FRIDAY. SEPT. 3, 1954 PAGE FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Go To Church Sunday CHIMH DIRECTORY CHURCH . Or THE NAZARENK Garden and Martin Phone 4870 Rev Wesley T. Crist First t'hnrrb :4S a.m. Sunday School 31:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:45 p.m. Junior Society 6:43 p.m. Young People 7:10 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service Lakeside t'hurcb Corner Quarry and Acosta Streets Dewey Johnson, pastor 45 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Thursday Mid-week Prayer Service BIBLE BAPTIST SU4 Wlard Phona 494B Keith P field 30 a.m. Sundav School 1100 a m. Mf.rmng Worship 30 p.m. Baptist league 7 30 p m. Evening Worship 1: P m -w dnesdav All FamMy Night Friendly Helpfulness To Eyerv Creed and Purse Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Marquerite M. Word and Sons 92b High Phone 3334 First Church of Christ. Scientist ; A ranch or Tht Mother Church, The first Church of Christ, Scientist, ; In la atan, Mais. - 10th and Washington ! Service Sunday Service, 1 1 :00 a.m. I Sunday School, 11:00 a.m. Wednesday evening Meeting, 8:00 o'clock. Lesson-Sermon Subject September 5 "MAN" ; Golden Text: Gentiis 1:27. God created mon in his own Image, in the Image of God creoted he him. Christian Science Reading Room 1401 Esplanade One Block From Herald and News - 'vr i !'i - " Qi'm y- THIS BOY is wanted at home to run errands - - to put away the toys he left in the driveway --and for his weird, wonderful sense of humor. He may be carrying a sling-shot, some bubble gum, a skate key, and a rabbit's foot. They arc both wanted in school for questioning in connection with the proper spelling of Cincinnati. MOST OF ALL THEY, ARE )VANTED FOR LOVE. They arc carefree and harmless, but, unfortunately, they are very easily harmed. Let them get to school and home again without an accident. SIS AD SAO Mate t&tve ttxX&XTM CjVrM- AUTQMQRIIF TBI If It Sponsored by the FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP as a Our New LOCATION 116 So. 11th BACK TO SCHOOL Tom S KENO GOSPEL CENTER 1 Phona 1-2682 Rev Melvin UMffltb 10 00 a m. Sunday School 100 a m Morning Worship STEWART-LENOX V. BAPTIST K. G. West. Pastor Corner Douglas and Emerald Phone 2-i:t07 9:4-1 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship HMO p.m. B T.U. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p m.Wrdnesday Prayer Service 7:00 p.m. Friday Officers and Teach ers SALVATION ARMY 00 Klamain Phona fell Lt and Mrs. O W Madsen 10:00 a m. Sunday School 11:00 a m Holiness Meeting 1100 am Junior Church 6 .10 p m. Young Paoplt ft.OO p.m. Salvation MaaUng IMMANI M BAPTIST CUNSKKV ATI VE 1 1 in and H.rfh 48 a m RiDlt School 11:00 a m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Young People 130 p m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Thumdnv Prayer Meeting ALTAMONT BAPTIST J E. Brockus 4621 South 6th 1206 Mitchell Phona 1-1 Wn 0:45 a.m. Sunday School H-no a m Morning Worship Tit INI TV sJj'1'HF.KAN CHURCH Tulelaka Calif. Rev Richard E Graef Pastor 8:30 a.m. Sunday School nd Church Services Services held In American Legion Hall PIPE . I ICC ,..' . t YOUR AC Dist- A9enf illell awyer ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL HI Jefferson Phona UM Galan , Onitad Rector too am Hey Communion t W a m Sunday School D :0 a.m. Morning Prater 7.30 o.m. Young People SEVENTH-DA V ADVENTIST 1735 Main Phona 3948 Rev. Preston Smith 9 30 a nv Saturday Saohath School 11:00 a m Saturday- Morning Worhip 7:3u u ai. Wednesday. Prajer Meeting GOSPEL TABERNACLE Alumont an1 Maryland Rev W D Blgby 10 00 a m Sunday School 11:00 am. Morning Worship 7 30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 cm. Saturday and Wednesday Evening Worinlp MALIN COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev Carl C DeMott Presbyterlam 45 a m. Sunday School 11 00 a.m. Morning Worship fl JD p.m. Young People 8.00 Vesper Service ASSEMBLY OF COD Rev Claude O Wood 746 Oak 9:4S a rn Sunday School II 00 a m burning Worship 6.45 p.m. Vouih Mervira 7.30 p.m Evangelistic 7 30 p m. Tueiciey -Hible Prayer Service 10.00 a.m. Tour f-ay--Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. Thursday Worship Service COMMUNITY CHURCH OP THE BRETHREN 1373 Bristol PftJne 4-1 II J Rev Edward Lender 45 a m Sunday School 11:00 a.m Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Wednesday iio boy -Craft Club TRINITY BAPTIST MISSION 17.16 Lakeport Blvd. Pelican City CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Heme and Marti. faeae 4 Ml Klamath Falls 1st Ward 9:io a.m. Sunday Priesthood meeting 11:00 a.m. sundav farnooi 7:30 p.m. Sunday Sacrament Service 7::0 p.m. Tuesday M.l. A. How Christian Science Heals "THE LASTING SOLUTION TO CONFLICT" KFLW (1450 kc.) Sunday 9:35 a.m. THIS GIRL is wanted at home to care for her dolls, the kittens and to help mother do her shopping. She may be carrying a yellow purse, some jacks, a rag doll and her hair may be tied with a red ribbon. PI Ph. 7101 Boy s 2 00 p m. Relief Society. Wednesday 4:30 p.m Wednesday Primary I Klamath f alls tad Ward I 9:10 e m. Sunday Priesthood meeting I 10:15 a.m. Sunday School :30 p.m. Sunday Sacrament Services 10 00 a m. Tuesday Relief Society 4:00 p.m. Tuesday Primary I. 30 p.m. Wednesday M.I. A OREGON TECH 10 00 a d Sunday School HOPE KVANOfcUCAL LUTHERAN Homed !e Rd. at So. Sth Rav John M Recher Jr. 9:4A a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship CHURCH OF CHRIST U05 Wantland Phono IMt C. X. Adams. Minister 10:00 a m. Sunday Bible Classes II. 00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p m. Men's Training Class 7 00 p m. Women's Bible Study 8:00 p.m Wednesday Blb! Study KLMATH LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev Kent C Spautdlng pastor 1175 Crescent Phono 3433 9 45 a in. -Sunday School and Adult El bit c:m 11:00 am Morning Worship 7:00 pm. Luthr League Sunday Holv Communion 4!h Sundav 7:30 p.m.-Bible Study Service Wednes day 1:30 p m- Wednesday Senior Choir FREE METHODIST '91S Oregon Rav Fred C Neumann 45 a m. Sunday School 11 00 a.m Morning Worship 43 pm. Young People 7 43 p m. Evangelistic 7 43 pm -Wndav Bible Study KLAMATH REVIVAL CENTER 1023 MltcheM hone 1039 Mr and Mrs. S R. tirlfftth easier 10 no a m. sunoav scnooj 11:00 a m. Sunday Morning Worship 7 30 pm Sunday Evonseintic Scrv Ice 7:30 pm. Wednesday Jib it Study ano Prayer CALVARY BAPTIST C Main and Garden Rev Grady E Estea 9 43 a m -Sunoa Scnool 11 00 a m Morning Worship 6 13pm Training Union 7 :w o m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting CONGREGATIONAL R 1 Larson. Minister 2154 Garden Phone 2-2378 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Jubilee Service (130 a.m. Morning Worship 0:10 a.m. Church and Nursery School 7 to 8 p.m. Junior P.F. 7 to 9 p.m. Senior P.F. HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CH'JRCH Tulelalce Rev. Con O'Connor 7:.10 a.m. Sunday Mass 11:00 a.m. Sunday Man PEACE MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN 4431 S. 6th Phone 5057 Rev L Proett 9:30 a m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday School li nn a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Sr. Westminister PENECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD 4037 Shasta Way Phone 2-3141 Rev J E. ReddicK INSURANCE NFFDC INSURANCE Nl -'- - v w public service NEW LAKEVIEW AGENT: PAUL DUBOSE 350 N. F St.-Phone 1104 SHIRTS JACKETS SLACKS AT 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11.00 a.m. Sunday Service 7:30 p.m. SunUa;-, Evangelistic Ice 7:30 p m. Tuesday. Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Thursday. P.Y.P.E. ST. FRANCIS CABRIN1 CATHOLIC CHURCH Bonanza Rev. John Pheian 0.00 a m. Sunday Mass OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL CATHOLIC CHURCH Dorrls Rev Coo O'Connor 9:00 a m. Sunday Mass YOUTH SOLDIERS FOR CHRIST 1134 Main, Mission Church Ph. 2-1187 2103 Halley Effie Shelby, Pastor 10:00 a m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday Services 7:30 p.m. Friday-Youth Night ST. AUGUSTINE'S , CATHOLIC CHURCH Merrill Rev Jorn Pheian 7:30 ai.d 10:45 a.m. Sunday Masses, UNION GOSPEL MISSION 251 Commercial C M rimms 10:00 a.m Bible School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. Evening Worship KLAMATH TEMPLE 1007 Pine Phone 6325 Rev K-.h L. Hume 9:45 a.m. sunda- School ll:Ofl a.m. Vo-n-zig Worship 6.."0 p ni. "Overromer Service .':45 p.m Evangelistic 7:45 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study MERRILL FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev George A. Milne 9 43 a m. -Runtiai Schorl Bt Bible Class 11:00 a m. Divine Service 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Hour CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 10th and Washington rtione H39 Reading Room 1401 Esplanade Phone 5797 11:00 a m. Sunday Scnool 1100 a.m Sunday Service 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Service FIRST PRESBYTERIAN . Hfv. Dale E. Hewitt 6th and Pine Phone 7311 9:30 a.m. Church School for all ages 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 12:00 noon Friendship Hour LAKESIDE CHURCH OF NAZARENE Corner Quarry & Acosta Phona 3844 Rev. Dewey Johnston 9:43 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday, Morning Church Service 7:00 p m. Sunday, Junior Service 7::i0 p.m. Sunday. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Pravcr Meeting CHURCH OF CHRIST 1774 Arthur Phone 8-1140 10:00 a.m. Bible Classes 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 pm. Mutual Edification 8.00 p.m. Wednesday Bible SUiSy MT. LAKI COMMUNITY Rev William W Ainley 9:43 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship .C:45 p.m. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p.m. Thursday Choir Practice 7:43 p.m. Evening Service 8:30 p.m. Thursday Bible Study MISSIONARY BAPTIST 4134 Douglas Elder Roy Wisdom 4143 Balsam Phone 1-3051 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Training Union 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m Wednesday Bible Study FIRST BAPTIST 8th and Washington Phone 827 Dr E. M Causey 9:45 a nv Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:45 p.m. Training Union 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8 00 p.m Mid-week Service, Wednes day 8:15 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Thursday JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 833 N. 9to 7:43 p.m. Sunday Watcntower Study 7:45 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:45 p.m. Friday Service Meeting 8:43 n m Frtdnv Theocratic School FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 3803 Aitamont Rev C. H Beahm 9:43 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a m. Morning Worship 6:43 p.m. Young People 7:30 p nv Evangelistic 7:30 p.m. Wednesday-'-Bible Study ZION LUTHERAN 11th and Hifh Phona 7 Rev R. E. Graef 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 8:30 p.m. Family Night (second lun days) 7:30 p m. Youth Meeting (First and Third Sundaysi 7:30 p.m. Married Coupler Club Fourth Sundaysi 8:00 p.m. Thursday Adult Class REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 9th and Plum Phona 2 017s I 9:43 a.m. Sunday .School u:ix a.m. morning worsnip 7:30 p m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship FIRST COVENANT 823 Walnut Phone 8517 Joel C. Nordlund 9:43 a.m. Bible School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 8:C0 p.m. Fellowship Hour 7:43 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service CO MAIL' NTT V METHODIST CHURCH Fort Klamath Rev. Edmund Stanton, wstor 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship. Sutidar 0:3b a.m. Church cchool and tault bible class. Sunday 10:30 Church School, auoday SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 815 High Phone 4369 Rev. T. P. Casey. Pastor 7:00. 8 00. 9:30. and 11:00 a n. - Sunday Masses 7 00, 8 00. 9 30 a n.. Holy Oay Mses ; 3:00-4:00 and 7:30-8 00 Saturdays Colt ! fesstons ! FIRST CHRISTIAN i 9th end Pine Phone 8453 ! Rev George Aider 8:43 a m. Bible School 11:00 a m. Morning Worsnip 6 :i0 p.m. Adult Bible Study , 6 30 p.m. Christian Endeavor 7 30 pm. Evening Worship 7:30 p m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 10th and High Phone 3688 Rev. Lloyd Holloway. pastor 9:43 a m. Church School Sunday 11 00 a m. Srrvlca of Worship. Sunday 7 00 p.m Youth Fellowship Sunday I 7:30 p.m FellowshlD Hour Sunday ! WEAVER MEMORIAL 2301 Wantland Phor.e 8884 flrv. C O Jackson 9:43 a m. Sundav School 11 00 a.m. Morning Worship 9 10 p m. YPS 7:30 p m. Evangellttte 7 30 p m, Wednesday Pray ar BONANZA NAZARENE CHURCH Mrs. Roy Thomas, Pastor 0 00 a m. Sundav School ii Oft m Sundiv Mornlne Womhln 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Y o n g People Meeting 8:00 pre Sunday. Evangelistic Serv Ire BETHEL TEMFLE 3th and Klamath Phone 5281 UTity Library Auditorium! Rev. A E. Book 2110 Garden Ave. 43 a m. Sundav School 11 00 a m. Sunday. Morning Worship 6th and Main ft CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to take this means to thank all members o Sh-ua vie v -'ra -c the Klamath Hardtop Club and all otner friends, for the gift and acts of kind nesa during my hospitalization and con valescence. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde "Hap Caldwell and daughters. WK WISH to thank our many friends for their kindness and sympathy be stowed to us during our recent bereave ment of our beloved sister. Jeanette M Otl. R. N., In Alameda. Calif., also for donations to the Cancer Fund and the Dawn Society Eye Bank that the Blind May See. Mrs. Ott donated her eye tn the society. Mrs. James "Sue V.i Blair, Mrs. Margaret Mucci, Mrs. H patla Canning. C rUNtRAL HOMES luianu Vi,.in Fnniril Home. 025 Mign street rnone I MEETING NOTICES WOMEN OF THE MOOSE Activities at Moose Hall InMamlon and Chapter night, Sept. 7, 8 p.m.; Academy of Friendship Meeting, Sept. 14, 8 p.m.; Hawaiian Dance sponsored by Ritual Chairman, Sept. 18; Executive Board Meeting. Sept. 20, 8 p.m., 909 Lincoln; Business meeting and balloting, Sept. 21, 8 p.m. Special communication, Klamath Lodge No. 77, A.F.&A.M., Friday, Sept. 3, at 7:30 p.m. Examinations in all de grees. Visiting brelh- m itru uiviicu. "JO F.I.VIN E PHILLIPS. W. M. 2 LOST AND FOUND .l.e containing LOST Brown hand-tooled billfold. Need Identification ctrdft. Small reward. Phone 2-1608 , 4 GENERAL NOTICES HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS? THEN DIAL 1150 - KFJI Throughout The Day! RUMMAGE SALE Amaranth Lodge, Sep tember 3-4 at Masonic Temple. -PERSONALS ARE YOU HAPPY? MRS. FLETCHER PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYAN1 Owes truthful advice on all at fairs of life. Telts you past, pres ent and future without asking questions. She has helped others and can help you. oives name.?, dates tnd facts. The truth, good or bad. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges. Close to Big Y. Readings Daily 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 4S18 South Sixth St- WATK.1NS PRODUCTS. Phone 595X UK S r ANLEY Home Product! call 3uff Jones, ohone QA63. FULLER BRUSHES. Poone Frlta Thoelcke. 9604 7 PUBLIC CHARITY SERVICES YOUNG WOMEN ol any faith needing confidential advice may contact Mrs. Duncan. Cntholic Charities. 278 W Broadway, Euficne, Oregon. Phone ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. 2-11309. P.O. Box 204. Phone 8 TRANSPORTATION WOULD LIKE to share transportation expenses to O.T.I, for school Martina September 13. Live in area of So, 6th St.. near iierrui-L.aKeview junction. Phone 3318. 10 SERVICES Septic Tanks Cleaned NEWEST SANITARY METHODS also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of- Roots, etc. Ed F. King 2434 ORCHARD PH. 9841 We Service ALL Appliances If you have troubles CALL KIRK - PHONE 8836 KIRKPATRICKS Eastsido Appliances, 132 So. 7th Westinghouse, General Electric, Gibson and Easy Dealer TREE SURGERY TREE REMOVAL . NEW LAWNS INSTALLED OLD LAWNS RENOVATED Al Baker, Suburban Nursery Ph. 2-3167 Ph. 8188 HEMSTITCHING Now heind rioiie nl 1he , SINGER SEWING CENTER G33 Main SEPTIC tanks and lines cleaned and 1 initialled. Lacy KingpJSS CABINET MAKING, all kinds remodel ing Formica top specialty. Phone 3Q16 PLOWING, discing and harrowing Gar dcningH F Jarrard. phone S3.2 BABY TENDING, while mother works or shops. Experienced care In my own home. Dally or six days a week. Phone 53ti2. HAVE YOUR school alterations done now Outside work gladly accepted. Jctinle. Anita's. home. J2G25 Wiard. FOR HOUSE MOVING. W. McDaniel. 1720 Oak. phone 4o2i HAY HAULING, stacking or delivery. ROTOVATE that fire hazard Lawns rotovated andleyolcd Phone 2-0043. Crater Hand Prints Custom made DECALS Phone J!-1393 MILORB CABINET WORKS Store fixtures, kitchen cabinets, window frames. 1877 Ivory - Phone 9465. 7 3(1 p.m. Sunday. Evangelistic Service 7 30 o.m. Tuesday. Bible Studv CHILOQTIN METHODIST COMMUNITY CHIKCH Rev. Edmund Stanton 1(100 am. Sundav School It 00 a.m. Worship Service 7 00 p m. Thursday Youth Fellowship WILLIAMSON RIVER METHODIST MISSION Rev. Harlev Zeller t 2 10 p nv Sunday School 3:J0 p.m. Worship Service Fellowship Dinner after Church C'lllLOQnX ASSEMBLY OF GOD .tev. William HenU 10 00 a m. Sunday School 11:00 a m. Worship Service 6 30 p m Young People 7 : p.m. Evannelical Meeting 7 30 p m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7.30 p.m. Friday Bible Studv CHILOQl'IN OPEN BIBLE STANDARD CHURCH Leif Malmm. Pastor loon am Sundav Schooi 11 00 a nv Worship Service 6 :t0 p m. Overcome 7 p nv Evangelistic Servire 7;30 p.m. Wednesday Mid-week Prayer and Bible Study OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CATHOLIC CHURCH l;-v. William S'one ! 08 a m - Sunday Mass BE ATT Y METHODIST MISSION Rev. Harvey Zeller 10 50 am. Sunday School 11 30 a nv Worship Service TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Tulrlake. Calif. Rev Richard E Graef. Pallor 'The Church of the Luitieran Huir" Morning Worship. 8 .10 a m. PSTi. Sundav School. 9 30 am PST (Worshipping m the Grange Halt, Tulelakt. Calif J 10 SERVICES G. E. and BENDIX " APPLIANCE SERVICE FRED and RENO Formerly with Fyock'a Phone 9807 Evenings 3470 "UATEHNITY CO" MADE TO ORDS " l.under.d 'ni ili.tclii 1 1 DO-IT-YOURSELF "plastic wall TILI DU II u , vou. On CAYB'5!j(.s Phone 4M 3T.7 f. Main BKE HIVE Truck Rental j self, aave Beacon Mobile Service. East Main, rnone oi fTfi-r v-iitr;fi.f Garden or law" r"Yov.d: wd eontroL Cardtn trj ir iroiorhoti lor i-ent 'lln or wiinou' fTlOLS TOR RENT - c''n,X,Vi blb.rro.. Screw nd Hvdr.ull" 4. -ic. Sand.n ol "1 Hindi. sk SrJ? KU.l! V.11W, LumMr CO 1B Soulll Sixlll. Plwn. 48H. 13 EDUCATIONAL JOIN THE ACCORDION BAND Music is for fun. Accordion Lessons Beginners or advanced lessons starting. Phone 7580 or 2-9149 uu oilice nuienlna, typ ing, shorthand Soaeuwrmnf amore iuoject. Klamath BuslneM College So lith Phone 4760 PIANO. ORGAN. ACCORDION inatruc lions SIO monthly. Ernest Armiirom. Phone z-.rm 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE GIRL FOR general office work in tuitcmobllc dealership General Mt" experience required. Parker Pontiac Co. coo so. aixm. WANTED elderly lady for light home work. Board, room and aome wage. Pi-one jHou. FRY COOK wanted. Ideal Cate. 30 mile south of Klamath FalU. hllhway 97 Phone 979. Macdoejaliiornia 16 HELP WANTED, MALE WANTED journSjman electrician. Call vaiiH or 4-IC9. WANTED hou painter, muat be ex- perienced. Call Z-JQj- WANTED young man to sell snoea ai- tcrnoons. Apply Karls Shoe Store. 17 HELP WANTED HEN OR WOMEN 40 or over, lull or part time. Must have car. Call at WM'.a Division after 3 p.m. Phone 2-0M1. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED custom combining, grain and ctoer. New John Deere. 12 1 loot ciit. Bulk trurk available. Phone 8089. Owen Storey. Midlana WOULD LIKE apartment house to man age for own apartment and aome in- rume. Phone 97U"i. CHILD CARE in my home. School. close in. rnonr wsj. PRACTICAL NURSING wanted, vcara hospital experience. Doctor and hosp it a 1 references Phone 2-2484. WOMAN, 31, business background, de sires administrative ,rkv Ex personnel manager. Write box 935, care or xieraia anu ntwi. WANTED after school work for 17 year old boy. Reliable. Phone 7035 morn ings ana ancr n WORKING MOTHERS. For best in child care by days, week or month., phone 2-2627. mi . CHILD CARE, my home. Phone 9057. CHILD CARE, phone 6489. I'YrF.i .i.K.MT child care for pre-school ers. Fenced yard. Phone 2-1835. CHILD CARE. Phone 5301. WANTED HOUSEWORK by hour. ppffrenres. Phone 2-1243. 72 ROOMS FOR RENT PLEASANT SLEEPING room, break- fast if desired. Phone4B41. LO V E LY rooms. 522 Pa cific Terrace. ROOM WITH KITCHEN privilege!. Phone 58H6. ROOM. BOARD, gentleman. 1607 Cres- n DOM FOR RENT. C07 High Street. FOR RENT, room In nice home. Kitch en pr)vncges.Phone Z-347I or 48B0. R 6bMS.-i23 Jefferson. KUQMS 10:14 High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT t'NFURNISHED. completely redecorat ed, one bedroom apartment with ga uge Adults. See at 402 Market Street. days. BACHELOR apnrtment, clean, close in. $30. Phone TW61. THREE ROOM upstairs apartment, completely furnished. Alio two room nrartment and sleeping room. All util ities furnished. 61R -Willow. 1't.TRA MODERN one bedroom unfur nished apartment in Mills Addition. Adults only. Phone 6225. TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment. All electric $38.30. No pets. Phone 2-0335. NICE FURNISHED two bedroom apart ment, electrically equipped. clean. Three blocks from Montgomery Ward. Phone 4253. FOR RENT larse three room furnished apartment in duplex, three blocks from Main Street. Heat, hot and cold waier furnished. Phone 6509. after 5:30 p.m. SMALL CLEAN apartment. Close uT. 4Xi North Tenth. FOR RENT furnished apartment. Close in item reason a Die. aquiu only. 213 1 iNonn ciaurauo. furnished apart- FOUR LARGE unfurnished rooms with shower, also office in same building. Phone 8226. FOR BENT Three room furnished apartment close in. private entrance. Adults phone 9H13. 1314 Crescent. FOR RENT, TWO room modern apart- n-rni adult-. A?l Broad. FURNISHED electrically equipped, steam heat, clean, modern bathrooms, good beds. naraEfs. S35 up. Phone SIM days, or 5A24 after 6 p.m. THREE ROOMS furnished, adults, no pets, close In. 304 Lincoln, Phone 3581 evenings 2-3170. FURNISHED, three room, nice view, clean.$45: or $15 a week. Phone 3924. FURNISHED APARTMENT, fll Pine THREE ROOM furnished apartment Adults only. 911 Walnut. Phone 5472. FURNISHED APARTMENT. Private en trance. Water, lights, heat furnished. Air fonditiorod. Phone 69fn after 6 o.m. TWO - ROOM furnishet Fhone 6nfU. FURNISHED two room apartments. f3S and $47 50. All utilities paid. 411 N. FOR RENT, one bedroom apartment downtown. Nicely furnished, newly dec r""nwJD or jtwi, CLEAN TWO room apartment Every, thing furnished including linens and utU It ie& Ascot Hotel, phone 3-912. BKIGHT. furnished two room apartment ... ""-- iem neai Cl "road. R ex Arms Acts.. Phone 2-9317. 1 ,V "ums and bath, also two room ni...... m-c ui. inquire am Hlgti. apartment 200 Market ?TyM. nf ated apartment 628 Oak. APARTMENT for rent Wlm?TA7. ments, 415 Walnut. THREE ROOMS and bath. Partialis I arnhed. No children. 830 Prospect 26 HOUSES FOR RENT . ?n Ddroom house, tub nattvjuw EMav5j)poneW33. 4 RENT two bedroom bouse. Phone P1UUEHA rnnr t-nnn. . v w .. &rrUV nilhwy opPoaiU Henley Grade TOR RENT three room furnished house. r uh r e T brand new unfurnished lire' roon- houe. fenced yard A1U- ... ui. mu a montn. fnone 6823. Two BEDROOM furnished house, older -Md acceptable. $63 a month. Phone 2tH0USES FOR RENT FURNISHED NtW modern two room cotuie. " Eleetnc 1L lnqulr, ns WiihburnW) For RENT two bedroom houie Jurn. fj 1.110 Loofcout SI. FOR RENT two bedroom furnished hou.e. M0monin. .... .i.u.a. 5l!RNISHED ONE bedroom houit. Hi Waihlngton. waft rent - THREE room surnUhed hiiiie. Inquire 433 rt-REAl tSTATt WANTED vTaimteD to huy. two bedroom homa on Tpavid street. Will pay $7000 to 75O0. Phone 63T8: Tver BEDROOM modern unfurniihed hrni on bus line. $3500 caah. Phor.t 2-1475; TTTntED TO HENT immediately tre hedroom unfumijhed houae not rfi-er 180 Phone 2-3596. WANTEDO RENT or lease, three bed ahuiePhone Verne Gllei. 2-91M, unwrs TOR SALE Everett Dennis Realtor. 121 No, 8th PhontM?!; , foZTAL CSTATi fQR SAH SOUTH SUBURBAN Three bedroom, dlnln? room, fire, place, garape. Small acreage. $8500. O.I. or F.H.A. terms. HOT SPRINGS Four bedroom, dining room. fire, place, basement garage. O.I.-P.H.A. or good terms on contract to re sponsible parties. mills addition two bedroom, hardwood floors, electric heat, Rarage. Close to East Main. $8500. G.I. or F.H.A. terms. FOR RENT Three room furnished apartments. Close in. Adults only. DUNBAR-ROBINSON AGENCY REALTOR & INSURANCE 130 So. 5th Phone 3581 or 72ll' Jack Cashin Eves. Ph. 2-3170 EXTRA SPECIAL Beautiful nearly new, three bed room home. Close In on North side. Living room with fireplace, tile bath, hardwood floqrs throughout, handy kitchen, full concrete base ment with extra fireplace. Nice lawn and shrubs. Priced $12,900. Reason able terms. Four Bedroom Suburban Large well constructed four bed room home on one-third acre. Spa cious living room with fireplace, separate dining room, two full baths, double garage. A fine familv home in good neighborhood and close to transportation. F.H.A, terms. LONGE REALTOR 111 So. 8th Phone 3136 or 2-2713 Salesmen: JULIAN ABBOTT Eves. 4960 JOE LEONARD Eves. 2-0527 VIEW HOME Newly constructed, two bedroom, full basement, hardwood floors, hot water heat. PHONE 2-1170 5213 Harlan Drive Two bedroom home on one acre of very good sandy soil, under Irri gation. Has nice lawn with shrubs and evergreens. Also raspberries, King nectarberries and fruit trees. Detached garage with frost proof fruit room and storage, as well as attached single garage. Chicken house and brooder house with fenced yard. This property Is vers well located on paved street, on school and city bus routes. S6850. Terms. VERNON DURANT 2060 So. 6th Ph, 9832 Eves. 7923 MILLS ADDITION ORCHARD WAY Two bedroom with sleeping porch. Five room home with large garage. All steam heated. On quarter acre lot. For only $8500, FHA or Ol. NEWHOUSE REAL ESTATE Salesman Clem Lesueur 122 So. 8th Phone 4600 or 2-2443 $850 Down Immediate possession of south sub- uroan two bedroom home on ou x 150 lot. Hardwood floors in living and dining room. Attractive and convenient kitchen. Insulated; auto matic heat. Gara?c. paved drive, nice yard. S8500, GI or FHA. Close to market, junior high and grade school. Four Bedrooms Close to Academy. A really good value. Only S2000 down. Large liv ing room with fireplace, dining room, two bedrooms, kitchen and bath on first floor. Two bedrooms and bath on second floor. Hardwood floors throughout. Electric heat. Drive-in basement. Only (11,500. $1050 Down GI or FHA. This large two bed room home In south suburbs on paved street. Lot 15 x 275, irrigat ed. Hardwood floors throughout, living room with fireplace, dining room, insulated ceiling, newly dec orated Inside and out. Garage w ith sleeping room. Building on back of lot, 20x40. Suitable for shop, chick en house, or dog kennels. $10,500. AL SCHMECK REALTORS c INSURANCE 20 years 4'i farm loans 517 MAIN PHONE 3211 Harry Van Eves. 8204 Jack Elliott Eves. 8895 Al Schmeck Malin 213 TOR SALE or trade equity in six room home in Weyerhaeuser district Floor furnace, insulated, garage Phone 3-1416. HEY LOOK Only $375 00 down on two bedroom home off Shasta Way. Immediate P- ssjon. See at 1553 Gary. FOR SALE neat, modern, one bed room home. Concrete foundation. to wall rarpeu Nice home ior coupl Phone 3-1 KM.