Mealing TRINITY utJTHERAN CHURCH TultlaJta. Calif. Rev. Richard E. Graef. Pastor 1:30 a.m. Sunday School d Church service Strvlcea held In American Legion Hal) ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Ml Jefferao) Phana 1W Galen a. Onitad, Ractar 1:00 a.m. Holy Communism t:30 Sunday School 1:00 a.m. Morning Praver 7J0 p.m. Young People I MM AND EL BAPTIST , CONSERVATIVE Rev. Charles W. Myers 11th and High Phone U60 a:tt a.m. Bio la School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship :30 p.m. Young People 7:30 p.m. Kvenlng Worship 7:30 p.m. Thursday Prayer t Meeting SOUTH SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH J. W. Long. Dastor Madison and Shasta Way P.O. Box 1085 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Training Union R:00 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Tuesday Prayer Meeting TRINITY BAPTIST MISSION S738 Lakeport Blvd. Pelican City Rev. T. E. Waden Phona 3674 :4S a.m. Sunday School SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIB1 173a Main Phone 3641 Rv. Preston smith 1:30 a.m. Saturday Sahbath School 11:00 a.m. Saturday Mornlna Worshin 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Prayer Meeting GOSPEL TABERNACLE AJtamofit and Maryland Rev W. D. Blgby 10:M a. m Sunday School 11:60 am. Morning Worship 7:30 B.m. Xvenlne Worshin 7:30 p.m. Saturday and Wednesday Evening worsnip MALIN COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Carl C. DeMott (Presbyterian i 6:48 a.m. Sunday School 11:66 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Young People 8:00 vesper Service How Christian Science Heals "THE REMEDY FOR NEIGHBORHOOD TENSIONS" KFLW (1450 kc) Sunday 9:35 a.m. First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Moss. 10th end Services Sunday Service, 1 1 :00 i.m Sunday School, 11:00 .m. - Wednesday evening. Meeting, 1:00 e'cleck Lesson-Sermon Subject November 28 "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism Denounced", Golden Text: Romans 8:31. If God be for us, who can be efeinit usf Christian Science Reading Room 1401 Esplanade One Block From Herald and News roJejJoJo,eja Attend 8th end Oak ASSEMBLY OP GOB . Rev. Harry Ayert 746 Oek II 60 a.m Mora lag Warship 7 30 p m Evaagellstie '30 S-aa. Tuesday Bthla, Prayer Service KLAMATH LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev Kent B. Spaulding. vaster 1176 Craecant Phaaa 846 6:43 am. Sunday School and Adult Bible Claat 11:66 a.m. Mara mg Worship 7:00 o.m. Luthar Laaaue. lunitt Holy Communion. 4th Sunday v:ju p.m. aiDia atuay service. Wednes day 1:30 p m. Wednesday Senior Choir 1 COMMUNITY CHURCH OP . THE BRETHREN 4373 Bristol Phena 6-110 nee. sowar uaasar 6:U am Suaaay School 11:06 a.m. Morula g Warship 7:00 pjn. Wednesday Hoto ay -Craft Club CHURCH OP JESUS CHRIST OP LATTER DAY SAINTS Heme aai MiiUa Thane Ue Klamath rails 1st Ward 6:30 a.m. Sunday Priesthood meeting 11:00 a.m. bunaay ocnooi 7:30 p.m. Sunday Saeramtnt Sarvtco 7:30 p.m. Tuesday M.I. A. 2:00 p.m. Relief Society, Wednesday 4:30 p.m. Wednesday Primary Klamath Falls tnd War 8:30 a.m. Sunday Priesthood meeting 10:13 a.m. Sunday School 5:30 p.m. Sunday Sacrament Service 10:00 a.m. Tuesday Relief Society 4:00 p.m. Tuesday Primary T.30 p.m. Wednesday M.S. A. OREGON TECH 14:66 n am. Sundav School HOPE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Homedale Rd. at So. 0th Rev. aha M Katkav Jr. t:U a.m. Sunday Sehaol 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship ' rnriBrn nr r.HHiAT ISM Want la ad ftfae 666 C. H. Adams, Mimsier 10:00 a.m Sunday Bible Classei 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Men'e Training Class 7:00 p.m. Women's Bible Study 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study KLAMATH REVIVAL CENTER inM Mitehu fhona 16to Mr and Mrs. J. R. Griffith pester 10:00 a.m. Sunday Schoel 11:00 a m, Sunday Morning Warship 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Evangelistic Serf lea 7:30 p.m. Wednesday illbla Stud? and rrajer OUR iiADY OF MT. CARMEL CATHOLIC CHURCH Chiloauin Rev. W. S. Stone 9:00 a.m. Sunday Masses FREE METHODIST till Oregon Rev. Harvey Timm, 6:46 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Warship :46 p.m. Yeung People 7:4 a.m. Evangelistic 7:46 p m -Wednesda Bible Study FIRST PRESBYTERIAN , Rev. Dale . Hewitt 6th and Pine Phona 7311 8:30 a.m. Worship service 9:30 a.m. Church school, classes for all ages 11:00 a.m. Worship (radio broadcast! 13:00 noon Tell owehip 6:00 p.m. Westminster fellowship 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Family night dinner 8:00 p.m. Wednesday choir CALVARY BAPTIST t Main and Qarde Rev Grady I Bates 4:41 a.m. Sunday Befceel tl:06 a.m. Morning, Warship . 6:16 p.m. Training Union 7:36 i.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Mettiag ii " PEACE MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN 4481 S. 6th Phaaa Mil Rav Owaytic L Preett 6:36 a.m. Sunday Schaal 11:66 a.m. Sunday School 11:60 a m. Morning Worahip 7:60 p.m. Sr. Waatmlnlstar D0 NOT MPAN Sunday Sunday School Sforti 945 Clanei for All Aet INVITES YOU HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH rule lake Rev. Con O Connor 8:00 a m. -Sunday Mass 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass CONGREGATIONAL n L Larson. Minister UM Garden Ave. Phone 8-3378 :3 a.m. enure n soioni 11:1V. a m t,rvlN nf Wn-ihln 7:oo p.m. school for camstiaa wvmg 7:00 P-m. Monday - - Junior Pilgrim f ciiowsnip ST. F. X. CABR1NI CATHOLIC CHURCH Bonanza Rev. John Pnelan 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mass PENECOSTAL CHURCH OP OOD 4637 Shasta Way - Phona 8-3141 Rev. j e. neddick 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday Service 7:so p.m. Sunday, cvangeusuc serv ice T:30 p.m. Tuesday. Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Thursday. P.Y.PX. OUR LADY OP GOOD COUNSEL CATHOLIC CHURCH Dorrts Rev. Con O'Cenner 11:15 a.m. Sunday Meat YOUTH SOLDIERS FOR CHRIST 1134 Main. Mission Church Ph. 3-1187 aiua nancy Effle Shelby. Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday Services 7:30 p.m. -rriaay-Youth Night MERRILL FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Oeerge A. Milne 6:41 a.m. Sunday School e Bible Claw 11:00 a.m. Divine Service 7:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship ST. AUGUSTINE'S CATHOLIC CHl'HCH M err til Rev. Jobn Phaiaa 6:00 a.m. Sunday Mass UNION GOSPEL MISSION 381 Commercial C M Timmi 16:66 am Bible School 11 ea a.m. Marnlng Worship 1:36 p m. Evening Worship KLAMATH TEMPLE 1007 Pine Phona 6314 Rev KmJi It- Hume 6:49 a.m Sundav School U:uA a.m. Moimng Warship 6:M p.m. -Oeereemer Sarvica .':4ft p.m. Kfingellstie 7:48 pm Wdnsday -Bible Study CHRISTIAN SCIENCE loth and Washington fhane 66SI Reading Room 1401 Esplanade mono oi9i MM am. Sunday School 11:66 a.m Sunday Service 8:00 p av Wednesday Evening service CHURCH OP CHRIST 1774 Arthur Phana S.U46 16:06 a na.-Bible Classee 11:66 a m. Maraing Warship 7:36 p.m. Mutual edification 8:60 p m Wednesday Bible Study LAKESIDE CHURCH OF NAZARENE Corner Quarry & Acosia Phona 8844 Rev. Dewey jonnston B:4S a m. Rundav School 11:00 a.m. Sunday. , Morning - Church Ser'Ice 7:00 p.m. Sunday, Junior Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Evening Service ,7:30 p. m, Thursday. Prayer Meeting . MT. LAKI COMMUNITY x Rev William W Alnley 1:43 a.m. Sunday School 11:66 a.m. Morning Worship 6:45 p.m. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p.m. Thursday Choir Practice 7:43 p.m. Evening Service 8:30 p.m. Thursday Bible Study MISSIONARY BAPTIST 4184 Deualss Rider Rov Wisdom 4143 Baliam Phana 1-3081 10:00 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Merning Worship T:06 p.m Training Union 8:60 p.m. Evening Warship 7:00 R.nv Wednesday Bible Study FIRST BAPTIST tth and Washington Hhena 6811 Dr e. M, causey 6 Sunday School 11:68 a.m. Merning Werahlp 6:13 p.m. Training Union 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Tamlly Night, Wednesday 7:30 p.m; Choir Rehearsal. Thursday 8:19 p.m. Choir Rehearsal . Thursday 1:00 p.m WMS. Thursday JEHOYAH'B WITNESSES as M. 6th 7:48 p.m. Sunday Watchiewer Stud p.m. weanesnav eioia nruov T:49 p.m. Friday Service Meeting j:4f p m Friday Theocratic Scaee FIRPT CHURCH OP GOB 808 AlUaient Rav C. B. Beahas :4S a.m. Sunday Schaal U.66 a m. Morning Worship t:48 pm Teuag People :36 p m. EvangalUtia 16 p.m. Wadnesd ay Bible Study ZION LUTHERAN Uth om 111 ' Rev R. B. Graeg 6:36 a nu Sunday School Bible Cleas 1146 a m.--Memln Worship i 34 p.m. Family Night isaaanS Bun days) :6 pm. Youth Meeting (Ttrai aas Third Sundays) :86 p. aa. Married Caupias Clue fTeurth Sunfleya 06 am. Thursday Adult Ctaaa I School Pastor, He rry L, Ayers THE COMPLETELY NEW, long and lean 1955 Chrysler it now on display in 3,200 dealer showrooms coast to coast. New in the Chrysler line for 1955 is the St. Regis hardtop which features a new concept in two-toning. Ftvt new exterior color combinations are offered with interior colors matching or harmonizing. With a new 250-horsepower FirePower V-8 en gine, 126-inch wheelbase and new supersonic windshield, combined with dramatic styling and color, the St. Regis offers the utmost in performance and beauty. The new Chrysler is on display at Ballard and Bennett Motors, 239 rvfain. ' TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Tulelake, Caiif. Rev. Richard E. Graef, Pastor "The Church of the Lutheran Hour" , Morning Worahip, 8:30 a.m. IPST). Sunday School. 6:30 a.m. fPSTi (Worshipping in the Orange Hall, Tulelake. Calif. BEATTY CATHOLIC CHURCH (Services at Recreation Ualli Rev. W. S. Stone 7:00 a.m. First Sunday of month, Mass 11:00 a.m. Third Sunday, Mass REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OP LATTER DAY SAINTS 84B and Plum Phena 8-614 :6 a.m. Sunday School (I'M a.m. Morning Worahip 7:86 p.m. Evening Worahip :60 p.m Wednesday rellewvhlp FIRST COVENANT A3 Walnut Pbona 681 Joel C. Nordlunu 43 a m. Bible School .1:00 a.m. Morning Worship :cl p m. Fellowship Hou. t:4l p m. Wednesday Prayer Service COMMUNITY METHODIST . CHURCH Port Klamain , Rev' Edmund Stantonuntor :30 a.m. Morning Worsnip. aunaar u:3b a. m. Church school and aaun olble class, Sunday i0:3ft Chureh School, aueno CHILOQUIN METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Edmund Stanton i0:00 a.m. Sunday School (100 a m Worshin Service ':00 p.m. Thursday Youtn Fellowship SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCn ev. T. P Casey Paatur 818 High hone 494 f:00. 8:00. 6:30. and 11:00 am.- Sunday Masses 7:00. 8:00. 6:30 a.m. -Holy Day Masses 4:00-4:00 and 7:30-8:00 Saturdays Cen ivaaiona FIRST CHRISTIAN atb and Pine - Phena S4ae hcv.tvo Horner 4:48 a m. Bible Scnooi .1:00 a.m. Morning Worsnip 6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Stuay 30 p.m. Christian Endeavor :30 p.m. Evening Worship :36 p m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting FIRST METHODIST CHURCH .Otb and High Hnone 3688 Rev Lloyd Holloway nuttor i in m rhurrh Sthool Sunday tl:DQ a.m. Service of Worship Sunday f:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship Sunday .7:30 p.m. Fellowship Hour bunaay WEAVER MEMORIAL PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH a361 Wantland Phone 6664 Rev. C. O Jflfhson 1 a Afl a m Sundav SrhAOl (1:08 a.m. Mernl a:36 p.m. YPS a. m. Merning w orsmp :30 p.m. Evangellslie f:30 p.m. Wednesday Pi ay ar Meeting BONANZA NAZARENE CHURCH Mra. Roy Thomas, Pastor d.00 a m. Sunday School (1:00 a.m. Sunday. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Young People's Meeting . 6:00 p.m. Sunday. Evangelistic BerT tea BETHEL TEMrLE 6th tnd Klamath (City Library Auditorium) 4:43 a.m. Sunday School il:00 a.m. Sunday. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Sunday. EvangeMtic Service 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Bible Stuqv CHURCH OF (iOn OF THE APOSTOLIC FAITH Alameda and Shanta Way Brother Edgar English 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worahip 7:30 p.m Saturday and Wednesday Worship CHILOQUIN OPEN BIBLE STANDARD CHURCH Lif Malmln. Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday Scnooi 11:00 a.m. Worshin Service 6:30 pm. Overcome rs TSfl b m. Fvanrellitie Servlre 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Mid-week Praver inn Bun1 fsinny BEATTY METHODIST MISSION Rev. Harley Zeller 10:30 a.m. Sunday School li m a m. -Wnrsh'n Ker-B CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY Willard Aldrlch, pastor Phone 531. Riy 6:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 o.m. Evenlna Service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer and RihU filudv 3:4.1 p.m-Thurnday-Junlor Bible Club :uu p.m. i nuroaay Young jeopic meeuni Friendly Helpfulness To Erery Creed and Pune Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite M. Ward and Som 925 High Phone 3334 EXPERT FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FREE ESTIMATES MEL HOWIE 23S7 Smith Shrii Phent 432 . v WARDROBE WONDER! '9128 - U-20 .. Wl If . a vytfT Beautiful basic thu dress with the soft, flattering lines that looks so smart season altei season! Make several versions in color Ill) cotton for day-time, lustrous faille for dates. It's easy to Sew no side seams in skirt lovely everywhere you gol Perfect for all occasions. Pattern 8128: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Site 16 takes 5Vs yards 39-Inch fabric. This easy-to-use pitlern given perfect fit. Complete, illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step. Send thirty-five cents In coins for -this pattern add 6 cents for each pattern for lst-class mailing. Send to Marian Martin, care of Herald and News, Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St.. New York 11, N.Y. Print plainly name, address with zone, site and style number. Endowment Given Medical School CAMBRIDGE, Mass.. 11 A New York Investment banker has en dowed a professorship of medicine at Harvard Medical School in honor of Dr. Samuel E. Levlne, onetime Boston newsboy, now .regarded as one of the world s authorities in heart diseases. Charles E. Merrill, in making an Initial irlft of 1400,000 to tne univer slty to provide the major part of the endowment, said of Dr. Levlne, "He has hclDcd me to a great a gree from time to time indeed, I believe he has saven my life." Dr. Levlne is clinical professor nf medicine at Harvard. A native -r PnianH h nncf. sold WW v If - It . X " , III , I; I I ! Is ?l v. 1 UUP I ' I I I mmm jftirs Mill w papers on the street of Boston and! A storm of press crilicUm fol Ms education ftt Harvard College, owed the agin conservative .nri Hnrvard Medical School was leader s disclosure Tuesday that made possible by the Old Boston Newsboys Union. For Expert Offtre Machine Re pair, Call VOIUHT'B SCHOOL and OFFICE SUPPLY. 629 Main. WILLIAMSON RIVER METHODIST MISSION Rev. Hervev Zeller 2:10 p.m. Sunday School 2:M p.m. Wonhip Service Fellowship Dinner after Church CHILOQUIN . ASSEMBLY OF GOD : Kcv William Rents j 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 6:. 10 p.m. Young People 7:10 p.m. -Evangelical Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Praver Meeting 7 V) pm. Friday Bihie Study BraAGLt RIVtR FRIENDS CHl'RCB E. J Tuning, pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday eichool 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:OT pm. Kvenlng Service 7:30 p m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting Private TV Show Slated Kalser-Wlllys' 1955 passenger car and utility line will be shown pri vately to dealers throughout the United States and Canada Decem ber 8 In the first trans-continental closed-circuit television show ever used by an automobile, company I to introduce "s ncw models to its sales organization, Wes Clark, Kai- iicr-wlllys dealer in Klamath Falls, announced today. Mr. Clark and members of his organization will attend the special showing of the new line in Port land, he said. The closed-circuit TV show, which will originate in New York City, will be shown to more than 10.000 distributors, deal ers and field sales personnel as sembled in 22 cities in the U.S. and Canada, he added. . . i Tlie precedent-shattering private showing of the new line will pre cede by a month the formal pub Ho introduction, Mr, Clark said. ''In addition to moving pictures of the passenger care, Jeeps, and other four-wheel-drive utility vehl cles in action, we will be given complete details of Kalser-willys 1955 merchandising and production plans," Mr. Clark reported. "Pro duction models of the ncw cars, trucks and Jeeps also will be on display at our meeting place so that we can get a close-up advance look at the great new 1955 line. 1 Home ; Extension By Billye Slolpe Embossing Thin Metals was dem onstrated by Mrs. John Howard and her daughter, Barbara at the November meeting of the OTI Home Extension Unit. The meet ing was held at the student lounge on the OTI campus, Thursday, No vember IB. This project proved to be very Interesting. Each member embossed a design on copper to make an unusual and Individual plaque. 4 i The 'business meeting was 'con ducted by Mrs. Howard, chair man. Others attending were: Mrs. Winston Purvlne, Mrs. Richard Hesslg, Mrs. Edwin Olson, Mrs. Jack LaOrandc, Mrs. Earl Balrey, and Mrs. Carl Stolpe. The eye opener was given by Mrs. Hesslg and the Thought (or the Day by Mrs, Stolpe. The December 16 meeting will be social. Plans are being made lor the makinir of randies. Home made Christmas, gilts will be ex changed. Husbands of members will be Invited to the potluclc lunch which will be served at noon. Any one Interested is cordially Invited. Churchill Answers Press LONDON tf Prime Minister Churchill reemphaslzed Thursday his wartime readiness to act to stop the Soviet advance into West- i era Europe, he once thought of throwing Hit let's beaten troopa against the Russian steamroller Newspapers of all political view called the disclosure Ill-timed and said It might wreck chances o! agreement with the Russians. Replying Thursday to a parll-. amcntarv question by a Laborlte leftwingcr, Sydney Silverman, Churchill recalled a messapn he sent In My 1946 to Gen. Elsen hower, then Supreme Allied com mander. It said: "I nave heard with some con cern thai the Germans are to de stroy all their aircraft. ... I hope that this policy will not be' adopted In rcitard to wcapoiiH am. other forms of equipment. We maj have great need of 'htse some day, and even now they mlqhl be of use, both in France and es pecially Italy." Churchill's written reply re called the message to Eisenhower had been published before in his war memoirs. Herald 4 News Want Ads MARKET PLACE of the KLAMATH IASIN Main Esplanade rhene till RATES & INFORMATION CLASSIFIED One day m Two dya ... Three daya Pear daya w.ptr ward te .lir ward 0 Pr ward Its .atr ward ISe nap ward lla rive aaya . 61 daya (week ran) .ptr ward See Month ran pad ward 6Sa to ran 'Uniil Farther Natice. than whan vear rail te cancel yaa are charged only far the aamaer ef daya It rana. CUSSIFIED DISPLAY Open rata 6r relaasa lac Inches In manth 46 Inrhes la manth ,,,, , ae lachas ha manth 11.81 - .6 .61 ira inches la mania rickaa tali ( ...j t.a'il) .11 Aniw.ra l ma ba hatial.a thra.fh bax numbars at lb. aaaar far a aarvlca ebarga at tl eauta. Minima charra far aar' ana li la ft oaala. , DEADLINES C! A5MFIFO B: p.m. day befere aeMlcatlea. Keen Batarday far Meaday . CLASSIFIED DIHPLAT Naaai day befere pabllcatlsa. Neen Saturday for Monday. ADJUSTMENT Fl.aia maba clalma far adlailm.nla wltbaul drlar. Tba HaraM A Nawa raaarvaa tba rlibt la elaistfv, aalt ar rajacl anv Waal Aa oanr, ana will ba r.ipomlbla far anlr ana Inrarract abllcatlan af any Want An. Plaaaa raaa tba flral Intartlan af yaar aal Carractlana ar ranc.llallana br a:3a a.m. wilt ba maaa la tallawlng mmi . p.aiicaii.a. . THE DPTS. . "" od'o ARE GIFT-SPOTTERS THEY'RE YOUR GUIDE Te CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS. LeOK FOR THE ADDS THAT ARE PRECEDED BY DeTS. THEY WILL MAKE. YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EASIER! Legal Notice NOTICE TO BIDDERS V SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Notice la hereby given that the City of Chlloquln, Chtloquin, Oregon, will ro. calve sealed bids up to S p.m. Monday, December 20, 19A4 at the City Hat) Chlloquln, Oregon, for furnishing all ma terlala and constructing a Hewage Treat ment Plant complete In operating con dition. Proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud. Prop"U shall be In accordance with the Plans, Specification and Contract documents now on file with the City Cierlc, City Hall. Chiloauin. Oregon Cfiolefl of Diana and toed ft eat In nm miv be obtained from the City or Wm. Lor-1 en unon furnishing a deposit of $2S for each set. Such deposit will ha re turned to contractors actually submit ting bids upon the return of the plans and apeclflcallons to the City in good order within five daya after filing of bids. The estimated coat of thl ivnrli ( 11 4,000. completion in operating condition by June 25th, 1033 Is required. DOMESTIC WATER RESERVOIR Notice is hereby given that up to 8 p.m. Monday, December 20. 1934. the City Council of the City or Chlloquln, Oregon, will receive bide for the con struct Ion of a domestic water reservoir to be built of steal, gunlte, or reinforced concrete. ' Each bidder shall provide complete specifications In detail for the reservoir it proposes to erect, which specif lea lions, together with the propoied price of the bidder, will be trie basis upon which the Council of the City of Chllo quln, will award any contract if one is Jet. Specification! proposed by any bid der shall In no way be in conflict with the general specifications set up by the City, General plans and specifications for the proposed construction may be had upon application to the City Recorder of the City of Chlloquln or to Win, Lor. enz, Chlloquln, Oregon, and the deposit of 95.00 with said recorder.. Said de posit will be refunded to the bidders upon me return of tne puns and speci fications to said Cllv. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check, bidder's bond or cash In the amdunt of 10 per cent of the total price bid. as a proposal guaranty of good faith to enter into a contract, to do the work. If the bid la successful. A1; proposed guaranties will ba re turned to unsuccessful Didders within ten daya after the contract hii been awaraea. All bids must be securely aaalarJ SI a Inly marked "Proposal to Construct eservoir" and addressed to the City recorder, (.niioqutn, uregon. The es timated cost of this -work Is SO.OQO. Work Is to be cotnoleted June as. 10SS The City of Chlloquln reserves the rleht to reject any and all proposals City. No bidder may withdraw his bid alter tne nour set lor the opening there of unless the award of contrart Is de la-cd for a period of 30 days thereafter. ?hd,.ho'v,., Z??:Umi " fcclh above nrolectfl. Ncv. IB. 29 No. 203. Senator's Talk Beamed To Reds WASHINGTON W - Pen. Flan ders R-Vt has told the Russians they should ro nlonR with the U.S. plan (or disarmament under In spections so that the people of th? world can be (reed of the cost of arms. . In a Voice of America Thanks Riving Day broadcast beamed di rectly to the Soviet people. Flan dern said America covets no ne territory but Is spending "huge HUmV on nrmnmcnt.H because sli1 fear further Russian Lggrcsjion. The alternative to a costly and dangerous arms race, he said, ii the U. S. program tur world dis armament. The Communists have countered with disarmument pro posals baaed on pledge. rather thanJ the U.S. plan for policing through tho Use of Inspectors. C FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S KlaroaU Fuaaral aUSM. all Hlh Straat Phona aaa. 1MIITINO NOTICIS "SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Klamath Lodge no. it AF St AM, Friday, No vember 26. 1964, 7:30 p.m. Work in FO de gree, visiting breturen Invited. Elvln E. Phillip, W.M. 2 LOST AND FOUND LOST, rawn colorad mala Boxar. An- awera to Kim. Raward. Flaaao pnona 3.(584; ; LOST - FAWN colorad Boxar, (amali Phona 1TS FOUND tha Ideal lift for him or her! "Vofue" Luggage. From aH.SO up to aaa.flS. Rudy'a. Sib and Maui. 4 GENERAL NOTICES FOR STANLEY Roma Producta call Buff Jonaa. Dhona aa83 Four Poebler, phona g-022a. FULLXR BRUSHXS. Thoelcka. ao. TESS THS t PiRSONALS JUST PHONE 7111. your lucky num bar for a quick rub loaa SS5 to S2S00 on aalary. auto, furnltura. Com marcial Induitrial rinaaca Corporatloa, 107 North th. 7 PUILIC CHARITY SERVICES YOUNG WOHIN of any faith needing ronfldenua! advlcd may contact Mra. Duncan. Cathollo Charltlea, 37S W. Broadway. Eugena, Oregon. Pboaa ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. i-30, P.O. Boi ao. Phona t TRANSPORTATION GOING TO Denver the let of thi week. Will take one or two paaaengera, ahara expanaea. Phone 7013 Klamath Falla. 10 SERVICES SEPTIC tank, and llnea eleaae4 and InatalUd. Lacy King. MM. , WILL PICK your duckaan4"geeae. W Flint. Phone -e17. WATCH-CLOCK -JEWELRY repair, in the moat modern and complete repair department In Southern Oregon. 8m M1LORB .CABINET WORKS atora fixtures, kitchen cablneta, wlttdew framaa. 1877 Ivory. Phone 845. TOPPING and trimming treea and ahruba. Shearing and tying up ever greens for winter. Lakeshora Nuraery. Phone 438a. SEWING, patching, alteratlonl. doU clothel. Phona S431.' ALL TOOLS sharpened and rapalred, Brligs, S Ira ton, Clinton, Ren- lawn mow era and B.8.A. motorcycle. Bo. denhamere, 331 X. Main. Phona 473. WILL DO lronlnat in nur'hema. Phona IMJf. CURTAINS Phona 5633. ''UuBderaeJ 'and 1 atraleheaV APPLIANCE TROUBLES? We service all klndsl KIRKPATRICK'S Eaalslde Appliances Weattnhou-esjr.l!. 133 So. 7th Ph. IUg TREE REMOVAL Fruit and shade tree pruning. Land scape planning, planting, AL BAKER ' : . SUBURBAN NURSER' Phonj 3-3107 ' Phone S1U Septic Tanks Cleaned KEWBOT SANITARY MPTHODS . 1M ' ROTO ROOTER - SERVICE 01an Sewer Llnea of Roots, ttt. Ed F. King 3434' ORCHARD - PH. IM1 G. E. and BENDIX . APPLIANCI SERVICE FRED and RENO Formerly with Fyock'i Phone 9807 Evenings 3470 11 DO-IT-YOURSIL" PLASTIC WALT. TTTJJ ' DO IT VOUBSKLf " You can make that bathroom beautl (ul With Dlastie tila. Wa Will Inatruri you. Only He oar foot GAJLKOUN'B M7 E. Mala . . . , - .fboae S4M 12 HIALTH COMPLETE LINE OP BACK SUPPORTING BELTS . , Makes Lifting Easier McCONKEY DRUG 7th and Mala 13 CPUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING " office mecnloe, ' typ inf. shorthand, IpecdwiiUag. klnd4 subject. Klamath Bualneea Cailega. 4743 So. fllh. Phona 4760, 14 HELP WANTID, PI MAI I WANTED atderly lady for light housework ant companionship. Live in. Phone 3-3054. 1 HUP WANTED, MALE ' CARETAKER in modern ranch home. Elderly coupla or man. Pensioner con sidered. Write Box 3, herald -News," WANTED BOO If and fender man, alio truck and car mechanic. See Bud Steln man, Juckeland Truck, Sale and fierv kc, Inc. ' THEE TOPPER or pruning man, Ma llr. Nursery, phone S5Q3, Klamath Tails. DON'T MISS THIS Opportunity to Join ona ti the North west's largest retail craolt concerns. Expansion of our home sales division hs: created two openings to ba filled from this area. Position offers excep tional Income with opportunity for rapid advancement to men- with pre v,ouB direct sales experience and abil ity to organize. Must hava car. See MondeyJlhrouthTrldayV-for !,rvl.-v.' oet, winara rtotti, t io b p.m., PART-TIME men wanl.dto work Into full-llma with guarantee and bright fu ture. In the Lov-Coet Auto Iniuranr. field. Contact Vern W. Cmley. 2001 South Sixth Street or phone 3-3X11). DiSTBfriUTOR WANTED ht-outable Portland Manufacturer Automotive Storaft Bsltrrlfs has open ing (or volume distributor. Exclusive dii-tributlon In Klamath County and surrounding area to financially re sponsible party. All Inquiries confiden tial ntpi cply to Box No. M. Herald an-1 News. SITUATIONS WANTED COMPFTFNT I.ADV wants elerieal or bookkeeping. Box S3. II r a I d and New. EXPERIENCED BOOkKKtiPBftavf ahle for uniall accounts Wurk at homo. Phone i-xni. I CARE for "your children with love nd patience. Phone 8i"4. CARPENTER WORK. New"aridre lnodel. All work guaranteed, phone 3V4B. l-ADV desire's work bj liburPriona tAA2 CHILD C'ABE. my homeThone 2-3it73. 1720 Wanhburn Way. DAY CARE for youf child. ""Any ait. aw crcai. Phone 5i7. ATTENTION HOLIDAY aTToTp p Vr "i. Beat child cara day, nlint ,or month rbone2-227. CHILD CARE. Phone '8:t01. PLAN Formosa W 1AIPEH. Na- tlonnliat China Thursday set up an 1,833-member "mainland ircovery board" to plan for Nationalist rule on the mainland 'when we return there." President Chiang Kai-shek anid thin Vaa the first etep to- I ward Invasion.